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County Council business support takes two prestigious awards
"These awards are a source of immense pride...it is particularly pleasing that the FSB has recognised the success of our longstanding services and programmes."
Warwickshire County Council has been awarded two prestigious ‘best in the region’ awards for its support for the local small business community.
Warwickshire County Council was among 250 councils in England who entered the inaugural Local Government awards run by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), sponsored by Maybe*.
Local authorities from across the country applied for the awards which are aimed at celebrating and recognising those that have made the biggest impact on local SMEs during the Covid crisis and beyond. The competition was fierce, but WCC emerged triumphant in two regional categories; 'Programme of Business Support' and 'All-Round Small Business Friendly.'
The latter award recognises WCC's work with businesses in the last two years to aid growth and economic recovery. The former was for the range of support provided not only during and since the pandemic but also programmes in place well before Covid. These include the CW Business Start, Grow and Scale programme and a breadth of schemes and advice delivered by Warwickshire Skills Hub, the Invest in Warwickshire team and Warwickshire Business Centres.
The judges were impressed by the council’s work to help the local small business community by developing an economic recovery plan using its own resources, delivering grant schemes and running a Visit Warwickshire campaign to benefit the local economy.
Cllr Martin Watson, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, said; “Warwickshire County Council recognises the crucial role small businesses play not just in the local economy but also in the local place, and the contribution they make to its character.
“We were committed to doing all that we could to ensure that small businesses not only survived, but took the moment to reassess how they were operating so that that they could adapt and thrive in the post-Covid market. These awards are a source of immense pride as they recognise that effort and how effective it was. It is particularly pleasing that the FSB has recognised the success of our longstanding services and programmes.
Lee Osborne, FSB Development Manager Warwickshire and Coventry, said “It is really pleasing to see Warwickshire County Council rewarded for their hard work and effort to help local SMEs through what has been a very challenging couple of years.
“Both the quality and quantity of entries from this region and beyond was incredibly high so Warwickshire County Council should feel very proud to be among the winners. We look forward to continuing to work with them - and all our other business-supporting councils - to ensure we have a vibrant and strong local SME community.”
Among other councils who were shortlisted for regional success were North Warwickshire Borough Council (Covid-19 Support and Recovery) Coventry City Council (Future Ready) and Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (All-Round Small Business Friendly).
Four Warwickshire sites under consideration as Investment Zones
"We will seek the creation of Investment Zones without compromising our commitment to the environment and driving the county towards net zero emissions by 2035.”
The names of the sites submitted by Warwickshire County Council as Expressions of Interest for consideration as Investment Zones have been announced.
The four sites across the county area, put forward following a Government announcement on the new initiative aimed at attracting investment and unlocking development, opportunities are:
- MIRA South Site – an advanced manufacturing site in North Warwickshire Borough, a southern extension of the highly successful Enterprise Zone MIRA Technology Park, Europe’s leading automotive and future mobility R&D campus
- Wellesbourne Innovation Campus – development of the successful technology campus, part of the University of Warwick estate, which has seen growth in recent years from automotive and future mobility expansion. It is also a major centre for agritech and crop science.
- West Midlands Gigafactory - Large sites at Coventry Airport and in its surroundings in Warwick District, with the primary objective of securing major inward investment in a battery gigafactory, and associated battery and automotive supply chain. It was submitted by WMCA in behalf of local partners, and was also included in the Warwickshire EOI.
- Judkins Quarry – a mixed use residential and commercial property site, with the potential to support local housing and employment need in Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough, including growth at MIRA South Site
Investment zones are a new initiative which aim to attract investment and unlock development and economic activity. It is hoped that these zones will accelerate economic growth through public and private investment and deliver tens of thousands of new homes and jobs and support key industries to decarbonise supply chains.
It follows a Government announcement that it was in discussion with 38 local and mayor combined authorities, including Warwickshire, on Investment Zones in specific sites within their area.
If successful beyond the EOI stage, the zones have the potential to unlock new public and private investment and boost the county economy by more than £1.4bn a year, creating over 25,000 jobs, 450 new homes and 1.3m sqm of commercial space. The zones would offer tax breaks and other incentives “to make it easier, quicker and cheaper for the private sector to do business” - helping to attract significant inward investment.
Investment Zones have attracted some criticism from environmental campaigners who fear that they could promote development at the cost of nature, a claim which the Leader of Warwickshire County Council, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, is keen to repudiate.
She said: “While the council is absolutely committed to driving economic growth and bringing investment and jobs into Warwickshire, this cannot be at the expense of the county’s overarching mission to protect the environment for future generations, while supporting the decarbonisation of the economy and of transport. The sites submitted provide a strong sectoral link around the future of automotive and the electrification of West Midlands and UK automotive.
“At this stage, we are making Expressions of Interest so there is a lot that remains to be done. Early indications are that we can work alongside partners to ensure that we maximise the many really exciting opportunities offered to the county in terms of growth, jobs, inward investment, bringing outstanding talent to the county and, as importantly, keeping it here. But we will seek the creation of Investment Zones without compromising our commitment to the environment and driving the county towards net zero emissions by 2035.”
The county’s case to Government, which is expected to make a decision on the proposals in the weeks ahead, has been jointly developed by Warwickshire County Council, local councils and business leaders. It concentrates Investment Zone sites in those areas with strong sectoral potential.
