
Welcome from Mark Ryder

Hello and welcome to the July edition of Warwickshire Means Business.

This month has brought the great news that, according to the latest data, Coventry & Warwickshire is the best-performing location in the whole of the UK and Northern Ireland for foreign direct investment. This is such a resounding tribute to the quality, breadth, skills and innovation of the region’s economic offer. My warmest thanks and congratulations go to all the many people, not least our own excellent Invest in Warwickshire team at the county council, who contribute in so many ways to making our region the powerhouse that it is.

One of the factors behind that enduring success is that so much good work goes on in our patch with an eye on the future and that was very much the ethos behind the recent Future Careers Fair in Nuneaton. It was wonderful to see so many local businesses support the event which was so successful that similar ones will be rolled out in every borough and district across the county early next year.

In this edition of WMB we also reflect on the recent vibrant Polesworth Careers Fair and examine the great work of Warwickshire Careers Hub and their army of much-valued Enterprise Advisors.

We also reveal stories of businesses which have grown with support and guidance from some of the numerous projects delivered by the county council and our partners. We feature a Rugby business which is blossoming thanks to WCC’s Apprenticeship Levy Share programme, a Nuneaton firm which has tapped into Start-Up support and the Kenilworth business benefiting from the Business Ready programme.

We report the launch of the Warwickshire Business Watch website, created to help keep businesses secure, and hear how Severn Trent are keen to engage with businesses across the county to pursue their sustainability goals.

All this and much more…including ice cream. In high summer, there has to be ice cream!


Featured News

Increased funding approved for Vicarage Street development in Nuneaton  

“This funding is wonderful news for Nuneaton and is the green light for the next phase of its transformation to begin.” 

Warwickshire County Council has approved an increase to the funding available to deliver part of its ambitious Transforming Nuneaton programme, boost the town centre and create opportunities for employment, economic growth and town centre living. 

The additional funds to be allocated to the scheme will enable the Vicarage Street development to proceed with plans to build a new state-of-the-art library and business centre and 65 residential properties in the town centre. It is part of the ambitious Transforming Nuneaton strategic partnership with Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council. The Borough Council have led on the Grayson Place development at the town’s Abbey Street site. 

Work is now set to commence on demolishing existing buildings and the acquisition of land that is needed for the residential development. 

The library, set for completion in late 2026, will relocate the service from its existing building on Church Street which will remain open until the opening of the new library.  It will be operated by the County Council and offer residents high quality facilities in the state-of-the-art building.  

The new building has changed in scope, however, since initial design and will no longer feature a café as the county had to reassess final plans in line with the rising costs of the completed programme of works. Other adaptations in design, notably to the entrance, have been made to enable the project to proceed. 

The new business centre will form part of the county council’s portfolio of business centres and will offer rental space to individuals and small enterprises, increasing footfall and providing a significant boost to the town centre’s economy. 

The plans for the 65 homes to be built will be taken forward by the Warwickshire Property Development Group, the County Council’s own property company, with construction expected to start after the completion of the new library and business centre in 2026. The exciting offer will be a further stimulus for the local economy with the nighttime offer set to benefit significantly. 

Councillor Peter Butlin, portfolio holder for finance and property, said: “This funding is wonderful news for Nuneaton and is the green light for the next phase of its transformation to begin. We have not wavered in our commitment to giving Nuneaton the town centre it deserves and to creating opportunities for employment and education to its residents. This funding will allow the exciting programme to gather some real momentum.” 

The full report can be read here while further information on the Transforming Nuneaton programme can be found on the Council’s website. 

Future Careers Fairs to happen round the county after successful pilot

“There was a very high level of engagement between employers and career-seekers and hopefully a lot of seeds were planted which will grow into rewarding careers."

“An empowering event where opportunities met aspirations” - that was the pilot Future Careers Fair Nuneaton, hosted by Warwickshire Skills Hub and supported by The Midlands Business Network on July 12th.

The event was designed to connect local employers with the vibrant pool of talent within the community in and around Nuneaton and Bedworth - and it resoundingly achieved that objective as more than 20 local businesses exhibited at Bermuda Phoenix Centre.

The pilot was such a success that an additional five Future Careers Fairs will now be held across all of Warwickshire districts and boroughs next March and April.

Students and jobseekers were given the perfect platform to receive valuable insights into potential openings at local businesses, whether they are exploring career options or ready to take the leap into the workforce. 

Businesses, meanwhile, were able to gain access to a pool of local talent, strengthen their brand recognition and engage with other businesses, educational institutions, and industry professionals, fostering valuable connections that could lead to collaborations, partnerships and new opportunities. 

Many meaningful connections were made while a competition was held for all schools that attended to win a £30 Amazon voucher through a series of questions to be answered by speaking to all exhibitors. The competition winner, Olivia from Nuneaton Academy, said that it was great to attend a fair with such a diverse range of companies, including international organisations.

Olivia also had a very interesting suggestion for future events - that it would be good to have more ‘hands on’ activities that students can try out. That suggestion will be very much taken on board for the further Future Careers Fairs in the pipeline. Fairs will be hosted next spring in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth, Rugby, Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District for all secondary schools, sixth forms and colleges to attend. 

“It was wonderful that the pilot Future Careers Fair was such a success and we are very grateful to all the businesses that supported it,” said Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson. “There was a very high level of engagement between employers and career-seekers and hopefully a lot of seeds were planted which will grow into rewarding careers.

“Warwickshire Skills Hub organised the event brilliantly and I look forward to them hosting further Future Careers Fairs all over the county early next year.”

* Anyone interested in exhibiting at the future events or with questions at all, please email skillshub@warwickshire.gov.uk or careershub@warwickshire.gov.uk

Start-Up programme helps Nuneaton engineer to go through the gears

"It is great to see the positive impact the Start-Up programme and the tailored support and skills can provide to newer businesses."

An engineer who set-up his own business in Warwickshire after being left money in his dad’s will is geared up for a brighter future after making a major investment. 

Mario McLaughlin was left £20,000 in the will of his father, James, which he decided to invest in launching MJ Classic Engineering in Slingsby Close on the Attleborough Fields Industrial Estate in Nuneaton. 

The business specialises in providing bespoke manufactured components for the defence, motorsport, and packaging industries as well as classic vehicles. 

After speaking to John Fitzgerald from the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, he signed up to The Start-up programme which offers one to one bespoke business advice and also online and face-to-face workshops. The programme is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Warwickshire County Council.       

That led to Mario joining workshops focused on marketing and social media as well as financial planning which gave Mario and Michelle, who joined her husband’s business last September, the confidence to invest £30,000 in a VMC machine which cuts materials from plastic to steel to help the business expand. 

He said: I have always wanted my own tool shop and I have loved working in engineering for the last 30 years.  When my dad passed away, the money he left me helped me to set up with two machines – and no customers! 

My first customer had a motorbike he wanted customising and he told someone else and word gradually spread and I know a lot of people having been in engineering for a long time. 

We work with household names in the automotive and manufacturing industry and are gaining increasing work from the pharmaceutical sector including producing tiny camera holders for ears for MND research and we are producing stainless coffin pins and adjustable stops which hold the coffins in place for two well-known funeral directors and hearse manufacturers. 

John from the Chamber got in touch to let me know the Chamber was looking to help small businesses and mentioned the online courses. 

We bought a CNC lathe a couple of years ago but the other older machine was too slow to keep up so we were looking at buying a VMC machine which is a fully automated milling machine and attending the financial planning workshop gave us great confidence in buying it and will be instrumental in us moving forward.”

Michelle McLaughlin added: John has really opened our eyes to how other people view our business on our website and social media. We are still working through his advice and some of it is saving time in terms of linking Facebook to Instagram and others are saving us money through carrying out more of the basic accountancy tasks ourselves.”    

John Fitzgerald, Start-Up business advisor at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: I think it’s really important to listen to businesses because that is how you help people. I listened to Mario and Michelle about how they got to this stage of their business, where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do. 

I could then suggest which of our workshops was most suitable from the Start-Up Programme because it is incredibly important to  dedicate time into working on the business instead of just working in the business.” 

The support was delivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire’s five District and Borough Councils. The support is part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (via Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council), and Warwickshire County Council. 

Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “Supporting Warwickshire’s businesses is a key priority for the County Council. It is great to see the positive impact the Start-Up programme and the tailored support and skills can provide to newer businesses; this is demonstrated through the advice and workshops provided to MJ Classic Engineering and the benefit this had on their business.” 

Carol Ingleston, Economic Development Officer at Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, said: “Nuneaton and Bedworth Council is committed to growing its local economy and supporting businesses to ensure they achieve their true potential.  

“I was delighted to be able to see the impact that the business support offered by us, Warwickshire County Council and Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce has had on MJ Classic Engineering.  The tailored support and expertise that the Business Growth Warwickshire programme provides is second to none. The scheme has had a huge impact across the borough.” 

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce is delivering free-funded business support on all aspects of business. To get started, please email businesssupport@cw-chamber.co.uk or visit https://www.cw-chamber.co.uk/business-su

* Please find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visiting https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk

'Taste of Warwickshire' stand stimulates many connections

“It was fantastic to see the level of engagement with businesses and organisations both locally and further afield.”

Visitors flocked to sample ‘The Taste of Warwickshire’ during the three-day NEC Farm Shop & Deli show at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham.

Warwickshire Food & Drink, the body created by Warwickshire County Council to promote the county’s rich offer in the sector, took a stand at the prestigious show to provide a platform for Warwickshire producers to reach a national and international audience.

That objective was well and truly fulfilled as the stand enjoyed a high level of engagement. Visitors from across the West Midlands region, the UK and around the world seized the opportunity to learn more about the quality and diversity of Warwickshire’s offer and many new contacts were made.

The high level of interest and number of enquiries was clear with the council’s four stand partners reporting more than 50 leads, a good proportion of which is expected to firm up into customers.

