September 2023


Business Skills Support Service data

In 2022, Warwickshire Skills Hub's Business Skills Advisors provided support to 405 businesses from different sectors and with different needs. Our support package is open to any business in Warwickshire, but the biggest trends in 2022 are listed below.

The most popular sectors that year were Engineering, totalling 40 different companies, Hospitality & Catering from which we supported 35 companies, Construction with a total of 33 and Education and Training with 30 individual companies.

When you break it down into boroughs, you can see that we supported 95 different businesses from Warwick District Council, 88 from Stratford-on-Avon District Council and 67 from Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council, with the remainder being spread between the other districts and boroughs and companies that work across the whole of Warwickshire.

We have offered 470 different types of support to those businesses, with signposting to other partner organisations and supporting businesses in accessing the training providers being the most popular, followed by the Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme and other employment programmes and universities support.

The Business Skills Advisors have already provided support to 263 individual businesses in 2023. The need for our support changes each year, depending on the area and sector.

The most popular sectors this year were Manufacturing totalling at 33 different companies, Education and Training from which we supported 32 companies, Retail with a total of 21 and Hospitality and Catering with 19 individual companies.

This year we have supported 61 businesses in Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council, followed by 49 from Stratford-on-Avon District Council and 47 from Rugby Borough Council, with the rest being spread across other districts and borough and companies that operate throughout Warwickshire.

We have provided 292 different types of support this year, with Fair Chance Employer Programme and referring to other partner organisations being the most popular, followed by the Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme, supporting businesses in accessing the training providers and the Warwickshire Supported Employment Team referral.


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