Wonderful collective effort brings Mancetter's rich history into focus

Tourism stakeholders were given a sneak preview of a new visitor attraction which will open at St Peter’s Church, Mancetter, in February 2020.

The exhibition has been part funded by Warwickshire County Council as part of its work to develop new rural tourism infrastructure. It will enable archaeological artefacts to be displayed for the first time and showcase the site of Boudica’s last battle site.

Hitherto there was no museum in North Warwickshire, despite the area’s crucial role in historical events of national significance. In Roman times Mancetter was the site of an important fort (where St Peter’s Church now stands) and settlement which made Mortaria pottery, transported all over the Roman empire. Mancetter’s USP is that it has the strongest claim to being the site of Boudica’s last battle.

The visitor centre is a wonderful example of collective effort. Thanks to support from St Peter’s, Atherstone Civic Society, the Friends of Atherstone Heritage and North Warwickshire Borough Council, the project won financial backing from the Rural Development Programme for England’s LEADER grant scheme.

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