Plans drawn up to stimulate and sustain economic recovery

Izzi Seccombe“We have learnt a huge amount during these difficult months that we will draw on as we move forwards"

Warwickshire County Council has set out a series of wide-ranging recovery plans to help the county's ecomony bounce back from the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic.

The council has agreed a joint recovery vision statement with its key partners to guide a collective approach to recovery across Warwickshire. 

In June, the Cabinet approved three reports on a range of impacts of the Pandemic:

Economic Recovery: looking at opportunities to build on the strong local economy and mitigate the impacts of Covid-19 on large companies and smaller local businesses and employment, particularly in the tourism sector. Cabinet has approved a £2.5m increase in the Place Shaping and Capital Feasibility Investment Fund to support immediate economic recovery work.

Recovery and Reform: setting out a framework for the reinstatement of Council services and longer-term recovery plan and change programme to address the impacts of the Pandemic and new ways of working the emergency has necessitated.

Place shaping: detailing plans to improve Warwickshire as a place to live and work through long-term regeneration, investment in infrastructure and actions to support the county’s objectives for economic growth, climate change, health and well-being, and the voluntary and community sector.

Four member-led, cross-party working groups will now shape final recovery plans which will be presented to Cabinet in September. These plans will cover place, economy and climate; health and well-being and social care; community; and organisation.

Heralding the wide-ranging recovery plans approved by Cabinet, Leader of Warwickshire County Council, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, said: “As Government announces plans that will see the country begin to take further steps out of lockdown, Warwickshire County Council and its partners are on the front foot with our plans for a strong recovery.

“We have learnt a huge amount during these difficult months that we will draw on as we move forwards. We have embedded new ways of working and delivered services in new and innovative ways. We will accelerate our focus on getting our economy moving again and supporting communities and individuals who need our help.

“I am confident that these reports will allow us to work with our citizens, communities, businesses and partners to bounce back with refreshed plans to deliver our existing vision to make Warwickshire the best it can be, sustainable now and for future generations.”


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