
Welcome from Cllr Izzi Seccombe

Hello and a very warm welcome to the August edition of Warwickshire Means Business.

I hope you are all getting, or have had, a lovely break during the summer holidays. Warwickshire’s brilliant business community is powered by so many of you who work many, many hours so it’s important that you also take some time to recharge. I hope you can find time to do so.

Meanwhile, this edition of WMB brings the customary comprehensive round up of local business support that is available and stories of how businesses have already benefited from that support.

WCC’s Small Capital Grants scheme has helped more than 100 businesses over the years and it is great to read how Fitness Worx has harnessed a grant to enable their growth. Similarly, a Small Capital Grant has helped EBS expand into additional office space at the University of Warwick Science Park’s Warwick Innovation Centre.

Now rounds of support of many kinds from ourselves and our partners are constantly coming on stream, so please have a read about the the next round of Jumpstart workshops that are on the way, and also a second round of our very successful Digital Creative Recovery Grant Scheme. Please do have a look and see if they could benefit your business.

We also report a great initiative from Shakespeare’s England – Write Your Own Story - to help our county’s wonderful towns and place raise their visitor profile. And we feature the very positive work to boost our economy that is happening through Warwickshire Property and Development Group.

All this and much more in the August edition of WMB…and please look out for the September edition which will be a Skills and Apprenticeships special featuring the brilliant work of Warwickshire Skills Hub.

Featured News

Gym powering forward after small capital grant

"It’s been a really positive development for the business as a whole as we have taken on two new employees and are in the process of recruiting another.” 

A gym and personal training business has hit the ground running with its expansion into Stratford-upon-Avon following business support from Warwickshire County Council. 

Fitness Worx has been on an upward trajectory ever since founder Jack Gibson opened their first gym in Kenilworth, assisted by a start up loan from Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust, back in 2014. 

The business, run by brothers Jack and Matt with support from dad Richard, now operates across Warwickshire with gyms at Kenilworth, Warwick, Southam and Leamington. Stratford has been added to the list with the flagship new expansion to the chain. 

After opening in July, the gym in Timothy Bridge Road is already above target in terms of users with the aim of being up to full capacity by Christmas. 

Fitness Worx is a real success story of a local entrepreneur with a business idea and the skills and determination to see it through to fruition. In terms of the latest expansion, a Small Capital Grant from Warwickshire County Council has been a massive help. Since 2015, WCC has awarded 118 Small Capital Grants worth a total of £2,510,568. These have created 230 jobs with a further 239 forecast to be created. 

“We had been looking to open in Stratford for a while,” said Jack. “Then the perfect premises came up and the grant from the County Council has enabled us to fit out the place exactly as we wanted with top-quality gear.

“Quality of kit is everything in this business and we have brought in the best kit from the USA. Our customers are loving it. The grant, along with our own investment, added to our spending power which meant that we got better deals too. It was a win-win.   

“We would have been able to do it without the grant but not as well and not as quickly. It’s been a really positive development for the business as a whole as we have taken on two new employees and are in the process of recruiting another.” 

Fitness Worx is a great example of a family business with a proactive, forward-thinking approach which is bringing employment with 26 people employed at their gyms across the county. 

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “I am delighted that a Small Capital Grant has proved so influential in the continued growth of Fitness Worx. Since 2015, the Small Capital Grants have been an integral part of the support offered by Warwickshire County Council and it is great that well over 100 SMEs have now been supported by them.” 

* To find out what other support is available to your business, please call CW Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747

New round of grants for businesses in digital creative sector

“The first round of funding was very competitive and we are excited to see what innovative products and services are brought forward for consideration this time round.”

Warwickshire County Council is launching a second round of its highly successful Digital Creative Recovery Grant scheme.

A further £350,000 funding has been approved by the council to support the growth of ambitious businesses looking for external finance in the digital creative sector.

The Digital Creative Recovery Grant scheme was created in January to assist businesses with product development or key activities that lead to obtaining further private sector investment. Such was its success that the Council will now offer a second round of match-funded grants between £10,000 to £30,000 with applications welcome for five weeks from today.

The fund is open to small and micro businesses in the digital creative sector who have been in business for a minimum of three years. It is designed for businesses that are already looking to raise finance to grow but are facing challenges in securing private sector investment, or those accelerating activities to put them in a position to raise additional finance.

Among businesses to benefit from the first round of funding was Leamington Spa-based digital studio Yellow Panther whose match-funded £30,000 grant went towards software designed to get a new product out to the market.

“The grant helped us massively at a really important time,” said Yellow Panther co-founder Stuart Cope. “We spent 18 months building an exciting new platform but also have 25 current clients to serve so we are very busy, so the grant eased the pressure a lot. We invested the money in two full-time roles and one part-time role to create the marketing materials around the new product.

“The process of getting the grant was really smooth. Stacy O’Connor and Louisa Smith from the County Council were very supportive and flexible and always quick to respond…really refreshing to deal with.”

As part of their application, businesses will be required to evidence their growth plans and demonstrate how the funding will bring them closer to achieving their growth ambitions. WCC’s Business Growth Team will be available for an informal initial chat to ensure eligibility for the fund before businesses will be invited to full application.

Cllr Martin Watson, WCC Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, said: “The first round of the Digital Creative Recovery Grant was a great success in supporting businesses with their growth plans and we are delighted to offer this further opportunity in one of Warwickshire’s key economic sectors.

“The first round of funding was very competitive and we are excited to see what innovative products and services are brought forward for consideration this time round.”

To register your interest and book an initial discussion with our business advisors please email invest@warwickshire.gov.uk

* For more information, please visit https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/dcfund

Towns and businesses encouraged to Write Your Own Story

“It has been great that so many towns and businesses have got involved but we would love to have more. The bigger bank of material we have, the greater impact it will have in terms of attracting more and more visitors to our region.” 

A campaign to enable towns, businesses and places across Warwickshire to showcase their own unique appeal is attracting more and more visitors to the region. 

The Write Your Own Story campaign, driven by Shakespeare’s England, aims to support and inspire tourist visits by sharing the stories behind the many places there are to experience and enjoy in our beautiful county. 

Running mainly on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, the campaign was launched this summer but its value will be long-lasting as the visitors it attracts will return to Warwickshire and share their stories of the county’s charms with others. 

As visitors engage with the campaign and tag it in their social media posts, they are building a vast library of content vaunting the places of Warwickshire. 

Shakespeare’s England’s Operations and Marketing Director, Darren Tosh, said: “This campaign encourages people to hear, remember, re-tell, and create stories about our county. They can do this in two ways: By showcasing the stories behind our region and its businesses, the people, the history of our places, the quirky information and their ‘secrets’; and by encouraging our visitors to share their own stories about our destination. 

“It has been great that so many towns and businesses have got involved but we would love to have more. The bigger bank of material we have, the greater impact it will have in terms of attracting more and more visitors to our region.” 

The Write Your Own Story campaign includes a social media roadshow which features towns across the region including Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick, Leamington Spa, Kenilworth, Alcester, Henley-in-Arden, Bidford-on-Avon, Rugby, Shipston-on-Stour, The Cotswolds, Nuneaton and Coventry. 

Any town, village or businesses is invited to send their stories to enquiries@shakespeares-england.co.uk so that they can be featured in the campaign. The campaign can be viewed at @shakespeares_england (Instagram) Shakespeare’s England (Facebook) and shakespeares_england (TikTok) 

Both organic social posts and influencer posts have been deployed throughout the campaign and have already yielded some fantastic results, for example: https://www.instagram.com/mumoftwocheekymonkeys/ 

Influencer visits have already taken place at Stratford (Stratford Butterfly Farm, Shakespeare’s Schoolroom, Avon BoatingThe MAD Museum) and Warwick and Kenilworth (Warwick CastleKenilworth CastleWarwick Arms Hotel). Others will follow on August 28th  at Kenilworth (Kenilworth Castle – Knight’s Tournament) and September 1st at Stratford-upon-Avon (The Arden HotelSwan’s Nest Hotel, The RSCJudith’sStratford Butterfly FarmAvon Boating). 

This campaign dovetails with the thematic offer provided by Visit Warwickshire which highlights the county as the home of literary greats, of culinary brilliance and iconic heritage, perfect for an unforgettable short break or relaxing day out.

