Businesses can get inside track on HS2
Warwickshire businesses will have the chance to meet the contractors behind the construction of Britain’s new high-speed rail and hear how they can become part of the supply chain as part of two virtual events next month.
Potential suppliers can apply for virtual one-to-one meetings with Tier 1 Joint Venture Contract
ors ahead of future procurement opportunities within Phase One of HS2 as part of two Meet the Contractor Events taking place in November.
The sessions, which will run from Monday, November 15 until Wednesday, November 17 and Monday, November 29 until Wednesday, December 1 to discuss stations and main works respectively, will include the latest on the wider project, procurement pipelines and how suppliers can become part of the HS2 supply chain.
Guests will also be able to participate in webinars and round-table discussions as well as engage with current Tier 2 subcontractors to ensure future opportunities from the HS2 Supply Chain are understood and accessible to the market.
Potential suppliers who are not successful in being allocated a one-to-one meeting will therefore still have the chance to meet, network and engage with the HS2 supply chain and other suppliers within the market.
Phase One will establish a new high speed rail link between the West Midlands and London, which is set to feature four brand new stations and two new depots across 140 miles of track.
Cllr Kam Kaur, portfolio holder for Economy and Place at Warwickshire County Council, said: “These events are a great opportunity for local businesses to be part of a major nationwide project and network with other suppliers and contractors who are already helping to bring Phase One forward.
“With the project now visible across many parts of the region, it would be great to see suppliers making use of these two virtual events to explore the possibilities of getting involved and generating employment locally in the first phase of HS2.”
Potential suppliers can register their interest in virtual one-to-one meetings ahead of future procurement opportunities by visiting
For more information visit