Warwickshire businesses urged to apply for new County Council and Government grants
Small businesses in Warwickshire hit by the Coronavirus pandemic can apply for new grants from the County Council and the Government to boost their recovery.
Warwickshire County Council is launching a new £250,000 grant fund dedicated to supporting the retail and hospitality sectors in Warwickshire.
Small and micro businesses in these sectors can apply for grants between £2,000 to £7,500 to put towards the costs of capital investments.
This could be refurbishing or refitting property to increase footfall or improve visitors’ experiences, creating an online sales presence, investing in dedicated IT and computer software or the purchase of minor equipment.
The capital investments must be part of a plan to sustain and grow the businesses, as well as to safeguard existing jobs.
The Covid-19 Retail and Hospitality Recovery and Investment Fund is part of an initial £5 million support package from Warwickshire County Council to boost immediate economic recovery in the county.
In addition, the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub is administering £188,000 granted to Coventry and Warwickshire as part of the Government’s £10 million Kick-starting Tourism Package, which is specifically for tourism businesses.
Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council, said: “The launch of these grant programmes will be welcome news for SMEs across Warwickshire and the combination of the two initiatives strengthens an already strong support package.
“The new Retail and Hospitality Fund is being launched as part of our multi-million pound package of support for businesses and we hope the fund will stimulate growth and sustain businesses across the county.
“A wide range of sectors are covered across the County Council and Government grant programmes, with support available for some of the sectors which have been hit the hardest by the Coronavirus pandemic.
“We would urge businesses to get in touch with the County Council or the CWLEP Growth Hub to take advantage of these grants and get the help they require to take the next steps in their recovery and, in turn, provide a boost to the region’s economy.”
Small businesses in the retail and hospitality sector in Warwickshire should visit WCC’s website for more information on how to apply: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/directory-record/6450/covid-19-retail-and-hospitality-recovery-and-investment-fund
Applications are open from 24th August 2020 and the deadline for this first round of funding will be announced shortly. We will continue publicising new rounds until all of the fund has been allocated.
SMEs can apply for the Government grant from the end of August by visiting: www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk
This scheme is being fully funded by the Government from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.