
Welcome from Cllr Martin Watson

Hello and welcome to the June edition of Warwickshire Means Business.

Skills are very much to the forefront of this month’s edition with a number of articles outlining support delivered by our excellent team at Warwickshire Skills Hub in collaboration with partners in the region.

We feature the Electrification Skills Network which is at the heart of meeting the challenges of ensuring that businesses have access to all the skills they need as technology gallops forward. Whether you are an employer, a training provider or in education, please have a read and see how you can get involved.

Apprenticeships will always be a core way to train and upskill employees. We bring the story of how Hertz Electrical Contractors, in Rugby, is preparing its workforce perfectly for the future with the support of Warwickshire County Council’s Future Apprenticeships: Salary Support Programme.

We also feature the very positive way in which business are getting involved with Warwickshire Careers Hub projects to make a real difference to the lives of young people. The Teacher Encounters programme has proved a great success while students throughout Warwickshire are gaining valuable guidance in all sorts of sectors from the Career Hub’s pool of Enterprise Advisors. These include our own Brian Halford, editor of Warwickshire Means Business, an accomplished sports journalist of longstanding, who will attend The Polesworth School’s careers fair next week.

In this edition we also celebrate the 20th anniversary of Coventry & Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust which does such wonderful work on behalf of SMEs across the region. Many congratulations to all the team at CWRT and I look forward to the County Council working with them to support small businesses far into the future. Their impact is sure to be an enduring component of the Warwickshire Economic Growth Strategy, of which the Delivery Plan is featured in this issue.

Atherstone, where the Big Weekender earlier this month was an outstanding success, is featured in our Talk Up Our Towns section. Our Guest Columnist, Evie Baker, argues that our county and region’s rise as a creative powerhouse has well and truly busted the myth that London has a monopoly on creativity and innovation. We reflect on well-attended recent skills and business events in Coleshill and Nuneaton and, also from Nuneaton, hear how a forward-thinking start-up is blossoming thanks to Business Ready support.

All this plus comprehensive round ups of the latest news-in-brief and upcoming events and much more, including all the links to need for information about all available business support, in our June edition.


Featured News

CWRT marks proud milestone with renewed commitment to small businesses

“Hundreds of small businesses, and thereby the communities of which they are part, have benefited from CWRT support which is delivered with such knowledge, expertise, experience and warmth. Their contribution to our business community and local economy is immense.”

Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT) is proud to celebrate its 20th anniversary this year – and will enter its third decade as passionate as ever about supporting small businesses.  

Since its inception in 2004, CWRT, a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), has been dedicated to empowering businesses across Coventry, Warwickshire and the West Midlands by providing essential funding and support.

Over the past two decades, it has issued hundreds of business loans, helping to establish and grow enterprises in various sectors across the region. The 20th anniversary milestone is a real cause for celebration and also an opportunity to underline and restate CWRT’s ongoing commitment to fostering economic development, job creation, and community revitalisation.

CWRT was set up in July 2004 in response to a Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) initiative to support financially deprived people with affordable loans. The concept underlying the DWP approach was based upon the American practice of deploying CDFIs to support local communities by providing affordable finance that would otherwise not be available.

CWRT’s primary aim was to provide personal loans to individuals with limited access to mainstream financial services. However, as they became more embedded within local communities, it became apparent that they needed to broaden their scope to address financial inclusion and promote economic development by expanding their loan offering to local businesses and start-ups.

By offering flexible loan options and personalised support, CWRT has played a crucial role in transforming local businesses and driving regional prosperity.

Their key achievements include:

  • CWRT has provided almost £27 million in loans to 837 businesses, significantly contributing to the local economy.
  • Through its funding and support, CWRT has helped create and sustain 4,668 jobs across Coventry, Warwickshire and the West Midlands.
  • CWRT’s activities have contributed over £116.7 million to the local economy.
  • CWRT continues to innovate with its loan products, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of modern businesses.

At this significant anniversary, CWRT remains committed to its core values of community support, economic development and financial inclusion. Plans for the future include expanding loan offerings, enhancing support services, and forging new partnerships to best serve the businesses of Coventry, Warwickshire and the West Midlands.

“Reaching our 20th anniversary is a testament to the resilience and innovation of the businesses we support,” said CWRT chief executive Sheridan Sulskis. “We have achieved some significant milestones over the last 20 years, which include deploying over £7.4m to help local businesses during COVID and we are proud to be working in partnership with Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council with whom we have set up and now deliver our unique Duplex Investment Fund. We also work with the County Council on their Warwickshire Recovery Investment Fund, being an accredited lender for the British Business Bank.

“These funds, along with the support from key stakeholders, enable us to be a part of the journey of so many businesses which are the bedrock of our communities as we provide financial assistance to help them grow and succeed.

“For myself it is an honour and a privilege to be the CEO at CWRT and I am incredibly proud of the positive impact we’ve had on the local economy and look forward to continuing our mission for many more years.”

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “Coventry Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust has done, and continues to do, fantastic work on behalf of businesses and I offer them the warmest congratulations on their twentieth anniversary.

“Hundreds of small businesses, and thereby the communities of which they are part, have benefited from CWRT support which is delivered with such knowledge, expertise, experience and warmth. Their contribution to our business community and local economy is immense and I look forward to our continued working partnership.”

* To learn more about CWRT please visit www.cwrt.uk.com or contact their friendly team on 02476551 777.

Apprentices following in Andy's successful footsteps

“Apprenticeships are a fantastic concept...the three lads are learning exactly what is relevant to the trade now."

A Rugby business has taken on three apprentices to give them “the perfect grounding” in the fast-evolving skills required by the electrician’s trade in 2024 and beyond.

Twenty years ago, Andy Wood served an apprenticeship as an electrician. He loved it and that course at Warwickshire College set him on the path to running his own successful company - Hertz Electrical Contractors Ltd - which he has done for 13 years.

Andy’s 16 employees include three apprentices who are busy training up with the required knowledge and skills, not least around the installation of solar panels and other new technology which has become a significant art of the job.

Andy successfully applied to Warwickshire County Council’s Future Apprenticeships: Salary Support Programme for support, through Warwickshire Skills Hub, and received £2,000 towards each apprenticeship.

It is a move with multiple benefits. The three recruits have embarked on constructive chosen careers and are thereby helping to grow a business which in turn contributes much to its local community. 

“Apprenticeships are a fantastic concept,” said Andy. “The three lads are learning exactly what is relevant to the trade now.  As a business we are keen to boost our grasp of technology with solar energy and energy-saving solutions. We need to focus on that and keep right up to date because it will be an important segment of our business going forward. Twenty years ago, our industry was quite basic, just sockets and lights, whereas now there are so many avenues to it like solar panels and electric vehicles.

“There are now sub-industries within our industry. Twenty per cent of our business is in things that didn’t exist 20 years ago and by taking on these lads as apprentices we can take them through from not knowing anything in our world to knowing everything they need to know.”

Andy can vouch from first-hand experience for the value of apprenticeships as an alternative to university for school and college-leavers.

“When I left school 20 years ago, apprenticeships weren’t really available because education just push you towards university, but that is not the right fit for everyone,” he said. “I didn’t find classroom learning enjoyable and just didn’t get book-based teaching so university would have been a waste of four years.

“Then I started the apprenticeship and thought, ‘this is great, we are learning about something and doing it at the same time…I learn so much this way because we are not just sat there doing theory all day.’

“Apprenticeships are brilliant opportunities for young people who for whatever reason did not really engage with school and college.”

Warwickshire Skills Hub has several schemes which offer support to SMEs looking to take on apprentices.

Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub put me in touch with Louise Stolz from the Skills Hub,” Andy said. “Louise was great and I didn’t realise there was so much support out there. It’s been so helpful. We could probably have taken on the apprentices without the funding but off the back of that support we have created training programmes and boards within our unit so we can simulate real-life scenarios within the safety net of our building which we didn’t have before.

“It’s been brilliant. When you get support like this it makes you think, ‘yeah let’s make the most of this and turn that support into building the business to make sure it’s strong.’ We work a lot in schools and with businesses and homeowners so the stronger we are the better we can help the community. We take work two or three work placements a year from each school and a couple of those have gone on to start apprenticeships with us.”

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “Apprenticeships are a wonderful way to teach skills which enhance both the apprentice and their employer. I am delighted that the Future Apprenticeships: Salary Support Programme has proved of such value to Andy, helping his business to grow and to support the community around it.”