WCC’s Sustainable Communities and Places Officer, Julia Aratoon, said: “This is a great campaign by Shakespeare’s England and it is wonderful that so many places and businesses and places have joined in with it. We are truly fortunate in Warwickshire to have so many amazing towns and businesses each with their own wonderful story to tell and this campaign is bringing so many of those stories to light.

"The campaign is another great strand to the positive story of place that has been told across Warwickshire including in the ongoing Talk Up Your Town feature series in Warwickshire Means Business."

New rail terminal adds to the region's excellent freight links

"At a time of climate pressure, the new terminal also provides an opportunity to reduce road traffic by HGVs, which is an additional important outcome from the reopening of this rail facility."

The Warwickshire economy benefits from its central location and excellent road, rail and air links. The county is about to add to this connectivity with a new local railhead now open for business to serve Bedworth and the wider Warwickshire and West Midlands area.

Warwickshire already has two large rail hubs at Hams Hall Rail Freight Terminal, near Coleshill, and Birmingham Intermodal Freight Terminal (BIFT) between the village of Dordon and Tamworth, while a third, the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal is located next to Rugby and the new settlement at Houlton.

The new service from Bedworth is focused on aggregate materials and smaller packages, rather than the containerised logistics handled by the other local rail freight terminals. It has been developed over the last twelve months by Junction 4 Pallets, who have redeveloped the former Murco Oil Depot on Bayton Road in Exhall, and the new rail terminal is known as the J4P Bedworth Rail Terminal. The facility is on the line that runs between Nuneaton and Coventry. The freight stops are designed to take place at night, to avoid delays to the passenger line.

The new terminal is now ready for use and the first rail freight service arrived on 1st June 2023. The service was a 22 wagon, 1600 ton, stone train conveying aggregates from the Peak District in Derbyshire to Bedworth for distribution to concrete suppliers in Coventry, Warwickshire and the wider West Midlands. The movement of around 1500 tonnes of stone by rail from North Derbyshire took 70 long distance HGVs off the roads and reduced CO2 emissions by 79 percent. Emissions are 3kg per tonne by rail and 14.7kg per ton by road, according to figures data produced by the University of Hull.

Since then further services have delivered aggregates for HS2 construction in the south of the county. Discussions are also ongoing with other sectors that are interested in developing rail freight services such as with the hi-speed parcels sector to and from Scotland through Bedworth.

Junction 4 Pallets is a Doncaster-based business that moved into the Coventry & Warwickshire area in 2021, with the purchase of the former oil depot site in Exhall. Its core business is the supply and handling of wooden pallets. The company’s services include sortation, kiln drying and heat treatment, the recycling of scrapped pallets into biomass fuel, and the capability to design pallets to suit the specific needs of customers.

Junction 4 Pallets see the use of modern rail freight as a key part of their future business strategy, mindful of the responsibility we all have to reduce carbon from the freight supply chains, and the company was very keen to bring this rail terminal back into service. The pallet business is founded on sustainable, responsible principles with innovation at its heart and the company believes that the opening of the rail terminal is a continuation of that outlook.

Michael Kelly Co-owner and Director of Junction4pallets said: “I am delighted to see the first freight train arrive at our J4P Bedworth Rail Freight Terminal . This is another important step for J4P and is as a result of hard work by our dedicated team which have made this possible. We thank Tarmac and G&W Freightliner for choosing to use Bedworth - this reinforces our view that the Bedworth Rail Freight Terminal is an important and strategic site in the heart of the Midlands.”

Cllr Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy and Place at Warwickshire County Council, said: “It is great to see the rapid progress that Junction4Pallets has made in setting up in the county and getting this new rail terminal up and running. It provides another useful transport link via the county, complementing the existing rail and road transport infrastructure. At a time of climate pressure, the new terminal also provides an opportunity to reduce road traffic by HGVs, which is an additional important outcome from the reopening of this rail facility.”

Invest in Coventry & Warwickshire worked with Junction 4 Pallets to support their set-up in the local area. For more information on their services, please visit www.investcw.co.uk

EBS expands after helping many other businesses to grow

"As a business, you have to adapt and we’ve actually found that European companies need our services even more to help them invest and open offices here."

A Warwickshire company, which has helped create thousands of jobs in the UK, is creating a handful of its own as it expands its office.

EBS has taken additional office space at the University of Warwick Science Park’s Warwick Innovation Centre and is looking to add a further five staff to the team to support its ongoing growth.

EBS, which has been operating for more than 30 years and moved into the Innovation Centre in 2009, offers businesses from overseas a so-called ‘soft landing’ into the UK by providing a range of services from registering a business, opening a bank account, accountancy and other brokerage and advice.

It has, over the years, supported more than 2,000 companies to open an office in the UK – most of which have been in the Midlands – which has led to the creation of thousands of jobs.

Although EBS stands for European Business Solutions, the company has also seen trade with companies in South America increase, particularly with Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. It has hit £1 million in turnover and plans to tip over the 20-staff mark with new recruits, while the company’s office expansion was supported by a Small Capital Grant through Warwickshire County Council.

Martin Williams, managing director of EBS, said global events have changed the way the company does business – but that it has adapted and grown.

He said: “Over recent years, we have had Brexit and Covid that have had a massive impact on overseas trade in this country. As a business, you have to adapt and we’ve actually found that European companies need our services even more to help them invest and open offices here.

“We’ve also looked to other markets and we now have a representative in South America and that is leading to more opportunities out there.

“The Commonwealth Games in Birmingham was also a boost for us and was a great networking opportunity with businesses from across the world. That has led to us working with Commonwealth countries and we recently hosted a delegation from India.

“The University of Warwick Science Park has been a fantastic base for us and we are delighted that we can expand here. Some of the companies that we have helped have taken space here too – which is great for the regional economy – and many of them have also tapped into the support on offer, such as the Minerva Angel Investment programme, Techmark marketing and the Business Ready programme.

“It has helped us to attract a great deal of investment and jobs into the region and that is something that our expansion both in terms of space and staff levels will help us to continue to do in an even bigger way.”

Jane Talbot, Centre Manager of the Warwick Innovation Centre, said: “EBS is an incredible success story for the Science Park and for the region too.

“We are pleased to have supported the company’s growth for nearly 15 years and that, in turn, has seen a huge amount of wider investment coming into the region. This is an exciting new chapter for EBS and we look forward to continuing to support their growth.”

* To find out what other support is available to your business, please call CW Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747

71 homes to be delivered by £2.5 billion joint venture

Building site“This partnership is key to the County Council’s ambition to unlock the potential in local sites and make the most of the county’s assets for the benefit of our people and communities."

Work is underway on the first homes which will be delivered by a new £2.5 billion joint venture in Warwickshire.

Countryside Partnerships, Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire Property and Development Group (WPDG) have celebrated the start of work on Develop Warwickshire’s first scheme, which will see 71 new homes created in the village of Warton, North Warwickshire.

Develop Warwickshire is a £2.5 billion joint venture between Countryside Properties and the council’s property company, Warwickshire Property & Development Group (WPDG), that is set to bring thousands of new homes and jobs to the county.

Its first project, named Brookmill Meadows, will feature a mix of two, three, and four-bedroom houses and bungalows. Platform Housing Group has been selected to manage the affordable housing at the scheme, with 40% of the homes earmarked for shared ownership and affordable rent.

The homes at Brookmill Meadows will prioritise energy efficiency and sustainability, incorporating modern methods of construction, air source heat pumps, electric vehicle charging points, and solar panels to minimise running costs and reduce carbon footprints. The development will also incorporate open spaces, sustainable urban drainage systems, and enhanced parking facilities for existing residents along Orton Road.

Financial contributions are being provided via the s106 to support services within the village for schools, health, police and open space. Brookmill Meadows is the first step in Develop Warwickshire’s aim to deliver 2,000 homes across the county.

The start on site demonstrates the council's dedication to maximising the county's assets for the benefit of its communities. The joint venture will unlock local sites and create sustainable, high-quality homes and communities, enhancing the overall liveability of Warwickshire.

Councillor Peter Butlin, Deputy Leader of Warwickshire County Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, said: “We are extremely proud of the Develop Warwickshire partnership between Countryside, Warwickshire Property and Development Group and Warwickshire County Council.

“This partnership is key to the County Council’s ambition to unlock the potential in local sites and make the most of the county’s assets for the benefit of our people and communities.

