November 2022


Multiply project set to take flight in 2023

"The aim is to increase numeracy levels for adults who are employed, unemployed or economically inactive, thereby benefiting employers by boosting the skills of their workforce. "

Three projects have now had funding approved by Warwickshire County Council to deliver a new Government programme to support adult numeracy.

The Multiply programme, part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, is targeted at adults (aged 19+) who do not currently have a GCSE grade C/4 or equivalent in maths. The aim is to increase numeracy levels for adults who are employed, unemployed or economically inactive, thereby benefiting employers by boosting the skills of their workforce. 

WCC submitted an investment plan to the Department for Education, detailing how Multiply will be delivered in the county. This has now been approved in full and the funding is in place.

After a thorough application and assessment process, the first three organisations have been appointed to deliver Multiply in Warwickshire. 

Pet-Xi (Warwickshire Counts) 

Their programme is designed to help people to use maths in daily life. It will include personal tutoring, digital training and flexible courses that fit around their lives. Priority groups will be the over-50s, economically inactive & unemployed residents, adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. PET-XI will also work with employers to develop work specific programmes for the workforce 

Coventry & Warwickshire Co-operative Development Agency (Money, Money, Maths) 

CWCDA will use their existing community links to ensure local intervention to help demystify maths by using it in everyday, relatable situations. There will be a combination of one-to-one and group activities aimed at the hardest to reach that will not use formal standard educational settings. Money, Money, Maths workshops will run in community venues and online with clients offered support, including support with budgeting skills, and a skills assessment.

Warwickshire Adult & Community Learning (Multiply plus) 

The overarching aim is to provide innovative and accessible numeracy and maths activities that attract and engage residents with low or no numeracy/maths qualifications. Activities will include intensive individual support for residents who want to achieve a Functional Skills Qualification, targeting learners who can’t attend a traditional class as their work commitments are not at fixed times, or they are experiencing mental ill health; and those who are geographically isolated. The programme will include four strands of activity: Intensive support; Family Learning; Workshops and courses for adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities;Vocational/practical courses. 

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council said: "The Multiply programme will be a force for good in multiple ways, supporting adults with their career aspirations which in turn will help employers fill their skills gaps. The first three approved projects will all reach out into our communities in Warwickshire in very positive ways and I looking forward to them making a real difference to people's lives in 2023. 

"I am also pleased to see the first three UK Shared Prosperity Fund projects being approved in Warwickshire.

More information about how to join the three projects will be available over the next few weeks as they are launched. Updates will be published on our Multiply web pages:


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