Cllr Kris Wilson, leader of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council where Judkins Quarry is located, said: “We are working hard to bring investment and prosperity to our Borough to help make Nuneaton and Bedworth a great place to live, work and visit. We welcome this opportunity to extend additional support to the business sector at this challenging time for the world economy. We have identified a key area in Nuneaton and Bedworth which meets the very specific criteria of this government scheme and, with our county council colleagues and FCC Environmental, one of the UK’s leading waste and resource management companies already based in our area, aim to help maximise investment with this bid to the government Investment Zones scheme.”
Cllr Andrew Day, leader of Warwick District Council, where West Midlands Gigafactory is located said: “This breakthrough offer from Government will create a favourable climate to secure the £3.4bn in finance to deliver the West Midlands Gigafactory. This vital new facility will anchor our important automotive and future mobility supply chain, which already supports 50,000 research, development, and manufacturing jobs locally, as well many more jobs across the region. I welcome this bold initiative, which is just what we need to foster the right environment for step-change investment, making a significant contribution to our shared vision for a net zero carbon future.”
Cllr Tony Jefferson, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council, where Wellesbourne Innovation Campus is situated, said: “This is an innovation-led bid by one of the UK’s top research universities that should see the District reap the benefits of spin-out economic growth. This is a really exciting development for Stratford-on-Avon, strengthening the existing agriculture and engineering sectors but at the same time diversifying the local economy. It will establish a new high-tech innovation hub in the District that has real potential to sit at the centre of a much wider R&D eco-system.”
Cllr David Wright, Leader of North Warwickshire Borough Council, where the MIRA site is situated, said: “North Warwickshire Borough Council has had a strong working relationship with Horiba MIRA for over 10 years. In 2015 the Borough Council approached MIRA with a view to a strategic allocation in the North Warwickshire Local Plan in order to offer a wider variety of high value jobs in the Borough. We hope the bid will bring this key investment forward, whilst maintaining proper controls to ensure this high-quality development fits well into the area.”
Matthew Hayes, Estates Development Manager at FCC Environment, owner of Judkins Quarry, said: “FCC Environment is excited to be supporting Warwickshire County Council and Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council to help bring additional investment into the area. The redevelopment of brownfield land at Judkins Quarry will not only bring with it much needed new housing, but also new employment space to help grow the West Midlands economy.”
James Edwards, Managing Director of Evans Randall Investors, development partner at MIRA Technology Park, said: “The launch of the government Investment Zones initiative comes at a key moment for MIRA Technology Park, with plans submitted for a major expansion which will allow large-scale manufacturing facilities to be developed alongside the existing, globally unique combination of R&D facilities, engineering services and test assets. This bid could help catalyse our ambitious plans for the site, attracting the very best global companies and creating 2,500 new jobs, consolidating MIRA Technology Park’s status as Europe’s leading automotive technology cluster.”
Further expressions of interest across the West Midlands have been made by local councils and authorities in the region. Like Warwickshire County Council, in their submissions, the councils have stressed to Government that the introduction of Investment Zones must not be to the detriment of the financial resources that would have otherwise been available to them.
They said the implementation of the zones would need to be subject to further work in respect to due diligence, assessments of financial risk and approval through the appropriate Governance structures.
Further details can be found here
Green Grants will help businesses reduce energy costs
"Energy costs are a major concern so the Warwickshire Business Support Green Recovery Grants scheme is there to help SMEs reduce their costs and make their premises greener as quickly as possible"
Businesses can benefit from a new Warwickshire County Council grant scheme offering up to £20,000 towards the cost of installing energy efficiency measures.
The Warwickshire Business Support Green Recovery Grants scheme is designed to support small businesses in the retail, tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors, as well as other sectors impacted by the pandemic. It has been developed in response to the rising energy costs that are having a significant impact on businesses and the post-COVID-19 economic recovery across the county.
The scheme will complement the Energy Bill Relief Scheme recently announced by the Government and the existing Coventry & Warwickshire Green Business Programme (CWGBP) which provides grants for energy efficiency and other measures to SMEs.
Businesses can apply for grants of between £1,000 and £20,000. Each grant will fund up to 40% of the costs of installing energy efficiency measures or investing in equipment that will lead to cost and carbon savings, such as Energy Efficient windows and doors and LED lighting upgrades.
The scheme also includes a free energy audit, supported by the European Regional Development Fund, under the CWGBP which is managed and delivered by Coventry City Council. The county council will also support businesses in other sectors to access the grants available via the CWGBP.
Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson said: "At the County Council, we constantly endeavour to tailor our business support to meet the evolving priorities of businesses. Energy costs are currently a major concern so the Warwickshire Business Support Green Recovery Grants scheme is there to help SMEs reduce their costs and make their premises greener as quickly as possible. I urge all eligible businesses to consider applying for these grants."
The County’s Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture, Cllr Heather Timms, added: “The scheme has a two-fold benefit. As well as helping businesses bring down their energy costs it will also help them to reduce their Carbon footprint. Everyone has a part to play in making Warwickshire greener. We’re happy to help businesses be more energy efficient and join in the collective effort.”
For further information please visit https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/greengrants or email Business@warwickshire.gov.uk
Ukrainian Working in Warwickshire Programme is launched
Of more than 100 Ukrainians to have signed up, some are highly trained in the managerial, medical, banking and legal professions...the County Council is working hard, including through its Fair Chance Employment Programme, to find each individual the most appropriate job.