“It was fantastic to see the level of engagement with businesses and organisations both locally and further afield,” said WCC Rural Policy and Commissioning Officer, Abi Culley. “Numerous businesses based around the country told us that they wished their local authority would invest in such a great platform for Food & Drink in their area.

“It was a really successful initiative and we would like to thank our four stand partners - Cureights, Blabers Hall Vineyard, Bruel Beer and Warwickshire Gin - for their support.”

Any food or drink producer in Coventry or Warwickshire who would like to find out more about Warwickshire County Council’s food and drink producers network and keep up to date with opportunities to support the sector is  welcome to please contact tourism@warwickshire.gov.uk.

Give an hour...you may find just the employee you are looking for!

Business and employers have stepped forward in force to support students through the work of Warwickshire Careers Hub – and more would be very welcome.

Warwickshire Careers Hub, which is part of Warwickshire Skills Hub, powered by Warwickshire County Council, works extensively with careers leaders at schools and colleges to make students as fully-informed as possible about the options ahead of them. This work includes a range of projects and initiatives - but nothing engages young people more than hearing directly from employers to get the “inside track” on potential careers there.

The benefit of such direct engagement also works both ways as businesses get the opportunity to meet and identify talented potential recruits.

“We would like to thank each and every person that has joined us in supporting a local school or college with their careers outreach events,” said Emma Carty, Operational Hub Lead at Warwickshire Careers Hub. “By supporting a local school or college with their events, you are helping every young person find their next best steps and opening their eyes to an exciting or fulfilling career that they didn't even know existed.

“The support we have had has been fantastic, but we would love even more businesses to become involved. If you would like to share your knowledge and experience of a sector, to inspire students, strengthen your organisation’s community footprint, or increase your talent pool, please get in touch.

“Not only do we have our 'Give an Hour' campaign, where you sign up to our half-termly employer newsletter for any schools support requests, we also are looking for volunteer Enterprise Advisors. As an Enterprise Advisor you can commit to supporting one or more schools on their strategic careers programmes, raise the profile of careers in their school with senior leaders, or even just be their critical friend.

“As an Enterprise Advisor, you will develop a longer-term partnership with a school or college and we, as a Careers Hub, are here to support you every step of the way. We hold three Enterprise Advisor meetings per year, where we get together and discuss what's been happening across the county, national updates, CPD sessions and sharing of best practice.

“There are resources and digital tools to help you in your role, as well as having a dedicated Enterprise Coordinator from the Careers Hub to work alongside you.

“If you are interested in the Give an Hour campaign or finding out more about the role of an Enterprise Advisor, please do get in touch and one of the team will arrange a meeting to go through any questions you might have.”

Careers Fair points Polesworth students towards next best steps

"For the students it was a fantastic opportunity to speak and help them raise their aspirations, awareness and knowledge about different careers and courses. It really helps them to start to think about their futures."

Warwickshire Careers Hub has sent out a resounding ‘thank you’ to the county’s business and education community for their fantastic support in supporting young people.  

Almost 50 businesses, occupations and education-providers were represented at a Careers Fair at The Polesworth School this month. It was a vibrant, information-packed morning which drew huge interest from the students and was exactly the sort of event which shapes and informs the futures of school and college-leavers.       

Students were able to learn first-hand about options ahead for them, from universities including Staffordshire, Sheffield and Cardiff to careers including nursing, building and sports journalism. A Warwickshire County Council stall offered details of the broad range of apprenticeships available.

The event was driven by a collective desire to give young people the best possible springboard into their chosen career – and that ethos of helpfulness is hugely appreciated, said Emma Carty, Operational Hub Lead at Warwickshire Careers Hub.

“The Warwickshire Careers Hub would like thank everybody who helped made the Polesworth event such a success,” said Emma. “We also send heartfelt thanks to each and every person who has joined us in supporting a local school or college with their careers outreach events this year. Our first year has seen a huge influx of support from local businesses and the feedback we have had from our careers leaders has been fantastic.

“By supporting a local school or college with their event, you are helping every young person find their next best steps and opening their eyes to an exciting or fulfilling career that they didn't even know existed. By giving anything from 20 minutes to a full day, you have potentially changed the course of a young person's life in helping them understand about the world of work.” 

Chris Davis, Careers Leader at The Polesworth School, said: “I was extremely pleased for the students that we had 47 different visitors attend the event, resulting in a variety of different job roles, apprenticeships, and qualifications for them all to find out about.

“I really appreciate all the visitors giving up time to attend. For the students it was a fantastic opportunity to speak and help them raise their aspirations, awareness and knowledge about different careers and courses. It really helps them to start to think about their futures.

“The feedback from teaching staff was very positive that students said that they had received a lot of help and good advice.”

Among occupations represented was sports journalism with a stall featuring BBC Coventry & Warwickshire’s sports editor Rob Gurney and longstanding newspaper and radio sports reporter Brian Halford.

“It was a pleasure to visit The Polesworth School,” said Brian. “It was a superbly-organised event and great to see so many universities and businesses there giving out information.

“Rob and I were kept incredibly busy by students of all ages wanting to talk about journalism. We were really impressed by the very perceptive questions of the students and there were several who made us think, ‘yeah - there’s definitely a potential journo there!’ Hopefully we gave them some food for thought.  

“I was delighted to be able to support Warwickshire Careers Hub with the fantastic work they do and would urge all employers to consider how they could help and also benefit from engaging with talented young career-seekers.”

Businesses urged to complete community safety survey

Businesses and anyone who works, lives or studies in the county can have their say about community safety in a survey by the Safer Warwickshire Partnership. 

The survey will help to shape the work of the partnership, which includes representatives from Warwickshire’s councils, Fire and Rescue service, Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Probation Service, Health, and charitable organisations. 

The survey seeks the views of Warwickshire businesses and their employees, so that those who make decisions about community safety can look to tackle the community safety issues and concerns that are affecting those that work, live or study in Warwickshire. 

It will help to give the partnership a bigger picture of what issues there are, what needs to be prioritised and how the partners can best work together to tackle them, with the aim of increasing how safe people feel in the county.   

You can complete the survey online at https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/

The results will be analysed this summer and used to inform the setting of local community safety priorities from the autumn onwards. The survey is running until Sunday 4 August. 

Skills get a polish as Rugby cleaning business grows

"We aim to grow by 20 per cent over the next year, and the Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme is instrumental for a business of our size.” 

A thriving business is set to recruit new staff and expand its training opportunities to fuel continued growth as it marks its 20th anniversary. 

Sarah Parrin founded Solutions Services Ltd in a small office on Spring Street, Rugby, in 2004, which has evolved into a leading commercial cleaning and facilities management company.  

The business, now headquartered in offices and a warehouse at Glebe Farm Industrial Estate, has grown its customer base to 108 across Coventry and Warwickshire and employs 63 dedicated members of staff. 

With plans to further increase its workforce and invest in employee development, Sarah has emphasised the importance of skill enhancement and career progression within her team. 

She said: “We are proud of our 63 staff members and plan to expand by another 10 to meet the demands of our growing customer base. 

“Our partnership with Adam Plumb from the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub has been invaluable. He regularly informs us of available funding opportunities that support our focus on staff development. It’s crucial for me to ensure that everyone has the chance to improve their skills, whether they continue with us or move on to other opportunities.” 

Thanks to the Warwickshire County Council Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme, Solutions Services has been able to provide significant training for its team.  

Payroll Administrator Sarah Peabody is now undertaking a multi-media marketing course, while Contract Manager Kate Hutt is pursuing an NVQ Level 5 in Operations Management.  

Additionally, HR Manager Stacee Callaghan is embarking on her second apprenticeship, working towards an NVQ Level 3 in HR Management with Warwickshire Skills Hub providing further support with an Apprenticeship Progression payment of £1,000. 

Sarah believes that investing in her employees is key to the company’s success.  

She said: “The apprenticeships that Stacee, Sarah, and Kate are pursuing will bring valuable new skills to our business. Currently, we don’t have the funds for external marketing services, so having Sarah develop her marketing expertise is critical to our growth plans. We aim to grow by 20 per cent over the next year, and the Apprenticeship Levy Share Programme is instrumental for a business of our size.” 

Adam Plumb, Account Manager for Rugby at the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub, praised Solutions Services as a cornerstone of the local economy.  

He said: “SMEs are crucial to the growth of any local area, and Solutions Services has steadily expanded over the last 20 years to employ people from Rugby and the surrounding area. 

"One of the biggest areas of concern that we hear from businesses is around skills and it is fantastic that Sarah places such an emphasis on upskilling her staff which also leads to high staff retention because employees are happy working there and know they have career progression.” 

Cllr Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “We want Warwickshire to have a thriving economy and it’s great to see local businesses like Solutions Services utilising the range of support available to help them grow their skills and workforce. 

“Solutions Services is also part of our Fair Chance Employment Programme which was set up to support employers in their recruitment process to be more flexible, inclusive and reduce any barriers to anyone wanting to gain skills and employment. The programme has benefited Solutions Services and they have been able to create inclusive employment opportunities and make reasonable adjustments throughout the interview stage, as well as when they join the workplace.” 

Further information about Warwickshire Skills Hub can be found at: skillshub.warwickshire.gov.uk 

SAE Institute offers different pathway into the Games sector

“Schools and colleges in Leamington, Warwick and Coventry have been really receptive and local businesses have been very good."

A new pathway into careers in the Games industry is now offered in Warwickshire by a global education-provider attracted by the region’s reputation in the sector.

The SAE Institute has opened in Leamington Spa in a brand new, purpose-built base at Spencer Yard. Next to The Fold, home of design consultancy Cogent with whom the Institute works extensively in partnership, the Institute is in the heart of ‘Silicon Spa,’ the UK’s biggest games cluster outside London.  

