Job-seekers' options opened up by Community Skills Hubs

"Everyone we meet is different so we deliver a bespoke session to help the client with what they need."

An initiative to give young people a safe space in public libraries in which to improve their employability skills has met with great early success.

The Warwickshire Community Skills Hubs, delivered by Career Seekers Direct under the Warwickshire Brighter Futures programme, was launched in July.

The programme is designed to support individuals aged between 16 and 30 who are unemployed, economically inactive or at risk of being NEET.  The objective is to make clients aware of potential career opportunities that exist and to help equip them with the skills and confidence to pursue their chosen direction.

The programme offers young people 1:1 support in job coaching, careers advice and digital training and information about accessible job opportunities. Hubs are now operating at five libraries across Warwickshire - Leamington, Atherstone, Bedworth, Rugby and Nuneaton - and they are making "a huge difference" to the lives of their clients.  

"We have had some great success stories as clients have made positive steps to move closer to the job market," said Eva Harrison, chief executive of Career Seekers Direct. "Some of our clients have got jobs and others have been asked to interviews.

"We provide real practical support to the clients we meet. Everyone we meet is different so we deliver a bespoke session to help the client with what they need.  

"For some of our clients this has been helping them to identify the type of work they would like to do. For others it is a case of  identifying their skills, researching the current job and apprenticeship opportunities that are available, completing job application forms, writing their CV or having a practice interview session.  

"Our sessions have ensured they have all developed their personal confidence, skills and knowledge which will make a huge difference to their future opportunities. It is an honour to support this invaluable programme.”

Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Economy & Place, Cllr Martin Watson said: "This is a really valuable initiative which gives young people opportunities to kick-start their careers and also opens up their skills to employers who need them. I am delighted that the programme has made such a strong start and am sure that it will go from strength to strength."

If you have any questions around Warwickshire Brighter Futures, please contact Nikita Dhunna, Brighter Futures – Careers & Employability Programme Manager on nikitadhunna@warwickshire.gov.uk

The Warwickshire Brighter Futures project has received £500,000 pound from the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund

* The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fundprospectus 

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