Ukrainians building a life in Warwickshire will be supported by a new programme which will connect them to employers to whom their skills are just what is required.
The Ukrainian Working in Warwickshire Programme has been designed by the Warwickshire Skills Hub team to help Ukrainians access employment and explore how their skills can translate into opportunities.
The programme will run a series of workshops to outline employment options while also working with individuals to rebuild their confidence and discuss types of jobs which suit them and their home life.
A recent survey of the Ukrainian community provided information which has helped the Warwickshire Skills Hub team understand how the employment needs of the Ukrainian community may change in the coming months. Of Ukrainians in Warwickshire, 21% are still employed in their native land but expect to move their employment to the UK while 70% would be willing to convert their Ukraine qualification to gain skilled work in the UK.
Of more than 100 Ukrainians to have signed up for support, some are highly trained in the managerial, medical, banking and legal professions but currently working outside their area of expertise. The County Council is working hard, including through its Fair Chance Employment Programme, to find each individual the most appropriate job.
Stephen Hall, Project Officer for the Ukrainian Working in Warwickshire Programme said: “It is really enjoyable working with the Ukraine communities and I really admire their strength and resilience. Despite the trauma of being forced out of their homeland and the uncertainty of how long they will remain in Warwickshire, all the Ukrainians we have engaged with simply want to be independent and gain employment to offer their families the security they need.”
The weekly workshops, delivered by Coventry & Warwickshire CDA, will flag up access to sources of wider community services and support across the county for people forced out of their homeland. They will be delivered in libraries county-wide including Leamington, Stratford, Rugby, Nuneaton, Atherstone and Bedworth.
The workshop activities available include:
* One to one and group employment support
*CVs, applications and covering letter support
* Confidence building and wellbeing support
*Digital skills and practical support
*Job Searching Support
Any businesses who wish to share any vacancies they may have or join employment sessions to showcase their job opportunities is asked to contact skillshub@warwickshire.gov.uk
Warwickshire County Council's Strategic Head of Communities, Mark Ryder, said: "We are delighted to launch the Ukrainian Working in Warwickshire Programme. This brand new and unique programme will offer Warwickshire’s Ukrainian community the opportunity to gain employment support and direct access to Warwickshire job opportunities."
Make Energy Your Business webinars will advise how to reduce energy consumption
Businesses in Warwickshire are being urged to attend Make Energy Your Business webinars for the Agricultural Sector as well as Retail, Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure businesses.
With so many challenges facing businesses, given the current energy situation, the aim of the Webinar sessions is to help support businesses by providing strategies to reduce their rising energy bills and to provide information on the support available.
The webinars will provide an opportunity to learn from experts on what your business can do to reduce energy consumption.
Make Energy Your Business - Agricultural Sector Webinar

Date: 15 November
Time: 09:30-10.30am
WHO IS IT FOR? Open to all agricultural businesses, so if you are a Warwickshire Farmer, engaged in growing crops, have a farm shop, glamping site or any other related agricultural business - this session is for you. The event is Free and open to NFU Members and Non Members.
Make Energy Your Business - Retail, Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Webinar

Date: 17 November
Time: 09:30-11.00am
WHO IS IT FOR? Open to all Warwickshire businesses, focused on Retail, Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality Sector and please note that this is a Free Event.
What will participants at both webibars gain?
- Practical tips and tools to help reduce your business’s energy consumption
- Guidance on what you can do to reduce your energy bills
- Signposting to funding and business support
- An opportunity to ask our experts any questions you might have
Warwickshire leads the Midlands region for FDI Investment
“Warwickshire remains a 'go to' area in the UK for FDI investment, as we have the skills and talent sought by overseas companies, as well as access to supply chains and connectivity."
The Warwickshire (and Coventry) area remains among the fastest growing regions in the country as a location for foreign investment.
Data released by the Department for International Trade has revealed that the area attracted 45 foreign investment projects in the year 2021/22, maintaining the trend of recent years. The previous year recorded a figure of 50 projects, a 10% jump in projects that year compared to a decline of 12% for the UK over the same period. This year, numbers for the UK were up 3%.
Key local sectors featured strongly in the data, with 15 of these projects related to software and games development, ten related to automotive and future mobility, and five to e-commerce and logistics.
Analysis of the data shows that the Coventry & Warwickshire area is the highest performing area in the Midlands per capita, where the number of projects is compared to the local population. This year the area scored one project per 26,000 people, with the next comparable LEP area coming in at one project per 31,000, and elsewhere as low as one in 71,000.
Earlier this year, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Intelligence Magazine recognised the strength of the local area, placing Coventry & Warwickshire in the top ten for three categories in its annual FDI European Cities and Regions of the Future Awards 2022. The area was named second for Foreign Direct Investment strategy, seventh for economic potential and ninth for overall winner.
The Coventry and Warwickshire area has seen 19,519 jobs created from 347 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects over the last eight years (to 2022).
Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Economy and Place, Cllr Martin Watson,said: “Warwickshire remains a 'go to' area in the UK for FDI investment, as we have the skills and talent sought by overseas companies, as well as access to supply chains and connectivity. Our inward investment service provides an excellent soft-landing support for business, and I would encourage potential investors to reach out to us for support.”
