Participants and NHS benefit from Community Grant

"If I keep going with the project, it stops the feeling of nothing to do and getting into depressed cycle"

A project supported by a European Social Fund Community Grant has created a ‘Garden of Wellbeing’ at Stratford Hospital.

The Forest of Hearts' Grow Now project saw participants nurture the sensory and edible plants for 12 raised beds that produce fresh food for the hospital wellbeing hub cafe. 

The programme included volunteering and work placement opportunities, skills training, one-to-one coaching and support and advice and guidance for people on routes to employment and other learning opportunities.

The project provided a team of regular volunteers to look after the Garden of Wellbeing and offer regular gardening support to help the hospital to sow and grow its own fruit, vegetables and herbs, thereby providing practical support to the NHS.

Of the 12 people that completed the project, two have gone on to full-time employment, one as a chef and the other in financial services. Four participants are in the process of setting up their own businesses, two as photographers, one delivering cooking courses and one as a freelance podcast creator. Four participants are moving on to gain further horticulture qualifications.

One of the participants said that involvement in the project had been hugely beneficial to him. 

"Getting out every day, mixing with others, losing weight has helped with depression," he said. "If I keep going with the project, it stops the feeling of nothing to do and getting into depressed cycle.

"My back issues have now sorted itself and my mental and physical wellbeing has improved. I struggled to walk to the centre before but now I can easily walk here from home. As a carer I can get out of the house and now my wife can get out the house and join in with the project.” 

* Warwickshire County Council  supports ESF Community Grants by having a representative on the Steering Group and Grants Panel.

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