“The Brookmill Meadows development marks a significant milestone in our ambitious, long-term vision to create sustainable, high-quality, and affordable new homes that really enhance our county.”

Phil McHugh, Managing Director, West Midlands, Countryside said: “We’re pleased to be pushing forward with our first site within the Develop Warwickshire joint venture and to be partnering with Platform Housing Group. Brookmill Meadows embodies our commitment to affordable housing and sustainable living.

"With a focus on energy-efficiency, modern construction methods and eco-friendly features, Brookmill Meadows will not only minimise costs but also reduce carbon footprints. This development, along with others under Develop Warwickshire, will not only address the pressing need for housing but also create thriving communities in Warwickshire.”

Jumpstart workshops will help budding entrepreneurs

Another round of Jumpstart workshops, delivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT), is now open for registration ahead of their commencement in October.

The Jumpstart programme is an entirely free business support programme part-funded by Warwickshire County Council and CWRT, designed to support anyone who may have a business idea but lack the knowledge or confidence to get started. Over 30 hours worth of totally free support is available.

More information can be found by visiting https://www.cwrt.uk.com/jumpstart-business-support

Region remains a major magnet for FDI

"Coventry & Warwickshire remains a go-to area in the UK for foreign direct investment as we have the skills and talent sought by overseas companies, as well as the sites and connectivity."

Data released by the Department for Business and Trade has revealed that the Coventry & Warwickshire area remains among the best performing locations in the country as a leading destination for FDI, continuing to outperform the overall UK average.

The area attracted 56 foreign investment projects in the year 2022-23, maintaining the trend of recent years. With 45 projects in the previous year 2021-22, the latest figures rep resent a 24% increase in projects, bettering the equivalent UK increase of 4%.  The number of jobs created also increased, up at 3,195 compared to 1,534 last year, while the UK saw a fall of almost 7% for the same period.

Key sectors for Coventry & Warwickshire included automotive and future mobility (17 projects) and digital creative and software (13 projects) and e-commerce and logistics (5 projects). The area also accounted for 17% of the total UK automotive projects. Recent investors into the area included Berry Global, DHL, Rhenus, REE Auto, and Switch Mobility, from countries as diverse as Australia, China, Germany, India, Japan, Sweden and the US.

The release of the data marks another positive landmark for the region; earlier this year, FDI Intelligence Magazine recognised the strength of the local area, placing Coventry & Warwickshire in the top 10 for three categories in its annual FDI European Cities and Regions of the Future Awards 2023. The Coventry & Warwickshire area placed third for FDI Strategy, eighth for economic potential ninth for and business friendliness. The rankings benchmark European cities and regions according to their economic, financial, and business strengths. Invest Coventry and Warwickshire’s local investment strategy stood out due to the strength of its support to businesses in establishing themselves in the area, close collaboration with local partners and unique offer to inward investors.

These figures put the city and county in a strong position as the UK looks ahead to the Global Investment Summit (GIS 23), taking place in October, where the UK Government will seek to attract billions of pounds of high value investment, with a special focus on high tech sectors such as innovation, research and development.  

The latest data confirms the city and county as leading UK destination for FDI over the last decade. The Coventry and Warwickshire area has seen 22,714 jobs created from 403 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects over the last nine years3.

Per capita, Coventry & Warwickshire was the best performing area of all 38 LEP geographies across England for the number of new jobs created through FDI investment per 100,000 working age people in 2022/234, and is the leading Midlands area for FDI project investments when local population is taken into account5.

Martin Watson, Cabinet Member for Economy, at Warwickshire County Council said “ We are thrilled to see that Coventry & Warwickshire remains a go-to area in the UK for foreign direct investment as we have the skills and talent sought by overseas companies, as well as the sites and connectivity.  The area boasts outstanding talent pipelines at major universities, excellent transport infrastructure by road or rail and partners are experienced at supporting businesses in establishing operations in the area. 

“The county council’s inward investment service provides an excellent soft-landing support for business, with help in finding properties, accessing funding and attracting talent or filling skills gaps.  The support available is comprehensive, and I would encourage potential investors to reach out to us if they are thinking of investing in the area.” 

For further information, please visit www.investcw.co.uk or email contact@investcw.co.uk

Proof of Concept funding powers Pup & Kit

“The grant support has allowed them to access the right resources, move forward faster and reduce the financial risk at the early stage of the project which can be very crucial for a small company.”

A business providing stylish furniture for dogs and cats is to be launched in Warwickshire after receiving funding to help with its development.

PetNest®, PetProtector® and PupPillow® have been developed by Mark Nicholls, who is the founder of Pup & Kit®, at the Minerva Mill Innovation Centre in Station Road, Alcester.

During the prototype process, Mark and his wife, Gemma, became the owners of two black and tan dachshunds, Woody and Monty, who proved to be perfect product-testers.

Mark contacted the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub looking for support to develop the prototype of the new products.

Linda Savitri from the Growth Hub referred him to Coventry University Enterprises' Proof of Concept Fund, which is match funded at a rate of 40% by the European Regional Development Fund, and arranged a meeting with business delivery manager Ilektra Fronista.

Following the meeting, Ilektra and her team supported Mark with completing the application form and he was successfully awarded a grant of £6,061.16 to add to his £15,000 investment into one of the products, PetNest®.

Mark said he was looking forward to the three products reaching the market – particularly since Woody and Monty’s reaction has been so positive!

He said: “I started working on Pup & Kit in 2022 because I thought there was a gap in the market for high-quality, innovative furniture for dogs and cats. PetNest® will be our core product, which is a stylish pet bed for dogs and cats that can be put on top of our bedside stand at night-time – similar to how a bedside crib works for babies. With 55% of pet parents having their pet in their bedroom at night, I felt there was a big gap in the market for a product like PetNest®.

“As our focus is to design stylish and innovative products that blend seamlessly into the home, the materials we use is paramount. PetNest® is made from recycled polyester felt which is thermomoulded into a more rigid material. This makes it durable yet lightweight and portable which means it is ideal for holidays and overnight stays.

“The Proof of Concept funding helped with developing the prototypes for the PetNest® which really gave me confidence having that extra support and took away a financial barrier.”

Despite not having dogs at the time of Pup & Kit’s inception, this didn’t hold Mark back.

He added: “I started Pup & Kit® before we got Woody and Monty, which was a benefit in helping to develop the brand. It gave me a fresh perspective and forced me to thoroughly research the market. Since then, of course, having two loving Dachshund’s has been wonderful and has allowed me to see products from an owner’s perspective.

“I am really grateful to the help and support of the Growth Hub and Coventry University Enterprises, since I’m now in a position to launch the business and I’m really excited about its future.”

Linda Savitri, account manager at CWLEP Growth Hub, said Pup & Kit was a perfect example of the kind of businesses that the Growth Hub is here to support.

“Whether a business is at the prototype stage such as Pup & Kit® or is established, we have the expertise to help business owners access funding which can make a real difference,” she said. “Mark has completed all the necessary Intellectual Property due diligence and the products developed by Pup & Kit look really smart.”

Ilektra Fronista, business delivery manager at Coventry University Enterprises, said: “With the Proof of Concept grant programme, we aim to support SMEs in Coventry & Warwickshire and Greater Birmingham & Solihull area with their pre-commercialisation projects and early stage development of new technologies and innovative ideas.

“Pup & Kit has come up with the new concept of their PetNest® product and accessing the ‘Proof of Concept’ ERDF grant has enabled them to develop and test their prototypes as well as make sure the necessary compliance required and factory standards are met before production.

“The grant support has allowed them to access the right resources, move forward faster and reduce the financial risk at the early stage of the project which can be very crucial for a small company.”

* To find out what other support is available to your business, please call CW Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747

Major tourism partnership announced for Coventry and Warwickshire

“We are laying the foundations for a thriving tourism economy in Coventry and Warwickshire with this partnership."

Two of the Midlands’ leading tourism bodies are launching a major partnership to map out a long-term blueprint to grow Coventry and Warwickshire’s national and international profile.

Destination Coventry, the destination management organisation (DMO) for Coventry, and Shakespeare’s England, the DMO for south Warwickshire, are forming the Coventry & Warwickshire Destination Partnership.

