Prince Edward sees Skills for Employment in action

A Skills for Employment project at Campion School in Leamington Spa came under the approving eye of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, when he visited as part of his role in support of the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme.

Year 10 pupils on the programme at the school spoke very enthusiastically to the royal visitor about the experiences and life skills they are gaining.

The prince then visited a workshop where a group of 15 Year Nine boys and girls were laying bricks and skimming plasterboard as part of a £40,000 project funded by Warwickshire County Council's Skills for Employment programme.

Delivered in partnership with Deeley Construction, the project provides hands-on experience of various skills required in the construction industry, including carpentry and drawing up plans. The prince spoke to the council's Skills for Employment manager Glenn Robinson and was very interested to hear that the project was one of 40 funded by the council in the last three years as part of its aim to ensure that every school-leaving pupil moves on to a positive destination in education, training or employment.

"The Skills for Employment project at Campion School is proving a great success thanks to the commitment of the school, the support of Deeley Construction and, of course, the excellent efforts of the boys and girls themselves," said Mr Robinson.

"It was fantastic that the prince paid a visit. He is a great advocate and supporter of the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme and it was clear that he really engaged with, and was impressed by, what is going on at Campion."

The prince's visit started at the Real Tennis Club in Leamington Spa where he played a game as part of his year-long tour of all Real Tennis venues to inspire young people to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.

For more information on the Skills for Employment programme please contact glennrobinson@warwickshire.gov.uk

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