November 2016


Support programme for creative businesses is up and running

'Creative Warwickshire,' the first dedicated business support programme for Warwickshire-based creative and digital businesses, has successfully launched with 13 firms recruited for the first cohort from November to February.

The group comprises businesses from advertising & marketing, graphic design, visual arts, computer games, film and video who are eager to grow, get a grasp of new market opportunities and take their business skills to the next level.

They will have access to an intensive programme of specialised training, personal mentoring, workshops, seminars, inspirational guest-speakers and networking opportunities: all-in-all a unique opportunity to contribute to the growth of Warwickshire's digital and creative sector.

This is the latest initiative delivered through the partnership between Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT) and the Women’s Economy (WE). The programme, managed by Warwickshire County Council, is one of two projects under the Inclusive Enterprise Programme, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and part of the Coventry and Warwickshire Business Support Programme.

Sally Arkley, director of Women's Economy, said: "CWRT and the Women’s Economy are committed to developing an inclusive and vibrant economy in our region.

"Many individuals and businesses with whom we work with have to jump far out of their comfort zone even to be heard by the mainstream. We see our job as supporting people to tear up that rulebook and then write their own,”

Leamington Spa has just been identified as one of the top 20 Creative Clusters in the UK (‘The Geography of Creativity’, NESTA/Creative England, 2016). This programme will contribute to the continuing development of the sub-region as a powerhouse in the field.

The programme is designed to catalyse the growth of that creative sector in Warwickshire through training, network and investment opportunities and by working closely with partners such as the LEP, the universities and BID. The county's creative sector is strong already but there is scope for further growth by creating a new, energetic and dynamic group of businesses.

'Creative Warwickshire' is for all creative and digital companies based in the county and particularly welcomes applications from groups under-represented in the sector, such as women, ethnic minority businesses, entrepreneurs with disabilities or older participants.

A complementary programme to 'Creative Warwickshire' – 'Creative Springboard' - will be launched in early 2017. This sub-programme will be aimed at start-up businesses from the digital creative sector.

“Together, these programmes form the first phase of our long-term goal, which is to develop a comprehensive education, business support, finance and advocacy programme for the creative sector in the County,” said Sally Arkley, who is holder of the Queen's Award for Enterprise Promotion.

* More information about 'Creative Springboard' will be released in the upcoming months.


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