January 2025


Higher productivity for 278 businesses

“Increasing productivity is a key part of the county council’s commitment to ambitious growth and the new Economic Growth Strategy for Warwickshire.”

More than 250 businesses have already reported improved productivity after engaging and receiving support from Business Growth Warwickshire.

In National Productivity Week (January 27-31), the indicators in Warwickshire are of movement in the right direction, thanks in part to the Business Growth Warwickshire programme, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and developed and commissioned jointly by Warwickshire County Council and the county’s districts and boroughs.

The programme offers six strands of support for businesses in Warwickshire or residents looking to start a business. Of businesses supported between October 2023 and December 2024, 278 have reported improved productivity. That is out of a total of 354 businesses provided with the intensive supported to date, so 79% of the businesses which have been supported by the programme have already reported improvement.

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “Productivity is a cornerstone of economic stability and growth, and it is very pleasing that 278 businesses have already reported an increase thanks to input from the Business Growth Warwickshire programme.

“The programme has proved a real success and that is a tribute to all the organisations delivering it with such knowledge and expertise on behalf of the county, district and borough councils in Warwickshire.

“Increasing productivity is a key part of the county council’s commitment to ambitious growth and the new Economic Growth Strategy for Warwickshire. We want to support growth that ensures Warwickshire’s economy is ambitious, dynamic and resilient.”

National Productivity Week is a campaign organised by The Productivity Institute, a research body including eight universities, including Warwick, and two research institutes, to raise awareness of, and offer solutions to, addressing the UK’s long-held productivity challenges.  

Businesses supported by the Business Growth Warwickshire Programme include Technoset and Tecman Speciality Materials. There is also a wide range of other case studies on www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ukspf.

The strands of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme are: 

Warwickshire Business Start-up Programme (delivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce); aimed at businesses in their first 24 months of trading and individuals who have ambitions to start a business.  

Warwickshire Business Resilience and Growth Programme (delivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce); aimed at businesses over 24 months old to help improve their resilience and growth potential

Business Ready (delivered by University of Warwick Science Park); engaging with businesses with ambitions for high growth and looking to innovate.

Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service (WBEAS) (delivered by Coventry City Council); Helping to create a green, growing and sustainable economy across Warwickshire through promoting energy efficiency.

Warwickshire Manufacturing Growth Programme (delivered by Oxford Innovation Advice); directly supporting manufacturing businesses across all sectors to grow by identifying, understanding and removing their barriers to growth

Project Warwickshire (delivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce); a Visitor Economy and Hospitality Support Programme. 

* To find out more about this and other support call CW Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ukspf.


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