Build Back Stronger workshops hit the ground running
Following the success of the first Build Back Stronger workshop from Warwickshire County Council's Skills Team (please click here for a recording if you were unable to attend), dates have been announced for the remaining workshops.
These workshops are aimed at supporting employers to Build Back Stronger as they emerge from lockdown. Each has a different focus to enable employers to welcome back their workforce after home working and furlough. They offer guidance on workforce reshaping, redundancy support and skills succession planning to ensure there is a strong pipeline of talent in their business as the economy recovers.
These workshops are a free tool that can be accessed by any Warwickshire business, so please feel free to promote to your employers and business contacts who may welcome the support available.
The second workshop will take place on Wednesday May 5th at 1pm and booking is available via the Eventbrite link below. The remaining four workshops dates and booking information are also detailed below.
Please register for you free place on the workshops here:
Workshop 2 registration This workshop is designed to explore available mental health & bereavement support; implementing agile and flexible working and how it can benefit your workforce; and support in building a wider pool of talent.
Workshop 3 registration Workshop 3 has a focus on ways in which you can develop skills within the workplace looking at training opportunities and available funding support.
Workshop 4 registration Workshop 4 explores ways in which you can bring future talent into the business looking at Industry Placements, University Internships, Graduate Opportunities, and Supported Internships and Apprenticeships. This workshop also explores the various talent pools of people looking for training opportunities in the county and how to access them.
Workshop 5 registration The final workshop in the series invites the Warwickshire Redundancy Support Service to speak to employers about the support that is available in Warwickshire to support them, their business and employees if they are going through the redundancy process.
These workshops run alongside the Roadmap out of lockdown webinar series that can be accessed via the link below.
Roadmap out of Lockdown
Please also follow the Warwickshire Skills Hub LinkedIn page for all the latest updates and new projects.