New grant support package grants available to businesses

A new grant support package for businesses forced to temporarily close by the latest lockdown or those adversely impacted by national restrictions or Covid-19 has been launched by central Government.

The Local Restrictions Support Grant provides grants of up to £3,000 to businesses with a rateable value who pay business rates which have been forced to close by government. This includes non-essential retail, leisure, personal care, sports facilities and hospitality businesses.

The Additional Restrictions Grant is for businesses that have not been mandated to close, but which are adversely impacted by national restrictions and/ or other factors associated with COVID-19.

Both schemes are administered by the District and Borough Councils in Warwickshire. For more information, please visit your local borough/ district website: Warwick District, Nuneaton & Bedworth, North Warwickshire, Rugby or Stratford.

The grants from central government, which are aimed primarily at helping businesses deal with short term, cash flow issues, sit alongside the wide range of Warwickshire County Council support designed to help build resilience for the longer term.

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