For companies considering investing in the UK and the Midlands area, more information on the Coventry & Warwickshire area can be found at www.investcw.co.uk
Record label launches after cafe grows thanks to Project Warwickshire
“Running this kind of business is quite lonely, especially in the last few years, so to have somebody like Sarah just to talk to about things and offer her support has been a big help.”
A Leamington café which has become a hotspot for live music in Warwickshire is launching its own record label on the back of its growing success with support from Project Warwickshire.
Temperance, on Bath Street in the old town, was established by Adrian Gains in 2018 as a café and art gallery by day, and a bar and music venue by night.
It quickly established itself as a hub for creativity and a space to showcase local talent, expanding to National Theatre Live, film, spoken word and comedy nights, and serving great vegan food and drink, all sourced from local independent suppliers.
After the hospitality industry took a hit during Covid-19, Adrian was offered guidance from Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, and was eligible for support through Project Warwickshire – a free recovery and growth business support programme set up by Warwickshire County Council to help companies in the tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors in the county, in the wake of the pandemic.
Working with Chamber business advisor Sarah Humphreys, Adrian was given one-to-one support and training to help raise the profile of the café, enhance his website, and market the range of eclectic events it hosts.
The site, which re-branded as a vegan café last year, has seen awareness of its events space boom – attracting artists close to home and as far away as Australia, as well as famous faces including ex-Dr. Feelgood guitarist Steve Walwyn, Jo Boden from Bellowhead, Horace Panter from The Specials and Chris Difford from Squeeze. Former Radio 1 DJ Andy Kershaw is also a big fan.
He is now taking the next step to launch his own record label ‘Temperance Live’.
“It’s really exciting,” he said. “We have a great technical set-up and superb sound engineer and our reputation is growing fast. We can now offer musicians the opportunity to record their amazing live performances and get them heard by a much wider audience. We’ll have live sessions released on platforms such as Bandcamp and will be selling CDs.
“We are keen to support up and coming musicians and already offer our venue as a free rehearsal space. Now we can also record their music and help them get it played on radio. Live music played to a live audience. We have waited a long time for that.
“Anybody who comes here always says the sound and acoustics are fantastic, and since we’ve been recording more and more musicians are wanting to play here.”
Project Warwickshire is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Warwickshire County Council, with support delivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Shakespeare’s England and Northern Warwickshire Tourism, on behalf of Warwickshire County Council.
Adrian added: “The support has really helped with business challenges and issues post-Covid recovery. A website review helped us to identify areas we could improve on regarding discoverability of our events which we implemented, and also further marketing advice to help us get on the map of great venues to visit in Leamington.
“Running this kind of business is quite lonely, especially in the last few years, so to have somebody like Sarah just to talk to about things and offer her support has been a big help.”
Adrian has 15 staff and retained all during the pandemic, and supports the local economy by offering all tickets sales of events to the artist, taking no commission on art sold in the café, and also charging no hanging fee.
Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson said: “Temperance is a fantastic independent local business in Warwickshire, and Adrian has shown real tenacity to transform what was largely a derelict site into something special for the town and region.
“It is a really pleasing that Project Warwickshire, which Warwickshire County Council is proud to co-fund, has helped provide the support to help his business grow, and I would like to wish him the best of luck as he launches his new record label.”
Businesses furnished with funding insights at First breakfast
Businesses took on board a lot of valuable information about funding options that could be open to them when they gathered for a very successful networking event for Coventry and Warwickshire First.
The breakfast briefing took place at the Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park. It featured Joanna Smith (Business Growth Advisor at Warwickshire County Council) and Parmy Singh (Business Development Manager at Coventry City Council) who provided an overview of the wide range of business support initiatives, funded or managed by the two local authorities, available across the region.
These include the Investment Fund, Green Business and Innovation Programmes that provide grant support of up £100,000 and wider business support initiatives such as, free Energy Audits. These schemes are part-funded by European Regional Development Fund.
In addition, there is a spectrum of loans including the Duplex Investment Fund and Warwickshire County Council’s new £140m Warwickshire Recovery & Investment Fund (WRIF) which supports businesses to overcome financial barriers and accelerate business growth. The WRIF enables businesses in Warwickshire to take advantage of loans from £1,000 to £10million.
The briefing was very well-attended and received some excellent feedback. Many members of the audience were from professional and financial businesses and stated that they valued the information received which will be passed on to, and welcomed by, the clients that they support.
To find out more about the support available to businesses in Warwickshire and Coventry, please go to: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/businesssupport and www.coventry.gov.uk/businesssupport
Green Business Programme support boosts cleaning business

"The grant from the Green Business Programme means I feel more confident about the running costs of the business, particularly with fuel costs rising."
A cleaning business in Rugby is going from strength to strength after securing funding to grow and go green.
Commercial cleaning and facilities management business Solutions Services moved to new premises on the Glebe Farm Industrial Estate in Glebe Farm Road as part of their growth plans. But the offices were draughty and there was minimal insulation.
After the expense of moving, director Sarah Parrin contacted the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub for advice on possible grants to make the warehouse more energy efficient.
The Growth Hub put her in touch with Coventry City Council, which runs the Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Sarah successfully applied for a £14,588 grant from the programme to add to Solutions Services’ investment of £37,141 to install new roof insulation and double-glazed windows, add skylights and replace every bulb with LED lighting.
