April 2024


Our aim is for the Council to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030

Hello and welcome to the new Sustainable Warwickshire section of Warwickshire Means Business.

Starting this month, WMB will offer a bi-monthly package of articles exploring issues around sustainability and offering advice and information that can benefit your business.

Sustainability is at the heart of how Warwickshire County Council operates. Our Sustainable Futures Strategy, which was approved by Cabinet last November, outlines our aim for the Council to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and to support the whole of Warwickshire to achieve the same by 2050. They are big ambitions, but with our full commitment, supported by ever-advancing technology, we believe them to be achievable.

In the Sustainable Warwickshire section of WMB in the coming months we will focus on all that can be done by businesses of all sizes and sectors across our wonderful county to become more sustainable - and thereby better, more productive and profitable business.

In this edition we outline all the support available from ourselves and our partners towards achieving that objective. We also hear from Severn Trent about all they do, and help others do, to achieve sustainability goals.

I hope you enjoy the first WMB Sustainable Warwickshire package and find it valuable. Please do let us know, at brianhalford@warwickshire.gov.uk, if there is a dimension to the subject that you would like us to cover.



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