Thousands of new jobs to be created as Warwickshire looks ahead to a tech-led sustainable future

“The news that there are so many significant investments in the county and surrounding region are very positive endorsements of our local economy. It’s hard to imagine that anywhere else in the UK has seen this level of activity and investment in future technologies, in the first two months of 2021."

Warwickshire County Council’s Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, has spoken of areas of growth that have blossomed in Warwickshire despite the economic downturn felt across the world as a consequence of the Covid pandemic with thousands of new jobs being created in and around the county across a range of sectors.

Warwickshire has had a high amount of positive activity and investment in the early stages of the year as Warwickshire, with large numbers of new jobs being created across the entire county.

Pointing out the numbers of new jobs in the automotive and future mobility, manufacturing and high-tech development sectors, as well as Warwickshire continuing to cement a growing reputation as a hub of the gaming industry, Cllr Seccombe has highlighted growing reason for optimism.

This is rooted not only in the numbers of jobs created but also their sustainability, with much of the development that is happening in Warwickshire being around green technologies.

Cllr Seccombe said: “The news that there are so many significant investments in the county and surrounding region are very positive endorsements of our local economy. It’s hard to imagine that anywhere else in the UK has seen this level of activity and investment in future technologies, in the first two months of 2021.

“This has not come about by coincidence. For years, the county council and our local partners have been working to create the best possible infrastructure and talent for the local economy to flourish. We have worked to make sites and premises available and accessible to businesses. We have forged strong links between companies and the local universities to establish a talent pipeline.

“We have invested heavily in high tech, low carbon industries locally and have fully supported the move in the automotive industry towards electric vehicles.

“We have talked about bouncing back stronger after the pandemic. Clearly there is a huge amount of work that remains to be done and we know that many small businesses have been hit particularly hard. The county has been helping them throughout with access to grants, digital training, encouraging local custom, business support specialists and a host of other activities. We will be announcing details of our plans for a £140m Warwickshire Recovery Investment Fund in the coming weeks which vividly shows our commitment to supporting local business.

“But for now, the news coming out of the high-tech sector is very encouraging. We will continue to work hard, with all our partners, to build on this and cement Warwickshire’s growing reputation as the place to do high tech, low carbon business. That has given us a very strong foundation on which to launch the county’s economic recovery.”

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