Featured News
Apprenticeships: A great way to grow and develop your workforce
Warwickshire Skills Hub supports businesses, schools and communities to create a well-skilled population that meets the needs of the county’s evolving economy. An important element of this support is help for businesses to access the right apprenticeships for them and funding opportunities to make them happen. Fay Winterburn, Lead Commissioner: Employability and Skills at Warwickshire Skills Hub, explains more...
Taking on an apprentice is a great way to develop and grow your workforce. Apprenticeships offer the perfect combination of study and job training. The training can be adapted according to the needs of any business which is considering an apprenticeship as an option to develop their workforce.
From the other side of the equation, for people looking to launch their careers in a huge range of industries, or to upskill themselves, an apprenticeship could be an amazing option. It does not matter what age you are or what level of knowledge you have, a variety of great apprenticeship options is available in a diverse range of sectors, going right up to a degree level.
In National Apprenticeship Week, Warwickshire Skills Hub will be proud to partake in a week-long celebration bringing together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.
Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson, said: "The County Council is delighted to support National Apprenticeship Week. We are very proud of all the excellent work that our Warwickshire Skills Hub team does to promote and set up apprenticeships around the county and we remain totally committed to continuing all that we do to grow and shape apprenticeship opportunities in Warwickshire."
SMEs looking to recruit new talent or upskill existing staff can now apply for three different strands of support from Warwickshire County Council’s Future Apprenticeships Fund.
This funding is part of Warwickshire County Council’s £900,000, Future Skills Programme, designed to deliver a diverse range of support to help job-seekers into, or back into, work through apprenticeships.
The Future Apprenticeships Fund strands are:
Future Apprenticeships: Salary Support Programme - If you take on an apprentice in new and emerging technologies such as Vehicle Electrification, Battery Technology, Digital Skills or a standard that supports the Net Zero and Sustainability agenda, you can apply to this fund for £2,000 salary support.
Future Focus Apprenticeships Programme: New Direction 50+ - SMEs taking on or upskilling an existing member of staff who is aged 50+ can apply to this fund to cover the cost of the 5% employer contribution for their apprenticeship training. Businesses can also apply for up to a maximum of £750 from the Additional Training Fund. This is for training that is identified outside of the apprenticeship standard. This can also be used to match fund an employer contribution should the amount exceed the WCC support.
New Direction 50+ Skills Investment Fund - This programme is designed to support over 50s in gaining new knowledge and skills to help them progress within the workplace. It’s available to Warwickshire businesses who are wishing to invest in the progression of a 50+ employee to undertake further training which contributes to the future needs of the business. The programme offers up to £1,000 grant funding towards training or a qualification to be delivered by a college or independent training provider.
Businesses wanting to make multiple applications for more than one employee may be considered up to a maximum of five up until 31st March 2024, to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and to be evidenced in a business growth plan outlining their future skills requirement. From April 1st 2024, this number will reduce to three applications per business.
If you would like to know more about any of the above funding programmes and how you can apply, please contact Louise Stolz, Future Skills Business Support Advisor: louisestolz@warwickshire.gov.uk
We also offer the longstanding and widely successful WCC Levy Share Programme which help businesses cover the associated cost of apprenticeship training, allowing them to address skills gaps and shortages in industry and support growth. We work with businesses to help them explore which apprenticeships meet their business needs, identify a local provider and access Warwickshire County Council’s own levy funds, which can be shared with small and medium sized businesses.
This programme is open to all Non-Apprenticeship Levy paying SMEs within Warwickshire.
Our Apprenticeship Progression Programme is available to Warwickshire businesses wishing to invest in the progression of their staff and build upon a previous qualification which contributes to the new needs of the business. The programme offers a £1,000 incentive which is paid directly to the employer and supported to meet the needs of the business.
If you would like to know more about any of the above funding programmes and how you can apply, please contact Steven Convery, Business Skills Support Advisor: stevenconvery@warwickshire.gov.uk
Unlocking the potential of SME Manufacturers
"We are thrilled to be able to work in partnership with our district and borough councils and Oxford Innovation Advice to deliver a new Manufacturing Growth Programme."
Warwickshire County Council, on behalf of Warwickshire’s six local authorities, has contracted Oxford Innovation Advice to mobilise and deliver a new Manufacturing Growth Programme in the county with funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
Part of the £4.6 million Business Growth Warwickshire Programme, developed and commissioned jointly by Warwickshire County Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Rugby Borough Council, Stratford-upon-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council, the Warwickshire Manufacturing Growth Programme (MGP) has been designed to propel Warwickshire manufacturing SMEs to new heights by identifying and eliminating barriers to growth.
Warwickshire is a major UK centre of design, manufacturing, and engineering, working across many sectors from aerospace and automotive to food and drink and construction materials, and is home to two of the UK's nine catapult centres, at The MTC at Ansty and WMG at the University of Warwick. The county is home to major blue-chip global manufacturers underpinned by a unique SME supply chain that this new programme is designed to support.
Focusing on enhancing the local economic landscape, the programme seeks to improve SME productivity, bolster competitiveness, foster sustainability, increase digitalisation, create job opportunities, and encourage the adoption of innovative products and services.
Cllr Martin Watson, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, said: “The manufacturing industry in Warwickshire and the wider region is long established and we are thrilled to be able to work in partnership with our district and borough councils and Oxford Innovation Advice to deliver a new Manufacturing Growth Programme.
"This exciting programme has been carefully designed to support Warwickshire's manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises meet the challenges and opportunities presented by decarbonisation, digitisation, reshoring and other changes coming to global manufacturing.”
Jane Galsworthy, Managing Director of Oxford Innovation Advice said, “We are delighted to have won this contract so we can continue to provide expert advice and unlock further potential of manufacturing businesses in Warwickshire.
“As a result of the original MGP, we were able to support the creation of new roles within the important manufacturing industry and support their development of new products and services. In the current environment, it is more important than ever before that small businesses have access to specialist support to build a platform for sustainable growth.”
The programme will support more than 250 manufacturing SMEs in Warwickshire, with each business receiving tailored support from a dedicated, local and highly experienced Manufacturing Growth Manager.
With the use of Oxford Innovation Advice’s comprehensive business diagnostic tool, GROWTHmapper, the Manufacturing Growth Manager will be able to develop a bespoke action plan setting out short, medium and long term improvement goals and ensure that the businesses receive the specialised assistance they need.
Seventy of the SME manufacturers participating in the programme also stand to benefit from grant funding, receiving £500 towards a business improvement project, working alongside industry experts to deliver added value projects.
Previous delivery of the successful Manufacturing Growth Programme, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), was positively received by over 240 SME Warwickshire businesses.
Michelle Connor, one of the Manufacturing Growth Managers for this enhanced programme, commented on her time with the programme: “Our work on the previous Manufacturing Growth Programme was a great example of how targeted business support can help manufacturers unlock new opportunities that enable the business to grow. The new Warwickshire MGP will allow us to continue delivering the specialist support that produces positive outcomes for SMEs across Warwickshire”
In addition to providing hands on business support, the programme will also connect the SMEs with wider business support opportunities, both locally and nationally to maximise their growth potential.