* Please find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visiting https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk

Backona blossoming with Business Ready support

“Supporting Warwickshire’s businesses is a key priority, and the Business Ready programme can provide businesses in need of support with free, tailored advice, expertise, business workshops and much more to help them grow and develop.”

A Nuneaton start-up using the power of AI could be set to transform how e-commerce businesses analyse their sales and marketing data with the launch of its new software.

Backona, founded by David Patrykowski, has created a tool enabling users to effortlessly converse with their marketing data, ask for custom charts and diagrams directly from Google Analytics software, and harness the power of AI for insightful analysis and strategic decision-making.

With the backing of business support programme Business Ready, part of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme, he received invaluable assistance during the product’s development phase around getting accurate customer feedback and communicating his proposition, and is hoping to launch in July.

David created Backona, partly as a result of his experiences of rescuing a previous business he ran from collapsing, after taking the time to dig into the data about its business practices and finding the right solution.

He said: “Google Analytics is used by so many e-commerce businesses to understand their sales and other data, but it can be a difficult piece of software to use depending on what you’re trying to get out of it. With our system, you can simply ask a question like ‘how much revenue did we earn last year?’ and it will immediately give you an answer. You can also ask to display the data, such as ‘can you show me this data in a bar chart?’ and it will do that in seconds.

“The AI can also be used to predict what a business should do next in order to maximise a certain metric, such as revenue or click-throughs, based on the data it has already gathered.

“Unlike other AI systems available, which typically rely on general data sources, our system stands out by allowing users to work directly with their own data. This unique feature ensures more accurate and tailored insights, offering business owners invaluable guidance for their next strategic moves with minimised bias.

“Currently, the software is available to a select group of individuals in beta, undergoing rigorous testing by a team of ten. The goal is to expand this user base to fifty by the end of May, with the official launch set for July. Truly understanding the data of your organisation can enable you to make much more informed decisions, as I found out with my previous business. I’m hoping Backona will be able to do the same for many other companies once it launches.”

Steve Tipson, business support adviser at Business Ready, had advised David around his previous business after a referral from CW Growth Hub and continued to mentor him as he began to develop Backona.

He said: “We’ve been helping David take the right steps to have everything ready for Backona to be a success at launch, such as how much testing needs to be done beforehand, and ensuring its marketing plan is clear.

“Real-world testing is crucial to developing a viable product, and we helped David form a strategy around getting real customer feedback around Backona, rather than assumptions around what they might want from the software.

“I was able to introduce David to some of my network who were happy to be guinea pigs for Backona, and helped use their feedback to fine-tune the product and Backona’s proposition to potential investors.”

Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council said: “We are delighted that the Business Ready programme was able to support Backona during their development phase.

“Supporting Warwickshire’s businesses is a key priority, and the Business Ready programme can provide businesses in need of support with free, tailored advice, expertise, business workshops and much more to help them grow and develop.”

Business Ready forms part of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme. It is delivered by University of Warwick Science Park on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire’s five District and Borough Councils. Business Growth Warwickshire is funded by UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Warwickshire County Council.

* Find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub website.

Employers step forward to support Careers Hub programmes

Careers provision in the county has advanced in leaps and bounds since the Warwickshire Careers Hub joined forces with Warwickshire Skills Hub in September 2023.
Employer engagement with local schools and colleges has significantly increased, due mainly to collaboration between the Careers Hub and Vicki Haslam’s Business Skills Support team based at Warwickshire Skills Hub in Nuneaton.
The Careers Hub’s group of Cornerstone Employers has gained a lot of traction while Emma Carty and her Careers Hub team has also been working with the Care Leaving team and the Virtual School on starting a project around young carers and looked-after young people. This project is still at the planning stage but the great enthusiasm for it from the Cornerstone Employers means it will certainly happen.
Another project which is up and running with support from local employers is Teacher Encounters. This has seen Lisi Aerospace, Studley Castle and George Eliot Hospital hold work experience days for teachers. All three hosted a work experience day at which teachers had a tour, met some employees and supported interns and heard from the employer about their recruitment practices and routes to their employment.
Nineteen teachers from 14 schools and colleges attended over the three days and feedback was that they really valued such time away from school and seeing first-hand what it is like to work in these industries. With this knowledge, they are then able to have meaningful and impactful conversations with their students back at school.
Eva Harrison from Careers Seeks Direct supported all three days and is currently creating lesson plans relating to the workplace visit, for the teachers to use with students. Teachers Encounters was so successful that it will run again in the next academic year with six more employers. Any employer interested in supporting this project and keen for young people to know about their business and potentially increase their talent pool, should please get in touch with emmacarty@warwickshire.gov.uk.
Immense support also continues to be supplied by The Careers Hub’s pool of Enterprise Advisors (business volunteers who pledge to support a local school on a long-term basis). Chloe Bond from JLR is supporting a cohort of students from Stratford Girls Grammar School around ‘Girls into Engineering.’ Ruth Dollen from Pier Training has supported Exhall Grange students around careers in the health and social care sector. Karen Moore from KSM Recruitment has delivered four sessions to students from Etone College around recruitment processes and practices and interview techniques.  
Alongside these ongoing arrangements sit employer ad-hoc support (Give-an-Hour support) where many local employers volunteer some time to support schools and colleges' careers events. These include Brian Halford, a well-respected author and sports journalist for 30 years, who will attend The Polesworth School’s careers fair next week along with BBC Coventry & Warwickshire’s sports editor Rob Gurney.
“It will be a pleasure to visit The Polesworth School and chat to students about the glamour of sports journalism – the 0-0 draws, the motorways miles and the ‘rain stopped play!’ said Brian. “I have been lucky enough to have a decent career and will be forever grateful to those people, especially when I was starting out and deciding what to do, who took me under their wings and gave me brilliant advice. If I can pass on anything of use, then great.
“I’m delighted to be able to support Warwickshire Careers Hub with the fantastic work they do and would urge all employers to consider how they could help and also benefit from engaging with talented young career-seekers.”  
Warwickshire Careers Hub’s Operational Hub Lead, Emma Carty, said: “We are so grateful to everyone who kindly give up anything from an hour to committing to meeting a school or college every half term. Their input is invaluable to schools and, most importantly, our young people.
“One saying that has stuck with me since joining the Careers and Enterprise Company in 2019 is 'You can't be what you can't see.'  This is the truest and shortest statement that I have heard. If it wasn't for our businesses connecting with our schools and colleges through the Careers Hub, then how are our young people going to know what is out there for them? They won't know about your business or sector, if we don't show them. 
“If you are interested in supporting the Careers Hub, please get in touch. Not only can we connect you with our schools and colleges, but there is also a plethora of support available to you as a business from the Skills Hub team.
“Charlotte Smith leads on the Supported Employment team and the Warwickshire Supported Employment Service which supports young people and adults with autism and learning disabilities with an aspiration to work. Vicki Haslam leads the Business Support team which offers a wide variety of business skills support to create skills plans, source new talent and promote businesses to those seeking career opportunities. And Heather Docksey runs the Fair Chance Employment programme, an inclusive programme which supports Warwickshire employers to shape their roles and recruitment processes to be more inclusive and accessible to jobseekers.
If you are interested in speaking to any of the Careers Hub Team to find out more about how you can support Warwickshire Schools and College, please email careershub@warwickshire.gov.uk The Skills Hub team is available at skillshub@warwickshire.gov.uk

Delivery Plan to implement Warwickshire's Economic Growth Strategy

A delivery plan for the implementation of Warwickshire’s Economic Growth Strategy has been published by Warwickshire County Council.

Following the Strategy’s approval by WCC’s Cabinet in April, the delivery plan has been drawn up and was considered by the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee on June 19th

Warwickshire’s Economic Growth Strategy outlines the objectives which will help the county have an economy that is ambitious, inclusive and sustainable, achieved by working with a wide range of partners and focus on building a strong viable and resilient economy.   

Aimed at creating sustainable development, increasing job opportunities and creating a viable and resilient economy now and for future generations, the plan is designed to be inclusive. It focuses on partnership working, bringing together the input of Warwickshire’s businesses and other stakeholders, ensuring the plan addresses local need. 

The Strategic Economic Plan sets out three pillars that are key to developing the economy. The delivery plan then details the actions, how success will be achieved and the timescale for implementation within each pillar.