It offers students a different option to those delivered by traditional universities and will have a maximum expected capacity of around 250 around two intakes and six programmes.

The SAE is an international enterprise, originally launched in Australia, and that it identified Leamington as a preferred location is a significant tribute to the district’s appeal. 

“We are delighted to have opened in Leamington,” said Richard Peirson, regional operations manager at SAE Institute. “We were introduced to the area by contacts at The Fold and, as soon as we saw it, thought this was the place for us. Everything that has happened in the year since we moved in has confirmed that view.

“Schools and colleges in Leamington, Warwick and Coventry have been really receptive and local businesses have been very good. We are working with seven games companies and have already done lots of work with Motionhouse and Heartbreak Productions. We’re working with the Loft Theatre and Royal Spa Centre and are building more bridges all the time.

“Warwickshire Skills Hub has been really helpful, as has Coventry Careers Hub. Our first intake of students is just coming to the end of their first year and our first full intake will be next year.

“We work very closely with The Fold and that enables us to give students a different version of industry engagement. Games companies come in and will speak around how to get into their industry, but they will also spend time in the PC labs and talk about individual students’ work. Our social media students take on real clients as partners with The Fold. Our whole building was designed to resemble a design agency, not a campus or education provider.”

The SAE Institute also offers a more intimate learning environment for students who would not enjoy the broader campus life.

“If you want the typical university life, then don’t come here - that’s not what we do,” said Richard. “Many of our students have different barriers to learning so our maximum group size is small. Our PC lab only seats 18 so we are never going to be bigger than 18 in a single cohort, but we love smaller groups anyway because they are the best environment for teaching and learning.

“It is a warm environment which will never overwhelm anybody. They are never going to walk into a big site with hundreds of other students. There’s always a bit of background noise whether it’s music or radio to keep it nice and informal, but it’s not a noisy, intimidating place.

“Being at the heart of such a strong Games Hub, and with Cogent next door, we focus heavily on Games and Content Creation but the skillset that involves is absolutely transferable. Part of our job is to equip students for the games sector and their dream of what they want to do, but they will be ready for employment in other areas too. We try to expose them to different routes where they can find employment.”

Louise Stolz, Future Skills Business Support Advisor at Warwickshire Skills Hub said: "The arrival of the SAE Institute in Leamington Spa expands the training provision options available in Warwickshire for people who are looking to get into careers in the Digital Creative sector and really supports the work Warwickshire Skills Hub are doing around the future skills agenda.

"Part of Warwickshire Skills Hub is the Warwickshire Supported Employment Service, which supports Warwickshire young people and adults with autism and learning disabilities with an aspiration to work. I spoke to the SAE Institute about the work that WSES do and they welcomed a visit from Charlotte and Michelle from the team to discuss how they could get involved in their community outreach sessions." 

New website provides crime advice to Warwickshire businesses

A new website providing free and impartial business and cybercrime advice has been launched to help protect Warwickshire businesses from becoming victims of crime. 

The Warwickshire Business Watch website, www.warwickshirebusinesswatch.co.uk, has been created by Warwickshire County Council’s Community Safety Team in partnership with Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner. 

Warwickshire Business Watch works in collaboration with businesses and partners to prevent crime from occurring and to tackle offenders. 

The new website is just one of the ways that it is offering crime prevention advice and support to businesses as part of a commitment to keeping businesses in the county safe. 

It has been launched to help ensure that businesses in Warwickshire are protected and safe from all types of criminality, from traditional crimes to cybercrime, terrorism, seasonal crime, child exploitation and modern slavery.   

Businesses are the backbone of Warwickshire’s communities and provide a vital service, so the impact of crime can be significant on staff working within businesses and their customers, as well as the business itself.  

With that in mind, the website contains many useful downloadable crime prevention documents, links, tools, and materials, with information and advice to support businesses. 

It also provides information on how to report a business or cybercrime, either directly to the Police or via other routes such as Action Fraud or Crimestoppers, and links to other agencies who provide support to businesses, including Warwickshire Trading Standards. 

Warwickshire Business Watch is a business crime prevention program that gives local businesses access to a wealth of resources and support to safeguard their operations. 
Benefits of membership include enhanced security awareness through targeted email alerts about recent local criminal activity; expert crime prevention advice; and deterrence measures, with resources like building signs that can deter to potential criminals. 

A collaborative network of security-conscious businesses in Warwickshire, it provides regular updates to keep businesses informed about the latest crime trends and changes in legislation, and a quarterly newsletter with the latest developments in crime prevention. 

To find out more about Warwickshire Business Watch, please visit www.warwickshirebusinesswatch.co.uk.   

Clinic eyes new opportunities with Business Ready support

“We’re really grateful to Steve and the Business Ready programme – the fact that it was free meant we were able to access knowledge and expertise we would have no way of accessing otherwise.”

A physiotherapy clinic in Kenilworth is set for growth in 2024 after receiving the rights to exclusively sell a revolutionary therapy shoe in the region which can help prevent the need for knee or hip replacements.

The Reinge Clinic, founded by Gina and Ian Reinge in 2009 in Bristol before moving to Warwickshire in 2019, is licensed to sell the ‘Apos’ shoe exclusively within Coventry and Warwickshire.

The shoe features highly adjustable curved pads on the sole, which are tailored specifically for the individual needs of each patient, to redistribute forces away from painful areas and thereby remove osteoarthritis pain. After a course of using the shoe, patients have found that their muscles have been strengthened and their previous pain has disappeared – lowering the need for complex knee or hip replacements.

Following support from the free business support programme Business Ready, The Reinge Clinic is now ready to start promoting the Apos Shoe more widely and target significant growth in 2024.

Business Ready forms part of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme. It is delivered by University of Warwick Science Park on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire’s five District and Borough Councils.

Gina said: “We are sports scientists by background, so we understand biomechanics and are often sceptical of products that claim to work miracles. However, after first coming across the Apos Shoe at a physiotherapy trade show, we looked into their claims and thought the mechanics of their product as well as their results were very impressive.

“Instead of masking the source of knee or hip pain with something like an insole, the shoe’s adjustable pads activate the patient’s muscles as they walk in the shoe. Over time, the muscles strengthen to the point where normal, pain-free mobility can return even without the shoes.

“We felt having Apos available at our clinic could potentially be a way of improving the outcomes of our patients while bolstering our income at the same time.”

After securing the exclusive rights to sell Apos in Coventry & Warwickshire, Gina and Ian needed to promote what they were doing, but had struggled to do so since moving to Kenilworth.

The pandemic was a significant barrier to growth as physiotherapy relies on in-person appointments for reliable treatment, and even after restrictions were lifted, growth remained stubborn. After looking for business support programmes, Gina and Ian got in touch with Business Ready and were connected with business support adviser Steve Tipson, who set about laying the foundations to improve the business’s practices before it pushes for growth.

“Steve helped us with the many things we didn’t really understand about growing a small business to the next level,” Gina added. “He advised us on improving our website and selling mine and Ian’s expertise as individuals, rather than simply selling physiotherapy services.

“Our website is now much more user-friendly and features an online booking system, which is something we hadn’t considered before speaking to Steve. It’s been responsible for a significant increase in bookings. We’ve also switched from being two sole traders to a limited company, which has prevented major accounting headaches and allowed us to streamline many areas of the business.

“After his advice and the improvements we’ve made, we’re now ready to grow by prescribing the Apos Shoes to patients who need it, while continuing our traditional physiotherapy services.

“We’re really grateful to Steve and the Business Ready programme – the fact that it was free meant we were able to access knowledge and expertise we would have no way of accessing otherwise.”

Steve will continue to support The Reinge Clinic throughout 2024 as it aims to grow its practice in Kenilworth enough for it to stand alone without the need for the Bristol premises to carry on.

He said: “Gina and Ian are highly competent physiotherapists, but lacked that extra know how or capital to take their business to the next level. The fact that they secured the right to prescribe the Apos Shoes exclusively in the region is a fantastic USP for them, but it was important for them to have the basics in place to truly take advantage of this.

“I’m confident Gina and Ian are now ready to take The Reinge Clinic to new heights and help many more patients potentially avoid drastic knee or hip replacement surgery.”

Cllr Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, added: “It’s fantastic to see a small business thrive after receiving support from our Business Ready programme, and securing these exclusive rights is a remarkable achievement for Gina and Ian. We look forward to seeing what 2024 brings for this local business.

“I hope others in Warwickshire may be inspired to take their business to the next level with the support of Business Ready and our wider Business Growth Warwickshire Programme, which can help unleash the incredible potential for growth and success within Warwickshire’s business community.”

Business Ready forms part of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme. It is delivered by University of Warwick Science Park on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire’s five District and Borough Councils. The support is part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (via the District and Borough Councils), and Warwickshire County Council.

* Find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub website.

Delicious ice cream served up with a passion for Warwickshire

“It’s a tough job, we work 20 hours a day, seven days a week, for eight months of the year, but I love working at Ryton Pools."

Warwickshire residents are being encouraged to support their local ice cream vans at popular country parks this summer.

Licenses have been renewed for ice cream van operators countywide by Warwickshire Property Management Ltd (WPM) on behalf of Warwickshire County Council.

This means that friendly faces will continue to operate in Warwickshire’s country parks for another year, many having occupied the same spots for more than a decade.

This year WPM Ltd has completed four new licences for ice cream vans across the county.

Alan Sullivan, who operates at Burton Dassett Hills Country Park, and David Smith, who operates The Ice Cream Centre at Ryton Pools Country Park, are two of the operators to have had their licenses renewed for the year.

Many ice cream van operators are family businesses and that is the case with Alan Sullivan. His father, now 86, previously ran the business and Alan, 64, has been supporting his father since the age of eight. He has operated at Burton Dassett for more than 20 years.