The partnership is being created alongside local authority stakeholders Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council, Stratford District Council, Warwick District Council, Rugby Borough Council, and Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council.

The new partnership has been formed under the new Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) framework, which was developed and administered by VisitEngland as a result of the government’s response to the independent de Bois Review of Destination Management Organisations in England, with the overarching aim of supporting and growing the visitor economy.

The Coventry & Warwickshire Destination Partnership will see both organisations working together with local authority stakeholders to ensure that the region’s tourism community has a powerful voice at national level, with both VisitEngland and the government, when it comes to shaping future policies and for all visitor economy priorities.

It will also see both DMOs laying the foundations for potential future investment to develop the region’s offering, with LVEPs eligible for future grant funding, shared destination marketing opportunities, and access to data-rich research projects to help inform future decision making.

Alongside this work, both Destination Coventry and Shakespeare’s England will remain as separate brands and will continue to promote and support the area’s tourism businesses.

The Coventry & Warwickshire Destination Partnership was formed after both DMOs applied for LVEP status, which is supported by Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council, Stratford District Council, Rugby Borough Council, and Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council.

Destination Coventry, which launched in 2021, includes the brands Visit Coventry and Conference Coventry & Warwickshire. It is a collaboration between Coventry City Council and Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.

Paul Michael, Chair of Destination Coventry, said: “We are laying the foundations for a thriving tourism economy in Coventry and Warwickshire with this partnership.

“Partnership has been the core value of Destination Coventry since it formed, and we know that through further collaboration even greater results can be achieved in the long term.

“Coventry and Warwickshire has an incredibly diverse tourism offer and by partnering with Shakespeare’s England and our local authorities as an LVEP, we will be able to further showcase why our region should be a key location for leisure and business tourism.”

Shakespeare’s England was formed in 2012 and is a not-for-profit public and private membership organisation, supported by Stratford and Warwick District Councils.

Tara Robinson, Chair of Shakespeare’s England, added: “This partnership has the potential to be a watershed moment for future-proofing Coventry and Warwickshire’s tourism scene.

“Our region has shown great resilience and continues to recover strongly from the pandemic, and mapping out a new long-term plan for growth, in conjunction with Destination Coventry and others, is the next logical step to capitalise on this.

“We are already working closely with Destination Coventry on boosting the region’s sustainability credentials, as well as attracting more business tourism, and we are looking forward to strengthening our relationship even further which will undoubtedly help us to collectively create a strong launchpad for further growth over the coming years.”

VisitEngland Director Andrew Stokes said: “Local Visitor Economy Partnerships (LVEPs) are at the heart of transforming the visitor economy landscape in England and we are delighted to welcome the Coventry & Warwickshire Destination Partnership onto the programme.

“We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with the Coventry & Warwickshire Destination Partnership as the LVEP is established, providing ongoing support including a dedicated VisitEngland regional development lead.

“Having the right national and local infrastructure in place to grow our visitor economy, in an inclusive, accessible and sustainable way, will ensure England continues to be a compelling destination for both domestic and international visitors.”

Creative Futures: Where creative & digital innovation meets opportunity

Creative Futures, a thriving creative & digital business incubator powered by the University of Warwick at 1 Mill Street, Leamington, is searching for the next five early-stage businesses to benefit from its range of support.

If you are an academic with groundbreaking research, an SME with a game-changing product, a student with a big vision, or a freelancer with a creative spark, Creative Futures offers a brilliant unique opportunity for your business to soar in a dedicated space and a supportive community that empowers growth.

Creative Futures will help you to:

Unlock Your Potential: Access expert support and coaching from the University of Warwick to propel your venture to new heights.

Enjoy space to grow: Gain membership at 1 Mill Street in Leamington Spa, including coworking and event spaces, a thriving community of likeminded businesses, and a jam-packed social calendar.

Have continuous learning: Embrace a journey of constant growth with invaluable workshops, networking events, and mentorship from industry experts.

Collaborate & Innovate: Join a diverse network of academics, SMEs, students, and freelancers to turn your ideas into reality.

Support Young Talent: Build your team with access to student placements, internships, and jobs.

Applications are now open but the deadline is looming - the closing date is Sunday 10th September.

To find out more and apply, please visit https://warwickinnovationdistrict.com/creative-futures/incubator/, email Clare.E.Green@warwick.ac.uk or book a discovery call with Holly, Creative Futures Officer.

September deadline for Kings Award applications

Time is running out for businesses to apply for the King's Awards for Enterprise 2024.

His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Warwickshire, Tim Cox, is encouraging Warwickshire-based companies to apply for the prestigious Awards before the deadline of midday on September 12th.

The King’s Awards for Enterprise are the highest accolade available to UK businesses and offers unparalleled prestige, exposure, and credibility to award recipients, as well as inspiration and pride to a company’s employees. Award recipients also state that this achievement can open new doors and help with securing new contracts, venturing into new markets, or further developing their business.

Eligible businesses are free to apply for one or more categories. Recipients pass a robust assessment process, judged by experts from industry, academia, the voluntary sector and senior officials in Whitehall. Successful businesses receive a Grant of Appointment, and are able to fly the King's Award flag at their main office and use the emblem on marketing materials for up to five years. In addition, they are invited to a Royal reception and presented with their award by the Lord Lieutenant, who is The King's representative in the county.

The King’s Awards are awarded to businesses for outstanding achievements in four categories: Innovation, International Trade, Sustainable Development, and Promoting Opportunity (through social mobility). They provide a range of benefits, including the opportunity to break into new markets, attract new investment, raise awareness of brand and products, attract new talent, and boost employee morale.

Monica Fogarty, Warwickshire County Council’s Chief Executive, said: "Celebrating our local businesses' achievements and promoting their growth is a key priority for us. The King's Awards for Enterprise are a great opportunity for Warwickshire-based companies to showcase their innovative and sustainable practices and to gain national recognition.

"I strongly encourage all eligible businesses to apply for this prestigious award and make the most of the benefits it offers."

The Warwickshire Lieutenancy team has prepared a locally focused brochure on the benefits of these awards and the appropriate steps that can be followed to apply. The brochure is available online at https://api.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/WCCC-1980322935-2072

The Lord Lieutenant of Warwickshire, Tim Cox, said: "I encourage all Warwickshire businesses to embrace the opportunity to showcase your company's excellence and apply for The King's Award for Enterprise. As the highest honour available to UK companies, it not only brings unparalleled prestige but also offers great exposure and credibility to your business”.

For companies interested in applying for an award and would like more information, please email the Warwickshire Lieutenancy at lieutenancy@warwickshire.gov.uk.

To find out more about The King’s Awards for Enterprise, visit www.gov.uk/kings-awards-for-enterprise

Advice on how to build a more resilient business

Entrepreneurs with an eye to growing their business can gain valuable advice from courses coming up in the coming months.

The HelpToGrow Management: Course is 90% funded by the UK Government and includes 1-2-1 mentoring and peer-to-peer networking designed specifically to develop strategic leadership for small business leaders.

Recent satisfaction surveys indicate that 91% of those who have completed the course say that they would recommend it. Businesses across all sectors can apply, including social enterprises, and to be eligible for the course must employ between five and 249 people and have been operational for at least a year.

Courses in the West Midlands starting in September include: Coventry University Business School from 13th September 2023, Aston University Business School starting on 21st September 2023 and Worcester University Business School on 27th September 2023. Also, Keele University Business School will be running a course starting on 2nd November 2023 and Birmingham City University Business School on the 14th November 2023.

For more information and registration, please visit here

Businesses benefit from Stratford Park and Ride

This summer, Warwickshire County Council is improving the Park and Ride’s service offer to help Stratford-upon-Avon's local community, including local business owners and workers, to enjoy an easy and relaxing journey into the town centre.

The car park is open every day and has more than 700 parking spaces available, including several EV charging points.

New benefits available until September 17th include free parking, buses available seven-days a week until 7:28pm and great value bus fares. Adult tickets have been reduced to £2 and a return group bus fare costs only £3.30 for up to five people. The Park & Ride also has weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual season tickets available for regular commuters.

To discover more about using Stratford Park and Ride this summer, please visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/stratfordparkandride/summer, or watch our video here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCxUvMCDxdk

Special Feature

Foundations set for WPDG to thrive

WPDG“We feel very positive about the opportunities that are ahead – opportunities that we will be ready to seize when they arise and in turn bring significant economic and community benefits to Warwickshire.”

