June 2024


Delivery Plan to implement Warwickshire's Economic Growth Strategy

A delivery plan for the implementation of Warwickshire’s Economic Growth Strategy has been published by Warwickshire County Council.

Following the Strategy’s approval by WCC’s Cabinet in April, the delivery plan has been drawn up and was considered by the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee on June 19th

Warwickshire’s Economic Growth Strategy outlines the objectives which will help the county have an economy that is ambitious, inclusive and sustainable, achieved by working with a wide range of partners and focus on building a strong viable and resilient economy.   

Aimed at creating sustainable development, increasing job opportunities and creating a viable and resilient economy now and for future generations, the plan is designed to be inclusive. It focuses on partnership working, bringing together the input of Warwickshire’s businesses and other stakeholders, ensuring the plan addresses local need. 

The Strategic Economic Plan sets out three pillars that are key to developing the economy. The delivery plan then details the actions, how success will be achieved and the timescale for implementation within each pillar.

This includes:  

  • Ambitious growth - creating a highly productive, vibrant and prosperous economy that builds on and maximises our economic strengths.
  • Inclusive growth - developing an economy that works for all residents, one that tackles existing inequalities and ensures that everyone benefits from a strong and prosperous business base.
  • Sustainable growth - growing our economy in a green and sustainable way, respecting the natural environment and helping the move to Net Zero Warwickshire by 2050.

Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “We are pleased to announce the launch of the delivery plan which sets out the clear priorities and actions for Warwickshire to deliver our Strategic Economic Plan.  

“The delivery plan and the measures in place have been informed by a range of stakeholders and partners including those from industry as well as colleagues from across the council, all working towards an inclusive, sustainable and growing economy.”  

The delivery plan can be viewed here – delivery plan  

Warwickshire’s Economic Growth Strategy can be viewed here


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