Jumpstart workshops coming up for budding entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs in the process of starting their own business can benefit from a variety of expert advice in the latest series of free upcoming workshops.
The workshops, run by Coventry Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT) and part-funded by Warwickshire County Council as part of the JumpStart project, will take place at the Techno Centre, Coventry between April 20th and May 4th.
They will cover a broad range of topics: Goal Setting for Success; Market Research; Business Planning; Cash Flow Forecasting; HMRC and how to Register (this workshop only will be via Zoom); Social Media; and Digital Marketing. The project also features up to 3 hours of 1-2-1 mentoring support from business specialists.
The JumpStart initiative, which in the past year alone has seen over 70 individuals receive its help, provides support to people from the early stages of deciding whether to set-up their own company through to producing a business plan and getting to grips with the financial element of running a fully functioning and operational business.
Warwickshire County Council’s Assistant Director for Communities, Dave Ayton-Hill, said: “The Jumpstart workshops have provided of great support and benefit to aspiring entrepreneurs over the years and contributed to a record number of start-ups being registered in Warwickshire in 2022. Warwickshire County Council is pleased to continue to support Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust with its efforts to assist residents to set up new businesses.”
To book a place and join one of over 25 businesses in starting their journey, or to secure one-to-one mentoring sessions with a business support specialist, please call 02476 551 777, email bizsupport@cwrt.uk.com or message CWRT on social media by searching ‘JumpStart Project’ on Facebook.