Small businesses ready to take centre stage on December 5

Small businesses across Warwickshire have been urged to get involved and make the most of Warwickshire County Council-backed 'Small Business Saturday' on December 5th.

Preparations are well under way across the county to make Small Business Saturday its customary success and replicate its excellent results last year when the day was supported by 16.5 million people in the UK.

The campaign is aimed at supporting, inspiring and promoting the UK’s five million small businesses, including family businesses, local shops, online businesses, wholesalers, business services and small manufacturers.

This is the third year that Warwickshire and other local councils have teamed up with the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) to promote SBS. Last year people from across the county supported their local independents by spreading the message on Facebook and making a conscious effort to visit these businesses.

Nationally, SBS is now the UK’s most successful small business campaign. In 2015, 16.5 million adults went out to support a small business on SBS; while online the campaign trended at number one on Twitter on the day and received around 3.5 million views on its Facebook page.

As part of the SBS campaign, and to celebrate the range of independent small businesses the county has to offer, Warwickshire County Council is creating a series of short films featuring five of the region’s town centres: Atherstone, Nuneaton, Rugby, Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick. 

It’s easy for local traders to join the campaign. For ideas about how to maximise the opportunity offered by the day, firms can visit the Small Business Saturday website where they can download a social media guide for the campaign, as well as the logo and digital banner which can then be displayed online, in shop windows, or to easily transform an event – which may already be taking place on 5 December – into a SBS event.

Warwickshire businesses will also be able to upload their contact information to the My Small Business Finder feature on the website, promoting their special Small Business Saturday events or promotional offers. You can keep up to date with events, news and see the films in the coming weeks with the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/keepitlocalwarwickshire

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, said:

“Our towns, villages and rural areas offer an extensive range of products and services from a wealth of independent businesses which all help to support our local economy and create jobs. We know that small business owners put their heart and soul into developing their businesses and offer a level of personal service and a quality that customers truly appreciate.

“Small Business Saturday is a great time for everyone to celebrate the best of Warwickshire. Although the campaign focuses on one day, the goal is to have a lasting impact on small businesses by changing mindsets, so that people make it their mission to support small businesses all year round.”

Cllr Philip Johnson, chair of the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, added:

“A vibrant small business sector provides jobs and creates wealth for local communities. Last year was a great success with hundreds of small business owners and members of the public embracing the event. We hope this year many more people will be inspired to support their local independent shops, giving a real boost to the local economy and ensuring the ongoing vibrancy and diversity of our high streets.”

There are many benefits from a vibrant small business sector. When a member of the public buys from a local business it is worth far more to the local economy. Typically, £1 spent with a small business generates £1.76 to the local economy.

The UK’s small businesses are accountable for approximately 60% of private sector jobs and nearly 50% of private sector turnover. A small business is, typically, one with less than 50 employees – in Warwickshire they account for 84% of businesses in the private sector.

Small Business Saturday originated in the States in 2010, where it was launched by American Express to raise the profile of small retailers.

For further information on how businesses and customers can get involved visit: www.smallbusinesssaturdayuk.com

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