Adam Plumb, account manager at the CWLEP Growth Hub, also recommended Sarah should contact Rugby Borough Council about its Additional Restrictions Grants (ARG) scheme which was provided by the government to help businesses wanting to accelerate their expansion plans.
Solutions Services received £40,000 to help towards buying a new van, an electric pallet stacker and racking for the warehouse which has led to three new members of staff joining the 33 full-time employees.
Sarah said the last few years had been really difficult, like for many businesses, during the pandemic but the grant support meant she was looking forward with confidence.
“We provide commercial cleaning and facilities management services throughout Coventry and Warwickshire and we moved from our old site in Earl Street in Rugby because we didn’t have a warehouse and we wanted to expand the business into selling specialist cleaning equipment,” she said.
“The building needed improving and the grant from the Green Business Programme means I feel more confident about the running costs of the business, particularly with fuel costs rising.
“Previously, we would have been sat in a draughty, single-glazed office but we now have a more energy-efficient building with skylights which means the lights are switched on less and our green credentials have been improved.
“The funding from Rugby Borough Council has enabled us to expand the business which is massive for us. We can hold more stock so we can grow that side of the business, which is a more stable market. We have also recruited a driver, cleaner and a stores person so it is benefiting the local economy too.”
Adam Plumb, account manager at the CWLEP Growth Hub, said diversifying into selling cleaning products would help Solutions Services to expand even further.
He said: “The business has been growing steadily but with its investment alongside the grants from the Green Business Programme and Rugby Borough Council, Solutions Services is in a position to put its expansion plans into action.
“Not only has Solutions Services added to its workforce but the working environment is much greener and more comfortable so this funding has been a win-win.”
Cllr Carolyn Robbins, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for finance, performance, legal and governance, said: “When the council secured nearly £1 million from the Government to support businesses through an extra round of Additional Restrictions Grants, we wanted to target the funding on businesses with ambitious plans for growth, helping to drive the borough’s economic recovery from the pandemic.
“Working with CWLEP Growth Hub, the grants have benefited a wide range of businesses, supporting expansion plans, investment in new equipment, and both safeguarding and creating jobs. The support offered to Solutions Services has helped the company to invest, expand and take on new staff, ensuring Sarah and the team can look to the future with renewed confidence.”
Conference will focus on current challenges facing businesses
The line-up has been announced for Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce's Annual Business & Economic Conference on Friday, November 11.
The conference will focus on current challenges facing businesses, including rising interest rates, energy costs, inflation, raw material sourcing and costs, recruitment and retention issues and other barriers to growth. It will also explore some opportunities of which businesses in the region can take advantage.
More than 200 delegates are already booked to attend the event, which has two main sponsors – PET-Xi Training and Prime A ccountants Group. Supporting sponsors are WCG and Help to Grow, while PLMR Advent is the conference’s media partner.
The event will be hosted by Chamber Chief Executive Corin Crane, who will also chair an Economic Panel which will include Liam Conway, from Control Energy Costs; Steve Harcourt, from Prime Accountants Group; and Angela Joyce, CEO of WCG. They will discuss issues that are holding back growth and what businesses want from new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
A Business Confidence panel will be chaired by Professor Martin Reeves, Chief Executive of Coventry City Council, and will include Monica Fogarty, Chief Executive of Warwickshire County Council; Martin Sutherland, Chief Executive of Coventry City of Culture Trust; Dr Fleur Sexton, founder of PET-Xi; and Atul Lakhani, CEO of IXL Events Centre.
The panel will look at some of the exciting developments on the horizon for Coventry and Warwickshire around inward investment, investment zones, innovation, a potential Gigafactory and the legacy of Coventry 2021. It will also explore opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, growth in business and leisure tourism and social mobility.
The conference will close with a keynote speech from Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, who was homeless on the streets of South Wales at the age of 15 before starting a career with the fire service at the age of 18.
She went onto study at the Open University followed by Cardiff University, completing a PhD in Psychology.
While climbing the ranks within the fire service Dr Cohen-Hatton continued her academic work, and her research into decision-making in high pressure situations in the emergency services has won awards and influenced global policy.
Corin Crane said: “I am really looking forward to this year’s conference – my first as Chief Executive of Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce. It’s a chance to get businesspeople and decision makers from across our great region in one room and look at the issues we’re all facing.
“Not only that, we can start to look at some of the opportunities for businesses in Coventry and Warwickshire to grow and to come up with real and tangible solutions to the problems that companies across the patch are dealing with on a day-to-day basis.
“We’ve already had a great response from businesses booking on to the conference but there is still time for firms to secure a ticket for what is the biggest economic event on the business calendar in Coventry and Warwickshire.”
For more information or to book a place at the Chamber’s Annual Economic Conference go to: https://www.cw-chamber.co.uk/events/annual-business-economic-conference-2022/
Make sure you don't miss out on tax reliefs and allowances
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is encouraging business owners, employers and the self-employed in Warwickshire to check online to make sure they are not missing out on a range of tax reliefs and allowances.
HMRC’s new GOV.UK page summarises items that customers running their own businesses should explore as they could help them keep more of what they earn. At just one click, businesses, employers and the self-employed can find out their eligibility for tax reliefs and financial allowances, as well as how to claim them.
These include:
Tax deductible business expenses
- If you’re self-employed, you can deduct some of your running costs as part of your annual tax return, as long as they’re an allowable expense.
