Workplace Wellbeing Forum delves into the importance of workplace

Wellbeing is such an important factor in all our lives and one which impacts hugely on workplaces and productivity, so it is great that so many local employers recognise this and attended the forum."

Representatives from 35 workplaces across Coventry & Warwickshire attended the Coventry & Warwickshire Workplace Wellbeing Forum at the Eliot Park Innovation Centre, Nuneaton.
Hosted by Public Health teams from Warwickshire County Council and Coventry Council, this was the fourth forum since launching in 2022.
The free, half day event focused on external factors (called the Wider Determinants of Health) to the workplace itself that can influence an individual’s health and wellbeing and potentially impact their ability to work.
After an introduction to the Wider Determinants, attendees visited their two chosen breakout sessions of the four on offer; physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing. Presentations and discussions were held covering a selection of topics including musculoskeletal health, healthy ageing, flexible working and occupational health support, inclusive workplaces, gambling and in work poverty and supporting a smoke free workplace. Specialist speakers and exhibition stands were present from across both councils as well as Business in the Community, Aquarius, Fitter Futures, City Save, Thrive at Work and Healthy Lifestyle Services.
The event generated very positive feedback and some fantastic suggestions for the future which will be very much taken on board for the next event due to take place in November 2024.
Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: "This was a really positive and well-planned event. Wellbeing is such an important factor in all our lives and one which impacts hugely on workplaces and productivity, so it is great that so many local employers recognise this and attended the forum."
For more information on workplace wellbeing support, resources and presentations from previous events, as well as dates for new events, please visit https://www.wellbeing4life.co.uk/businesses or contact Josouthan@warwickshire.gov.uk

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