A property development group has laid the foundations for it to thrive in the two years since it was formed by Warwickshire County Council.

Warwickshire Property and Development Group (WPDG) was formed in 2021 to drive added value for the Council through the delivery of developments and lettings that best meet the Council’s objectives and those of local people and the area’s economy.

It is part of a £300m package of investment alongside the Warwickshire Recovery and Investment Fund (WRIF) which the Council launched to revitalise the local economy.

WPDG was tasked with speeding up existing regeneration opportunities and identifying new opportunities for the County’s property and land, with the aim of building more affordable and market-priced homes and commercial buildings for new business.

The organisation has made significant progress over the last year, including starting on site with its first commercial and residential developments, and striking a major deal to form £2.5 billion joint venture Develop Warwickshire with Countryside Partnerships and Warwickshire County Council.

Sucham Park in Southam is a 42,000 sq ft industrial scheme which will deliver nine new commercial units, while work is also underway on 71 new homes at Brookmill Meadows in Warton, North Warwickshire.

The Develop Warwickshire joint venture, which is delivering Brookmill Meadows, is a key partnership that is enabling the delivery of sustainable, high-quality homes, creating new communities and benefitting existing local people across Warwickshire.

As part of the joint venture, WPDG has submitted reserved matters applications for Top Farm, the venture’s largest scheme at 1,700 homes, and a public consultation is underway for a further 59 homes in Water Orton.

WPDG’s dedicated asset management team has also been generating growth across the County’s existing commercial portfolio. The County appointed Warwickshire Property Management Ltd (WPM), which is part of WPDG, to manage the lettings on hundreds of Council owned properties.

This work has resulted in successfully increasing the rent roll by 10 per cent for the next nine months and has seen a diverse range of lettings from new allotment holders, new farm tenants and high-tech manufacturers.

WPDG has grown its team, across development and asset management, and the team is led by managing director Stuart Buckley.

He said: “It is two years since Warwickshire Property and Development Group was formed and we’ve made huge strides during that time to deliver on our foundation value of realising the value and economic activity from Warwickshire County Council assets for the benefit of the residents of Warwickshire.

“We set out to drive added value for the Council and we are doing just that. The last two years have been focused on building the foundations which will give WPDG the chance to thrive.

“We are looking forward to the future – continuing to further strengthen our team and accelerate our development activity.

“This time next year we hope to have at least three or four schemes on site, and we are well on our way to doing that and further enhancing the lettable estate.

“We’re particularly proud of what we have achieved so far with Develop Warwickshire, which is a groundbreaking joint venture in scale and longevity for our region.

“Joint ventures of this nature can in many cases take several years before making a significant impact, but we set the foundations prior to completing the partnership to ensure that Develop Warwickshire was able to move quickly once it was formed.

“Before the end of the year, we will be looking to be on-site for the first 600 homes at Top Farm, while also getting work underway on-site at Water Orton, and we will also be tendering for a partner on another homes scheme in Nuneaton.

“Soon we will be announcing the first tenants at our flagship Sucham Park commercial scheme, with it expected to create 100 jobs in the region when completed.

“We are in a great position and feel very positive about the opportunities that are ahead – opportunities that we will be ready to seize when they arise and in turn bring significant economic and community benefits to Warwickshire.”

To find out more about Warwickshire Property & Development Group, please visit www.wpdg.co.uk

Guest column

How employing an on-call firefighter is great for both employer and community

On-call firefighters are integral to the brilliant 24/7 protection that Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service provides for our communities. They are also a tremendous asset to the businesses which employ them, says Gosia Zielinska of WFRS.

I am writing to inform and encourage all employers to explore a unique and impactful opportunity from which both your organisation and our local community can benefit. By promoting the role of on-call firefighters and actively encouraging your staff to participate, we can exponentially enhance the potential of our fire and rescue service to protect and serve the communities in Warwickshire.

I would like to take a moment to explain what being an on-call firefighter entails, how the scheme works, and the numerous advantages of having on-call firefighters on your team.

Firstly, let me clarify what an on-call firefighter is. An on-call firefighter is a highly trained professional who serves as a part-time firefighter, responding to emergencies as and when they occur. These dedicated individuals are often employed in other jobs but make themselves available during specific periods to provide vital fire and rescue cover in their local area. On-call availability refers to the periods during which on-call firefighters are available to respond to emergency calls. These periods typically involve being on-call for a certain number of hours each week, including weekdays, weekends, and public holidays.

The on-call scheme operates on a retained basis, meaning that individuals are alerted to emergencies via an on-call pager or mobile device. They then respond promptly to the local on-call fire station for immediate deployment. They must live or work within a specified distance of their on-call fire station, as they need to be available to respond to incidents within a short timeframe. The scheme ensures that communities have access to a competent and reliable firefighting force, regardless of their size or remote location. The presence of on-call firefighters is crucial in guaranteeing the safety and protection of residents.

Now, let's discuss the benefits of having on-call firefighters incorporated into your workforce. By encouraging your staff to become on-call firefighters, you empower them to make a significant difference in their local community. This form of involvement enhances the sense of belonging, responsibility, and civic duty among your employees. Working as an on-call firefighter fosters personal growth, leadership skills, and teamwork abilities. These qualities can then be transferred back into the workplace, benefiting your organisation as a whole.

Moreover, promoting and supporting the on-call firefighting program aligns with your organization's commitment to corporate social responsibility. By advocating for community safety and participating in such initiatives, your company demonstrates its dedication to the well-being of the communities it operates within. This publicly reflects your organization's values and creates a positive reputation that resonates with clients, customers, and the community at large.

It is crucial to note that individuals who choose to become on-call firefighters receive comprehensive training and support from Warwickshire fire and rescue service. They acquire essential firefighting techniques, first aid skills, and other competencies required to respond effectively to emergencies. Training schedules can be flexible to accommodate employment hours, minimising any disruption to work productivity.

By encouraging your employees to engage in the on-call firefighting scheme, your organisation can play a significant role in supporting our fire and rescue service and protecting local communities. Your endorsement ensures the availability of critical fire and rescue services when they are most needed, safeguarding the lives and properties of both your employees and the wider community.

I kindly request you to consider promoting the role of on-call firefighters within your organisation. By empowering your employees to embrace their community responsibilities, you not only contribute to the greater good but also foster a culture of pride, teamwork, and resilience within your organisation. Together, we can make a real difference in ensuring community safety and resilience.

If you require additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us or visit our website for further guidance -  https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/oncallfirefighters  . We can also visit you and deliver a presentation on the on-call scheme. Should you wish to arrange it , please email ffrecruitment@warwickshire.gov.uk

Thank you for considering this request and for your commitment to the well-being of our community. Let us join forces to support the fire and rescue and contribute to the protection of our communities.



Supporting your employees to apply for on-call firefighter role aligns with your corporate social responsibility...

1. Increased Employee Engagement: Research has shown that employees who participate in community service have higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement. By allowing your employees to pursue on-call firefighting roles, you provide them with an opportunity to give back to the community and engage in meaningful work beyond their regular job responsibilities. This increased engagement can lead to higher productivity, improved teamwork, and reduced turnover rates.

2. Positive Public Perception: Supporting your employees in their pursuit of on-call firefighter roles demonstrates your commitment to community welfare. This proactive approach to corporate social responsibility can enhance your public image, generating positive publicity and attracting socially conscious customers. It sends a message that your organisation values community involvement and invests in the well-being of the neighbourhoods in which you operate.

3. Enhanced Employee Skills: On-call firefighting requires the development of a diverse skill set, including problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making, and effective communication. These skills are transferable to various workplace settings and can greatly benefit your organisation. Employees who engage in on-call firefighting gain invaluable experience in managing high-stress situations, coordinating teams, and making quick and decisive judgments. These skills can be leveraged within your organisation, further enhancing overall employee performance.

4. Improved Risk Management: By supporting your employees in becoming on-call firefighters, you create a workforce that possesses advanced knowledge of safety protocols, emergency response, and risk management. This expertise can be utilised within your organisation to develop and implement robust safety policies, conduct effective drills, and mitigate potential hazards. A well-prepared and risk-aware organisation is less likely to face accidents, disruptions, and reputation damage caused by emergencies.