Alan said: “It’s a great business to be in and a friendly one too. Over the years we have got to know a lot of people working at the park and visitors too. We try to keep the prices sensible to maintain that customer base.

“Over the years it hasn’t changed a whole lot, people skills are still the backbone of running an ice cream van.

“Our fingers are crossed for a good summer, but believe it or not you don’t want it to be baking hot as that isn’t good for sales. It’s been a mixed start with the weather but my philosophy is that it always balances out over the year.”

David Smith, managing director of The Ice Cream Centre, has been operating at Ryton Pools for 13 years and has renewed his licence for another year.

His van can be found by The Foothills play area. David has had an obsession with ice cream since he was seven-years-old in 1975.

David said: “I was one of those children that went to the ice cream van every day, even if I couldn’t buy it, I was fascinated by everything ice cream. Across all of our vans we have a pride before profit approach. We have a policy that all of our vehicles are no more than two years old, and are low or zero emission. This resulted in us investing £178,000 in new vans this year.

“We’re hoping for a dry, warm summer and the ideal temperature is 21 to 23 degrees, anything above that and sales start to dip dramatically.

“It’s a tough job, we work 20 hours a day, seven days a week, for eight months of the year, but I love working at Ryton Pools. It is a lovely place to be, the seasons bring new colours and new species. I have great relationships with my regular customers and we’re proud to be based at the park.”

WPM is part of Warwickshire Property & Development Group (WPDG), which manages lettings on hundreds of Warwickshire County Council-owned properties.

Mandeep Padan, Asset Manager at WPM, said: “We have some incredible country parks across Warwickshire and there is nothing better than enjoying an ice cream on a summer afternoon.

“We’re pleased to have been able to extend licences for ice cream operators across the county like David and Alan.”

Cllr Heather Timms, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate & Culture at Warwickshire County Council, added: “Supporting our ice cream vans goes beyond enjoying a tasty treat; it’s also about fostering community spirit and sustaining local businesses that bring joy to Warwickshire’s residents and visitors.

“We are delighted to see these family-centred, ethically-minded operations continue to thrive and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of our parks. Businesses such as these play a vital role in making Warwickshire’s Country Parks places that can be enjoyed and supported by all, both now and for generations to follow.”

  • Please find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visiting https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk

Businesses can access free support to reduce energy costs and footprint 

Warwickshire businesses can kickstart their sustainability journey and benefit from free access to ZELLAR, helping to reduce their carbon emissions and energy bills.  

ZELLAR is an online sustainability platform that enables businesses to calculate and understand their carbon emissions and then build an achievable plan to reduce them, based on business size.  

Warwickshire County Council has 100 licenses to provide local businesses with free access to ZELLAR for 12 months. The recent webinar provided details about ZELLAR and the benefits to local businesses in reducing their bills and their carbon footprint.  

The webinar is available to watch below:

Councillor Martin Watson, portfolio holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “We’re pleased we can offer the ZELLAR tool to local businesses, helping them to not only reduce their bills but also take climate action. We want to empower Warwickshire businesses to embrace energy efficiency, reduce costs, and unlock new opportunities.” 

The Zellar platform analyses business data to create SMART behavioural and operational recommendations that drive sustained action, cost savings and tangible climate impact. Businesses can access their free 1-year Zellar license by signing up to the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service. 

To find out more, please visit: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/wbeas  

The first 100 eligible businesses to sign up will be granted one year fully subsidised access to ZELLAR worth £299. After the first 12 months businesses can choose whether to continue their subscription.  

  • The Zellar platform analyses business data to create SMART behavioural and operational recommendations that drive sustained action, cost savings and tangible climate impact. Businesses can access their free one-year Zellar license by signing up to the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service. The Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service also includes webinars, workshops, one-to-one support, free energy audits and the opportunity to apply for capital grants.

Share your knowledge in TSBN magazine

Businesses are invited to unlock the power of sharing knowledge by featuring in the Trading Standards Business News (TSBN) magazine.
TSBN is dedicated to nurturing a thriving business community so is inviting business owners to share their valuable insights. Contributing to the digital magazine offers businesses an opportunity to be recognised as a knowledgeable contributor in the business community. 
Why contribute?  
- Professional Publication: Your article will be featured in this magazine, showcasing your expertise to a broad audience. 
- Recognition and Credibility: We credit both you and your business, highlighting your contributions across our network. 
- Extensive Reach: Enjoy the visibility your article will gain, shared across 14 local authorities and disseminated through partners like the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). 
Easy steps to get involved 
Participation is easy! Just fill out an expression of interest form - https://forms.office.com/e/6bZZ8hdNdg] and share your ideas for a potential article. We are keen to hear what expert advice you have to offer our readership that can truly add value. 
Please do Step Into the Spotlight with TSBN Magazine, become one of our contributors and share your knowledge with a community of entrepreneurs and business owners. You will gain visibility and help enrich our collective understanding on business matters. Take this opportunity to be among the early voices featured in our publication! 

Future-forward: your springboard to innovation funding

A second round of Innovate UK Launchpad grant support will be available later this year for businesses and other organisations working in digital creative technologies

The Coventry and Warwickshire region is recognised for its growing innovation capability in the digital, creative and immersive tech sectors. To maximise the region’s growth potential, Innovate UK, in partnership with Warwickshire County Council, Coventry City Council and the West Midlands Combined Authority, is operating an Innovate UK Launchpad.

The Launchpad aims to grant-fund new innovative and market-disrupting projects within the cluster, enhancing market capability and boosting SME engagement and opportunities. After a very successful first round earlier this year, Grant applications for the second round will be particularly welcome from:

SME decision-makers: Those in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking at creative and immersive market opportunities (AR/VR) based in or operating in the Coventry/Warwickshire region.

Academic researchers: Creative and immersive university research programs with clear spin-out or industrial market opportunities.

Large industrial organisations: Companies looking to enhance their creative and immersive capabilities through regional cluster supply-chain engagement.

Organisations seeking expansion: Businesses exploring options to deploy or expand into the West Midlands to collaborate with this Launchpad creative/immersive regional capability cluster.

An event was held this month to enhance potential applicants’ understanding of grant applications and help them form valuable partnerships and stay informed about the latest funding opportunities in the relevant sectors. It also offered connections with local business advisors and R&D partners including universities. Anyone who could not make the event but would like more information about the scheme should email to invest@warwickshire.gov.uk

The next round of Innovate UK Launchpad grants will be launched at some point later in 2024 so businesses interested should keep up to date through all the usual Warwickshire business channels, including Warwickshire Means Business.

Potential for more jobs and increasing growth in region

Business confidence in Coventry and Warwickshire was strengthened in the second quarter of the year – with the potential for more jobs and increased growth for the remainder of 2024. 

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s latest Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) – a survey of firms in both the manufacturing and service sectors across the region – saw a marked increase in the mood among local companies. 

The survey, which is delivered in partnership with Prime Accountants Group, is analysed by the Economy & Skills Group at Warwickshire County Council. From the responses of businesses across the services and manufacturing sectors, it gives scores out of 100 where anything above 50 indicates growth and anything below 50 is negative. The confidence score in the service sector jumped from 70.7 to 77.1 while in manufacturing it leapt from 59.5 to 80.5 based on the sentiment from businesses. 

However, the results did highlight that there are still barriers to growth with service sector companies seeing a slight dip in domestic sales and, also, a slightly weakened performance on the investment and cashflow front. In manufacturing, there were improvements across the board – from domestic sales through to international sales and from an employment point of view to investment & cashflow. 

All added together, it meant the overall economic outlook for Coventry and Warwickshire had a score of 62.4, which is up from 60.1 after the first quarter of the year.  

Todd Williams, Business Intelligence Analyst (Economy & Skills) at Warwickshire County Council, said: “The latest QES results show the local economy maintaining strong optimism, alongside a significant increase in spare capacity.  The results show that the overall economic outlook index for Coventry and Warwickshire is exceeding the national trend. Local services businesses are positive about the domestic market, and sentiment about the services overseas market moved towards confidence. The local manufacturing business sentiment continues to strengthen around growth in both domestic and overseas markets.   

“Local concerns around interest rates dropped significantly, however input costs remain a significant concern – manifesting as inflation for manufacturing and as labour costs for the service sector. Employment is expected to increase, with ongoing concerns around recruitment challenges.” 

Corin Crane, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “It’s pleasing to see that the slight improvement in the outlook at the start of the year has continued as we move through 2024. The survey was undertaken before the election so the result won’t have affected confidence but it might be that firms believed there would be more stability post-election. 

“They will be buoyed by the fact that inflation has fallen significantly and that there is a strong chance that interest rates will start to follow. All that said, we know that everything is still in the balance and while the latest survey is positive there are still barriers to growth that we need the new Government to help us overcome.” 

Steve Harcourt, director of Prime Accountants Group and president of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “The economic picture is improving with GDP growing, which pulled us out of the recession at the end of 2023 very quickly. 

“Coventry and Warwickshire has a vibrant, innovative and diverse economy which means it is extremely resilient and it’s testament to the whole business community that we have pulled through difficult times. 

“The latest QES shows that confidence is increasing and it’s vitally important that the new Government delivers on its promise to support businesses to achieve the growth we all want to see.” 

QES, Q2 2024 summary 

Economic Outlook: 

Overall, 62.4, up from 60.1 

Service Sector 61.9, up from 60.9. 

Manufacturing Sector 65.4, up from 55.8 

Domestic Sales: 

Service Sector 62.0, down from 66.1. 

Manufacturing Sector 62.2, up from 54.5 

Overseas Sales: 

Service Sector 47.1, up from 43.2 

Manufacturing Sector 55.0, up from 53.1  


Service Sector 59.7, up from 56.3 

Manufacturing Sector 61.4, up from 56.8 

Investment & Cashflow  

Service Sector 53.8, down from 56.1 

Manufacturing Sector 61.2, up from 53.3 

Business Confidence  

Service Sector 77.1, up from 70.7 

Manufacturing Sector 80.5, up from 59.5 

Special Feature

Coventry & Warwickshire leading the UK for international investment 

"We continue to have the skills and talent sought by overseas companies, as well as the sites and connectivity." 

