Kick-starting SMEs in Nuneaton and Bedworth

Coventry and Warwickshire’s Chamber of Commerce has been organising events to help people in Nuneaton and Bedworth to take the plunge starting up a business.

The Chamber has helped more than 100 people start up their own business since 2012 in Nuneaton and Bedworth.  It is hoping that, with the region increasingly becoming an attractive place for businesses even more prospective local entrepreneurs will continue to access its ongoing support.

Events have been supported by Warwickshire Country Council, who fund the programme along with the European Regional Development Fund, and Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.

One company which has benefited from the Chamber’s help is The Tyre Company which was started up at Bermuda Park in Nuneaton by Kuljit Pahal, himself a former investment banker.

The company employs three staff and serves around 300 motorists each month. Kuljit is now adding further storage space to enable the business to stock more products and also to add another fitter to the team.

He said: “I am very grateful for the support we have received from the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, particularly my business mentor, Margaret Bull.

“Even when you have worked in industry, it can be daunting to set up on your own and having someone there to bounce ideas off and to be able to tap into other support is extremely useful.

“I’d recommend anyone who wants to start up a business to get along next week and meet someone from the Chamber.”

Councillor Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council said:  “Changes in the infrastructure of the borough are happening at a fast pace, including improvements to the road network and train connectivity.  Now is a good time presenting real opportunities in Nuneaton and Bedworth for potential businesses.”

“There are ongoing events held across the borough and they are a good starting point for individuals who are considering establishing their own company”, added Cllr Tony Lloyd, portfolio holder for Planning and Development at Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.

Councillor Richard Chattaway, Chair of Warwickshire County Council’s Communities Overview and Scrutiny, said:  “The start-up support comes in many forms – it can be anything from sitting down and helping to draw up and amend a business plan to knowing where grants may be available or applying for funding.” 

General support is available across the year from Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce by calling 024 7665 4321, e-mailing info@cw-chamber.co.uk or logging onto www.cw-chamber.co.uk

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