This includes:  

  • Ambitious growth - creating a highly productive, vibrant and prosperous economy that builds on and maximises our economic strengths.
  • Inclusive growth - developing an economy that works for all residents, one that tackles existing inequalities and ensures that everyone benefits from a strong and prosperous business base.
  • Sustainable growth - growing our economy in a green and sustainable way, respecting the natural environment and helping the move to Net Zero Warwickshire by 2050.

Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “We are pleased to announce the launch of the delivery plan which sets out the clear priorities and actions for Warwickshire to deliver our Strategic Economic Plan.  

“The delivery plan and the measures in place have been informed by a range of stakeholders and partners including those from industry as well as colleagues from across the council, all working towards an inclusive, sustainable and growing economy.”  

The delivery plan can be viewed here – delivery plan  

Warwickshire’s Economic Growth Strategy can be viewed here

Pit Stop Coffee Shop at Pooley blends hospitality with heritage 

“The new owners have some excellent ideas about how to further the community offer through links with other local businesses, and I’m really excited at the prospect of several businesses potentially flourishing together." 

A warm welcome and a nod to the past are among the key ingredients of a new business coming to Pooley Country Park. 

The family-run Pit Stop Coffee Shop, set to open ahead of the summer holidays, pays homage to the rich mining history of the site through its name, with the venue set to further preserve a sense of community and heritage by proudly featuring donated mining artefacts. 

The warm welcome comes naturally to husband & wife team Sarah and Oliver Exall, who bring a decade of experience in hospitality from their existing rural coffee shop Bake180. 

Their business model pays heed to the café’s location and the context in which many of its patrons will have found themselves there. It is in a country park, so the owners are installing a hatch window, a unique feature which allows parents to keep an eye on children and dog owners to easily grab a coffee with an eye on the pooch. To further add to the family appeal of the venue, a small soft play zone for under-fives will be available upstairs. The new owners plan to partner with local businesses to offer stay-and-play sessions for babies and are also exploring the possibility of working with local forest schools to hold activities in the coffee shop’s outdoor space. 

The coffee shop will serve light breakfast items, an array of snacks, sandwiches, salads, pastries, and cream teas for those looking for that extra special treat. It will be a dog-friendly spot and will open from Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm. 

The building is set for a thorough overhaul, including an expanded kitchen and re-decorated interior. 

Sarah Exall, Owner of Pit Stop Coffee Shop, said: “We’re hugely excited to be taking over this venue at Pooley Country Park, a beautiful site of great historical significance to locals and visitors alike. The next step for us is working our magic on the interior, and we plan to choose décor that blends with the stunning natural surroundings, creating an inviting space that brings the beauty of the outdoors inside. Once we’ve had the go-ahead to commence our works, we can’t wait to share our official opening date and invite everyone to our launch!” 

Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for economy at Warwickshire County Council, commented: “It’s fantastic to see another business starting up at one of our country parks. This mutually beneficial arrangement is a brilliant way to draw additional visitors to our parks and boost revenue, while also enabling us to support a local business by providing a stunning setting from which to operate. 

“The new owners have some excellent ideas about how to further the community offer through links with other local businesses, and I’m really excited at the prospect of several businesses potentially flourishing together. 

 “In the meantime, everyone at Warwickshire County Council wishes the Pit Stop Coffee Shop the best of luck with their endeavour.” 

Plan your visit to Pooley Country Park at https://countryparks.warwickshire.gov.uk/homepage/7/pooley-country-park. 

For email updates from Warwickshire Country Parks, including the announcement of the café’s opening date, sign up the Country Parks newsletter. 

Many connections made at successful Coleshill event

"We met some brilliant people who opened our eyes to a wealth of resources. We’ll definitely be following up on a few leads.”

Many valuable connections were made at a business and skills drop in event at Coleshill which was arranged to harness and celebrate the growing sense of positivity around the town.

The event, organised by Warwickshire County Council, brought together communities and local businesses and enabled the conditions for connections and growth to take place.

It was designed to create opportunities for residents to develop their skills to meet the business needs of the future and for businesses to develop their offer to attract the best workforce. The first such event to be held in the town, its success was another step in promoting sustainable growth, investment and a diverse economy in north Warwickshire.

Feedback from businesses included, “great event - some really helpful and informative people there” and “a wonderful experience…we met some brilliant people who opened our eyes to a wealth of resources. We’ll definitely be following up on a few leads.”

To maximise the exchange of information about each service, the event included brief pitches from each of the partners involved. In total, 36 quality business engagements were secured with around 90 interactions for the partners.

Specific event feedback pinpointed that it was a well organised event with delegates looking forward to building on this initial engagement. Feedback also established a clear demand for more similar events where collaboration is key.

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “There was a real buzz at the event, reflecting the positivity around Coleshill right now, and it was great to see such engagement from local businesses. Their very positive feedback made it clear that many valuable connections were made which will strengthen the local economy going forward.”

* Find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub website.

Nuneaton and Bedworth businesses find out about full range of available support

Small and medium-sized businesses in Nuneaton and Bedworth have been given an insight into how they can gain the edge when it comes to growth.
The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce held a breakfast networking event at the Weston Hall Hotel in Bulkington and as well as being a chance to meet other firms in the region, local businesses also heard about a range of support available.
Keely Hancox, the head of operations at the Chamber, highlighted start-up and ongoing support for businesses through programmes it delivers on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and the Borough Council through UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
Steven Convery, Business Skills Support Officer at the Warwickshire Skills Hub, part of Warwickshire County Council, showcased the range of ways it can help to improve skills and solve recruitment issues for local businesses through funded training opportunities and through helping break down barriers to employment.
"It was a terrific event and the room was buzzing," said Steven. "It was great to present to a room of businesses from the Nuneaton and Bedworth region who were very engaged in hearing how they can leverage the support from the Warwickshire Skills Hub to boost staff development and upskill their workforce for the future. It really emphasised the positive atmosphere surrounding upskilling in the Nuneaton and Bedworth area."
Two businesses which have received support – Horse & People Project and MJ Classic Engineering – gave their own take on how it had put them in a stronger position to grow their companies. Earlier, Carol Ingleston, economic development officer at Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council, gave an update on exciting redevelopment projects taking place in the area that will help to drive forward the economy.
Sarah Humphreys, Business Support Manager at the Chamber, said: "As a dedicated team of business advisors, our goal is always to help a business to increase sustainable growth. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity in Warwickshire to offer one-to-one business coaching and mentoring with our core free funded programmes. These programmes are designed for start-up businesses, established businesses with an appetite for growth, as well as the hospitality sector.
“These events offer us the opportunity to really showcase some of those businesses we have worked closely with as well as enable other local businesses to connect.”
Kalie Sahota, senior contract officer at the Chamber, said the event had been a real success. She said: “The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough breakfast networking event attracted an impressive turnout from the local business community, with inspirational speakers sharing their practical insights into the benefits of receiving business support from our business advisors through our UKSPF and Warwickshire County Council funded programmes, resulting in a truly engaging experience.
“We received valuable support at the event from our esteemed partners, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and Warwickshire Skills Hub, which both play a pivotal role in fostering opportunities for the local community. The collaborative networking among businesses was genuinely uplifting, showcasing a resolute dedication to the region and its wonderful range of businesses.”
The Chamber delivers three programmes on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and the District and Borough Councils as part of the Business Growth Warwickshire Programme. Business Growth Warwickshire is part funded by UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Warwickshire County Council.
To find out how the free, fully funded business support can help you and your business, please visit https://www.cw-chamber.co.uk/business-support/

Workplace Wellbeing Forum delves into the importance of workplace

Wellbeing is such an important factor in all our lives and one which impacts hugely on workplaces and productivity, so it is great that so many local employers recognise this and attended the forum."

Representatives from 35 workplaces across Coventry & Warwickshire attended the Coventry & Warwickshire Workplace Wellbeing Forum at the Eliot Park Innovation Centre, Nuneaton.
Hosted by Public Health teams from Warwickshire County Council and Coventry Council, this was the fourth forum since launching in 2022.
The free, half day event focused on external factors (called the Wider Determinants of Health) to the workplace itself that can influence an individual’s health and wellbeing and potentially impact their ability to work.
After an introduction to the Wider Determinants, attendees visited their two chosen breakout sessions of the four on offer; physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing. Presentations and discussions were held covering a selection of topics including musculoskeletal health, healthy ageing, flexible working and occupational health support, inclusive workplaces, gambling and in work poverty and supporting a smoke free workplace. Specialist speakers and exhibition stands were present from across both councils as well as Business in the Community, Aquarius, Fitter Futures, City Save, Thrive at Work and Healthy Lifestyle Services.
The event generated very positive feedback and some fantastic suggestions for the future which will be very much taken on board for the next event due to take place in November 2024.
Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: "This was a really positive and well-planned event. Wellbeing is such an important factor in all our lives and one which impacts hugely on workplaces and productivity, so it is great that so many local employers recognise this and attended the forum."
For more information on workplace wellbeing support, resources and presentations from previous events, as well as dates for new events, please visit https://www.wellbeing4life.co.uk/businesses or contact Josouthan@warwickshire.gov.uk

Business centres expand support for Nuneaton Foodbank

“We are delighted to expand our support for Nuneaton Foodbank and the excellent work they do in the local community."