- You may be able to claim tax deductible expenses for items including office stationery, insurance, bank charges and even heating and lighting for your office, home office or business premises.
Research and Development (R&D) tax credits
- If your company is involved in innovative projects in science or technology you may be eligible to claim R&D reliefs, which can even be claimed on eligible unsuccessful projects.
Gift Aid
- Companies (and unincorporated associations) can claim tax relief for qualifying donations paid to charities (bodies or trusts accepted as charities for UK tax purposes).
Business rates relief
- Some properties are eligible for discounts from the local council on their business rates.
Corporation Tax relief
- You can deduct the costs of running your business from your profits before tax when you prepare your company’s accounts. This could include things like buying machinery or tools that you use for your business.
Employment allowance
- If your business employs people you may be able to claim Employment Allowance which allows eligible employers to reduce their annual National Insurance liability by up to £5,000.
Pre-Trading expenses
- If you are in the process of setting up a new business, you may be able to claim back some of the expenses you incurred before you started trading through your first tax return.
Reclaiming VAT
- If you are a VAT registered business you can reclaim VAT on qualifying goods and services you buy for use in your business.
Angela MacDonald, HMRC’s Deputy Chief Executive and Second Permanent Secretary, said: “Now, more than ever, we need to ensure that everyone is benefitting from the full range of support available to them and claiming what they are legitimately entitled to.
“We want to make it as easy as possible for customers in the West Midlands to identify the reliefs and allowances they’re entitled to and to claim them - it could make all the difference to a business at a time they need it the most.”
Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) National Chair Martin McTague said: "We know that some smaller firms struggle to navigate the tax system and get the help they are eligible for. We welcome the new HMRC one-stop-shop which should help more small business owners and the self-employed access the various reliefs that they deserve.”
For customers who need to complete a Self Assessment return, HMRC’s business advice page provides simple links to support and guidance available: including an online tool to check if you need to complete a tax return; what documents you need to complete your Self Assessment; payment options as well as links to a range of support for people who are worried about paying their tax bill to access help.
Additional online tools and guidance are available to help customers check if they are eligible for each service – as well as extra support to guide them through the application process. Business owners need to be aware of the risk of scams. Check HMRC’s advice about scams on GOV.UK.
Support is available for farm business looking to diversify
"We would urge companies to seriously look at what the WRIF can offer as a way of putting their growth plans into place."
Farmers across Warwickshire looking at new ways to boost profitability and make their farms sustainable could receive vital support from the Warwickshire Recovery Investment Fund (WRIF).
Recent National Farmers Union (NFU) research revealed that of 1,652 farmers across the UK who were asked about their diversification plans, over one third (37%) said they or a third party were already using their land for non-farming activities.
Holiday accommodation, including caravans, campsites and B&Bs, was the most popular source of diversification, accounting for around 12% of farms. Renewables, livery and equestrian and farm shops were also popular ways to add new income sources beyond traditional farming.
The extent to which these non-farming activities contribute towards total business turnover varies hugely but, on average, it contributes 16% - up from 11% in 2020.
Many more farms are likely to seek new revenue streams in the near future. Of those that haven’t yet diversified, 11% say they are likely to do so in the next five years. Of farms that have already diversified, 34% said they plan to diversify further.
With any diversification and growth plans, farmers, like all businesses, need help, guidance and support, a corner stone of which is access-to-finance - and that is where the WRIF could prove invaluable.
The WRIF is Warwickshire County Council's £140m investment fund designed to drive growth and recovery of the county’s economy. Commercial loans of between £1,000 and £10million are available to businesses which have credible plans for growth which will deliver social and economic value to the county. The fund can consider businesses seeking funding for the first time, those with projects requiring top-up funding, and those that may have exhausted existing access-to-finance options.
The WRIF fund is split into three areas to support businesses of different sizes and scales; Business Investment and Growth, Local Communities and Enterprise, and Property & Infrastructure. The Business Investment and Growth (BIG) element of the fund offers debt finance to growing medium and larger businesses with sound prospects while the Local Communities and Enterprise (LCE) fund provides small business loans of £1,000 to £100,000. Both funds may dovetail perfectly with farms looking to diversify.
Warwickshire County Cllr Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy, said: “Rural businesses play a vital role in our county's economy and we are very keen that they capitalise on the support which could be available to them through the WRIF. Our team is on hand to support businesses through the application process and I would urge any farms to which this support could make the difference to their growth plans to get in touch.
"We are doing all that we can to make the process as simple as possible for applicants and we would urge companies to seriously look at what the WRIF can offer as a way of putting their growth plans into place. "
For further information on the WRIF and what support it can offer, local businesses can visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/wrif or to submit an Expression of Interest, please telephone 01926 412709 or E-mail: wrif@warwickshire.gov.uk
For more information about the small business loans, call Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust, who manage the Local Communities and Enterprise Fund on behalf of WCC, on 02476 551 777 or visit https://www.cwrt.uk.com/applylce
Work commitments no barrier to Jamie-Lee's firefighting role

"You do feel like you're doing something useful. I've never been to a job where they are not pleased to see you!"
Men and women across Warwickshire have been encouraged to consider becoming on-call firefighters - a role that one Bedworth crew member would "recommend massively."
