Many connections made at successful Coleshill event

"We met some brilliant people who opened our eyes to a wealth of resources. We’ll definitely be following up on a few leads.”

Many valuable connections were made at a business and skills drop in event at Coleshill which was arranged to harness and celebrate the growing sense of positivity around the town.

The event, organised by Warwickshire County Council, brought together communities and local businesses and enabled the conditions for connections and growth to take place.

It was designed to create opportunities for residents to develop their skills to meet the business needs of the future and for businesses to develop their offer to attract the best workforce. The first such event to be held in the town, its success was another step in promoting sustainable growth, investment and a diverse economy in north Warwickshire.

Feedback from businesses included, “great event - some really helpful and informative people there” and “a wonderful experience…we met some brilliant people who opened our eyes to a wealth of resources. We’ll definitely be following up on a few leads.”

To maximise the exchange of information about each service, the event included brief pitches from each of the partners involved. In total, 36 quality business engagements were secured with around 90 interactions for the partners.

Specific event feedback pinpointed that it was a well organised event with delegates looking forward to building on this initial engagement. Feedback also established a clear demand for more similar events where collaboration is key.

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “There was a real buzz at the event, reflecting the positivity around Coleshill right now, and it was great to see such engagement from local businesses. Their very positive feedback made it clear that many valuable connections were made which will strengthen the local economy going forward.”

* Find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub website.

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