Warwickshire Business Centres has increased its support for Nuneaton Foodbank with the addition of a second collection point for the charity.

Nuneaton Foodbank has been in operation since 2013 and in the year up to June 11th, 2024, gave out a total of 7,928 food parcels, of which 2,785 were for children. In the last month it provided 559 food parcels, including 204 for children.

The Foodbank's current warehouse base is located at Centenary Business Centre which is owned and managed by Warwickshire Business Centres for Warwickshire County Council.

Now, to try to accommodate ever-growing demand, it is expanding its reach out to businesses and residents for vital donations. 

With the assistance of Tracey Challinor, Customer Services Executive at Warwickshire Business Centres, a second collection point has been opened at another WCC business centre, Eliot Park Innovation Centre.

Nuneaton Foodbank Project Manager, Richard Fleming, said: "We are currently launching an appeal to raise awareness and food donations from the other business residents here at Centenary Business Centre and also further afield, at Eliot Park. With Tracey's help, we have advertised ourselves throughout the location and placed food collection points in the buildings.

"Unfortunately our food donations don't cover the four centres we have to provide emergency food parcels for on a weekly basis. Therefore we have to use our donated online funds to purchase food and toiletries at an average of £800 per week."

Training programme for businesses keen to build overseas trade

“The importance of international trade to any regional economy is huge."

Businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire aiming to grow through overseas trade can take advantage of a training programme to upskill their staff.
Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Fidelitas Training to offer a programme to take staff to the next level of skills and knowledge.
Fidelitas Training owner, Stephen Townsley, grew up in the Coventry and Warwickshire area but now lives in Germany and delivers the eight-module International Trade Operations & Procedures (ITOPS) course alongside a range of professionals with experience in the sector.
Completion of the course, which is based on the practical, real-life demands of international trade, leads to a double certificated qualification from ITOPS and the British Chambers of Commerce. It also gives those who complete it the confidence to grow and develop their exporting and importing markets and to then look to enhance their skills further with additional training.
The Chamber is currently signing up the first cohort of professionals to take part in the course, which will start in October. They will work through a range of workshops that include customs and excise processes, how to move goods, payments and procedures, including how to maintain profitability. The sessions are interactive, flexible and support people in how to do the job, including on how to react if something goes wrong.
Stephen said: “I am delighted to have agreed this partnership to deliver training to Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce members. Although we are based in Germany, I know the Coventry and Warwickshire area very well so this is a bit like ITOPS is coming home for me.
“The importance of international trade to any regional economy is huge so it’s vitally important that we get more and more businesses doing it. They can reach out for support but it’s also important to have members of the team who are skilled and trained in how to operate in the real world of international trade. That’s what we provide. The sessions are fun, interactive and practical – and they are delivered by people who have experience of trading overseas, which is important.”
Adele Dodds, of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: ““International trade is something that we’d encourage businesses of all sizes and sectors to look at and we’re really pleased to be able to bring this new, practical programme to members to help them in doing that.
“We’re in the process of signing up our first cohort so I’d urge any businesses interested to get in touch straight away to be part of the first programme.”
For more information or to sign up, please email adeled@cw-chamber.co.uk or call 024 7665 4321.
Please find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visiting https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk

Nuneaton business earns Kings Award for commitment to sustainability

"We realised that having a true sustainability strategy would reinforce our business case."

Major Nuneaton employer Triton Showers has been honoured with a King’s Award for Enterprise in recognition of its outstanding commitment to Sustainable Development.

Triton is one of only 29 organisations to be recognised nationally in the KIng's Awards this year for their contribution to Sustainable Development which places sustainability at the heart of its long-term business strategy and Net Zero ambition.

Triton, which has been part of Norcros PLC since 1987, is a well-known UK manufacturer and market leader in the electric shower segment. In 2019, the business reset its vision, values and company ethos which included outlining ambitious targets for reducing its carbon footprint and impact on the environment, while embedding sustainability at all levels of the business from the top down.

David Tutton, Managing Director at Triton Showers, said: “Given our position within the bathroom industry, we firmly believe it is our responsibility to champion the water, energy, and carbon saving benefits of showers at every opportunity. We are therefore delighted to receive a King’s Award for excellence in Sustainable Development, which is testament to the hard work of everyone within our organisation who is contributing towards delivering change.

“Five years ago, we realised that having a true sustainability strategy would reinforce our business case – supporting the need to decarbonise British homes through electric heat solutions, demonstrating carbon leadership, attracting, and retaining an engaged workforce, minimising environmental impacts, while also improving supply chain and organisational resilience. As well as significantly increasing investment in the development of environmentally responsible products, people, infrastructure and our supply chain to align with our sustainability goals, our ambition has also manifested in a long-term behaviour change campaign called ‘Every Drop Makes a Difference.’

“This movement is about informing and inspiring audiences to make more sustainable showering choices and habitual changes, which can help people to reduce their own carbon footprint and household costs. Going forward, as well as focusing on this messaging we are committed to achieving an ambitious ‘Net Zero by 2035’ target, with a near-term alignment target of 2028. There is a lot more to do but we are moving the dial and delivering solid progress, which makes the recognition we have received from the King’s Award for Enterprise so very special.”

First established in 1965, the King’s Awards for Enterprise are one of the most prestigious awards for UK businesses, celebrating the success of exciting and innovative organisations that are leading the way. Previously known as the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, they were renamed in 2023 to reflect His Majesty The King’s desire to continue the legacy of HM Queen Elizabeth II by recognising outstanding UK businesses.

For more information about Triton Showers' commitment to sustainability, please visit www.tritonshowers.co.uk/sustainability. For further details about the application process for the King’s Awards for Enterprise 2025, which opened on the anniversary of His Majesty The King’s Coronation, 6 May, visit www.gov.uk/kings-awards-for-enterprise.

Nicholas Owen to speak about new supply chains and technologies

A free event to give West Midlands businesses an opportunity to become involved in new supply chains and technologies is to be staged next month.

Road to Rail: Supply Chains for the Future of Light Vehicle Manufacturing has been organised by C&W Business Solutions, alongside partners The West Midlands Growth Company and the Finditin Network. 

The online session, between 10.30am and noon on Wednesday, July 10, is designed to help SMEs across the region to develop an understanding of the emerging technologies required for the future of light vehicle manufacturing. 

The event, to be compered by renowned journalist and presenter Nicholas Owen, is part of The Supply Chain Transition Programme which is a new initiative being delivered on behalf of the West Midlands Combined Authority and Business Growth West Midlands. 

Businesses will hear more about Coventry Very Light Rail which is an innovative and affordable light rail system that has the potential to transform transport in small cities and connect with other modes of transport, and Light Electric Vehicles which will transform the way people travel shorter distances and is a growing market. 

James Hammett, Managing Director of UKTram, which is the voice of Very Light Rail and is helping the sector to grow collaboratively, is among the keynote speakers. 

Angus Brummit-Brown, Senior Project Manager at Coventry Very Light Rail, will also be presenting to highlight how the project is using the latest automotive expertise developed in Coventry and will transform Coventry city transport. 

Craig Humphrey, CEO of Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub Group, of which C&W Business Solutions is a part, said finding affordable, sustainable and efficient transport was becoming increasingly important as towns and cities grow as well as to meet the UK’s net zero targets. 

“We want to help businesses develop their understanding of a growing area of the economy, learn about current and future procurement requirements and access opportunities to become a supplier of the future for light vehicle manufacturing,” he said. 

“This event has been organised to attract SMEs who are currently operating in or have the potential to operate within Very Light Rail and the Electric Light Vehicles supply chain as well as potential customers and buyers.  