To find out more, please visit www.warwickshire-mgp.co.uk
Find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub website at https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk
Levy Share programme powers almost 300 apprenticeships
In the last three years, Warwickshire Skills Hub has supported over 120 businesses with taking on almost 300 apprentices via the Warwickshire County Council’s Levy Share Programme.
This fund helps businesses cover the associated cost of apprenticeship training, allowing them to address skills gaps and shortages in industry and support growth.
In 2023 alone we have pledged over £700,000 to businesses in Warwickshire. This way we supported 108 different apprentices in 51 different businesses. Stratford-on-Avon District Council has been the biggest advocate for apprenticeships, accessing £224,000 with Nuneaton & Bedworth next with £168,000.

Apprentices have begun their careers in a range of sectors with most going into the care sector. The apprentices were supported into different standards varying from entry level up to a degree level. An example of this is supporting people into Adult Care Level 2 Apprenticeship up to Senior Lead Level 7.

The businesses have also benefited from the Apprenticeship Progression Programme, where they are supported to invest in the progression of their staff and build upon a previous qualification which contributes to the new needs of the business.
The programme offers a £1,000 incentive which is paid directly to the employer and supported to meet the needs of the business.
In the last three years, it has supported businesses to progress 15 different apprentices via this grant. The sectors were varied from the care to hospitality, beauty, maintenance and security.
Warwickshire Skills Hub has also launched a suite of additional support for future skills, where salary support is offered to apprentices in new and emerging technologies and funding opportunities to upskill employees that are 50+.
If you would like to know more about any of the above funding programmes and how you can apply, please contact Steven Convery, Business Skills Support Advisor: stevenconvery@warwickshire.gov.uk
Ella is already a real asset after starting her apprenticeship
“Ella will be an integral part of our organisation and will learn and develop new skills during her time with us”
A Warwick-based vehicle leasing specialist has been able to invest in a new apprentice with funding from Warwickshire County Council’s Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme and Future Skills: Salary Support Programme.
Advanced Vehicle Contracts, who have been trading for more than 35 years, have recruited Ella Pearce as a Business Administration Apprentice through Warwickshire College Group, to support in the sales and administration of their new electric car strategy.
The last two years have brought increasing demand for their services as more motorists move to a car leasing arrangement and away from vehicle ownership. Advanced Vehicle Contracts have six staff and operate across the UK, with around 60 per cent of its business within a 50-mile radius of its headquarters in Warwick.
Through Warwickshire Skills Hub’s Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme, Ella’s £5,000 apprenticeship training with WCG has been fully funded. By accessing the new Future Skills: Salary Support Programme, the business will also receive £2,000 salary support for Ella.
“Ella will be an integral part of our organisation and will learn and develop new skills during her time with us,” said Stephen Hussey, Managing Director of Advanced Vehicle Contracts. “Thanks to WCC supporting us with their Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme and their Future Skills: Salary Support Programme, we can focus on Ella’s development, and invest time and resources into her progression.
"As a business, we are fully aware of the potential growth of leasing Electric Cars and Ella will be instrumental in the success of our green credentials’ strategy."
Stephen has recruited an apprentice before to great success.
“Our previous apprentice is now our office manager," he said. "It is a route that has always worked well for us, and that is in large part down to the enthusiasm of apprentices to progress and succeed. We got in touch with WCG and Ella was introduced as a candidate. Ella has a great enthusiasm and attitude to work. She is already proving a real asset to our team.”
Ella, 20, from Leamington Spa said: “I wanted to take my career in a different direction. This opportunity came up and I knew it was right for me”.
“The team has been amazing and very supportive since I joined. I’m really enjoying the work. It’s a proactive role and I’m learning a lot.”
Apprenticeships are a great way for a business to invest in future skills by either recruiting new talent or supporting existing staff who may want to expand their workplace skills and knowledge and achieve nationally recognised qualifications appropriate to their job role. If you are an SME based in Warwickshire and considering taking on an apprentice and would like to know more about how Warwickshire Skills Hub can support your business, email skillshub@warwickshire.gov.uk to request an appointment with one of our Business Skills Support Advisors.
Small Capital Grant was catalyst for Plantool's sustained growth
“The county is committed to supporting local enterprises who trade locally and employ local people and Plantool is a perfect example of that."
A growing tool and equipment hire business is continuing to reach new heights in Warwick as it approaches its 45th anniversary.
Plantool Hire Centres, which has been trading since 1979, has offices in Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon, Nuneaton, Lutterworth, Kettering and Daventry.
The business relocated from a 6,000 sq ft centre in Millers Road in Warwick to 8,000 sq ft premises in Collins Road on the Heathcote Industrial Estate in the town last year and contacted Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub for support with its refurbishment.
Ben Jones, Managing Director of Plantool Hire Centres, who led a management buy-out in 2013, was advised by the Growth Hub to apply to Warwickshire County Council’s Small Capital Grants Fund for assistance with the refurbishment.
Its bid for £35,000 was successful and together with a further £85,000 invested by the business, the centre has been transformed to provide a better working environment for its 30 staff, including the construction of a new workshop and mezzanine.
Ben said the move also means they will be able to offer training to other businesses and organisations since they have more room.
He said: “We had rented our previous site in Warwick since 1987 and we had long outgrown it. This building became available so we bought it and the Growth Hub helped with the refurbishment along with Warwickshire County Council who came to visit us and gave us advice on what was possible.
“The mezzanine has provided great extra storage space and we have a workshop now so it is a much better place to work – and much warmer! We couldn’t offer training at our old place apart from at our Daventry centre, but we can now provide training for up to 12 people.
“This has been a fantastic opportunity for us because the tool and equipment hire sector has changed over the years and we now need more space for larger vehicles and to provide a wider range of equipment. The better transport links to our new building and its ability to hold more stock will enable us to take advantage of the buoyant market.
“We have also taken on an apprentice because it is really important that we provide the right training for our business.”
Cllr Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, added: “The county is committed to supporting local enterprises who trade locally and employ local people and Plantool is a perfect example of that. It’s fantastic that they have also taken on an apprentice so that young people are also getting an opportunity to get on the career ladder.”
Jim Vithanage, Account Manager at Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub, said: “Plantool’s new home in Warwick provides better flexibility for their customers and their team and is the perfect fit as they continue to expand. Their knowledge and expertise are renowned throughout the area in this sector and the Growth Hub is perfectly placed to support businesses such as Plantool to continue evolving and achieve their growth plans.”
* To find out what other support is available to your business, please call CW Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747
Multply programme welcomes new partner
Warwickshire County Council are pleased to announce their new partner on the Multiply Programme.
Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training (CWCCT) has been awarded £96,000 to deliver ‘Work in Numbers’ which will target the numeracy skills deficit in the county through vocationally tailored learning in a variety of key sectors.
CWCCT’s significant place in the training landscape of Warwickshire will support the programme to upskill and increase the numeracy skill set across the county. The core theme for learners will be to make maths relatable and familiar as this will build confidence and positive attitudes by approaching maths in a job connected way.
Sally Lucas, Executive Director of CWCCT commented “We are pleased and excited to be working in partnership with Warwickshire County Council to deliver Multiply across the county. We will tailor numeracy learning within the context of peoples’ job roles to ensure working with numbers is accessible and familiar”.
Cllr Martin Watson, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Economy, said, “Poor numeracy skills can hold people back from having the confidence to get on in life and into the world of work. We are very pleased to work with our partners across the county to really address local numeracy needs and make sure that, if adults have barriers to getting on and prospering in the workplace, we can help to overcome them.”
“It’s not only about helping people to prosper in their working lives, through Multiply Funding there is the scope to fund projects which can help parents who are wanting to better support their kids with their Maths homework so we can pass the benefit onto other generations.”
Multiply has so far supported nearly 1000 people in Warwickshire to improve their numeracy. Four projects have been supported so far with more to come, including partnerships with WCC’s Adult Learning and Community Learning Team www.warwickshire.gov.uk/acl, CWCDA’s Money, Money, Maths Money, Money, Maths - Coventry & Warwickshire CDA (cwcda.co.uk) Pet Xi www.pet-xi.co.uk/opportunities/multiply-skills-for-life-duplicate-1/ and North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College www.nwslc.ac.uk/multiply
Businesses interested in finding out more about how Multiply can benefit their workforce should email enquiries@cw-chambertraining.co.uk or telephone 024 7623 1122. The training is due to be delivered by March 2025.
Flapjack overdrive thanks to Duplex Fund support

"The Duplex Fund is a great example of collaborative working by ourselves and our partners, all pulling together to support small businesses and the local economy."
A family-run commercial bakery in Exhall has invested a six-figure sum in machinery to increase its flapjack output thanks to innovative support from the Duplex Investment Fund which is funded by Warwickshire County Council.
Handmade Speciality Products, set-up in 1987 and taken over by the Raeburn family in 2009, produces millions of muffins, cookies, flapjacks, gingerbread, traybakes and cakes each year at its base in Blackhorse Road.
Around 120 full-time employees, plus between 10 to 50 agency staff, are involved in making their products for customers ranging from schools and universities to retailers and wholesalers across the UK.
The forward-thinking business contacted Laura Delahunty at the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub to find out if there was any support available towards buying new factory processing equipment for their flapjack production. Laura put sales director James Raeburn in touch with Coventry & Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT) who suggested the Duplex Investment Fund, an innovative funding scheme that offers a loan and a grant in one.
The Duplex Fund provides support to businesses looking to expand by investing in capital equipment with a loan, and then a 40 per cent grant is reimbursed once the item has been purchased. It is an initiative delivered by CWRT and funded by Warwickshire County Council, Coventry City Council, Midlands Engine and Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP).
James said Handmade Speciality Products wouldn’t have been able to buy the new machinery without the support of the Growth Hub and CWRT.
He said: “The machinery investment will give us a new level of automation at the front end of our flapjack manufacturing process and is something we have wanted to do for a long time. The business is built upon being truly handmade on a scaled-up level and we have grown significantly over the last few years.
“Flapjacks have been a significant category of growth and to increase our output we have been looking at various options for automation. This machine will put the flapjack ingredients into a set tray and we will then take over by hand. We have carried out a number of trials with the manufacturer and we believe it will increase our capacity significantly when it arrives in the spring. The equipment will also enable us to upskill our workers in the factory which is positive for our long-term growth. We will still need the same amount of people on the production line but there is so much more that they can be doing with their skills.
“We have worked with the Growth Hub for quite a while because being a privately-owned family business any support is appreciated and Laura’s advice has been key for our progress.
“We were not aware of programmes like the Duplex Investment Fund and wouldn’t have been able to facilitate this investment without the loan and grant. We are on a journey of growth working closely with the Growth Hub who have been a massive help.”
Laura Delahunty, Business Navigator at Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub, said: “We have worked with Handmade Speciality Products on a number of projects and this addition to their factory will mean they are able to produce higher volumes, increase and upskill staff and streamline their processes.
“We are here to make businesses in all sectors aware of the support that is available to assist their growth and make it as easy as possible to complete the application forms.”
Sheridan Sulskis, CEO at CWRT, said: “It is a privilege to be part of Handmade Speciality Products’ growth journey by empowering them with the right type of financial support to take their business to the next level. Investing in the success of our local businesses isn't just a choice; it's a commitment by CWRT to building a thriving foundation for shared prosperity and a brighter, interconnected future. We would encourage any business based in Coventry or Warwickshire to reach out to find out how we can help support their growth aspirations.”
Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson, said: "It is always exciting to see a small business grow and fulfil its potential and I am delighted that Handmade Speciality Products is doing exactly that with support from the Duplex Investment Fund. The Duplex Fund is a great example of collaborative working by ourselves and our partners, all pulling together to support small businesses and the local economy."
To find out more about CWRT’s services call 02476 551 777 or visit www.cwrt.uk.com/
Businesses encouraged to look 'Nextdoor'
Businesses are bring urged to look 'Nextdoor' to showcase their services and raise their profile in the local community.
Nextdoor is a social media platform which enables local communities to receive information, give and receive help and connect with other local residents, businesses and public services.
By setting up a small business account on the platform, SMEs can reach out to local residents, showcase their products or services, share latest business updates and build trust amongst locals who are actively seeking services and recommendations. It is also a space where a small businesses can enhance their brand's local reputation and potentially attract new customers.
To find out more, please visit: https://business.nextdoor.com/en-gb/small-business
Warwickshire County Council has just entered its fourth year on Nextdoor. Please take a look at WCC’s Nextdoor public service account and give us a follow.
Book now for Resilience and Growth Programme

Small businesses can obtain advice on a range of issues from a new Resilience & Growth Programme from Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust.
The free business support workshops are for Warwickshire-based businesses which are looking to grow and diversify.
To be eligible, a business needs to have been trading for at least two years.
At the four workshops in February, attendees will receive tailored business support from expert-led sessions and also benefit from one-to-one mentoring.
The programme will run throughout February, though businesses which may struggle to make the February dates need not miss out. More workshops are in the pipeline and will be available in March.
For full information on all current funding programmes and financial support for your business from Coventry & Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust, please visit our website.
CWRT support powers growth for Above and Beyond
An expanding Warwickshire events company is on target to double its growth and increase its workforce following a move to new premises after receiving support from Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT) and two County Council-backed funds.
Above & Beyond Solutions, an event design and stand company, was set-up in 2021 by Sam Stockmans after he had worked in the events industry for 15 years.