Jamie-Lee Tilley is one of a bank of around 140 on-call officers who support Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service's full-time firefighters. The on-call officers are integral to the service which keeps the county's community safe and protected in so many ways. They carry pagers, ready to respond within five minutes in case of emergency to their local Fire Station.
Their on-call shifts are always organised around any work commitments they have and that flexibility works really well to ensure the minimum of impact of employers.
It is a system which perfectly suits Jamie-Lee who loves the role and the way it enables her to support her community.
"I would recommend it massively," she said. "It's interesting because you never have the same job twice. It is also nice always going to a job and knowing you'll be helping someone. You do feel like you're doing something useful. I've never been to a job where they are not pleased to see you!
"I work in the evenings so do mostly day cover, so that works really well. I also sometimes jump on shifts at nights if I'm free. When I first joined I had a weekend job at a fishing lakes but they let me change my hours around to make it fit. Another time I was helping out with a sweets business but that was within five minutes of the station so worked fine. It's all very flexible."
Jamie-Lee is contracted for 40 hours a week on-call and enjoys the role so much that she is looking to step up to become a full-time firefighter.
"I am applying for full-time roles but there is not too much of a rush," she said. "I'm only a youngster!
"I didn't want to go to university so was looking for other options and saw the application online and thought I might as well give it a go. I did my physical and written assessment and went from there.
"Bedworth is a relatively busy station so you can get four or five calls out a week. It is a good thing to do. I am the only female in the crew at Bedworth at the moment but they are a good group. It's something different and I really enjoy it."
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service is recruiting for on-call firefighters across the county, especially in Fenny Compton, Shipston-on-Stour, Wellesbourne and Henley. If any business would like to learn more about on-call and the benefits of having an on-call on their books, they are very welcome to contact the service for advice. For more details, please visit: https://bit.ly/OnCallWarwickshire
Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for WFRS at Warwickshire County Council, said: “In the past couple of years, we’ve seen a shift to much higher levels of remote and hybrid working. This can go hand-in-hand with becoming an on-call firefighter, allowing applicants to combine an office job with the chance to get directly involved in their local community and help others. We hope people will take some time to learn more about this opportunity and find out if it could be right for them.”
Martin Swinden, Station Manager within Response Support at Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service, said: "On-call firefighters are an essential part of our service and we’d be in real trouble without them. Recruitment for on-call firefighters can be tricky, particularly in rural areas, so we’re asking our communities to support us by sharing information about this position and having a good think about whether it’s something they could get involved with. It’s a big thing to take on and not without its challenges, but it’s also one of the most rewarding things you can do.”
High-tech company eyeing growth after Business Ready support

"The work with Business Ready has been invaluable...it has been brilliant to be able to get advice and support for developing the commercial offering of the business."
A high-tech business that has developed new techniques for freezing cells and is a spin-out from the University of Warwick is aiming to raise £500,000 of additional investment after receiving support.
Cryologyx was formed by Dr Tom Congdon and Professor Matt Gibson after their research led them to find a new way of freezing cells which minimises post-thaw damage. This enables cells to be used directly from the freezer, therefore, dramatically cutting down on testing time and allowing scientists to conduct research more efficiently.
Matt and his team at the University of Warwick developed the ‘monolayer cryopreservation’ technology over the past five years and the pair launched the business in March 2021. They have been working to commercialise the technology after completing the Innovate UK ICURe programme and drawing in £150,000 of early-stage venture capital funding and £275,000 from Innovate UK.
The company, which is now based within Ignite office and lab space at the University of Warwick Science Park’s Venture Centre, has been working with the Business Ready programme to identify potential clients for their first product, the PlaqueReady Thaw and Test Assay, and get ready for further investment
Business Ready delivers support to expanding businesses managed by the business support team at the University of Warwick Science Park and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Warwickshire County Council as part of the CW Business: Start, Grow & Scale Programme.
It has helped the business to develop a product aimed at virologists that could lead to them selling up to 200 units a week and the support has also encouraged Cryologyx to draw out its green credentials as a selling point as it massively cuts down on plastic waste.
The aim is now to land £500,000 of additional investment to help add sales and lab-based staff to the team.
Dr Congdon said: “We are very close to being ready to go out for another round of investment and the work with Business Ready has been invaluable.
“It has been brilliant to be able to get advice and support for developing the commercial offering of the business. We have spent so much time on the research and development to create truly ground-breaking technology and Business Ready has been the jump-start that we needed to commercialise and sell it.
“Getting the science right was the first part and now we are focussed on the business reality of creating and selling the product.”
Dirk Schafer, Business Growth Adviser at the University of Warwick Science Park, said: “Cryologyx is a wonderful example of a business that has incredible people at its heart, who have developed something that could revolutionise the way cells are frozen for testing.
“However, like so many, they needed external skills and support to move it from an academic idea to becoming a commercial business. We’ve helped to focus their efforts on a commercial product that has a strong potential customer base and, now that they have done that, the business will be very attractive for investment.”
Cllr Martin Watson, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Economy and Place, said: “The Council prides itself on encouraging innovation and creativity. We’re delighted to support Business Ready and encourage developments like Cryologyx which not only create jobs but enhance the area’s reputation to potential investors.”
2023 FSB Awards offer SMEs a chance to reap the prestige they deserve
"This is the ideal opportunity for SMEs to remind everyone of the incredible work they are doing and showcase how important they are to our communities."