“It is perfect for SMEs who are already supplying related sectors in the region or those who have the ability to diversify within the automotive or advanced manufacturing and engineering supply chains to embrace these emerging technologies and new markets. 

“There are huge opportunities for suppliers as our economy changes to embrace these technologies and new markets. 

“This event will give West Midlands’ businesses the knowledge, tools and contacts they need to become suppliers of the future for light vehicle manufacturing in this exciting, emerging sector.” 

To register for this free event, please visit: https://www.finditincw.co.uk/events/book/road-to-rail-supply-chains-for-the-future-of-light-vehicle-manufacturing 

Special Feature

Electrification Skills Network is tackling the big skills evolution

"The Warwickshire Skills Hub is thrilled to participate in meetings hosted by the Electrification Skills Network. This aligns perfectly with Warwickshire County Council's commitment to staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies and ensuring our region has the skills to thrive in the electrified future."

The automotive sector, a major employer in Warwickshire, is one of many sectors of the economy faced with the task of decarbonisation over the coming years. Climate change and competition from overseas companies means UK firms must improve processes and product to meet future demand.

Key to this change is ensuring that firms and their employees have the right skills and there are common skills needs across industry which are required to deliver the electrification of products and processes in coming years. Coventry & Warwickshire is also home to Coventry & Warwick Giga Park, and Green Power Park, the home of the planned West Midlands battery cell gigafactory, and over the coming years will require a range of new advanced manufacturing skills for battery cell manufacture and related technologies.

Addressing this situation is the Electrification Skills Network (ESN), funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), born from the National Electrification Skills Framework and Forum. Its mission: To create a comprehensive framework for electrification skills in the UK. Key partners locally in this initiative include Coventry University, Enginuity, the University of Warwick, the Electric Revolution Skills Hub, and the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC). 

ESN aims to bridge the gap between employers, accrediting organisations, and skills providers. By crafting a dynamic electrification skills framework, ESN supports the development and implementation of best practices in industrial sectors. This collaborative approach ensures training programs are targeted, effective, and aligned with the current and future needs of employers.

Steven Convery, Business Skills Advisor at Warwickshire Skills Hub, said: "The Warwickshire Skills Hub is thrilled to participate in meetings hosted by the Electrification Skills Network. This aligns perfectly with Warwickshire County Council's commitment to staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies and ensuring our region has the skills to thrive in the electrified future." 

Mandeep Sandhu, Sector Lead at Enginuity, said: “Enginuity is proud to partner with the Electrification Skills Network in a bold mission to tackle skills shortages head-on. By uniting industry and academia, ESN aims to create a dynamic framework for electrification skills. Together, we are fostering a collaborative community to empower and transform the industry.”

How ESN Supports Electrification Skills 

Promoting Collaboration Across Initiatives 

ESN actively supports various skills projects, working closely with UKBIC and other related initiatives. This collaboration enhances the visibility of these projects, ensuring stakeholders are informed about the latest developments and market opportunities. By working together, ESN accelerates support and impact for employers and national initiatives. 

Defining an Electrification Skills Framework 

ESN is committed to defining a comprehensive electrification skills framework that is accessible and understandable for all users, from employers to skills providers. This framework will help employers map out upskilling needs for current employees transitioning to new roles and for future employees as businesses grow and evolve. 

Influencing stakeholders nationwide. 

As a national initiative, ESN aims to influence skills and funding bodies across all four nations of the UK. By creating a unified approach, ESN ensures the electrification skills framework is relevant and impactful nationwide. 

Providing a National Forum for Electrification 

ESN hosts quarterly online national sessions on electrification, open to all interested parties. These sessions facilitate the exchange of ideas, raise awareness of new initiatives, and provide a platform for stakeholders to collaborate and share insights. 

Signposting Solutions and Identifying Gaps 

One of the key challenges in electrification skills is finding existing solutions and recognising their value. ESN addresses this by consolidating various initiatives within a unified framework, making it easier to identify and access relevant solutions. 

Call to Action 

Businesses are urged to engage with ESN to support the development of electrification skills and contribute to the future of the industry. Whether you are an employer, skills provider, or accrediting body in Warwickshire, your participation is crucial. Please join us in shaping the future of electrification skills in the UK. 

For more information, please visit Electrification Skills Network.

Guest column

Warwickshire leading the regions' rise as a creative powerhouse

Always considered London to be the home of creativity and innovation in the UK? Think again. The rest of the country is now flexing its creative muscles and helping to power local economies just as effectively…and Warwickshire is leading the way, says Evie Baker, Digital Marketing Executive at Smallfry, based in Wolston.
London has long been considered the epicentre of creativity in the UK. Filled with artists, designers and innovators, it's no wonder that the city has earned such a reputation - but the notion that creativity is exclusive to London is outdated.
In recent years, other regions in the UK, with Warwickshire at the forefront, have demonstrated their remarkable ingenuity, proving that creativity knows no geographical bounds.
One of the most significant shifts behind the spread of creativity beyond London is the rise of remote working. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and professionals have adapted to working from home or other remote locations. This change has shown that collaboration and innovation need not be confined to a single place. Creative professionals can now work together seamlessly, regardless of physical location. This has allowed regions outside the capital to thrive and showcase their creative talents on a national and global stage.
A prime example of this burgeoning creativity is Warwickshire and the West Midlands. The region has made, and continues to make, massive contributions to the design and innovation sectors, particularly in healthcare technology. The West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator (WMHTIA), led by the University of Birmingham, is a testament to this progress.
The WMHTIA is a government-supported programme that has received £14 million in funding from the West Midlands Combined Authorities' Innovation Accelerator, part of an Innovate UK funded programme. This initiative unites key players across the region, including Medilink Midlands, as part of an organisation consortium. Together, they address challenges in bringing new technologies to market within the Healthcare Technology and Medical Technology sectors. By creating a supportive environment, the WMHTIA helps accelerate new technologies towards commercialisation, demonstrating the region's capacity for creativity and innovation.
The success of the WMHTIA highlights how regions outside London are overcoming traditional barriers to creativity. By running a centrally coordinated series of activities, the programme helps companies navigate "pain-points" in the process of translation. This approach not only fosters innovation but also ensures that the creative potential of Warwickshire and the West Midlands is fully realised and appreciated.
Here at Smallfry, a design consultancy based in Wolston in the north-east of Warwickshire, we pride ourselves on being an example of the creativity that has been creating a significant impact in the industry. Smallfry consistently demonstrates that top-tier design and innovation can thrive outside the capital. Our work spans various sectors, including healthcare, consumer, industrial and scientific products, showcasing our versatility.
At Smallfry, we have experienced first-hand the shift away from a London-centric view of creativity. Clients no longer feel the need to visit our office in person; remote consultations have become the norm, enabling us to work with diverse teams regardless of their location. We have coordinated projects with engineering teams in Asia and marketing teams in Milan simultaneously.
According to our CEO, Steve May-Russell, “Discovering world-class design talent right at your doorstep is incredibly rare.” This statement encapsulates our belief that creativity is not confined to any single location. Smallfry has been sought out internationally for our capabilities, further validating the idea that creativity is a global phenomenon, not limited to the confines of London.
The examples of the West Midlands and Smallfry are just the tip of the iceberg. Across the UK, numerous creative hubs and individuals are contributing to a diverse and vibrant landscape of innovation. The UK is replete with examples of creativity flourishing throughout the country. These regions benefit from unique perspectives and local cultures that enrich their creative output. By fostering a national network of creativity, the UK can leverage its diverse talents to drive innovation and economic growth.
The idea that London has a monopoly on creativity is a myth that no longer holds true. The rise of remote working, coupled with the success of initiatives like the West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator and the achievements of design consultancies like Smallfry, demonstrates that creativity is thriving across the UK and beyond. By recognising and supporting the creative potential of regions outside of London, we can ensure a more inclusive future for innovation in the UK.
It's time to acknowledge and celebrate the creativity beyond London and embrace the UK's creative potential as a whole!


A round-up of upcoming events...

Date Event Host Timings Venue Link
2024.06.27 GLOBAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2024 - OUR THEME FOR 2024 IS THE FUTURE OF THE ECONOMY - Our work over the past year has sought answers to how Britain can boost sustainable economic growth, not just nationally but at local and regional levels.