After passing the £1 million turnover milestone in its first 18 months, its ten-strong team moved into new premises in Princes Drive in Kenilworth last summer. The business is on course to recruit another four employees and reach £2.2 million turnover by the end of its second year of trading in February 2024.
Their success is in part due to receiving £135,000 from the Duplex Investment Fund, which is a combined grant and loan, and is an initiative launched between Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT), Warwickshire County Council, Coventry City Council and Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP).
The Duplex Fund is aimed at businesses that are looking to employ new staff members and to generate cash for investment projects. It is a new way to help finance capital investments by Coventry and Warwickshire businesses. This innovative and unique scheme for the financial market has, to date, created over 100 jobs across Coventry and Warwickshire and supported over 50 SMEs.
Above & Beyond Solutions has also received finance from Warwickshire County Council's Local Communities & Enterprise Fund (LCE), delivered by CWRT, which is a programme that supports local communities, existing businesses and enables new start-ups to seek finance they may be unable to access from their local bank.
Over this short period, Above & Beyond has built an impressive list of clients across the UK and Europe ranging from BBC Music and Coventry University to Gymshark and Burger King for its services which include launching exhibitions and events, ticketing and sponsorship acquisition.
“The grants and loans have made a huge difference to turning our plans into reality because it enabled the business to grow from five to ten employees and improved our cash flow,” Sam said. “We used some of the money to buy a build system called Aluvision. It’s a metal framework with tension stretch fabric so it can be re-used at different exhibitions and shows which makes it more sustainable.
“The funding also helped with moving to a 4,000 sq ft warehouse in Kenilworth and we are already full and are looking to buy the next-door premises “We are looking at extending the warehouse and the team by another four members of staff because we want to carry on growing.
“The loan really helped with being able to grow at a quicker pace because we deliver events Europe-wide as well as throughout the UK and this is a really exciting time.”
Sheridan Sulskis, CEO of CWRT, said: “We are thrilled to stand alongside Above & Beyond Solutions as they embark on this exciting journey of expansion. This strategic investment aligns with our mission to empower local entrepreneurs, stimulate economic growth, and contribute to the fabric of our vibrant community. I’m looking forward to watching Sam’s success over the years to come."
Cllr Martin Watson, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Economy, added: “We’re delighted to see the success of Above and Beyond. Along with our partners, we seek to support local businesses which is, of course, of tremendous benefit to our communities with the employment opportunities they provide. This particular business has accessed two sources of funding from the County Council which is a testament to the breadth of our offer.”
To find out more about funding options from CWRT and how they can support your local business, visit www.cwrt.uk.com or call their team on 02476 551 777.
Warton first to benefit from Develop Warwickshire community fund
“We are proud to be launching this new fund which we hope will make a real difference to communities in Nuneaton and North Warwickshire."
A year after it was formed, a joint venture has launched a new community fund to support projects in North Warwickshire and Nuneaton.
Develop Warwickshire has opened its new £50,000 community fund and it has now supported its inaugural project in Warton.
The annual grant fund is comprised of £25,000 in cash and £25,000 work in kind from the joint venture partners. It will support a range of projects in the area, the first being the installation five new park benches at Warton Recreation Ground.
Develop Warwickshire was formed in December 2022 and is a joint venture between Countryside Partnerships, Warwickshire Property and Development Group (WPDG) and Warwickshire County Council.
The fund has also made a £1,000 donation to support the 2024 Warton Carnival as the joint venture continues its commitment to support the community in the village.
The benches have been funded through a combination of grant funding from Warwickshire County Council and community fundraising, with the top five donors recognised in commemorative plaques. Develop Warwickshire’s Community Fund has funded the installation of the five large benches.
Julie Holden, on behalf of the Warton Picnic Bench Group, said: “We have needed an upgrade of benches in the park for a couple of years, and the support from Develop Warwickshire is the final piece of the puzzle to enable this to happen.
“The work to install the benches is very valuable for a small community like Warton. We would also like to thank Develop Warwickshire for the generous donation which will support our forthcoming carnival in June next year.”
Organisations and community groups from across North Warwickshire and Nuneaton will be able to apply for grants from the Develop Warwickshire Community Fund.
Stuart Buckley, Managing Director of WDPG, said: “We are proud to be launching this new fund which we hope will make a real difference to communities in Nuneaton and North Warwickshire. Every year we will be supporting a range of projects through this fund. Work is progressing well at Brookmill Meadows and the donations are part of our commitment to supporting the community in Warton.”
Councillor Peter Butlin, Deputy Leader of Warwickshire County Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property: “The Develop Warwickshire Community Fund is a brilliant way to extend the work of the joint venture for the benefit of local people and the wider community, and I’m pleased we have been able to launch the fund working with Warton residents on initiatives that are important to them.”
Impressive reach for Christmas campaign
“I found the campaign great fun to take part in and the interaction with the guys at the County Council was fabulous."
A campaign to raise the profile of small businesses in their local communities in the run-up to Christmas was a great success, achieving a reach of 26,559.
Warwickshire County Council’s ‘Warwickshire Christmas 2023’ campaign equipped participating towns and independent businesses with high quality seasonal images and ideas to generate social media engagement during a critical trading season for the High Streets.
During the campaign - November 1st to December 24th - 437 social media posts and stories were shared, securing a reach of 24,884 (a 260 per cent increase on the previous year). The overall social media statistics showed a reach of 26,559 with 1,719 visits and 131 new likes/followers.
Key to the success of the campaign was a very welcome high level of business participation. Getting businesses on board before the campaign helped with engagement and use of the hashtag #WarwickshireChristmas triggered organic campaign growth as non-participating businesses joined in the tagging and use of #Warwickshirechristmas.
Santa-based posts were very strong in terms of reach and shares, especially early in the campaign, and those images were made available for people to use in their own campaigns.
Samantha Hollis, of Nuneaton-based independent, Abbey Art Craft World, said: “I found the campaign great fun to take part in and the interaction with the guys at the County Council was fabulous. Knowing that someone was at the forefront of the driving seat made it easier for me and the tag and @ share was and is a great idea.”
This campaign also increased the reach of Warwickshire Towns Network across the county. It showed significant audience growth in Coleshill, Rugby, Atherstone and Nuneaton, offering further opportunities for engagement on local initiatives and business support.
To find out more about Warwickshire Towns Network, please follow: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/towncentres, Facebook: WarksTN and Twitter: @WarksTN
Deadline close for FSB Small Business Awards
The awards showcase the best small businesses from the length and breadth of the UK, offering national recognition. Winning an FSB Celebrating Small Business Award is a great way to showcase business achievements and celebrate a business' hard work, brilliance and innovation within their own geographical area, as well as having the opportunity to win a national award.
Small businesses throughout Warwickshire are invited to take part and enter one or more of 12 award categories, for a chance to be recognised as the best small business in the West Midlands. Regional winners then go through to the UK Final. The categories are: Start-Up; Self-Employed/Freelancer; Micro Business; Family Business; Expansion and Growth; Young Entrepreneur; Innovation; Service Excellence; Sustainability; Diversity & Inclusion; Community and, new for this year, Franchise Business.
