June and July bring big opportunities for employers seeking the best young recruits

For businesses looking to recruit the best young talent, this is a crucial time of year as students emerge from their exams to start plotting their careers. Here, Warwickshire Couhty Council's Skills for Employment manager Glenn Robinson outlines the opportunities that summer presents to employers - and provides details of students coming out of schools and colleges around the county.


Exam season is here for many thousands of 16-18-year-olds studying GCES, A levels and various vocational programmes in schools and colleges across the county.

Last year, 248 16-year-olds and 60 18-year-olds went directly into jobs after finishing their studies. There is a strong trend locally and nationally for more A level leavers to move into jobs rather than go to university. This is due to concerns over the huge costs involved in going to university and doubts about whether a degree really does increase the chance of getting a job with good career prospects. A recent Labour Force Survey revealed more than half of graduates are working in roles that do not require a degree

As a result, many A level leavers are seeking jobs with the opportunity to train on the job to achieve a Degree or Higher apprenticeship. Last year 510 Degree and higher apprenticeships were being provided in the county compared to 320 the previous year.

Since 2015, Warwickshire County Council’s Skills for Employment programme has invested around £3 million to improve business and education collaboration. We recently contacted careers leaders in secondary schools and colleges asking them to let us know if they have sixth-Form students leaving this summer who are interested in going directly into jobs.

Aylesford School, Warwick has several Year 13 students leaving this summer who are interested in degree and higher level apprenticeships in Finance/Accountancy, Business/Marketing/Events, Law, Engineering and IT fields. Businesses can contact Ali Tapper-Gray, Careers Adviser at Tapper-Gray.a@aylesford-elearning.net or Ian Shaw, Director of Sixth Form Studies at shaw.i@aylesford-elearning.net

Higham Lane School Sixth Form, Nuneaton, has Year 13 students leaving who may be interested in jobs with Degree/Higher Apprenticeships in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Engineering, Human Resources and Healthcare. Businesses can inform the school of relevant opportunities by contacting the Careers Co-ordinator at hallred@highamlaneschool.co.uk

Kenilworth School and Sixth Form has Year 13 students leaving who would be interested in Higher/Degree Apprenticeships in Electrical Engineering; Finance; Marketing; Engineering; Business Management; IT; Human Resources; Carpentry & Joinery; Creative & Digital Media; Automotive. Businesses can inform the school of relevant opportunities by contacting Marie Brennan on m.brennan@ksnadmin.ksn.org.uk

King Edward VI College, Nuneaton, has 30 Year 13 students leaving who may be interested in jobs with Degree/Higher apprenticeships in Accounting, Business management, Engineering, Solicitors, Human Resources and Digital/IT development roles. Businesses can inform the college of relevant opportunities by contacting Rachael Talbot on Rachael.talbot@kecnuneaton.ac.uk

King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon has Year 13 students leaving who may be interested in jobs with Degree/Higher apprenticeships in Accounting, Automotive Engineering, Business, General Engineering, Digital/IT development roles. Businesses can inform the school Careers Leader of relevant opportunities by contacting Fiona Roberts, fjr@kes.net

Southam College has a large number of Year 13 students leaving this summer who are interested in Degree and Higher Apprenticeships in a variety of occupational areas. Businesses can forward their vacancies to Andrew Hughes who is the careers leader - hughes.a1@welearn365.com - to promote to students.

St. Thomas More School and Sixth Form College, Nuneaton, has 7 Year 13 students leaving who may be interested in jobs with Degree/Higher apprenticeships in Accounting, Marketing, Engineering, Business Management and Healthcare roles. Businesses can inform the school of relevant opportunities by contacting the Careers Coordinator at burton.l@st-thomas-more.net

Stratford Girls' Grammar School has Year 13 students leaving who may be interested in jobs with Degree/Higher apprenticeships in Accounting, Marketing, Engineering, Veterinary and Healthcare roles. Businesses can inform the school of relevant opportunities by contacting the Careers Coordinator at pearson.jo@sggs.org.uk

There will be 16-18-year olds leaving every school and college this summer. The Skills for Employment programme works with all of their Careers leaders and can put businesses in touch with them to find out about summer leavers looking for jobs. The Council also has a Skills Adviser who provides free, impartial advice on a range of Skills issues including recruitment and apprenticeships.

Businesses wishing to find out more should e-mail skillsforemployment@warwickshire.gov.uk or call 01926 418027.

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