5. Higher Employee Retention and Recruitment: Supporting your employees in pursuing on-call firefighting roles can positively impact your employee retention rates. Employees feel valued and appreciated when their personal interests and growth are supported. This can result in increased loyalty, job satisfaction, and a reduced likelihood of looking for other job opportunities. Furthermore, promoting your organisation's commitment to community service through on-call firefighting can attract talented individuals who prioritise socially responsible employers during their job search.

6. Collaboration and Team Building: Participating in on-call firefighting requires strong teamwork, effective communication, and the ability to collaborate under high-pressure situations. Employees who engage in such experiences can bring these skills back to the workplace, fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork. This can lead to improved cross-departmental cooperation, the sharing of best practices, and overall organisational cohesion.

Reasons to encourage your employees to consider becoming on-call firefighters:

1. Community Engagement: By participating in the on-call firefighter role, your employees will contribute to the safety and well-being of their local community. This act of service enhances your organisation's reputation as a responsible and caring member of the community, fostering a positive image.

2. Leadership and Teamwork Development: On-call firefighters undergo rigorous training in areas such as firefighting techniques, first aid, and risk assessment. This training enhances their leadership and teamwork skills, which ultimately benefit your organisation as they bring back these valuable attributes to their roles within your team.

3. Crisis Management and Problem-Solving Skills: Being an on-call firefighter requires quick thinking, adaptability, and the ability to make sound decisions during high-pressure situations. These skills translate seamlessly into the workplace, enabling your employees to approach challenges with confidence and efficiency.

4. Physical and Mental Fitness: The demands of the on-call firefighter role promote a physically active lifestyle, helping your employees maintain a high level of fitness. Regular physical activity positively impacts their overall health, leading to increased productivity and reduced sick leave.

5. Training Opportunities: On-call firefighters receive extensive training in various firefighting techniques, emergency response, and incident management. This training not only enhances their firefighting capabilities but also provides opportunities for personal and professional development. The knowledge gained can be transferred to other areas of your business, such as risk assessment or emergency preparedness.

6. Employability Skills: The on-call firefighter role equips your employees with a diverse range of skills that are highly valued in the job market. These include problem-solving, communication, teamwork, leadership, and the ability to work under pressure. Investing in your employees' development significantly improves their long-term employability.

7. Enhanced Employee Engagement: Supporting your employees' aspirations to become on-call firefighters demonstrates your commitment to their personal and professional growth. This investment in their well-being and career progression increases job satisfaction and loyalty, leading to higher employee engagement and retention within your organisation.

8. Emergency Preparedness: Having employees with on-call firefighting experience within your organisation enhances your overall emergency preparedness. They can provide valuable insights, contribute to the development of emergency response plans, and assist with safety protocols, mitigating potential risks and ensuring the safety of your employees and premises.