Thriving small businesses in Warwickshire can stake a claim for the recognition they deserve in the FSB Celebrating Small Business Awards 2023.
Entries are now open for the awards which showcase the best small businesses from the length and breadth of the UK, offering national recognition.
Expert small business judges will select category winners in 12 areas across the UK including the West Midlands, in which Warwickshire businesses compete. Those winners will then be entered into the grand final in Birmingham in May 2023.
Winning an FSB Celebrating Small Business Award is a great way to showcase business achievements and celebrate a business' hard work, brilliance and innovation within their own geographical area as well as having the opportunity to win a national award.
For a chance to be recognised as the best small business in the region, as well as in the whole UK, small businesses can enter one or more of 12 award categories. The categories include
· Sustainability Award
· Business and Product Innovation Award
· Micro Business of the Year
· Start-up Business of the Year
· Family Business of the Year
· Larger Small Business of the Year
· Young Entrepreneur of the Year (Aged 30 and under)
· Diversity and Inclusion Award
· Self-employed / freelancer of the year
· Service Excellence Award
· Exporter of the Year
· Community Award (Regional level only)
The 2022 awards produced a record amount of entries and included winners from a wide variety of sectors from across the Greater West Midlands and organisers hope that this year will see an even bigger response from the region’s innovative small businesses.
Warwickshire County Council leader Cllr Izzi Seccombe said: "We are blessed by such a diverse range of wonderful small businesses in Warwickshire and I would encourage all the people that run them to apply for these awards and challenge for the recognition and lift in profile that they deserve."
FSB West Midlands Regional Chair, Sue Tonks, said “This is a very challenging time for small businesses, so this is the ideal opportunity for SMEs to remind everyone of the incredible work they are doing and showcase how important they are to our communities.
“We were overwhelmed with both the quantity and quality of the entries we received last time, and we hope many more of the amazing West Midlands small business owners and the self-employed will take part this time around to prove again just how diverse and innovative our local small business communities are.’
The West Midlands winners will be announced at an award ceremony on 22 March 2023 at RAF Cosford.
It's free to enter and open to both FSB members and non-members. The closing date for entries is 26 January 2023. For further information and to enter the awards, which are open to both FSB members and non-members alike, please visit www.fsbawards.co.uk
Business Finance Week, November 7 to 11.
Business support offered by Warwickshire County Council will be among that showcased during the inaugural Business Finance Week in November.
The British Business Bank, with business support partners from across the UK, are working together to host the event 2022 from November 7th to 11th.
Each day will centre round a key theme (funding your start-up, angel investment, equity for growth, debt for business and green finance), and WCC will be featuring one of its access to finance programmes each day in a series of new releases and case studies.
Foe more details please visit www.british-business-bank.co.uk/finance-hub/business-finance-week-2022/
A happy email folder will remind you how good you are
Two female business leaders in Coventry and Warwickshire have called upon their experiences of resilience to inspire others to emulate their success.
Laura Shapiro, Group Event Director at CloserStill Media, and Carol Thomas, Principal and CEO of Coventry College, were the speakers at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce's latest Women in Business networking event at the Best Western Plus Windmill Village Hotel.
Laura spoke of how she studied chemistry at Glasgow University but wanted to work in the events industry and moved 450 miles to Southampton to get her foot in the door. She described how family and work matters had tested her resilience – from redundancy through to dyslexia – and how she had overcome those to be with CloserStill Media for more than 11 years, where she has risen through the ranks. Laura was employee number 21 when she joined the business. Now, it employs around 400 globally.
She said: “When it comes to resilience, I have a few tips. Firstly, have a happy email folder. Keep emails where people have praised you for the work you have done. It’s a great reminder when you are having a bad day, that you are really good at what you do.
“I would also suggest trying to create a support group of peers. It is invaluable to have people who you can talk to who understand what you are going through. And, I’d say try to be positive as much as possible – even on those days when you really don’t feel like it!”
Carol described the path that had seen her take on the role at Coventry College in August 2020 and how it is now known as the ‘fastest turnaround college’ in the FE Sector. But she also described how a family bereavement had taught her that whatever her job throws at her, in terms of perspective, nothing would ever be as bad.
Carol also spoke of how climbing Mount Kilimanjaro was an example of her determination to overcome any challenge.
She said: “A few days before the climb, I cleaned my teeth and must have swallowed some water without thinking. I was so ill that nothing but water could pass my lips for the whole nine days of the trek and the lead guide said I wouldn’t be able to make the final climb.
"But there was no way I was going all that way not to reach the summit, so I managed to force a tiny bit of food down and although it didn’t really impact on my depleted oxygen levels, after some persuasion they allowed me attempt the summit - and I did it!
“Was it resilience or just sheer determination not to be beaten? I think we have to start to better understand that if we step outside our comfort zone, we will undoubtedly feel anxiety but it’s only then that you can start to develop a growth mind-set and ultimately develop your resilience. One of my favourite sayings is life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”
Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce operations manager Keely Hancox said: “It was a wonderful, inspirational Women in Business lunch and we are so grateful to Laura and Carol for sharing their personal stories. The fact they were so open about their careers and their personal lives really brought their stories to life and made each and every one of us leave feeling inspired and uplifted.
“Resilience is hugely important in business – especially in challenging times – and that really shone through at the event.”