We, along with our network of partners, and Business Council members, have developed a future vision for the UK economy, one that combines people, planet, and profit into a cohesive whole.
British Chamber of Commerce 0815-16-50 QEII Centre, London Weblink here
2024.06.27 Stratford Business Growth Event
This event provides an excellent opportunity to connect with our team members and discover the wide range of business support services offered by the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub.
Whether you are an established business looking to expand or a startup seeking guidance, our team is here to assist you in achieving your goals.
Made Smarter WM 0900-1200 Alscote Park, Atherstone on Stour, Stratford Upon Avon. CV37 8BL Weblink here
2024.06.27 Employee Ownership Trust Seminar
Join us for an exciting morning of insights and discussions at Coventry & Warwickshire's Local Labour Market Symposium! This in-person event will be held at Warwick Trident College (part of WCG), located at Poseidon Way, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwick, UK. Discover the latest trends, opportunities, and challenges in our local labour market. Network with industry experts, employers, and fellow professionals. Gain valuable knowledge to help you navigate the ever-changing job landscape. 
CW Chamber 0830-1030 Radcliffe, Warwick Conferences Weblink here
2024.06.28 BIG Breakfast - Let's Talk Business Networking at the Farm
Join us at Let's Talk Business BIG Breakfast, a monthly open networking event where local businesses come together to connect and collaborate. We believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful business, and this event is all about fostering those relationships.
Talk Business UK 0730-0900 The Farm, Snitterfield Weblink here
2024.07.02 Talk Property Warwickshire - Afternoon Tea - Studley Castle
Our Talk Property Brunch is back, and it's better than ever! Join us for an exclusive networking opportunity where you can meet, greet, and share insights with fellow Property Professionals. This is your chance to engage in one-on-one conversations, all centred around the exciting world of property in Warwickshire.
Talk Business UK 1530-1700 Studley Castle Weblink here
2024.07.03 Introduction to due diligence - Protecting your Reputation
This one hour introductory reputational damage presentation will include: 
An introduction to due diligence, giving you the comfort you need when trading overseas.
A look at why we should care and bother about conducting in depth due diligence?
Why 3rd parties can be risky?
What are the red flags and how can you identify them?
How you can assess and manage your 3rd party risks?
Your questions and answer session.

Who should attend
Business owners currently engaged in international trade as well as those looking to step into the export world for the first time.
Supply chain and purchasing professionals.
Finance Directors and legal professionals wanting to understand how to protect their businesses reputations and that of their clients.
Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber 1030-1130 Zoom Weblink here
2024.07.03 Warwick UNO - Talk Business networking
LIVE NETWORKING Twice a month - face 2 face.
Come along and help create the Talk Business Warwick UNO group!
A 'single seat' business networking group - WHAT SEAT WILL YOU WANT?
Everyone has the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.
Meeting for breakfast at the Delta Marriott Hotel Warwick
This group will meet for breakfast on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday EVERY MONTH 7:30-9:00 am
Talk Business UK 0730-0900 Delta Marriott Warwick Weblink here
2024.07.03 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.07.03 Leadership Skills Workshop
Dr Suzanne Brown is pioneering a new approach to helping people invest in their ability to perform under pressure. By bridging Clinical and Performance psychology, she offers a unique opportunity to achieve a successful work-life harmony, boost productivity, improve self-awareness and have thriving relationships with yourself and others.
Suzanne is returning to Mill Street for a series of mental health workshops taking place in our vibrant coworking space.
1 Mill Street 1100-1300 1 Mill Street, Leamington Spa Weblink here
2024.07.03 CW Champions - July Event 2024
Join us for our summer Champions event! We are hosting our event at Butts Park Arena, Coventry. We are expecting high numbers for this event so get in early and reserve your space!
CW Champions 0730-0930 Butts Park Arena, Butts Road, Coventry. CV1 3GE Weblink here
2024.07.03 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.07.04 Talk Property Brunch - Kenilworth -Talk Business Members
Our Talk Property Brunch is back, and it's better than ever! Join us for an exclusive networking opportunity where you can meet, greet, and share insights with fellow Property Professionals. This is your chance to engage in one-on-one conversations, all centred around the exciting world of property in Warwickshire.
Talk Business UK 1000-1130 The Almanack Weblink here
2024.07.04 Mill Street Exchange
In partnership with Warwick County Council, the Mill Street Exchange is a free drop-in service offering no-nonsense business advice.
Warwickshire County Council 1000-1400 1 Mill Street, Leamington Spa Weblink here
2024.07.05 Business Buzz Leamington Spa
Business Buzz Leamington Spa is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. First Friday of the month.
Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 Bar+Block Steakhouse Leamington Spa Weblink here
2024.07.05 Studley UNO Networking -Studley Castle
Join us and be part of the inception of the Talk Business STUDLEY UNO, a brand-new 'single seat' business networking group.
Talk Business UK 0730-0900 Warner Hotels - Studley Castle, Hardwick Lane Studley B80 7AJ Weblink here
2024.07.05 Welcombe Hills Vineyard
Please note the later than usual time slot of 4-5.30pm.  Our visit to The Welcombe Hills Vineyard will include a talk and guided tour of the vineyard together with wine tastings and cheese/charcuterie platters.
Places for this visit are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
CW First Professionals 1600-1730 Welcombe Hills Vineyard, Snitterfield Weblink here
2024.07.08 FindaBiz Networking Nuneaton
FaB Networking with FindaBiz is a local business networking and business support organisation. Serious about helping you grow your business, in a positive and friendly setting with no scary rules. Help for business owners to make connections, build business relationships and find opportunities to do business. 2nd Monday of the month.
FaB Networking 1800-2000 Coton Sports and Social Club Weblink here
2024.07.09 Economy & Skills Breakfast
Join us for Coventry & Warwickshire’s Economy & Skills Breakfast Event, delivered in partnership with Prime Accountants Group, where businesses, policymakers, educators, and skills professionals come together to discuss the landscape of the local & national economy, and the crucial skills needed for our future success.
Corin Crane, Chief Executive of Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, will lead our economic conversations, as we review the results of Q1 & Q2 2024 Quarterly Economic Survey.
There will be plenty of opportunity for Q&A with the audience and if you have a specific question you would like to ask our speakers, please email in advance to SeanR@cw-chamber.co.uk
CW Chamber 0830-1000 Stratford-upon-Avon College Warwickshire CV37 9QR Weblink here
2024.07.10 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.07.10 Road to Rail: Supply Chains for the Future of Light Vehicle Manufacturing
As towns and cities grow and environmental worries increase, finding affordable, sustainable and efficient transport solutions is more important than ever before.
Very Light Rail has the hugely promising potential to transform small city transport and create a connection between other modes of transport, whilst Light Electric Vehicles will transform how we move within and between local places.
Join the brand-new Business Growth West Midlands ‘SUPPLY CHAIN TRANSITION PROGRAMME’ for an online event to help SMEs develop an understanding of the emerging technologies required for the future of light vehicle manufacturing.
Business Growth West Midlands 1030-1200 Online Weblink here
2024.07.11 Leamington Networking Breakfast (2nd and 4th Thursday)
 independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
2024.07.11 Business Buzz Rugby
Business Buzz Rugby is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takres places on the 2nd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. 
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 The Windmill Inn, Rugby Weblink here
2024.07.14 BMC & Leyland Show supported by Peter James Insurance
Celebrate the best of the British motor industry and see hundreds of vehicles produced by BMC, British Leyland and Rover Group at the British Motor Museum.
BMC & Leyland Show 10am-4pm British Motor Museum, Gaydon Weblink here
2024.07.16 Sales Mastery - Accelerating Growth through Strategic Selling Webinar
Unlock business growth by embracing the art of selling.
Many organizations shy away from sales, fearing rejection or simply not knowing how to approach the market or people.
Focus is generally placed on having a great product or service yet there is limited planning around a strategic approach to selling.
Sales is crucial for any business and revenue growth.
Learn more on how to connect with the right audience and effectively present your product or service.
Business Ready 1000-1100 Online Weblink here
2024.07.16 Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon
Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.

There’s no membership, no pre-booking required, just £10 + VAT payable on our app in advance, or at the event.