Data released by the Department for Business and Trade (1) has revealed that the Coventry & Warwickshire area is the best performing location in the UK and Northern Ireland for foreign direct investment (FDI), continuing to outperform the overall UK figures (2).  

Per capita, which takes account of the local population size and the number of projects, Coventry & Warwickshire was the leading destination with one project per 21,464 per population. In terms of overall projects landing in one location, the city and county were placed fourth behind Greater Manchester, Birmingham and Solihull and Leeds City Region (3). 

The area attracted a total of 53 foreign investment projects in the year 2023-24, maintaining the trend of recent years. The previous year recorded a figure of 50 projects. 

Key sectors for Coventry & Warwickshire included 22 projects for automotive and future mobility (up from 17 projects) and eight digital creative and software, four e-commerce and logistics (five projects last year) and four medtech projects. Altogether, the area accounted for 20% of UK automotive projects.  

The Coventry & Warwickshire area also saw a strong performance around employment, with 2,717 jobs new and safeguarded jobs, placing Coventry & Warwickshire fifth for most new jobs by area in the UK. 

The release of the data marks another positive landmark for the region; earlier this year, FDI Intelligence Magazine recognised the strength of the local area, placing Coventry & Warwickshire in the top 10 for three categories in its annual FDI European Cities and Regions of the Future Awards 2024. The Coventry & Warwickshire area placed second for FDI Strategy, and was awarded top-ten placings for Economic Potential and Business Friendliness. The rankings benchmark European cities and regions according to their economic, financial, and business strengths. Invest Coventry and Warwickshire’s local investment strategy stood out due to the strength of its support to businesses in establishing themselves in the area, close collaboration with local partners and unique offer to inward investors, which this year included Accenture, BMW, GM, Polestar, TATA, Tencent and Visteon among recent new investors into the area.  

The latest data confirms the city and county as a leading UK destination for FDI and high-tech investment over the last decade. The Coventry and Warwickshire area has seen 25,431 jobs created or safeguarded from 447 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects over the last ten years (4). 

Cllr Martin Watson, portfolio holder for Economy, at Warwickshire County Council said “We are delighted to see that Coventry & Warwickshire continues to be such an attractive destination for foreign investment, with so much of it led by technological businesses - we continue to have the skills and talent sought by overseas companies, as well as the sites and connectivity.  

“Our new strategic economic plan and sector growth plans will help support and develop the offer of our local economy. The County Council’s inward investment service provides an excellent soft-landing support for business, with help in finding properties, accessing funding and attracting talent or filling skills gaps.  The support available is comprehensive, and I would encourage potential investors to reach out to us if they are thinking of investing in the area.”  

Councillor Jim O’Boyle, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Regeneration and Climate Change, at Coventry City Council said “It’s good news that we are continuing to perform well when it comes to attracting inward investment from outside the UK.  We did especially well to attract investments from the future mobility and energy sectors including Tata Elxsi based at the Techno Centre, Coventry and Corona Energy based in the City Centre. 

“The green industrial revolution is coming and we believe, with our plans for a gigafactory, Coventry Very Light Rail and our partnership with E.ON that we can lead in this area. There will be lots of jobs in this rapidly growing sector and we certainly have the right location, skills and business support to make Coventry a very attractive place for new business to move to and grow in.” 

For further information, please visit www.investcw.co.uk or email contact@investcw.co.uk   

Editor’s Note:  

  1. Data published by Department for International Trade. Coventry & Warwickshire landed 44 projects and 9 shared projects across multiple areas/sites for 2023-24.
  2. Foreign Direct Investment is investment in new or existing facilities by companies with foreign ownership. The UK Government assesses a company to be foreign owned if it has a 10% or more ownership from overseas.  
  3. Looking at single-sited projects, Coventry & Warwickshire with 44 projects and a population based on latest NOMIS data of 944,424. 
  4. Invest Coventry and Warwickshire data, cumulative years.  

        Guest column

        Why Workplace Wellbeing really matters...

        For employers and employees, wellbeing has never been more valued and important. In terms of simple humanity and quality of life, of course, but also, on a more pragmatic level, in terms of productivity and profit. In a special guest column for WMB, Warwickshire County Council Public Health Delivery Manager (Wellbeing and Workforce) Jo Southan explains why workplace wellbeing really matters.

        A new government is in place and has announced their commitment to their manifesto ‘Back to Work Plan,’ along with plans to tackle economic inactivity. So what does this mean? And why are work and health so significantly linked? 

        Nationally, we have seen rising levels of economic inactivity (people not in employment who have not been seeking work within the last four weeks and/or are unable to start work within the next two weeks) and a record number of people out of work due to long-term sickness.

        The new Government’s proposals include merging Jobcentre Plus and the National Careers Service to get more people into work and to support those seeking better opportunities with the tools to find better paid work. They also plan to provide opportunities for training, apprenticeships and support for 18 to 21-year-olds to find work through The Youth Guarantee, as well as supporting more disabled people and those living with health conditions to enter or stay at work by handing over more power to local areas so they can shape a joined-up work, health and skills offer.

        Wellbeing is at the forefront of employers’ minds at the moment in the light of significant skills gaps in some sectors. As businesses struggle to recruit, managing employee sickness and the effect it has on productivity can be challenging. Over the last year, Warwickshire Skills Hub has seen a rise in employers looking for training solutions such as mental first aid to ensure that their business can support staff when it matters the most.  

        Ill health affects the quality of people’s lives and because time spent out of work can affect future employment and pay, this can have a knock-on effect with a reduced standard of living which in turn can lead to further deteriorating health. The right relationship between health and work therefore is mutually beneficial: work, of adequate quality, has a positive impact on health and good health enables people to contribute to the workforce. 

        With an emphasis on supporting people into work, it is vital that employers promote and support employee wellbeing to prevent stress, promote healthy, positive working environments and enable both employees and the organisation to thrive. Good health and wellbeing are key drivers of employee engagement and organisational performance. 

        To support our local workplaces to achieve a thriving and healthy workforce, Warwickshire County Council Public Health Team hold two Workplace Wellbeing Forums each year, with the most recent being June 2024.  The forums provide an opportunity to hear about local initiatives with data detailing which issues are affecting people living and working in your area. They are also an opportunity to network with other businesses and hear about what they are doing to support their health and wellbeing agendas. 

        The events are free to attend and details of previous and upcoming sessions, along with useful resources, can be found on the website https://www.wellbeing4life.co.uk/businesses Please do get in touch if we can support you, your business and your employees.



