Advice on Ransomware
Following the high profile cases in the media in recent months, this edition of Warwickshire Means Business looks at ransomware. Here are the ways in which you can best protect your business.
Ransomware is a form of malware which gives criminals the ability to lock your computer, often demanding a ransom in order to supposedly get your data back. The ransom is normally requested in ‘bitcoin’, a form of digital currency. Some examples of ransomware include WannaCry and CryptoLocker.
There are a number of ways in which your computer may become infected including:
- Opening an attachment or clicking a link in an email
- Inserting corrupt USBs or DVDs
- Visiting corrupt websites
In order to protect your business network from ransomware it is important to:
- Keep regular offsite back-ups, not just using the ‘cloud’
- Keep your software up to date
- Ensure you have anti-virus software always running
- Most importantly – educate your staff. To avoid human error, instil an ethos of caution when it comes to unexpected emails, attachments and visiting websites which you would not normally visit
Resources Update
The Business Crime Advisor still has copies of The Little Book of Big Scams: Business Edition and also counterfeit note pens which are used to identify any fraudulent notes. If any businesses would like copies of the book or a counterfeit not pen, please email
Warwickshire Business Watch Update
Warwickshire Business Watch consists of the website, social media account and the two alert systems – the Police Community Messaging Service and the Warwickshire County Council Keep Me Posted Alerts. Both messaging systems continue to grow and send similar alerts and crime prevention messages out to businesses across the county.To sign up to the Keep Me Posted Business Watch alerts visit the link below and enter your email address.
To access the Warwickshire Business Watch website and sign up to either of the alerts visit: or use the Twitter address @WarksBusiness.