Meeting every 3rd Tuesday of each month between 10am-12pm
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 All Bar One, Bell Court Weblink here
2024.07.16 Chamber Net-Walking at Greyhound Inn
Join us for our next Chamber Net-Walking event, in partnership with Canal & River Trust.
Our Chamber Net-Walking events are an innovative networking approach that combines the benefits of physical activity with meaningful conversations, creating a relaxed and energising atmosphere.
Participants take a refreshing stroll through scenic routes and as they walk, exchange ideas, share insights, and build valuable connections.
CW Chamber 1000-1230 The Greyhound Inn Sutton Stop Coventry West Midlands CV6 6DF Weblink here
2024.07.17 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.07.18 Business Buzz Warwick
Business Buzz Warwick is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 The Globe Weblink here
On 20th July, Ruaridh Mitchinson from the National Centre for Additive Manufacturing at the MTC will give a detailed overview of the art of the possible in 3D Printing, today and in the future. Running through current applications of technology, what the state of the art in AM is and highlighting clear areas of opportunity. Finally, Ruaridh will detail ways for companies to begin their AM journey.
MTC 900 Online Weblink here
2024.07.21 Rootes Heritage Day
All kinds of Classic Rootes Group vehicles come together and celebrate at the British Motor Museum. Whether that's pre 70’s cars like the Hillman’s, Humbers, Singers or Sunbeams or the later Chrysler, Simca and Talbot products or commercial vehicles such as Commer, Karrier, and Kew Dodge. 
Rootes Trust 10am-4pm British Motor Museum, Gaydon Weblink here
2024.07.24 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.07.25 Leamington Networking Breakfast (2nd and 4th Thursday)
 independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
2024.07.27 Insider Future of Manufacturing Forum 2024
Insider is excited to announce the launch of the Future of Manufacturing Forum, in conjunction with the Made in the UK Awards taking place on 27th June.
This special daytime event will explore the huge opportunities for UK manufacturers to enhance growth, productivity and competitiveness.
The panels will offer their thoughts and insights into what is happening on the ground, how new developments in key areas of manufacturing are impacting the sector and what’s on the horizon.
Insider Media 1230-1445 Titanic Hotel, Stanley Dock, Regent Road,
L3 0AN
Weblink here
2024.07.28 Jaguar Summer Festival
The Summer Jaguar Festival celebrating 40 years of the Jaguar Enthusiasts' Club with presenting partners AFWM and SNG Barratt.
The largest Jaguar Club in the world, the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club, celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2024, so join them at the British Motor Museum as they pull out all the stops to bring you the best festival of all things Jaguar whilst looking back at the Club’s achievements over the last 40 years.
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club 10am-4pm British Motor Museum, Gaydon Weblink here
2024.07.31 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.08.02 Business Talent Summer Networking BBQ
Fire up your connections and sizzle with success at our Business Talent Summer Networking BBQ!
Join us for an afternoon of delicious food, refreshing drinks and vibrant networking opportunities. This event offers the perfect opportunity to expand your network, exchange ideas and foster valuable relationships.
Whether your connecting with potential collaborators, seeking new business opportunities, or simply enjoying the summer breeze, this event promises to be an unforgettable experience.
CW Chamber 1130-1400 Ashorne Hill Management College Ashorne Hill Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV33 9QW Weblink here
2024.08.08 Business Buzz Rugby
Business Buzz Rugby is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takres places on the 2nd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. 
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 The Windmill Inn, Rugby Weblink here
2024.08.20 Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon
Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.

There’s no membership, no pre-booking required, just £10 + VAT payable on our app in advance, or at the event.

Meeting every 3rd Tuesday of each month between 10am-12pm
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 All Bar One, Bell Court Weblink here
2024.08.31 The Aston Martin Heritage Festival
The Aston Martin Heritage Trust will be returning to The British Motor Museum, Gaydon to celebrate the fourth Aston Martin Heritage Festival. This year, the Aston Martin Heritage Trust will be celebrating 30 years of the DB7. If you’ve got a DB7 at home, there’s no better time to bring it to the event! 
Aston Martin Heritage Trust 9am-4pm British Motor Museum, Gaydon Weblink here
2024.09.04 CENEX Expo - 2 Days
Building on the legacy of Cenex-LCV & CAM, Cenex Expo will stimulate ideas and showcase technology, bringing together the people who will deliver the net zero and connected automated mobility future.
CENEX 4-5 September Millbrook Weblink here
2024.09.05 Studley in Business Networking Meeting
Studley in Business meet the first Thursday each month from 10.00am-11.30am, all of our meetings include time to chat and network with other businesses. There are opportunities to introduce your business and we also invite speakers to come and present on relevant subjects. Meetings are held at different venues in and around Studley. We also hold a more social evening get-together at Christmas and Easter.
Studley in Business 1000-1130 The Makers Space, Alcester Weblink here
2024.09.18 Micromobility UK 2024
Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance welcomed thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts across the weekend as the doors swung open to the UK’s biggest motorcycle show. 
WMG All day WMG Campus Weblink here
2024.10.09 Engineering Design Show
EDS has been showcasing the very best of mechanical, electronics and embedded design for over a decade. It is THE show for design engineers who are looking for direct access to the latest products, services and innovations available to the sector.
Mark Allen Group 9-10 October CBS Arena, Coventry Weblink here
2024.10.30 Advanced Engineering 2024 (30th-31st October)
The 14th edition of Advanced Engineering will celebrate innovation, collaboration and sustainability within the engineering and manufacturing industries. Engineering professionals from all sectors come together to network, learn and discover innovative new solutions and suppliers from the engineering supply chain across two action-packed days.
Easyfairs 30th and 31st October NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2024.11.08 Classic Motor Show (3 Days)
The Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show, which brings together a great array of classic car and motorcycle clubs along with their iconic classic and vintage cars and motorbikes, is an event not to be missed. No matter what you’re looking for, this is the ultimate season finale for any classic car/bike owner, collector, enthusiast, club member, or simply anyone with a passion for classic vehicles! 
Clarion Events 3 Day Event NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2024.11.12 Euro Bus Expo
Euro Bus Expo is the single industry showcase, taking place every other year at the NEC, Birmingham.
Diversified Communications UK All day x2 days NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2024.11.16 Motorcycle Live - November
Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance welcomed thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts across the weekend as the doors swung open to the UK’s biggest motorcycle show. 
MCIA 16-24 November NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2024.16.11 Leamington Speakers Club
Leamington Spa Speakers Club is here to help you conquer your fears of public speaking and achieve your goals. Whether you want to make a better business presentation, give a speech at a wedding or birthday, chair a meeting, propose a toast, or say what you mean at work.
You can expect -
A mix of speaking activities on a wide range of subjects. The content is never the same, but without fail, the evenings are thought-provoking and amusing in equal measure.
1 Mill Street 1930-2130 1 Mill Street, Leamington Spa Weblink here

Talk Up Our Towns

Atherstone Big Weekender adds another chapter to Long Street's dazzling history

"Atherstone is a terrific town with a brilliant community spirit. There’s nowhere else like it.”