The deadline for entries is 11 February and regional winners will be announced 6 March 2024.
Given that 2024 marks FSB’s 50th anniversary and we were founded in Blackpool, the UK finals ceremony will be held at the iconic Winter Gardens Empress Ballroom in Blackpool on 9 May.
The awards are free to enter and open to FSB members and non-members. Find out more and apply here
Confidence increasing as businesses enter 2024
"The latest QES results show the local economy maintaining optimism, desire and capacity for growth"
Businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire have started 2024 in a much more confident mood compared to a year ago.
According to the latest Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) by the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, the economic outlook for the region had dipped, compared to three months ago, based on a range of measures. However, there are signs that confidence has improved coming into 2024 among firms in both the services and manufacturing sectors.
The survey, which is delivered in partnership with Prime Accountants Group, is analysed by the Economy & Skills Group at Warwickshire County Council. From the responses of businesses across the services and manufacturing sector, it gives scores out of 100 where anything above 50 is positive and below is negative.
Business confidence in the service sector has gone up from a score of 61.3 to 61.8 compared to the third quarter of 2023 and in manufacturing it has risen to 83.3, up from 72.5. In manufacturing, domestic and international sales had both fallen in the final quarter of the year. In the service sector, sales rose domestically but fell overseas. Investment and cashflow fell below the 50 mark in both manufacturing and services and the employment outlook also dropped but, crucially, remained above the score of 50.
Overall, it led to an economic outlook score of 55.2 which is down from 62.3 three months before, but the fact that it remains above 50 means that growth is still anticipated in the regional economy for the coming year.
Todd Williams, Business Intelligence Analyst at Warwickshire County Council, said: “Quarter four at a national level improved slightly with early reductions in concerns over inflation and interest rates, while recruiting difficulties have not improved significantly. However, the latest QES results show the local economy maintaining optimism, desire and capacity for growth.
“The results show that the overall economic outlook index for Coventry and Warwickshire aligning with the national trend with national optimism now approaching the sentiment of local services businesses. The local manufacturing business sentiment is less conclusive, with continuing variability from one quarter to the next suggesting significant ongoing uncertainty.
“While there are local short-term concerns, especially around recruiting, price pressures and inflation, both the local manufacturing and service sectors show strong confidence that business is expected to improve over the next 12 months.”
Sean Rose, head of policy at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “The latest QES shows the real uncertainty that there is within the economy and, yet, there is a sense of confidence that has emerged from companies across our region. Uncertainty is something firms have had to face for many years now and there is no doubt that it has held back growth but businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire have proved themselves to be extremely resilient.
“There is still a huge amount of pressure on firms – whether that’s the labour market or high costs – and firms will be looking for further announcements in the Chancellor’s Budget to help ease those. But the drop in inflation towards the end of 2023 and, therefore, the prospect of interest rates starting to come down will have been a factor in companies looking ahead to 2024 with more confidence than at the start of the previous year.
“We’d urge companies to get in touch with the Chamber as we begin the New Year to make sure they are getting all of the support they need to help them not only survive, but grow.”
Steve Harcourt, president of the Chamber and director of Prime Accountants Group, said: “I have no doubt that businesses are going to have to work extremely hard once again if they are to grow in 2024. The survey shows that there is still some way to go before the economy is back on an even keel but, hopefully, the next 12 months will start to bring a little more certainty for companies across the patch.
“The global economic signals are improving but I don’t believe, necessarily, that this will mean a bumper year for firms in our region – but it might see confidence improve further as the year goes on.”
CWRT empowering local economy through Access Fund
Coventry & Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT), in collaboration with Access - The Foundation for Social Investment and Coventry and Warwickshire CDA, has introduced the Access Programme In response to the escalating cost of living.
This newly launched initiative aims to provide crucial funding and support to social enterprises and charities. Through a combination of grants and loans, the Access Programme empowers West Midlands-based social enterprises and charities, enabling them to expand enterprising activities, foster financial sustainability and meet the rising demand for their services when it is most needed.
The Access Programme offers a range of support tailored to the needs of the eligible organisations:
Grant-Only Support: Organisations can apply for grants ranging from £5,000 to £7,500.
Blended Finance: A unique combination of loan and grant, ranging from £20,000 to £40,000, with a grant of up to 50%.
Health Check Review: A comprehensive 1-hour online session conducted by the Coventry and Warwickshire CDA to assess organisational readiness and impact.
Peer-to-Peer Network: An opportunity to join a network of like-minded organisations, fostering connections and collaborations for a greater collective impact.
The Access Programme is specifically designed to support charities and social enterprises operating in various regions across the West Midlands, including Coventry, Warwickshire, Birmingham, Solihull, Dudley, Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Worcestershire, and Staffordshire. To be eligible, organisations must be actively involved in addressing the cost-of-living crisis and providing critical services such as food and emergency supplies, emergency shelter, safe spaces, warmth, and financial and housing advice. They must also provide paid for products and or services to ensure longevity and the financial sustainability of the organisation.
At a time when the demand for charitable services is at its peak, the Access Programme ensures that these essential organisations can navigate challenges effectively, ultimately benefiting the communities that need it the most.
Access Programme has limited funds. If you would like to learn more and apply please contact CWRT on 02476 551 777 or visit: www.cwrt.uk.com/access-programme
Special Feature
Business innovation blooms amid glory of country parks
"We are very proud of the work that our skilled and dedicated teams do 'in the field' to ensure that these areas remain safe and beautiful and also of the innovative thinking which underpins the service and ensures that is economically viable."
With more than 1,300 acres of land under their control, the team that runs Warwickshire County Council’s country parks and greenways has a big responsibility.
They are custodians of some of the county’s crown jewels - the rolling hills of Burton Dassett, the magical woodlands of Hartshill Hayes, the elegant greenways of Kenilworth and Stratford. Warwickshire is a beautiful county and much of its beauty is in the care of this 40-strong team.
Warwickshire’s five country parks, three greenways and two nature reserves attract around a million visits per year. They contribute heavily to the pleasure and wellbeing of the county’s residents and have a massively positive environmental impact.
These places are of immeasurable value to Warwickshire, so looking after them is a great responsibility…and challenge. Protecting and maintaining them comes at a cost so it all has to be underpinned by solid financial strategy. Delivering the pleasure of country parks is a serious business.
“It is the nature of these places that there will always be costs that are essential and ongoing, so we need to generate a level of revenue to help meet those costs,” said Rachel Baconnet, Warwickshire County Council’s Lead Commissioner (Country Parks and Green Spaces). “Our ambition is to keep improving every year and we have some exciting proposals in the pipeline to support that ambition.”
Within that ambition there is plenty of room for creativity. The country parks constantly throw up small business opportunities, two of which currently beckon at Kingsbury Water Park and Pooley Country Park.
