Welcome from Cllr Izzi Seccombe
Hello and a very warm welcome to the August edition of Warwickshire Means Business.
I hope you are all getting, or have had, a lovely break during the summer holidays. Warwickshire’s brilliant business community is powered by so many of you who work many, many hours so it’s important that you also take some time to recharge. I hope you can find time to do so.
Meanwhile, this edition of WMB brings the customary comprehensive round up of local business support that is available and stories of how businesses have already benefited from that support.
WCC’s Small Capital Grants scheme has helped more than 100 businesses over the years and it is great to read how Fitness Worx has harnessed a grant to enable their growth. Similarly, a Small Capital Grant has helped EBS expand into additional office space at the University of Warwick Science Park’s Warwick Innovation Centre.
Now rounds of support of many kinds from ourselves and our partners are constantly coming on stream, so please have a read about the the next round of Jumpstart workshops that are on the way, and also a second round of our very successful Digital Creative Recovery Grant Scheme. Please do have a look and see if they could benefit your business.
We also report a great initiative from Shakespeare’s England – Write Your Own Story - to help our county’s wonderful towns and place raise their visitor profile. And we feature the very positive work to boost our economy that is happening through Warwickshire Property and Development Group.
All this and much more in the August edition of WMB…and please look out for the September edition which will be a Skills and Apprenticeships special featuring the brilliant work of Warwickshire Skills Hub.