        Date Event Host Timings Venue Link
        2024.07.25 Business Grants Launch Event
        Rugby Borough Business Networking Event.
        RBC and partners 0800-2130 Benn Hall, Rugby Weblink here
        2024.07.28 Jaguar Summer Festival
        The Summer Jaguar Festival celebrating 40 years of the Jaguar Enthusiasts' Club with presenting partners AFWM and SNG Barratt.
        The largest Jaguar Club in the world, the Jaguar Enthusiasts’ Club, celebrates its 40th Anniversary in 2024, so join them at the British Motor Museum as they pull out all the stops to bring you the best festival of all things Jaguar whilst looking back at the Club’s achievements over the last 40 years. SUNDAY 28 JULY.
        Jaguar Enthusiasts Club 10am-4pm British Motor Museum, Gaydon Weblink here
        2024.07.31 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
        We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
        Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
        2024.07.31 Warwickshire MGP - Marketing for Manufacturing Businesses
        Join our exclusive webinar for manufacturing businesses, delivered in partnership with S2F Marketing, and discover 20 top tips to elevate your marketing strategy.
        MGP 0930-1100 Online Weblink here
        2024.08.01 Talk Property Brunch - Kenilworth -Talk Business Members
        Our Talk Property Brunch is back, and it's better than ever! Join us for an exclusive networking opportunity where you can meet, greet, and share insights with fellow Property Professionals. This is your chance to engage in one-on-one conversations, all centred around the exciting world of property in Warwickshire.
        Talk Business UK 1000-1130 The Almanack Weblink here
        2024.08.01 Mill Street Exchange
        In partnership with Warwick County Council, the Mill Street Exchange is a free drop-in service offering no-nonsense business advice.
        Warwickshire County Council 1000-1400 1 Mill Street, Leamington Spa Weblink here
        2024.08.01 Studley in Business Networking Meeting
        Studley in Business meet the first Thursday each month from 10.00am-11.30am, all of our meetings include time to chat and network with other businesses. There are opportunities to introduce your business and we also invite speakers to come and present on relevant subjects. Meetings are held at different venues in and around Studley. We also hold a more social evening get-together at Christmas and Easter. THURSDAY 5 SEPTEMBER.
        Studley in Business Networking Group 1000-1130 Wootton Park.
        B95 6HJ
        Weblink here
        2024.08.02 Business Buzz Leamington Spa
        Business Buzz Leamington Spa is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. First Friday of the month.
        Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 The House, Leamington Spa Weblink here
        2024.08.02 Studley UNO Networking -Studley Castle
        Join us and be part of the inception of the Talk Business STUDLEY UNO, a brand-new 'single seat' business networking group.
        Talk Business UK 0730-0900 Warner Hotels - Studley Castle, Hardwick Lane Studley B80 7AJ Weblink here
        2024.08.02 Business Talent Summer Networking BBQ
        Fire up your connections and sizzle with success at our Business Talent Summer Networking BBQ!
        Join us for an afternoon of delicious food, refreshing drinks and vibrant networking opportunities. This event offers the perfect opportunity to expand your network, exchange ideas and foster valuable relationships.
        CW Chamber 1130-1400 Ashorne Hill Management College Ashorne Hill Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV33 9QW Weblink here
        2024.08.06 Talk Property Warwickshire - Afternoon Tea - Studley Castle
        Our Talk Property Brunch is back, and it's better than ever! Join us for an exclusive networking opportunity where you can meet, greet, and share insights with fellow Property Professionals. This is your chance to engage in one-on-one conversations, all centred around the exciting world of property in Warwickshire.
        Talk Business UK 1530-1700 Studley Castle Weblink here
        2024.08.07 Warwick UNO - Talk Business networking
        LIVE NETWORKING Twice a month - face 2 face.
        Come along and help create the Talk Business Warwick UNO group!
        A 'single seat' business networking group - WHAT SEAT WILL YOU WANT?
        Everyone has the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.
        Meeting. 1st and 3rd Wednesday EVERY MONTH 7:30-9:00 am
        Talk Business UK 0730-0900 Delta Marriott Warwick Weblink here
        2024.08.08 Leamington Networking Breakfast (2nd and 4th Thursday)
         independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
        Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
        2024.08.08 Business Buzz Rugby
        Business Buzz Rugby is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takres places on the 2nd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. 
        Buzz Networks 1000-1200 The Windmill Inn, Rugby Weblink here
        2024.08.08 Leamington Networking Breakfast (2nd and 4th Thursday)
         independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
        Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
        2024.08.12 FindaBiz Networking Nuneaton
        FaB Networking with FindaBiz is a local business networking and business support organisation. Serious about helping you grow your business, in a positive and friendly setting with no scary rules. Help for business owners to make connections, build business relationships and find opportunities to do business. 2nd Monday of the month.
        FaB Networking 1800-2000 Coton Sports and Social Club Weblink here
        2024.08.15 Business Buzz Warwick
        Business Buzz Warwick is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
        Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 The Globe Weblink here
        2024.08.20 Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon
        Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
        There’s no membership, no pre-booking required, just £10 + VAT payable on our app in advance, or at the event. Meeting every 3rd Tuesday of each month between 10am-12pm (16 July)
        Buzz Networks 1000-1200 All Bar One, Bell Court Weblink here
        2024.08.22 Leamington Networking Breakfast (2nd and 4th Thursday)
         independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
        Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
        2024.08.31 The Aston Martin Heritage Festival
        The Aston Martin Heritage Trust will be returning to The British Motor Museum, Gaydon to celebrate the fourth Aston Martin Heritage Festival. This year, the Aston Martin Heritage Trust will be celebrating 30 years of the DB7. If you’ve got a DB7 at home, there’s no better time to bring it to the event! 
        Aston Martin Heritage Trust 9am-4pm British Motor Museum, Gaydon Weblink here
        2024.09.04 CENEX Expo - 2 Days
        Building on the legacy of Cenex-LCV & CAM, Cenex Expo will stimulate ideas and showcase technology, bringing together the people who will deliver the net zero and connected automated mobility future. 4-5 SEPTEMBER.
        CENEX 4-5 September Millbrook Weblink here
        2024.09.06 First Friday - Amtico Flooring
        Amtico have been designing and manufacturing unique luxury vinyl tiles in their Coventry factory since the 1960’s, growing into a global success story.   Our visit will include a talk about the business’ history and plans for the future before we enjoy a behind the scenes factory tour. Friday 6th August.
        CW First Professionals 1230-1430 Amtico Flooring, Foleshill, Coventry. CV6 5AA Weblink here
        2024.09.11 Email Marketing - Where to Start? Webinar
        Looking for new or additional ways to engage with your customers and or prospects? Overlooked email marketing as an overused or out moded form of marketing and communications?
        Glued have specifically written this workshop to encourage those just starting out on their email marketing journey.
        Business Ready 1000-1130 Online Weblink here
        2024.09.11 Understanding Import Procedures
        This course will provide an extensive review of Import Procedures and Customs  Requirements.
        It covers a wealth of information from the earliest point of enquiry to the final part of the audit process.
        From the definition of an Import and Process Flow, Movement of Goods, and the Documents and processes required for Import Clearance, this training session outlines all stages of import processes and teaches participants how to navigate this highly complex process for permanent and temporary imports.
        CW Chamber 0930-1230 Online Weblink here
        2024.09.13 Rugby Local Business Forum - Join us for our local Rugby Business Forum, chaired by Karen Suter, Exact Logistsics Ltd. Our local business forum provides our members with an opportunity to find out what is happening on a micro-level, hearing from Local MPs and Council Officials, whilst providing a platform to have a say on the local issues affecting businesses. If you would like further information on the Rugby Local Business Forum, please contact SeanR@cw-chamber.co.uk. CW Chamber 8:00-10:00 Draycote Hotel, London Rd, Thurlaston, Rugby, Warwickshire. Weblink here
        2024.09.17 Warwickshire MGP - Digital Awareness for Manufacturers Workshop
        Exploring the latest digital tools and technologies relevant to the manufacturing sector, their benefits, and how businesses can effectively integrate them into their operations to boost productivity and drive sustainability.
        MGP 0900-1300 Technoset, Rugby. CV21 1GQ Weblink here
        2024.09.17 North Warwickshire Borough Breakfast Networking
        As part of the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Business Support programmes, we are excited to announce an in-person business breakfast networking event.

        Join us at COLESHILL HOTEL 152-156 High St, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 3BG in the North Warwickshire borough. This event is open to all businesses in the area. Come along for an informal networking meeting to build connections and potential collaborations.
        CW Chamber 0800-1100 Coleshill Hotel. B46 3BG Weblink here
        2024.09.18 CW Champions September Event - Join us for the Coventry and Warwickshire Champions Event at Venue TBC. Step into a morning of inspiration and connection at the Prestigious CW Champions Breakfast Event. Indulge in a delicious light breakfast while networking with some of the region's most influential figures, entrepreneurs and innovators. CW Events 7:30-9:30 TBC Weblink here
        2024.09.18 Micromobility UK 2024
        Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance welcomed thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts across the weekend as the doors swung open to the UK’s biggest motorcycle show. 
        WMG All day WMG Campus Weblink here
        2024.09.19 Business Buzz Warwick
        Business Buzz Warwick is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
        Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 The Globe Weblink here
        2024.09.19 Green Futures: Expo & Summit - The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce invites you to our Green Futures: Expo & Summit, where local businesses and innovators come together to explore and advance the path to a net-zero future. This event is designed to inspire and connect individuals and businesses committed to making a poistive impact on our planet.  CW Chamber 10:00-14:00 Ashorne Hill Management College Ashorne Hill Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV33 9QW Weblink here
        2024.09.24 Voice of the Customer for Competitive Advantage Webinar
        This Business Ready workshop will explore the concept of ‘Voice of the Customer’ and ‘Customer Value’, exploring methods for really understanding your customers needs and wants. The session will go on to explore why this is important and how organisations can use this insight to gain competitive advantage and optimise their organisation system.
        Business Ready 0900-1100 Online Weblink here
        2024.09.25 Chamber Networking at Audley Village - Join us for our next Chamber Networking Event, in partnership with Audley Village. Start your day off right by connecting with fellow Chamber members in the elegant surroundings at Audley Binswood. Expand your network, explore collaborative opportunities and kickstart your day at this Chamber Networking Event. CW Chamber 8:00-10:00 Audley Binswood Management Ltd, Binswood Hall, Binswood Aveneue, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Weblink here
        2024.09.26 CW Champions- Next Generation Event - Join us for an inspiring event at Milly's Cafe Bar in Coventry, where the next generation of Coventry and Warwickshire Champions will gather to network, share ideas, and celebrate the region's vibrate future. The special event is desgined to bring together young professionals, entrepreneurs, and change-makers who are shaping the economic and cultural landscape of Coventry and Warwickshire. FREE. CW Events 17:30-19:30 Milly's Cafe Bar, Coventry. Weblink here
        2024.10.09 Engineering Design Show
        EDS has been showcasing the very best of mechanical, electronics and embedded design for over a decade. It is THE show for design engineers who are looking for direct access to the latest products, services and innovations available to the sector.
        Mark Allen Group 9-10 October CBS Arena, Coventry Weblink here
        2024.10.11 International Trade Summit
        Discover innovative solutions to challenges faced by businesses in international trade and gain a competitive edge through expert perspectives on navigating tariffs, leveraging Free Trade Agreements, and managing exchange rate fluctuations. This event will equip you with the knowledge, contacts, and resources needed to elevate your export journey to new heights. 
        CW Chamber 0900-1400 Holiday Inn Coventry. CV2 2HP Weblink here
        2024.10.15 Warwickshire MGP Workshop - Lean Manufacturing Principles
        Providing an overview of lean manufacturing principles and techniques to optimise processes, eliminate waste, and improve efficiency.
        MGP 0900-1300 CFS Aero, Warwick. CV34 5QF Weblink here
        2024.10.30 Advanced Engineering 2024 (30th-31st October)
        The 14th edition of Advanced Engineering will celebrate innovation, collaboration and sustainability within the engineering and manufacturing industries. Engineering professionals from all sectors come together to network, learn and discover innovative new solutions and suppliers from the engineering supply chain across two action-packed days.
        Easyfairs 30th and 31st October NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
        2024.11.08 Classic Motor Show (3 Days)
        The Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show, which brings together a great array of classic car and motorcycle clubs along with their iconic classic and vintage cars and motorbikes, is an event not to be missed. No matter what you’re looking for, this is the ultimate season finale for any classic car/bike owner, collector, enthusiast, club member, or simply anyone with a passion for classic vehicles! 
        Clarion Events 3 Day Event NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
        2024.11.12 Warwickshire MGP - Supply Chain Resilience & Optimisation Workshop
        All kinds of Classic Rootes Group vehicles come together and celebrate at the British Motor Museum. Whether that's pre 70’s cars like the Hillman’s, Humbers, Singers or Sunbeams or the later Chrysler, Simca and Talbot products or commercial vehicles such as Commer, Karrier, and Kew Dodge. SUNDAY 21 JULY.
        MGP 0900-1300 Cyberweld, Southam. CV47 1NE Weblink here
        2024.11.12 Euro Bus Expo
        Euro Bus Expo is the single industry showcase, taking place every other year at the NEC, Birmingham.
        Diversified Communications UK All day x2 days NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
        2024.11.16 Motorcycle Live - November
        Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance welcomed thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts across the weekend as the doors swung open to the UK’s biggest motorcycle show. 
        MCIA 16-24 November NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
        2025.01.09 Autosport International 2025 - 9-12th January
        Join thousands of fans, industry professionals and automotive enthusiasts as we celebrate the intoxicating world of competitive motorsport. From Grassroots to F1. A25 is for the Racers!
        Motorsport Events 4 days NEC, Birmingham Weblink here

        Talk Up Our Towns

        Towns and businesses encouraged to Write Your Own Story

        “It has been great that so many towns and businesses have got involved but we would love to have more. The bigger bank of material we have, the greater impact it will have in terms of attracting more and more visitors to our region.” 