Pooley Park, spanning 154 acres around the Coventry Canal near Polesworth, has a quirky charm - and potential - all of its own.
“Pooley has immense potential,” said WCC Strategic and Commercial Manager, Marcus Ferguson. “It is on the former colliery site and retains the old colliery wheel. Its tearoom has loads of brilliant colliery memorabilia and a timeline relating the history of the site. The park itself is a hidden gem and we are really excited to see how all that potential is fulfilled.
“The former tearoom building is available for lease, along with 20 acres of grazing land. They could be leased together or separately and we’ve already had seven Expressions of Interest. There is a real opportunity to do something new here, something that potentially we haven’t even previously considered.”
Another intriguing opportunity exists at Kingsbury Water Park, near the Staffordshire border. Within the sylvan park, which has 15 lakes, lies Broomey Croft Farm, recently vacated and now in the process of restoration.
“Broomey Croft offers a great opportunity as either a working farm or a combination of farm/tourist attraction with its café building and adjacent campsite,” said Marcus. “It’s another example of the untapped potential around our country parks and it is our mission in the coming years to make the most of all these amazing places that we are lucky enough to have."
Councillor Heather Timms, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture at Warwickshire County Council, said: “Countryside and green spaces are so precious to our daily lives and Warwickshire County Council is dedicated to protecting and nurturing these invaluable assets through our Country Parks service. We are very proud of the work that our skilled and dedicated teams do "in the field" to ensure that these areas remain safe and beautiful and also of the innovative thinking which underpins the service and ensures that it is economically viable.
“The service as a whole demonstrates our commitment to enhancing the wellbeing of our residents, supporting our community's health and preserving the beauty and biodiversity of our county.”
For more information about Warwickshire’s Country Parks, visit: www.countryparks.warwickshire.gov.uk
Long-term cafe leases are great news for greenways
"Partnering with local businesses to make the most of the vibrant opportunities at our Country Parks and Greenways brings so many benefits"
A pair of railway carriages converted into independent Stratford-upon-Avon cafes will continue serving cyclists and walkers at a popular country park after securing new lease agreements.
Bobby’s Café and Milcote Café serve visitors at opposite ends of the 5.3 mile Stratford Greenway, one of Warwickshire County Council’s ten country parks and greenways.
The scenic trail is popular with walkers and cyclists and acts as a quiet corridor for wildlife.
Extended lease agreements have been signed with WCC, through its managing agent Warwickshire Property Management Ltd (WPM), which will see the innovative cafes remain at their current sites for at least five more years.
The carriages have been on the greenway for around two decades, but both owners have been involved for less than three years.
Dave and Helen Spink, who live in Oxhill, recently took over the reins at Bobby’s Café and left behind their careers in the online retail sector. It is the couple’s first foray into hospitality, and their teenage son and daughter are both also working in the café.
The café offers artisan coffee, curated menus of local produce, wine and hosts an array of events, from wine and whiskey tasting, to live music and film nights.
Dave said: “The business was previously run by three women and they have designed a unique destination for people that like something a little bit quirky and different. We’ve been running Bobby’s for over a month now with both children involved day-to-day, so it is a real family business.
“The new lease gives us a certainty and we hope that five years will lead to 10 years. Everyone has made us feel very welcome and we are looking forward to our future here.”
Meanwhile, at the other end of the greenway, Keith Cottam has been running Milcote Café since the summer of 2021. He lives in Long Marston and bought the café after ringing up the former owner to ask if they had a job for his daughter. The father and daughter duo now run the popular café together.
The business has seen significant year-on-year growth in turnover since Keith took over and has benefitted significantly from the new homes being built at Long Marston.
“I ran a café previously at Warwick Parkway but when the lease ran out there, I was looking for my next opportunity,” Keith said. It’s a really busy greenway and it’s a great place to do business. I’ve invested a lot of time and money in the space, including support from the Council for more benches outside and a ramp for disability access.
“To have a new lease secured now is really good news. I have a few ideas for expansion up my sleeve, including an extension – which would be a waiting room of sorts for the railway carriage. The business is going in the right direction and it’s great for customers to have two cafes to visit at opposite end of the greenway.”
WPM is part of Warwickshire Property & Development Group (WPDG), which manages lettings on hundreds of Warwickshire County Council-owned properties.
Mandeep Padan, Asset Manager at WPM, said: “Stratford Greenway is a lovely location to be able to get outside, exercise and socialise. Bobby’s Café and Milcote Café provide a fantastic service to cyclists and walkers at the greenway, and they are in the perfect position to visit both in the middle of a long walk or cycle ride.
“It’s fantastic to see these two catering and hospitality businesses thriving and we are pleased to have sealed this deal to help them continue to grow and develop.”
Councillor Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture, said: “Securing this long-term lease supports both cafes to develop and expand their businesses in the most fabulous setting.
“Partnering with local businesses to make the most of the vibrant opportunities at our Country Parks and Greenways brings so many benefits: it enhances the experience for visitors, draws more people to our parks, supports the businesses involved, and can create community hubs where local people can meet and connect.
“Bobby’s and Milcote are lovely cafes that are highly popular with the local community, so offering this long-term lease makes perfect sense. I hope many people will take the opportunity to pop down for a walk or cycle and enjoy some of their snacks and drinks.”
To plan your visit to Stratford Greenway or find your nearest park or greenway in Warwickshire, please click here
Talk Up Our Towns
Nuneaton building to deliver on top-rated economic potential

Nuneaton is a town on the move. An evolving town fuelled by creativity, energy and enterprise...
In 2023, Nuneaton was named as the town which offers the best economic opportunities in the whole of the UK.
The highly-respected UK Vitality Index, compiled by property consultancy Lambert Smith Hampton, considered all that is now happening in Nuneaton and all that is coming down the track - and they liked what they saw. The investment potential of the town, they calculated, was the highest in the country.
The accolade is well-merited and a tribute to the resilience and enterprise of the people and businesses of Nuneaton. Like those in every town and city across the UK, they have endured a bruising few years - but they are bouncing back. The Vitality Index rating provides evidence that the regeneration of Nuneaton, heavily driven by the local authorities, has been noted on a national scale.
Nuneaton has long contributed much to the national stage. George Eliot, Gareth Edwards, Larry Grayson and George Reader (what a chat show sofa they would make up!) each left lasting imprints on British cultural history. Now the town is looking to the future. Powered by £23.2 million from the Government’s Towns Fund, it is to rebooting from the challenges of Covid, Brexit and rising costs.
Key to this revival is the Transforming Nuneaton (TN) programme, a package of regeneration projects delivered by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and Warwickshire County Council. With a funding and investment value of just under £155 million, TN is a major joint commitment by public and private sectors. That commitment is driving transformation and, as the Vitality Index proves, generating wide interest and confidence in the town’s future.
