Workshop will focus on Bedworth town centre

‘Improving Bedworth Town Centre through Partnership Working’ will be the theme of a workshop in the town early in March.

The workshop will take place at All Saints Church on Thursday 7th March from 4.30-6.30pm with refreshments available for half an hour beforehand. 

The workshop has been arranged by Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council in light of the Government’s High Streets Task Force’s (HSTF) confirmation that it will work with the council to identify the barriers and opportunities for improvement of Bedworth town centre.

The Task Force has assigned expert Sonia Cubrilo, who has over 30 years of practical experience regenerating and revitalising town centres, to support its work in Bedworth. Sonia has visited the town centre and seen some of the issues first-hand but is keen to hear all views. 

The workshop will explore the challenges that town centres are facing and what would help to make Bedworth’s better. The problems facing town centres and high streets are diverse and complex. As well as recovering from COVID-19, every place faces its own set of issues but, fundamentally, high streets and town centres have the same purpose - to meet the needs of its catchment communities and maximise opportunities to achieve its potential.

The workshop’s objective is to provide an understanding of these challenges, look at the strengths of Bedworth and using these to explore how partnership working can meet the needs of the catchment community. It will also launch a process of working together to potentially attract more resources into the area and help the town centre reach its full potential, benefiting local businesses as well as residents. After the workshop, the HSTF will recommend a route-map to progress this work further.

 Anyone who would like to attend the workshop is asked to email town.centres@nuneatonandbedworth.gov.uk by March 1st.

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