        A campaign to enable towns, businesses and places across Warwickshire to showcase their own unique appeal is attracting more and more visitors to the region. 

        The Write Your Own Story campaign, driven by Shakespeare’s England, aims to support and inspire tourist visits by sharing the stories behind the many places there are to experience and enjoy in our beautiful county. 

        Running mainly on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, the campaign aims to attract visitors/encourage them to return to Warwickshire and share their stories of the county’s charms with others. 

        As visitors engage with the campaign and tag it in their social media posts, they are building a vast library of content vaunting the places of Warwickshire. 

        Shakespeare’s England’s Operations and Marketing Director, Darren Tosh, said: “This campaign encourages people to hear, remember, re-tell, and create stories about our county. They can do this in two ways: By showcasing the stories behind our region and its businesses, the people, the history of our places, the quirky information and their ‘secrets’; and by encouraging our visitors to share their own stories about our destination. 

        “It has been great that so many towns and businesses have got involved but we would love to have more. The bigger bank of material we have, the greater impact it will have in terms of attracting more and more visitors to our region.” 

        The Write Your Own Story campaign includes a social media roadshow which features towns across the region including Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick, Leamington Spa, Kenilworth, Alcester, Henley-in-Arden, Bidford-on-Avon, Welford-on-Avon, Shipston-on-Stour, The Cotswolds and Coventry. 

        Any town, village or businesses is invited to send their stories to enquiries@shakespeares-england.co.uk so that they can be featured in the campaign. The campaign can be viewed at @shakespeares_england (Instagram), Shakespeare’s England (Facebook) and shakespeares_england (TikTok) 

        Both organic social posts and influencer posts have been deployed throughout the campaign and have already yielded some fantastic results, for examplehttps://www.facebook.com/reel/808192374620652.  

        Influencer visits have already taken place at Stratford (Stratford Butterfly Farm, Avon Boating, Stratford Manor Hotel, The RSC, and the SBT Properties). Others will follow on August 24/25th at Kenilworth (Kenilworth Castle – Knight’s Tournament) and 27/28th at Coventry/Stratford-upon-Avon (St Mary’s Guildhall, The Telegraph Hotel, and Compton Verney). 

        This campaign dovetails with the thematic offer provided by Visit Warwickshire which highlights the county as the home of literary greats, of culinary brilliance and iconic heritage, perfect for an unforgettable short break or relaxing day out.

        WCC’s Sustainable Communities and Places Officer, Julia Aratoon, said: “This is a great campaign by Shakespeare’s England and it is wonderful that so many places and businesses and places have joined in with it. We are truly fortunate in Warwickshire to have so many amazing towns and businesses each with their own wonderful story to tell and this campaign is bringing so many of those stories to light.

        "The campaign is another great strand to the positive story of place that has been told across Warwickshire including in the ongoing Talk Up Your Town feature series in Warwickshire Means Business."

        Town centres shine in Visit Warwickshire spotlight

        Warwickshire’s town centres have a great deal to offer all year round - green spaces, interesting history, a real sense of place.

        Within each of these town centres, local independent business owners are working hard to boost footfall to their own business but also to raise the profile of their towns. To support this objective, two new websites, enabled by Warwickshire County Council, have been launched this year to provide space to showcase the towns’ offer. The result has been significant media interest.

        In south Warwickshire, Love Shipston is aimed at encouraging day-trippers and families to spend more time in Shipston-on-Stour and explore its small businesses and restaurants. The website brings together a directory of all the shops, places to eat and drink and all the places to spend some time.

        Since the launch, local businesses report that customers have been using the site to plan their visit. One retailer involved in the project, Shane Slater from Sheldon's Wine Cellars, said the aim is to raise awareness of what the town had to offer.

        "Letting people know we're here, attracting people to the town, increasing footfall - especially during the week - will be important to all the businesses,” he said.

        Following the launch of the site, town retailers enjoyed their moment of fame through a slot on BBC Midlands Today, which generated £128k of advertising equivalency. On top of that, multiple live broadcasts on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire and press features have offered a boost to the town centre.

        In north Warwickshire, the launch of the Visit Coleshill website has also captured the attention of the local press, with features running in Birmingham Live, highlighting the history of the town, easy access from Birmingham and showcasing 11 independent businesses.

        The Coleshill Partnership reports that “local businesses are delighted with the coverage and grateful for the spotlight that has been shone on the town, demonstrating the town’s independent character.”

        The attractive offers of Shipston and Coleshill have received a very welcome and deserved lift in profile and towns across our beautiful county warrant a visit, just like them. If you are spending time in Warwickshire this summer, please have a look at the Visit Warwickshire towns offer.

        News in Brief

        Latest news-in-brief from around the county...

        Polestar expands its presence in Warwickshire 

        The firm said it would shortly open new offices and a workshop at Ansty Technology Park, in Rugby Borough, on the outskirts of Coventry. Polestar opened a research and development centre at MIRA Technology Park in Nuneaton in 2019, and has already increased from 50 to 500 employees, with further growth planned. 


        Manufacturing Technology Centre opens sustainable hub 

        The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), based at Ansty near Coventry, has launched a new hub focused on sustainable additive manufacturing (AM).The initiative aims to drive research and development to support the creation of net-zero products with full circularity. 


        Jaguar i-Pace will not form part of brand re-birth 

        JLR has confirmed that the all-electric i-pace will be discontinued along with its internal combustion engine (ICE) models in 2025, when the brand is re-launched. Speaking to Autocar, JLR CEO Adrian Mardell confirmed the car would be retired to give Jaguar a completely fresh start. 


        Rugby industrial site acquired in £2.5m deal 

        A Glasgow-based supplier of accessible vehicles has purchased an industrial site in Rugby in an effort to expand its footprint. Allied Vehicles has purchased the 2.23-acre site at 6 Somers Road, Rugby, to provide the company with a Midlands transport hub to service its showroom in the Midlands, a staging post for all UK deliveries south of Rugby and onward deliveries to the increasing demand for their wheelchair accessible vehicles in Europe. 


        Long road ahead as losses deepen at Aston Martin 

        Aston Martin’s losses have widened as the luxury car manufacturer prepares to launch four new models. It comes at a “pivotal moment” for Aston Martin, as it embarks on a portfolio transition as well as a move to electrification. It expects to invest £2bn by 2027 in its long-term growth strategy and electric vehicle portfolio. Its third CEO in four years will also be appointed this year, with former Bentley boss Adrian Hallmark taking the helm of the manufacturer from September 1. 


        Warwickshire hotel reveals £1.5m transformation 

        A boutique hotel in Warwickshire has revealed newly refurbished bedrooms after a £1.5m transformation. Mallory Court Hotel and Spa in Leamington Spa has revamped all 19 rooms in the manor house. Mallory Court Hotel and Spa is part of The Eden Hotel Collection, which also includes The Arden Hotel in Stratford-Upon-Avon, Brockencote Hall Hotel in Kidderminster, The Greenway Hotel and Spa in Cheltenham and Bovey Castle in Devon. 


        Tata pledges tech and engineering jobs to drive future technology 

        Tata Elxsi has announced it will create a wave of high-value technology and engineering jobs, reinforcing the group’s commitment to the West Midlands. The design and technology services provider is bolstering operations at its Coventry-based design hub, the global Centre of Excellence for Cybersecurity and AI. Since establishing its design hub in September 2022, Tata Elxsi has expanded its presence in Coventry, with over 100 engineering positions already recruited from West Midlands institutions including the University of Warwick, the University of Birmingham and the University of Coventry. 


        E-commerce firm adds over 160,000 sq ft of logistics space to portfolio at Ryton 

        Global e-commerce company, Furnolic Co has signed a 10-year lease on over 160,00 sq ft of space with Prologis UK, securing a second unit at Prologis Park Ryton, Warwickshire. The new unit, DC4, adds 166,748 sq ft of logistics space to Furnolic’s UK presence and brings the park to full occupation. Furnolic, trading under the names Songmics, Vasagle, and Feandrea, is one of Amazon’s largest retailers, specialising in homeware, furniture, and pet furniture. 


        Logistics provider snapped up by Danish group 

        Debrett’s and Frontier Development Capital (FDC) have exited Logik Logistics after backing the firm in a management buyout deal. Logik which provides transport solutions to the automotive, aerospace and retail industries, including JLR, BMW, Aston Martin and Amazon, has been acquired by Danish logistics firm, Danx Carousel, has its registered head office in North Warwickshire Borough, near Meriden. 