Transforming Nuneaton is an ambitious programme and, as such, will take time to implement but one of its key anchor projects - Grayson Place - is well underway. The first phase of construction, a 145-room hotel, is taking shape with the imposing new building due to open in August. Phase Two will comprise a new town centre campus for North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College (NWSLC) along with new restaurants, bars, coffee shops and retail and living. It will reshape the town centre and stimulate the town economy far into the future.
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council’s Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economy and Transformation, Cllr Kris Wilson said: “It is great to see the first phase of the Transforming Nuneaton programme moving forward. Grayson Place is well on the way and all the vibrancy and opportunities that it will bring to the town centre will benefit the town far into the future.
Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “Transforming Nuneaton is a bold and ambitious programme which will deliver significant long-term benefits for the town. It is an excellent example of collaborative working by national and local government, alongside the expertise of local people and businesses, and I am delighted to see it progressing.”
Nuneaton is a town on the move. An evolving town fuelled by creativity, energy and enterprise, as exemplified by the remarkable story of Saints Nuneaton. This social enterprise has harnessed significant support from local and national government to transform one of the town centre’s most historic buildings from potential dereliction into a brilliant community resource.
The Saints adventure began in 2019 when Together for Change, a joint venture of the Diocese of Coventry and Church Urban Fund, decided they wanted to do something in Nuneaton. Funding of £1.8million from the Towns Fund enabled acquisition of the imposing four-storey building in Newdegate Street. Built in 1898, it was for a long time the Conservative Club, then briefly a nightclub before falling into closure and disrepair. It could have become a blot on the town centre. Instead, it is now a vibrant community hub.
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council bought the site, leasing it to the Saints at a peppercorn rent, thereby making the project sustainable for the long term. Every day, that move massively benefits the people of the town. The Saints deliver all aspects of community regeneration, tackling unemployment, poor educational attainment and low aspirations, with particular focus on young people and families. They train people to become work-ready and increase their confidence and aspirations.
Alongside this, Saints provide support and space for new start-ups, but the story is just beginning. Still ahead is refurbishment of the once-grand first floor ballroom which will provide a space for people to engage in sports, dance, drama, music, art and creative digital media.
Jet Jones, who is overseeing the project as chief executive of Together for Change, said: “It has been four years since we came up with the concept and decided to take on the building and, even though we opened just before lockdown, the support we have received from the local community, along with funding from the Towns Fund, has been tremendous, and allowed us to support the community during a vital time when many need support.
“It is amazing to see Saints buzzing with families and other members of our community. I and my family are all from Nuneaton, and I believe it is a fantastic town with fantastic people. The Saints team are passionate about our community and believe it can indeed thrive once again.. The funding and support we have had from local and national government has been vital, but all this wouldn’t have happened without the town getting behind the project and bringing their talents and energy to it.”
* To keep right up to date with what's happening in Nuneaton, please follow the #NuneatonNowNext tag on social media.
Buzz is on its way back to town centre
“We love being in the town and the regeneration plans are exciting and offer something to look forward to."
Nuneaton is on the way back to it’s pre-Covid standing as a busy, diverse shopping town with a great vibe, believes Lauren Wills.
Lauren has run Sassy Giraffe in the town centre since 2017 and has just renewed her lease on the popular gift shop on Newdegate Street.
Sassy Giraffe is typical of the small independent businesses that underpin the appeal of the town centre. And while in recent years Nuneaton, like every town in the UK, has endured some tough challenges, Lauren reckons that, with exciting regeneration plans now advancing, the town can fully bounce back.
“I remember the year before Covid walking through the town centre early one Saturday evening and it was fantastic,” she said. “Loads of independent cafes and shops had opened up and the place was buzzing. I remember thinking, ‘how great is this?’
“That shows what the town can be. Then Covid came along and it hasn’t fully recovered since and the last few years have prevented us growing as much as we’d hoped, but we have survived and are ready to grow again when things pick up.
“We love being in the town and the regeneration plans are exciting and offer something to look forward to. These things take time to put in place, and the length of time is a concern because it is a battle for small businesses at the moment, but we are committed to staying around because it will be brilliant when it’s all done.
“It will encourage shoppers and visitors back into the town and will inspire people to open small businesses, which will complement the great ones that we have already got: we can then get back to where we were, which was fantastic.”
Sassy Giraffe is well-established in the town centre, having benefited from local business support. Lauren received advice and a grant from the Survive, Sustain & Grow programme from Warwickshire County Council in 2021.
“That support was invaluable at that time,” Lauren said. “It enabled us to buy printing machines so that we could personalise products and offer a much greater range. That meant we could offer something different and adapt to the specific products that people want. It really kept us going. When we needed support, the council was there for us.”
* To keep right up to date with what's happening in Nuneaton, please follow the #NuneatonNowNext tag on social media.
Events in early February will offer range of advice to businesses
Two events coming up in Nuneaton in early February will provide SMEs with advice on business and recruitment support and opportunities that are available.
A business support event, organised by Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council (NBBC) on February 7th (10am-1pm) at Eliot Park Innovation Centre will offer advice to current and potential business owners.
The advice will range from how to start a business to how to grow an existing business. It will also cover how to ensure your business meets net zero goals, the best ways to upskill employees, financial and legal advice and tips on how to work smarter.
Confirmed attendees include Warwickshire Skills Hub, Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub, Federation of Small Businesses, Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, Coventry University, Department of Work and Pensions and Coventry and Warwickshire Co-operative Development Agency. Free parking will be provided for all attendees.
Two days later, on February 9 (10am-2pm), a Jobs Fair will take place at the Jubilee Sports Centre off Greenmoor Road. Among more than 50 exhibitors showcasing jobs and apprenticeships at the event will be NBBC, the DWP, Aldi, UPS, Triton Showers and the George Eliot Hospital. The Fair which follows the highly successful inaugural event last year. Admission will be free and all are welcome to attend.
News in Brief
Latest news-in-brief from around the region...
Recruitment giant merges with IT specialist
Pertemps Network Group, a Warwickshire-headquartered recruitment giant with a turnover in excess of £1bn, has merged with an IT specialist which has been trading for almost 50 years. IT recruitment firm Parity serves clients across the UK, Ireland and a number of other European countries. Rebranded as Parity Network, it becomes part of a £1bn specialist recruitment network, which is a long-term investor in the company.
Battery software company secures major investment
Warwick-based Eatron Technologies, a pioneering developer of AI-powered battery management software for the automotive industry, has completed its A2 Series Funding.
This investment will enable Eatron to accelerate the development and deployment of new embedded and cloud-based features for its unique software platform.
Bridge of Weir leather opens design studio in Warwick
Bridge of Weir, which supplies fine automotive leather supplier to some of the world’s most-respected luxury car brands, has opened a new "advanced" design studio in Warwick at the design consultancy Callum.
Operating as a design ‘skunk works’ in the heart of the UK automotive industry, Bridge of Weir wants to accelerate and expand the capabilities of leather as an automotive interior material – and to bring those developments closer to current customers, including Jaguar Land Rover, Aston Martin, Polestar and McLaren, as well as new customers.
