Welcome from Warwickshire County Council chief executive Monica Fogarty

Welcome to the latest edition of Warwickshire Still Means Business.

As we continue to move out of lockdown, Warwickshire County Council continues to do it all it can to support businesses as the economy starts to take the first steps towards recovery.

Our 'Buy Eat Local' campaign has really taken off and I would like encourage you all to get involved if you have not already...both as business and consumer! If every person in Warwickshire spent just £5 per week in the County, this would be worth around £122 million annually to the local economy.

In these challenging times, many local businesses have adapted their skills and practices to provide PPE on a local level and it is great to see their enterprise and resilience benefiting both the businesses themselves and the communities around them. Healthcorm, a new social enterprise supported by the Business Ready programme, is a great example of this.

At Warwickshire County Council we are working with our partners in many ways to support employers and education-provider as the economy begins to power up again. The latest example of this is the new Future Careers Digital Market Place from our Skills for Employment Team. Please have a look to see if it could help your businesses.

I hope that you find this edition of 'Warwickshire Still Means Business' informative and useful. A long road to full economic recovery stretches ahead but we have taken the first steps along it and, with the great collective effort already in evidence, I am sure we will continue strongly along that road.

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