What's coming up

2023.09.01 Business Buzz Leamington Spa
Business Buzz Leamington Spa is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. First Friday of the month.
Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 Bar + Bloc Weblink here
2023.09.05 BAB Networking - Bulkington (Nuneaton) Breakfast
BAB Brunch in Brandon. You will be welcomed and educated with like minded business entrepreneurs. By Networkers for Networkers.
BAB Networking 0800-1000 Weston Hall Hotel, Bulkington Weblink here
2023.09.06 Stratford-upon-Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
Meets every Wednesday morning and members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 In person and F2F every other week Weblink here
2023.09.06 Warwick Uno - Talk Business Networking
LIVE NETWORKING Twice a month - face 2 face. Come along and help create the Talk Business Warwick UNO group A 'single seat' business networking group - WHAT SEAT WILL YOU WANT?
Everyone has the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.
Talk Business UK 0730-0900 Delta Marriott - Warwick Weblink here
2023.09.06 Special Customs Procedures
A lot of businesses are now having to use special customs procedures such as Inward Processing, Outward Processing, Customs Warehousing etc. Some businesses may need to consider using these schemes in the future or may be currently using but are unsure of how to best manage it.
This workshop looks at benefits and potential risks to business of using:
Inward processing, Outward processing, Customs Warehousing, Return Goods Relief, Temporary admissions, Temporary Exports including ATA Carnets.
Aimed at Importers & Exporters, Finance, Logistics, Procurement, Sales, supply chain Managers/Directors and those with responsibility for auditing records within the business.
CW Chamber of Commerce 0930-1100 Online Weblink here
2023.09.06 LCV CENEX (6th-7th)
Cenex-LCV is the place to meet UK decision makers and industry experts; the perfect opportunity to showcase your business, your industry and your technology.
Cenex Two Days Millbrook Weblink here
2023.09.07 Talk Property Brunch - Coventry/ Warwickshire (Networking)
Fantastic to be able to once again host the popular monthly Talk Property Brunch. Just 18 Property ProfJust 18 Property Professionals meeting for Brunch, one table, one conversation ....mostly around property!
Estate agents, mortgage brokers, planners, conveyancers, property lawyers, bankers, insurers, architects, interior designers, garden designers, builders, trades etc.
Talk Business UK 1000-1130 Virgins and Castle, Kenilworth Weblink here
2023.09.07 South Warwickshire In-Person Networking
Another networking event? What’s different about this one? Well, we have no agenda - literally. Join us for an in person networking meeting of our Warwick and Leamington businesses for a friendly, informal way to grow your network over a post-work drink.
Federation of Small Businesses 1730-1900 Regency Arcade, 148-150 Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4AG Weblink here
2023.09.07 Talk Hospitality - lunch meeting @ Mallory Court Hotel
Talk Hospitality - networking lunch hosted at different venues across the Midlands each time.
Talk Business UK 12pm-2pm Mallory Court Weblink here
2023.09.08 Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon
Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session which takes place on the 2nd Friday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 Cork & Tile Portuguese Weblink here
2023.09.08 First Friday networking lunch at hmv Empire, 22 Hertford Street, Coventry CV1 1LF
hmv Empire is a multi-use music and entertainment venue which opened in July 2021 following c£750,000 of development and with hmv as commercial partner, whose strong musical heritage made it a perfect match. It is hmv’s only venue naming deal in the UK. We will hear from Phil Rooney, hmv Empire’s Managing Director who will give us a sense of the venue’s history and share the new team’s plans for the future before we have a look behind the scenes.
CW First Professionals 1230-1400 HMV Coventry Weblink here
2023.09.11 FindaBiz Networking Nuneaton
FaB Networking with FindaBiz is a local business networking and business support organisation. Serious about helping you grow your business, in a positive and friendly setting with no scary rules. Help for business owners to make connections, build business relationships and find opportunities to do business. 2nd Monday of the month.
FaB Networking 1800-2000 Coton Sports and Social Club Weblink here
2023.09.12 BAB Networking - Coleshill Brunch
Face to Face Networking in Coleshill -Business at Breakfast. You will be welcomed, included and educated with like minded business entrepreneurs. By Networkers for Networkers. Including a 10 Minute Education slot 15 Min Spotlight and one to one Networking Opportunities.
BAB Networking 1000-1200 Swan Hotel Weblink here
2023.09.12 Tomorrow’s Net Zero (2 Day Event)
Tomorrow’s Net Zero is the ULTIMATE industry leading destination event that seeks to ACCELERATE and GO BEYOND NET ZERO. The built environment industry is set to come together with major influencers from INVESTORS, DEVELOPERS, LOCAL CITY LEADERS, OCCUPIERS, ASSET OWNERS and the wider industry coming together. Come and discover the public-private collaboration needed to achieve an ecosystem in the built environment and regeneration sectors which truly aims to tackle climate change and deliver a cleaner and greener communities.
Built Environment Networking 2 Day Event Custard Factory, Birmingham Weblink here
2023.09.12 Business Growth West Midlands Launch Event
Join us for the official Launch of Business Growth West Midlands; the new fully funded service enabling businesses to grow and succeed.
Businss Growth West Midlands 0930-1630 CBS Arena, Judds Lane, Coventry, CV6 6AQ Weblink here
2023.09.13 Stratford-upon-Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
Meets every Wednesday morning and members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 In person and F2F every other week Weblink here
2023.09.13 UK Metals Expo (13th-14th)
UK Metals Expo is the ONLY event bringing the entire metals supply chain together with the engineering and manufacturing sector. From primary metal manufacture to supply chain management, processing metals, fabrication, machinery, engineering, surface coatings and recycling.
UK Metals Council All day x2 days NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2023.09.14 Leamington Networking Breakfast
Independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittle's at Binswood, Binswood Ave, Leamington Spa, CV32 5SE Weblink here
2023.09.14 Business Buzz Rugby
Business Buzz Rugby is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takres places on the 2nd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. 
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 The Courthouse Weblink here
2023.09.14 Business Support Event - Nuneaton & Bedworth
Open House Business Support Services
Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council 1100-1300 Exhall Old School Comm Centre Weblink here
2023.09.14 Insider Midlands Dealmakers Awards 2023
The region’s senior and rising dealmakers will gather to celebrate the incredible success of a sector that has carried on actively transacting and trading, even through a difficult year.
Insider Media Ltd 1830-22.45 Hilton Birmingham Metropole Weblink here
2023.09.14 Networking Breakfast with Alcester Business Club @ Minerva Mill
This monthly networking event is an ideal opportunity for business people and owners from Alcester and the surrounding areas to get together in a professional but relaxed and zero-pressure environment to network with like-minded locals, make new connections, and enjoy a delicious breakfast too.
Alcester Business Club 0915-1045 Minerva Mill Innovation Centre Station Road Alcester B49 5ET Weblink here
2023.09.20 Warwickshire Producers Network
Providing synergy opportunities for you to collaborate with other Warwickshire food and drink producers. 
Warwickshire County Council 0930-1200 The Farm, Stratford-upon-Avon Weblink here
2023.09.20 Business Networking in the Vault
A new business networking event that is open to professionals working across all sectors.
Called 'Business Networking in the Vault', unlike a number of other networking events, you will be introduced to everyone attending and have the opportunity to talk to them throughout the event.
Henrik Court Events Management Ltd 1600-1900 Best Western Plus Windmill Village Hotel, Golf Club & Spa Birmingham Road Allesley CV5 9AL Weblink here
2023.09.21 Business Buzz Warwick
Business Buzz Warwick is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 The Globe Weblink here
2023.09.21 Warwickshire Investors Network
Every 3rd Thursday of the month, come join us for a relaxed and friendly meeting in the Coventry & Warwickshire area from 6pm. Whether you're an established investor or just starting your business journey, this event is perfect for learning new strategies and opportunities in property investing, wealth creation, tax planning and inheritance planning.
Sam Cooper and Jo Davies 1800-2100 Draycote Hotel, Rugby Weblink here
2023.09.26 BAB Networking - Coleshill Brunch
Face to Face Networking in Coleshill -Business at Breakfast. You will be welcomed, included and educated with like minded business entrepreneurs. By Networkers for Networkers. Including a 10 Minute Education slot 15 Min Spotlight and one to one Networking Opportunities.
BAB Networking 1000-1200 Swan Hotel Weblink here
2023.09.28 Leamington Networking Breakfast
 independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
2023.09.28 Brokers meet Local Businesses
"Brokers Meet Local Businesses" is here to help commercial lending brokers meet local businesses, and for businesses to find out about local alternative funding options.
CWRT 1700-2000 To be Announced Weblink here
2023.09.29 BIGBreakfast - Let's Talk Business Networking at The Farm
Let's Talk Business Breakfast. Bringing the members & guests of Talk Business UK together for a live networking event.
Talk Business UK 0730-0900 The Farm, Stratford Weblink here
2023.10.03 Tomorrow’s Science and Innovation Clusters - 3rd and 4th
Tomorrow’s Science and Innovation Clusters is the new INDUSTRY LEADING destination event for investors, developers, occupiers and policy influencers across LIFE SCIENCES, MANUFACTURING, SPACE, BUSINESS PARKS and TECHNOLOGY convene and talk about how the built environment sector is delivering major regeneration schemes allied to their industry. UK Government has pledged £25bn per year to unlock schemes that support economic growth, skills stagnation and which keep UK PLC at the forefront of emerging markets and over it is estimated that over £100bn of private capital will be deployed into projects by the end of 2024.
Built Environment Networking 0800-1530 The Custard Factory, B'ham Weblink here
2023.10.05 Medlink Innovation Day
This year’s Medilink Midlands Innovation Day will welcome the Midlands life sciences community to Coventry to share the latest inspiring developments from across the sector. Innovation Day sits proudly within our annual programme as the flagship event of the year for those in the Life Sciences sector.
The full day event includes:
- A conference of high profile sector specific speakers
- An exhibition
- Networking opportunities
Medilink Midlands 0900-1630 DoubleTree Coventry Weblink here
2023.10.11 Engineering Design Show
The UK’s biggest event dedicated entirely to engineering, electronics and embedded design. Design engineers benefit from direct access to the latest products, services and innovations available to the sector.
Mark Allen Group 11 - 12 October  Coventry Building Society Arena Weblink here
2023.10.17 Solar and Storage UK 2023 - 17th-19th
Solar & Storage Live is the UK's largest renewable energy exhibition that celebrates the technologies at the forefront of the transition to a greener, smarter, more decentralised energy system.
This year will bring together 20,000+ attendees including 250+ exhibitors, 300+ speakers, 60+ start-ups, 30+ partners and associations, and more.
Terrapinn All Day x3 days NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2023.11.01 Advanced Engineering 2023 - 1st-2nd
The 14th edition of Advanced Engineering will celebrate innovation, collaboration and sustainability within the engineering and manufacturing industries. Engineering professionals from all sectors come together to network, learn and discover innovative new solutions and suppliers from the engineering supply chain across two action-packed days.
Easyfairs 1st and 2nd November NEC Weblink here
2023.11.10 Lancester Insurance Classic Motor Show (3 Days)
Every 3rd Thursday of the month, come join us for a relaxed and friendly meeting in the Coventry & Warwickshire area from 6pm. Whether you're an established investor or just starting your business journey, this event is perfect for learning new strategies and opportunities in property investing, wealth creation, tax planning and inheritance planning.
Clarion Events 3 Day Event NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2023.11.18 Motorcycle Live - November
Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance welcomed thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts across the weekend as the doors swung open to the UK’s biggest motorcycle show. 
NEC 18-26 November NEC Weblink here
2023.11.29 CropTec Show 2023
CropTec 2023, will bring together forward-thinking growers, agronomists, advisors, and technical experts over two days for seminars, discussion, and networking across busy exhibition halls. The technical arable event offers knowledge exchange and top-quality networking opportunities with 81% of the main decision-makers and influencers on the farm. Forward-thinking farmers, agronomists, and industry professionals attend CropTec to learn the very latest techniques, network, and do business. 
Agriconnect All day x2 days Stoneleigh Park Weblink here
2024.05.15 Battery Cells & Systems Expo (2 Day Event)
Battery Cells & Systems Expo will bring together automotive manufacturers, electric utilities, battery system integrators, cell manufacturers and the entire manufacturing supply chain. A truly unique showcase, companies from around the world will use the show to launch products and demonstrate their technology to an audience of over 4,500 professionals.
Event Partners 2 Days, 15th and 16th May NEC, Birmingham Weblink here

News in Brief

All the latest news in brief from the region..,

£7.6 million power boost for Warwickshire

The final stage in a major National Grid initiative to boost power supplies and support the development of new homes and businesses in Warwickshire is underway. National Grid has already built a new major substation in Wellesbourne and installed nearly a kilometre of new underground cables. Now the final 60m are due to be installed on Princes Drive, Leamington Spa. The work will help to further safeguard supply reliability to more than 65,000 customers in the Wellesbourne, Warwick and Leamington area while also supplying power to the new housing developments and industrial units in Wellesbourne.


Headlam Group confident despite challenging conditions

The floor-coverings distributor Headlam Group, based in Coleshill, has "confidence for the future" despite challenging trading conditions. An update for the six months to 30 June 2023 showed that revenue in H1 2023 was 2.5 per cent above that of H1 2022 at £332m, despite residential trading volumes being down almost 7 per cent.


JLR unveils 300 new technician jobs across Midlands

Premium car maker Jaguar Land Rover announced this week the creation of 300 new jobs in the midlands. The new technician roles will support the continued production of Range Rovers and the development of the next generation of electric models, said JLR. Around 100 jobs will be at the Solihull plant to operate and maintain highly production facilities in a new body shop costing around £130 million, which is aimed at lifting Range Rover and Range Rover Sport production by 30% in future quarters. In addition, JLR is recruiting around 200 technicians and test engineers to be based at its Gaydon engineering centre and Whitley Powertrain facility to support the advancement of JLR's next generation electric vehicles (EVs). 


