January 2025


Our Services

Invest in WarwickshireInvest in Warwickshire

Looking for commercial premises?

Our inward investment team, Invest in Warwickshire, support companies who are looking to start-up, relocate to or expand within the county. The team offers a free and confidential commercial property search to help you identity the best property solution. We work with companies of any size or from any sector. We are also on hand to provide advice on funding or grants and can help with introductions to other local networks and organisations.

Visit http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/invest 
Email invest@warwickshire.gov.uk
Telephone 01926 41 2140 or
Follow us on twitter @InvestWarks

Looking for an apprentice?Apprenticeship Hub

Our Apprenticeship Hub is a free and impartial business advice service for small and medium sized businesses to support you in recruiting apprentices, helping you understand what apprenticeships are in 2016 and if they are suitable for your business - we will tell you when it’s not the right option as well.

Visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/getanapprentice
Email apprentice@warwickshire.gov.uk or
Telephone 01926 41 2649.

Skills for Employment

Warwickshire County Council has directed more than £2 million into a Skills for Employment programme to improve the employability skills and attributes of young people so that businesses can recruit more readily to address skills gaps.

To learn more about Skills for Employment, including grant opportunities, the Employability Charter and the Connect virtual meeting-place for businesses and education-providers, please:

Visit the website www.warwickshire.gov.uk/skillsforemployment 
Email the team at skillsforemployment@warwickshire.gov.uk

Or telephone Glenn Robinson on 01926 418027


Our B2B Portal is a FREE resource enabling local organisations of all sizes to access business opportunities posted by other local companies:

  • promote your sub-contracting opportunities
  • view local, events and news
  • advertise your job vacancies
  • connect with other businesses

Registering with our B2B portal is easy and free and additionally will give access to CSW-JETS, the portal for public sector tender opportunities, used by local authorities across Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire.

Visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/business
Email business@warwickshire.gov.uk or
Telephone 01926 41 8027.