Shakespeare’s England involved in important work to monitor virus impact

Shakespeare’s England, the Destination Organisation for South Warwickshire, has joined forces with the West Midlands Growth Company (WMGC) and Business Improvement Districts in South Warwickshire to monitor the impact of Covid-19 on the tourism industry across the region.

Surveys monitoring the impact will ensure that businesses across the region are responding to the same questions, so that direct comparisons on impact can be made between areas.

Shakespeare’s England has already conducted two surveys, which show that all respondents have lost revenue as a result of the virus crisis and that over 40% of businesses have had to lay off members of staff.

Warwickshire County Council will be working with partners and the industry to help temporarily job-match those losing out on jobs with those recruiting staff to respond to the crisis.

Meanwhile, Coventry City of Culture has set up a Covid-19 Response Fund. Coventry City of Culture Trust has created the £60,000 fund to support organisations and individuals based in the arts and cultural sector that have been affected by the Coronavirus outbreak.

Up to £1,000 per organisation and £500 for individuals across Coventry and Warwickshire is available. For further details, and the link to apply for the fund, please go to: https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk/news/coventry-city-culture-trust-makes-%C2%A360000-support-available-those-local-arts-and-culture-sector

The hospitality sector may be largely closed to the public but still has an immense role to play as the nation grapples with the virus. An example of this is Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire which donated all of its surplus food supplies and ingredients to staff working on the front line at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire.

The move came in recognition of the challenges doctors and nurses are facing in responding to the Covid-19 crisis.

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