Year of growth at recruitment giant

Turnover moved further past the £1bn mark at a Warwickshire-headquartered recruitment giant during its latest financial year, new documents have confirmed, despite a "challenging and changing landscape". The company's chief executive added that it would be looking at strategic acquisitions as it pursues its "longer-term group strategy". Pertemps Network Group, which was established in 1961, is a workforce talent provider with more than 200 branches across the UK. The company generated a turnover of £1.17bn in the year to 31 December 2022, up from £1.04bn in 2021.


Truck manufacturer establishes UK base

A commercial vehicle (CV) manufacturer in the electric truck market has set up a UK base of operations in Warwickshire as part of its plans for expansion. Volta Trucks has taken more than half of the American Barns office development on Banbury Road, Warwick, to support the engineering and production of the Volta Zero, a 16-tonne commercial vehicle designed for last-mile urban logistics. The company has approximately 20 members of staff permanently based at the site with a further 26 hot desk areas and meeting rooms that are in continuous use.


Weed control company raises more than £1m

A Warwickshire-based electrical weed control company has raised more than £1m through its crowdfunding campaign. At the time of writing, RootWave has raised £1.13m from 249 investors on Crowdcube, beating its £1.05m target. The company has already launched the handheld eWeeder RootWave Pro and the product has generated more than £2m in revenue to date. Its first tractor-powered machine for orchards and vineyards will be launched next year.


Lotus produces record 2,200 sports cars in first half of 2023

The British carmaker Lotus produced a record number of sports cars in the first half of 2023, as it gears up for a huge push behind sales of a new electric SUV under its Chinese owners’ expansion plans. Lotus, which marked its 75th anniversary this year, produced 2,200 vehicles in the first six months of the year at its factory in a former second world war bomber factory at Hethel in Norfolk. This compares with sales of just 500 in 2022, as the company phases out petrol engined vehicles in favour of EV only.


Valpak expands national service to help coffee shops meet new recycling regulations

Reconomy brand Valpak – the Warwickshire-based administrator of the UK’s largest paper cup recycling scheme – has expanded its national service to help coffee shops meet the demands of upcoming legislation. The National Cup Recycling Scheme was set up to kick-start paper cup recycling. It brought together major retailers, waste management companies and UK paper mills and, in response to next year’s change in the law, the scheme is expanding to include smaller brands and cafés.


Aston Martin overtakes market expectations

Shares in luxury sports car firm Aston Martin surged six per cent after the Warwickshire manufacturer posted better-than-expected financial results.mThe firm said revenues grew by 25 per cent in the first half of 2023, and earnings were up 38 per cent. The firm also slashed its net debt from more than £1 billion to £846 million, but pre-tax losses climbed slightly to £142 million.


Hercules Site Services updates progress on new £multi-million Warwickshire training centre

Hercules Site Services plc, the Gloucestershire-headquartered technology enabled labour supply company, has updated on progress on its new 'Hercules Construction Academy', which is in Warwickshire. The company is investing around £6 million in the construction and fitting out of the new training facility near Nuneaton.


Electric Truck manufacturer to merge with US counterpart

Electric trucks innovator Tevva which last year opened a base at MIRA Technology Park in Nuneaton, Europe’s leading mobility research and development location for developing advanced automotive technology, is to merge with ElectraMeccanica ElectraMeccanica, a designer and assembler of electric vehicles, and Tevva, a pioneer in electric medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles have entered into a definitive agreement, which is intended to accelerate their combined ability to capture the growing opportunity in commercial electric trucks.


JLR develops new renewable energy storage system from used car batteries

Jaguar Land Rover has developed one of the largest energy storage systems in the UK to harness solar and wind power using second-life Jaguar I-PACE batteries. The Warwickshire manufacturer partnered with Wykes Engineering Ltd, a leader in the renewable energy sector. A single Wykes Engineering Battery Energy Storage System – or BESS – utilises 30 second-life I-PACE batteries, and can store up to 2.5MWh of energy at full capacity.


Warwickshire's Cell Therapy Ltd to be acquired by SPAC

Ashington Innovation PLC, a special purpose acquisition company, is reported to be about to acquire Stratford-upon-Avon based Cell Therapy Ltd, for £135 million, less than two months after floating on the London Stock Exchange.


Work underway on new delivery office for Royal Mail in Nuneaton

Work has begun on a new state-of-the-art delivery office for Royal Mail in Nuneaton. The new 18,000 sq ft facility is being constructed on a two-acre brownfield site which was formerly part of the Stanley Brick Works at Bermuda. A total of 53 commercial vehicle spaces, including 28 electric vehicle charging points, will be available for Royal Mail’s new fleet of electric vehicles.


Major tourism partnership announced for Coventry and Warwickshire

Two of the Midlands’ leading tourism bodies are launching a major partnership to map out a long-term blueprint to grow Coventry and Warwickshire’s national and international profile. Destination Coventry, the destination management organisation (DMO) for Coventry, and Shakespeare’s England, the DMO for south Warwickshire, are forming the Coventry & Warwickshire Destination Partnership.


Cotswolds Distillery named most popular whisky distillery in UK and Ireland

The Cotswolds Distillery has been named the most popular whisky distillery in the UK and Ireland following on from research carried out by whisky experts, The Cask Connoisseur. The Cotswolds Distillery was commended for its ‘highly sought-after destination in a picturesque location, immersive tours and the opportunity to witness the meticulous craft of distilling first-hand’.


Government approves West Midlands and Warwickshire skills plan

A plan designed to help the West Midlands and Warwickshire tackle labour and skills shortages has been approved by government, with more than £10m of funding available in the region. The West Midlands and Warwickshire Local Skills Improvement Plan has been produced by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and Black Country Chamber of Commerce. The plan, which sets out three key priorities, has been devised after engaging with more than 1,000 employers as well as skills and training organisations such as FE and HE institutions and other private providers.


West Midlands bucks national negative trend - Lloyds Bank

Business confidence in the West Midlands rose two points during July to 38 per cent, according to the latest Business Barometer from Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking. The Business Barometer, which surveys 1,200 businesses monthly, provides early signals about UK economic trends both regionally and nationwide. West Midlands businesses identified their top target areas for growth in the next six months as introducing new technology (38 per cent), evolving their offer (38 per cent) and diversifying into new markets (32 per cent).


East and West Midlands identified as high investment areas

The East and West Midlands have come out first and second when it comes to areas of high investment, based on data in a new quarterly economic study from KPMG UK and the University of Nottingham. Standout areas identified for high levels of investment included Nuneaton and North Warwickshire, identified as areas of high investment. The LBPI provides data insights across 363 UK areas, drawing on geographic, sub-national data covering businesses, employees and consumers.


Warwickshire firms show resilience in Grant Thornton regional economic study

A Grant Thornton regional economic performance report has underlined the resillience of privately-owned companies in Warwickshire. The inaugural Warwickshire Limited report is part of an annual series of business analysis of UK counties undertaken by Grant Thornton UK LLP. It celebrates the showcased firms and provides them with recognition for their contribution to the region and the wider UK economy. The full top five largest privately-owned companies in Warwickshire as identified by the report are IT business Rigby Group, National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance, car dealer groups Listers Group Limited and Rybrook Automotive Ltd and electrical wholesalers CEF Holdings Ltd.


Shift in customer spending major challenge for Midlands businesses

A shift in customer spending is one of the biggest challenges facing Midlands businesses over the next six months, as the cost of living crisis continues to bite. According to BDO LLP’s bi-monthly Economic Engine survey of 500 mid-market businesses, more than half of regional companies said a decision by customers to cut back on spending is their biggest concern. Supply chain issues also continue to cause a significant headache for 31 per cent of Midlands businesses, as problems such as delayed deliveries, stock shortages and cost increases, persist in the market.


Birmingham Tech Week Returns for 2023

The UK’s largest regional tech festival, Birmingham Tech Week, is returning for what is set to be the biggest yet. Taking place from 16-20 October 2023, the event will bring over 25 sessions and 150 speakers together, including tech founders, government officials and industry experts.


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