        University of Warwick Science Park celebrates growth of startup alumni 

        The positive impact of supporting startup businesses on the economy has been highlighted at an event in Warwickshire. The University of Warwick Science Park held its latest Ignite Alumni Network meeting in the Warwick Innovation Centre at Warwick Technology Park. 


        Mercia Asset Management to stop making new direct investments 

        The regional investor floated nearly 10 years ago with £23m of funds under management (FuM). That has now grown to £1.6bn, from institutions, retail, and the government-backed British Business Bank. Mercia recently secured £360m across five mandates from the Bank’s regionally-focused funds in the North and Midlands, NPIF II and MEIF II. 


        Plans lodged for 700,000 sq ft Warwickshire logistics scheme 

        Outline planning permission is being sought for up to 700,000 sq ft of industrial and logistics space in Warwickshire. Richborough Commercial has submitted plans for a site at Junction 9 of the M42 in Curdworth, with hopes of creating jobs for the area and in the wider logistics sector. 


        £2.5bn gigafactory urges Government to boost battery investment 

        Greenpower Park, the UK’s Centre of Electrification and Clean Energy, is calling on the next UK Government to accelerate domestic battery production to attract global battery manufacturers and their supply chains to invest in the UK.  The site at Coventry Airport, now known as Greenpower Park, has planning consent for a £2.5bn electric vehicle battery factory, expecting to attract supply chain firms. The site is located within the West Midlands Investment Zone. The Greenpower Park team and Coventry council have said the UK is falling behind countries like the US, France, and Spain in attracting investors. 


        £135m sustainable logistics scheme unveiled by Panattoni 

        Logistics giant Panattoni has announced plans to develop a £135m logistics project in Coventry. Panattoni Park Coventry is hoping to secure net-zero carbon emissions credentials on the 47-acre plot near junction 3 of the M6, recently purchased from L&Q Estates. The site has outline planning approval for 600,000 sq ft of logistics facilities last year, with a main unit spanning 540,000 sq ft and the potential for two additional units of 40,000 sq ft and 20,000 sq ft each. 


        Midlands businesses plan multi-million pound investments over next five years 

        Mid-sized businesses in the Midlands plan to invest millions over the next five years, with nearly half (42%) planning to spend upwards of £3 million to grow their business, according to accountancy and business advisory firm, BDO LLP.  


        Plans revealed for new rail line to plug HS2 hole 

        London Northwestern Railway has announced plans to introduce new train services linking the West Midlands, Manchester and London Euston after the northern leg of HS2 was scrapped. Starting in summer 2026, the new routes will establish direct links from Rugeley, Lichfield, Tamworth and Atherstone in the West Midlands to Manchester, as well as to Warrington. These services will use London Northwestern Railway’s new Class 730 electric trains, manufactured by Alstom in the Midlands. 


        Business park expansion plans to fuel 1,400 jobs 

        FI Real Estate Management (FIREM) has submitted a hybrid planning application for the expansion and redevelopment of Drayton Manor Business Park in Tamworth, Staffordshire, on the border with North Warwickshire Borough. The project is valued at £70m and aims to create 1,400 permanent jobs and the plans propose 168,500 sq ft of new BREEAM ‘Excellent’ industrial units, along with green spaces and ecological investments.  


        ‘Skills England’ is new Skills Body Launched by Government 

        The announcement was made by Prime Minister Starmer at the 2024 Farnborough International Air Show. Richard Pennycook CBE, former chief executive of the Co-operative Group and lead non-executive director at the DfE, has been appointed interim Chair of the new body, which will be named Skills England. Skills England will bring together central and local government, businesses, training providers and unions to meet the skills needs of the next decade across all regions, providing strategic oversight of the post-16 skills system aligned to the Government’s Industrial Strategy.   


        Tech firm invests to boost youth careers in the West Midlands 

        The Rigby Group has announced an investment through its foundation to address rising youth unemployment in the region. With over 130,000 people currently unemployed in the West Midlands, including 20,930 young individuals aged 16-24, the initiative aims to provide opportunities for at least 300 young people to secure tech careers over the next three years. The £600,000 investment will support employment firm Generation UK in conducting skills bootcamps tailored to empower young individuals facing barriers to employment. The bootcamps will equip participants with technical skills such as cloud and data engineering, cyber security, data analytics, green energy, sustainable construction and health and care. 


        West Midlands business views presented to the Government by Chambers of Commerce 

        The perspectives of West Midlands businesses were conveyed directly to the Government as the region’s three Chambers of Commerce presented findings from an economic report in Parliament. 

        Key points from the report included AI and digitisation, innovation, net zero, the built environment and people, processes and skills. 


        DHL loses JLR logistics contract to rival bidders 

        JLR revealed its decision this week, but has yet to say which companies it has chosen to operate the contract at the manufacturer’s Halewood, Solihull and Castle Bromwich plants and how it will be divided. DHL operates over 25 sites in Coventry & Warwickshire, but much of the JLR logistics activity had relocated to J11 of the M42, just north of the county of Warwickshire. 


        Sustainable Warwickshire

        Water Authority keen to engage with Warwickshire businesses

        Extreme weather, water scarcity and flooding can all be felt within the same season as weather systems and consumption trends become more erratic. This means that businesses need to carefully consider the impact their actions can have. Businesses need to find a clear, sustainable path forward and Severn Trent, sustainability commitments running throughout, is keen to engage with business across Warwickshire. Severn Trent’s Ria Gaffney explains. 

        Severn Trent constantly strives to be sustainable and is keen to work with other local companies to support them with their sustainability goals.

        The company is aiming for a net zero future and to help protect the environment in which it operates. To help do that, we are striving to meet firm commitments like our Triple Carbon Pledge. That is three clear net zero goals where we are committed to sourcing 100% of our energy from renewable sources by transitioning away from fossil fuels, for a cleaner energy grid and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are planning to transition its entire vehicle fleet to electric vehicles (EVs) which aligns with the commitment to reduce emissions associated with transportation. 

        The final part of the pledge is that by 2030, we aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions. This means that the company will reduce its carbon footprint through various measures, including renewable energy adoption, energy efficiency improvements and various cutting edge innovative solutions.

        But to go even further and faster with our net zero ambitions, we have also unveiled plans to create the world’s first net zero hub. The groundbreaking project, which is backed by all UK and Irish water companies and the international Net Zero Partnership with Aarhus Vand in Denmark and Melbourne Water in Australia, will transform a large, carbon intensive Wastewater Treatment Plant into the Net Zero Hub in Strongford. For the first time, the Net Zero Hub will see the most promising technologies being integrated on one site to reduce and remove carbon – eradicating 34,000 tonnes of carbon per year, which is equivalent to a person flying return between London and New York, 34,500 times. In addition to technologies to reduce and remove greenhouse gas emissions from the site, it also includes the installation of cellulose recovery from Dutch company Cirtec, which is a long-held ambition in the UK to remove toilet paper from sewage and recycle it into a valuable, sustainable material that can be used for other purposes such as insulation or in construction products.

        Based at one of Severn Trent’s biggest sites that serves Stoke-on-Trent, the hub will not only put the Midlands on the map for innovative wastewater management but also support Severn Trent’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and protecting the environment by creating a ‘blueprint’ that it plans to implement at all its larger sites, including those in Warwickshire.  

        With its experience in this space and being a local company itself, Severn Trent is looking to working with Warwickshire businesses to help them reduce their own carbon emissions and share best practice. We are keen to meet with businesses across Warwickshire to highlight the value in aiming for net zero and how carbon can be reduced and changes made to turn more businesses sustainable.

        Across Warwickshire the company is continually striving to reduce its impact on the environment. Regarding the health of the county’s rivers, we have introduced challenging targets that go beyond what the government or others have set. The goal is that none of our storm overflow operations will cause any harm to rivers by 2030.

        We have also set the goal of halving the amount of spills into rivers from our overflows by 2030. And by 2045, five years ahead of Government targets, we aim to reduce spills to an average of 10 or less in any typical year. To help get us there, we’ve recently announced that we will invest over £300 million on our storm overflows in Warwickshire alone, going even further to improve local river health.

        The investment for Warwickshire forms part of a wider £4.4bn injection into the 2,472 storm overflows across the Severn Trent region, as part of our Storm Overflow Action Plan (SOAP). A total of 141 storm overflows across Warwickshire will undergo investment which could range from increasing the capacity of its storage tanks to introducing green nature-based solutions. Severn Trent is also investing to ensure rivers are monitored closer than ever before with 100% of its storm overflows with monitors - and the company is now analysing around 300m pieces of data a year helping to prioritise investment.

        The investment into overflows complements the work already taking place across Warwickshire, including a £78m project to improve the water quality along more than 50km of river in Shropshire and Warwickshire and help move two stretches (on the rivers Teme and Leam) towards bathing quality by 2025. This project will not only benefit the River Leam, but surrounding rivers such as the Avon will benefit from investment such as trialling ozone waste water technologies, something not seen in the UK before. It will also enable us as a business get to know our local Warwickshire community groups, engage with those who use and rely on the rivers where we even have a dedicated River Ranger who’s role it is to help protect Warwickshire’s waterways.

        As a business, the river and environment are literally at the heart of everything we do. It helps us supply water to millions of people every single day. So healthy, thriving rivers and environments are in our very best interest and making sure there’s water for everyone.

        While we’re going ahead with our river commitments, we’ve always been doing what we can to help create a sustainable future. In Coventry and Warwickshire, we kicked off our smart meter programme – as part of a £566m Green Recovery investment where our smart meters will help save water, help us find and fix leaks faster, while giving customers better control over their water bills. A more sustainable way of using water that helps make sure it gets to everywhere we need it to.

        The golden thread to everything is the obvious need for, and the enduring power of, collaboration. To be sustainable, we need to work together as businesses and share expertise. All businesses can find their role in creating a more sustainable future, strive for net zero ambitions, and learn from one another. And in doing so we create opportunities for the customers and communities they serve.

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