February 2021


Major strides already in 2021 for Transforming Nuneaton

The Transforming Nuneaton programme has hit 2021 running with major strides forward already this year.

Warwickshire County Council and Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council are working together on Transforming Nuneaton, a programme which will deliver the transformation of the town centre by implementing mixed-use regeneration to boost economic growth.

Already this year, significant advances have been made. January saw the formal submission of a planning application to regenerate the Abbey Street development sit, which includes living accommodation, foodhall, leisure facilities, cinema and car parking. This was followed by exciting news which saw leading global hospitality company, Hilton, commit to opening a 145-room hotel on the complex with construction expected to start late summer.

Meanwhile, in a move set to spark conversations with potential developers and key stakeholders, a masterplan for the Vicarage Street development site in Nuneaton has been unveiled. This plan details exciting possibilities for a comprehensive redevelopment, and sets out a range of innovative, potential new uses for the site which will help create jobs and boost economic development within the town.

In addition to the above, renovation of the former coop Art Deco building in Queens Road is progressing well with repairs to the exterior and interior refurbishment work commencing on the upper floors. This work will create brand new character office/workspace to accommodate new businesses in the town centre.

There is also an ongoing programme of work entitled ‘Transforming Bedworth’ which is looking into the potential for drawing greater inward investment to Bedworth town centre.

Further reading:

Abbey Street Planning Application

Vicarage Street Masterplan

Co-op Transformation


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