Aston Martin signs up to WCC's Employability Charter


Aston Martin joined the growing list of businesses to sign up to Warwickshire County Council's Employability Charter when its charter was presented to the company's HR director Michael Kerr by Mark Ryder, Head of Economic Growth at Warwickshire County Council.

The Employability Charter has been very well-supported by the county's business community since its launch in the spring.

Burgis & Bullock, National Grid, Southam College and Stratford-on-Avon College were the first to commit to the Warwickshire Employability Charter when it was launched at a special presentation by councillors at Shire Hall on 20 May. Round Oak School and the three hotels in the QHotels Warwickshire group have also recently signed up and Aston Martin has been warmly welcomed on board too.

Making a commitment is simple: just email skillsforemployment@warwickshire.gov.uk, stating the organisation name to be included in the charter. Your personalised charter will then be e-mailed to you.

A list of organisations that have committed is on the Skills section of the Business area of the council’s website. Schools and colleges are encouraged to discuss the charter with their employer contacts who can also commit by following the process.

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