It’s a big call, with a lot of strong competition, but at the heart of Atherstone lies a genuine candidate for the accolade of ‘Finest Street in Warwickshire.’
Long Street has been the nexus of the north Warwickshire market town for centuries. To walk along it is to walk through history as you pass buildings dating from the 1720s, each with their own character and quirk, each with their own story to tell.
Having eluded the wave of 1960s redevelopment which swept away so much heritage nationally, Long Street retains its Victorian and Georgian frontages. This iconic thoroughfare (once home to a cornucopia of hat factories) and the adjoining market square have a proud and magnificent past…but also much more to give. In 2024, their historic elegance and space are being harnessed all over again by the Atherstone Partnership to boost the town’s economy.
Earlier this month, Long Street and Market Square were packed with visitors. With such a historic stage to work upon, the Partnership, with the support of North Warwickshire Borough Council, delivered Atherstone’s ‘Big Weekender.’ The event was blessed by wonderful weather which helped bring a deluge of footfall to a town centre which, like every other, has suffered from the economic turbulence of recent years.
Atherstone was buzzing with a vibrant Teenage Market, live bands on stage, circus skills workshop and much more. It was a truly joyful event – and the benefit it brought to businesses is ongoing.
“We wanted to get everyone in the town involved to attract as many visitors as possible and show them what Atherstone has to offer,” said Sarah Chetwynd, Events Officer for Atherstone Partnership. “It was a chance for us to show people from all over the region and beyond how welcome they are here and to encourage them to come back and use the shops.
“It was a brilliant weekend with such a mix of people and generations. The library opened on the Sunday and loads of children were there."
Atherstone Library worked with Atherstone Partnership and Barnardos to offer a story-and-craft event based around 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr.
Carla Tate, Library & Information Advisor, North Warwickshire, said: "The library was open from 11am to 1pm and in those two hours 454 visitors came through the door - more than double the number the library gets on a typical weekday 9.30-5.00! We received tremendous feedback on the library offer from quite obviously first time visitors, so the event was brilliant for raising awareness of the service in the community."
The library opening was just one ingredient in the pot of an event which was so well-received that another is already in the pipeline.
"This was our first Big Weekender and we already planning for next year’s," said Sarah Chetwynd. "We are so lucky to have such a wonderful historic town so let’s share it! 
"As a Partnership we are working very hard to support the town’s traders and they have really bought into what we are doing. We all know how hard things have been for small businesses and the way forward has to be to work together. We’re very keen to work with other local partnerships, at Polesworth and Coleshill, to swap knowledge, ideas and practical help.
“We recently held a networking event for small business in Atherstone and it was very well-attended. We advised them how to raise their social media profile and what business support is out there for them.”
There is plenty of business support out there. The Partnership works closely with Atherstone Town Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council and the Place, Projects and Partnerships team at Warwickshire County Council to support the town’s economy.
It was a project enabled by the County Council, which included The Atherstone Partnership and Atherstone Town Council, that provided the town’s bus station with the refresh it needed. Improvements to this key arrival point to the town included the installation of an eye-catching contemporary sculpture through the County Council’s ‘Our Places’ programme.
The Teenage Market, such a popular element of the Big Weekender, was spawned by last year’s Warwickshire Towns Network Conference which brought practitioners and local businesses to discuss the opportunities of place. Guest speakers included Joe Barratt of Teenage Markets who outlined the importance of engaging young people and this inspired north Warwickshire to develop the Teenage Market model in the borough.
The Teenage Market encapsulates the way in which Atherstone is embracing the future. The town which once figured in the Guinness Book of Records for having most pubs per head of population now contains slightly fewer pubs but an ever-evolving array of shops and a community that cares - and was galvanised by the Big Weekender.
Lynsey Tolley, a florist in the town for 19 years, has run her own shop, Flower House, in Market Street, for seven.
“The Big Weekender was amazing,” she said. “It made all our shops that much more visible and opened us up to so many potential new customers.  There was such a lot going on that some people who were with their families just enjoyed the event and were too busy to shop but liked it so much they have come back. I’ve had people who have come back to shop here. It wasn’t just a wonderful weekend - it will have long-term value. By delivering events like that, the Partnership is brilliant for us small businesses.”
The principal value of such events is in generating customers for the shops, but sometimes they also attract entrepreneurs. Hollybarn Farm Soaps and Skincare enjoys a perfect location facing the market square after owner Hayley Cheshire attended an event there and fell in love with the town.
“I came to the Atherstone Dickens Event and loved it,” said Hayley. “I had been trading online but saw this shop and thought ‘that’s the one.’
“I love it here. Atherstone is a terrific town with a brilliant community spirit. There’s nowhere else like it.” 

News in Brief

Latest news-in-brief from the county and region...

Thousands of new jobs promised as investment zone delivery plan approved 

A detailed plan for the delivery of a West Midlands Investment Zone capable of attracting more than £5.5bn of private investment and over 30,000 new jobs has been approved. The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) Board has agreed a delivery plan that will combine a mix of tax incentives, direct funding and business rate retention for the zone. 


Baxi opens new 10,000 sq ft flagship training facility at Warwick HQ 

Manufacturer and distributor of boilers and heating systems, Baxi, has opened its new 10,000 sqft Solutions Academy at its Warwick HQ, increasing its annual installer training capacity on the site from 600 delegates in 2023 to 2,000 in 2025. For the first time, a Baxi training facility will have a dedicated solutions training room, allowing installers to get hands on with Baxi’s complete residential and commercial product portfolio under one roof.  


Landmark expansion of technology hub completes in Coventry 

Works have completed at Project Holst – a £75 million industrial unit scheme located at Prospero Ansty Park, located between Rugby and Coventry. Ansty Park is a major business park positioned next to the M6 and M69 junction, which is home to a number of high-profile companies including Rolls-Royce Aero, Cadent, London EV Company, aerospace manufacturer Meggitt and the UK's Manufacturing Technology Centre, the MTC. The commercial units, designed to meet a BREEAM Excellent rating, span a total of 856,109 sq. ft. 


DP World opens its largest UK warehouse in Coventry 

DP World has opened a 598,000 sq ft warehouse in Baginton near Coventry at Segro Park Coventry Gateway. It is the largest ever in the UK for the group, investing £34 million in the site. The new facility is branded Synchreon and will be opening this Summer. 


Property firm creates £29m rental portfolio through acquisition 

lettingaproperty.com has added Mashroom’s portfolio of rent collection and management properties to its brand. The acquisition boosts Warwickshire-based lettingaproperty.com’s property management services in the Midlands and across the UK, as it now manages over 1,800 properties with a rental portfolio exceeding £29m per year. 


Viritech goes into crowdfunding overdrive 

A world-leading developer of high-performance hydrogen powertrain solutions for the automotive, aerospace, marine and distributed power sectors has again smashed its Crowdcube fundraise, with 10 days remaining. Nuneaton-based Viritech develops high-performance hydrogen powertrain solutions for the automotive, aerospace, marine and distributed power sectors. 


£200,000 order boost for new UK-manufactured 3D printer 

New additive manufacturing technology from LANDR, which has been spun out of fast-growing Shipston company RYSE 3D, is looking to unlock engineering-grade technology and materials for SMEs, disruptors and entrepreneurs. 


Warks automotive consultancy Contechs bolsters US presence with new hire 

Contechs, an automotive design and engineering consultancy headquartered in Warwick, has appointed a new US head of business development to support its growing list of North American customers. The appointment will enable Contechs to expand its operations in the US market, having forged strong ties with leading OEMs in Michigan and California, as well as provide more tailored support to its existing client base. 


Hundreds of thousands of young people needed to train as electricians 

The UK is going to need hundreds of thousands of new electricians as the world races towards greater electrification, and the earlier they learn about the opportunities, the more likely they are to want to join the sector when they are looking at career opportunities. 


Reorganisation of portfolio to drive Warwickshire’s Wigley Group Growth  

Warwickshire-based The Wigley Group has completed a strategic re-organisation of its portfolio – creating four new businesses to drive growth, create opportunity, and capture value. Historically recognised as a commercial property specialist, Wigley has developed a diverse portfolio of assets and shareholdings over its 60-year history.  

Reorganisation of portfolio to drive Warwickshire's Wigley Group growth - The Business Magazine 

UK tech sector is #No1 in Europe 

The UK is top in Europe for AI investment. It's home to more than 1,800 VC-backed AI start-ups and 20 AI unicorns. The country is the number one tech ecosystem in Europe and the third most valuable in the world. The combined market valuation of the UK tech sector in the first quarter of 2024 was $1.1 trillion. 

Across the West Midlands, $157 million of investments were made, with $29 million going to AI companies. The region has three unicorns. 


Warwickshire woman named Midlands Young Entrepreneur of the Year 

28 year old Katie Wilber beat of stiff competition to claim the 2024 Young Entrepreneur of the Year at the Midlands StartUp Awards. The social-media guru has supported several local businesses and helped relative businesses from the range of small-to-large to achieve exceptional results.  

Warwickshire woman named Midlands Young Entrepreneur of the Year - The Business  

Warwickshire hosts first ever multi-bank ATM deposit service 

In an industry first, major banks have collaborated to provide an innovative multi-bank deposit service, with the first machine now in operation and serving customers in Atherstone in Warwickshire. This new system will offer easy access to cash services such as PIN management, withdrawals and balance enquiries.   

Warwickshire hosts first ever multi-bank ATM deposit service - The Business Magazine 

International students are worth £651m to the city of Coventry 

International students are worth £651 million to the city of Coventry, new figures show.  


Rallycross Championship “in talks” with the aim of hosting a street race in Coventry 

MotoFest Coventry, sponsored by E.ON, has revealed it is in “advanced talks” with the FIA World Rallycross Championship to host a round of the World RX championship on its unique sprint circuit, created from the city’s ring road. The FIA World Rallycross Championship is aiming to host a street race at MotoFest Coventry in 2025, after engaging in advanced discussions with the UK’s largest free to attend annual motoring and motorsport festival event. 


UK startups have raised £5.4bn in VC funding since January, finds GlobalData 

Startups across the UK have been involved in a total of 497 venture capital (VC) deals since the start of 2024 for a total disclosed value of £5.4 billion, a new report from GlobalData has revealed. 




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