Apprenticeships - Good for Warwickshire businesses

Increased productivity, higher staff retention and ensuring a skilled workforce for the future are just some of the key benefits that are being highlighted to local businesses during Apprenticeship Week from Monday 9 March to Friday 13 March 2015.

In Warwickshire hundreds of organisations are realising the benefits of apprenticeships, five of which are featured in the case studies below:

The Apprenticeship Hub offers free support and advice to local firms who may be thinking of hiring an apprentice and is able to help find out whether apprenticeships could be right for their business. Find out more from the Apprenticeship Hub by emailing apprentice@warwickshire.gov.uk calling 01926 412649 or visiting http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/getanapprentice

Apprenticeship Week is a national initiative that celebrates apprenticeships and the positive impact that they have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy. For more information visit http://www.apprenticeships.gov.uk

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