Cab Engine announces new partnership with TGI Fridays
Following a competitive pitch, Alcester-based Cab Engine, a digital transformation studio, has announced a new strategic partnership with iconic American-inspired restaurant brand TGI Fridays, to manage its paid search and paid social channels whilst also advising on the direction of SEO across the entire estate, with the goal of increasing booking numbers at its 86 restaurants.
Warwick Acoustics names automotive industry veteran as chairman
Audio technology firm Warwick Acoustics has appointed Ian Harnett as its chairman, 12 months after he became a non-executive director, and as the company gears up for its first production contract with a luxury global automotive manufacturer. Harnett's automotive career spans nearly 40 years and he was formerly a main board director at Jaguar Land Rover.
New hotel at Dallas Burston Polo Club to be managed by Focus Hotels
Hotel management company Focus Hotels Management has secured the management contract for the Polo Club Hotel – a forthcoming development at the 200-acre Dallas Burston Polo Club near Southam in Warwickshire As part of the Dallas Burston Polo Club's broader strategy for expansion, the hotel will create a retreat for visitors and patrons while improving accessibility to the world of equestrian sport. Set to open this year, the property will offer high-end luxury and close ties to the venue’s sports and events facilities, including four polo grounds, an equestrian arena, a stylish gastropub and the 3000-capacity IXL Events Centre.
Box Ltd in North Warwickshire in administration
Dordon-based online tech retailer Box Ltd which employed more than 100 people has fallen into administration, with the majority of staff made redundant with immediate effect.
The business began trading 27 years ago and prior to the appointment of administrators, the company had an annual turnover of £76m and employed 107 people.Trading operations will not continue during the administration process, and the majority of staff have been made redundant with immediate effect.
Warwickshire's Purity Brewing sold to private equity firm
Private equity company Breal Group has bought Purity Brewing Co, adding the Warwickshire brewery to its growth stable of breweries, including Black Sheep Brewing, Brew By Numbers and Brick Brewery, all of which were acquired by Breal in 2023. It is reported that Purity ran into financial difficulty amid rising operational and raw material costs.
Rugby firm launches UK's first wind and solar powered defibrillator cabinet
Rugby-based family firm Turtle Defib Cabinets has launched a UK first - a ground-breaking wind and solar powered defibrillator and bleed control cabinet. Such units are usually wired to an electrical source but in remote areas, solar is used as an alternative. Turtle's design solves a problem, namely that the angle of the solar panel must be optimal to ensure a continuous supply of electricity, and provides a wind back-up.
Ground breaks on £6m scheme at Warwickshire barracks
VIVO Defence Services and its tier one supply chain partner Henry Brothers Construction have broken ground on a £6m scheme to relocate an explosive ordnance disposal troop from Nottingham to Warwickshire. The troop is relocating from Chetwynd Barracks to Gamecock Barracks, near Nuneaton, under the Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Army Programme.
Government rolls out new tax credits for British film, TV and video games
Starting today, the UK Government has introduced a new tax credit system for the creative industries. The new Audio-Visual Expenditure Credit and Video Games Expenditure Credit will provide greater tax reliefs than the previous system to businesses across the country.
Children’s TV, animated TV and animated films are set to benefit from an extra £42,500 in relief, while high-end TV, film or video game productions will receive £5,000.
Funding awarded for low carbon construction centre
A Midlands college group has secured £900,000 to develop a new facility in Rugby focused on low carbon construction. WCG (Warwickshire College Group) is set to launch a Low Carbon Construction Centre at Rugby College after being awarded Local Skills Improvement Funds (LSIF) by the Department for Education. The centre will focus on low carbon techniques and future housing, specialising in heat pumps and solar, to support regional skills needs. It will be based in an existing building on the college site which is not currently in use, and is expected to officially open in September 2024.
Plans in for logistics complex redevelopment
Detailed plans have been lodged for the redevelopment of a 16.4-acre logistics complex in Coventry, on the edge of Warwick District on Middlemarch Industrial Estate. The scheme from Stoford and BlackRock UK Property Fund (BUKPF) would involve the construction of a 302,000 sq ft unit on a brownfield site at Middlemarch Business Park, Siskin Parkway West, currently occupied by a national logistics operator. Stoford plans to demolish an existing 1970s building and replace it with a modern, purpose-built logistics facility, with integral three-storey office space. Stoford and Blackrock have previously worked together elsewhere in Warwickshire at other schemes like Spa Park in Leamington Spa, and the two Carbon schemes elsewhere in Middlemarch.
Clarion Partners Europe snaps up £28m warehouse at Coventry distribution hub
Clarion Partners Europe has bought a warehouse at Middlemarch Business Park in Coventry for £28.25m. The unit formerly known as Carbon 207 and let to pet food company Zooplus, lies in Warwick District on the border with Coventry City close to Coventry Airport.
Third phase of British Business Bank’s recovery loan scheme hits £1b
The British Business Bank’s third recovery loan scheme has now supported £1b of finance offers to small businesses since its launch in August 2022. With more than 60 participating lenders, the scheme offers a wide range of finance types, including term loans, asset finance, invoice finance, revolving credit facilities, and a newly launched asset-based lending variant.
Coventry and Warwickshire businesses in upbeat mood
Businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire have started 2024 in a much more confident mood compared to a year ago. According to the latest Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) by the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, the economic outlook for the region had dipped compared to three months ago based on a range of measures.
Crowe and CMB check the financial pulse of UK manufacturing with Winter Survey
Crowe, a national audit, tax, advisory and risk firm, together with CBM, the trade association representing Metal Forming companies across the UK, officially launches its Manufacturing Outlook - Winter Survey for 2024 to take the financial pulse of manufacturers for the coming year. Despite the headwinds over the last few years, companies in the Crowe/CBM 2023 Manufacturing outlook report were buoyant about sector growth, investing in sustainable production and embracing the next industrial revolution as digitisation, AI and automation become an important arsenal in building resilience and growth.
Manufacturers say UK is getting more competitive
More than half of Britain’s manufacturers are now viewing the UK as a more competitive place to locate their activities, compared to just 31 per cent one year ago. While less than one-fifth believe the UK is not a competitive place in which to manufacture.
These findings come from Make UK and PwC’s Executive Survey 2024, published today, which polled more than two hundred senior manufacturing executives. It shows that after a very difficult few years through the pandemic and the shock to energy prices, there are optimistic signs with companies more bullish about the prospects for manufacturing in 2024.
Made in the Midlands Awards open for entries
This year's Made in the Midlands Awards – Insider's annual celebration of the region's manufacturing sector – is now open for entries. Businesses will compete for 11 categories at the event, now in its 14th year, which takes place on 25 April at Eastside Rooms, Birmingham. This year there are two new awards – Manufacturing Start-up and Manufacturing Future Talent. It is free to enter and the deadline is 15 February.