
Welcome from Cllr Izzi Seccombe

Hello and welcome to the August edition of Warwickshire Means Business.

This month we reflect upon the success of a major Government and Warwickshire County Council-funded business support programme which was launched across the county six months ago – and is ongoing.

Six delivery strands of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) support were launched under the £4.6 million Business Growth Warwickshire umbrella late last year and have already engaged with more than 1,000 businesses. The Business Growth Warwickshire programme, developed and commissioned jointly by Warwickshire County Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Rugby Borough Council, Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council, offers a wide variety of expert guidance and financial support.
The Business Growth Warwickshire Programme is making a real difference to businesses around our county and, as I say, it is very much ongoing so please do get in touch and join the 1,000+ businesses across Warwickshire to have already engaged with it.
Among the programmes in this package of support is the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service which, as we report here, has already awarded eight businesses a combined £300,000 in grants towards becoming more sustainable and cost effective. Sustainability is high on the agenda - also in this month’s WMB we preview Net Zero Business Webinar Week; September 23-27.
Our special feature is on the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre, in Baginton. The UKBIC’s very impressive offer to the business community includes a free two-day training course in battery manufacturing, organised in conjunction with Warwickshire County Council.
Turning to skills and apprenticeships have a key role to play in training and upskilling our next generation of employees. We report how one apprentice in Rugby has helped sustain and strengthen a small business which, with the support of Warwickshire Skills Hub, is now looking ahead with confidence after a testing time.
We also bring the customary comprehensive local news-in-brief and upcoming events and the edition is packed with links and contact details for all sorts of business support. Please do get in touch if any of the programmes are relevant to your business - and please share any of the articles with others that it might help.

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More than 1,000 businesses engage with Business Growth Warwickshire

"The Business Growth Warwickshire Programme is making a real difference to businesses around our county and is a great example of local authorities and our partners working together to deliver bespoke support which is relevant to the challenges of today."

Over 1,000 businesses have engaged with a Government and Warwickshire County Council-funded business support programme in its first six months of existence.

Six delivery strands of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) support were launched under the £4.6 million Business Growth Warwickshire umbrella late last year. The Business Growth Warwickshire programme, developed and commissioned jointly by Warwickshire County Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Rugby Borough Council, Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council, offers the strands of support for businesses or residents looking to start a business in Warwickshire. The support has also now been widened thanks to a further Government grant secured by the County Council.

With the programme currently open until March 31st 2025, there is still plenty of time for more businesses to benefit from the support, joining those which have already engaged with the strands. The various elements of the programme have already provided over 180 businesses with more than 12 hours of support while safeguarding 203 jobs and already leading to increased productivity in 137 of the 180 businesses.

The strands of the programme are:

  1. Warwickshire Business Start-up Programmedelivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

Aimed at businesses in their first 24 months of trading and individuals who have ambitions to start a business. This is a programme of one-to-one business coaching and workshops to provide the fundamental skills to start, and grow, a business.

An example of a business to have benefited from the Start-up programme is MJ Classic Engineering, Nuneaton:  

  1. Warwickshire Business Resilience and Growth Programmedelivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

Aimed at businesses over 24 months old. It helps improve their resilience and growth potential via a tailored package of support with access to appropriate advice, and services to support growth plans.

Businesses across a whole range of sectors have been supported including retail, professional services and information & communication.

  1. Business Ready – Warwickshire High Growth and Innovation Programmedelivered by University of Warwick Science Park

Engaging with businesses with ambitions for high growth and looking to innovate. It targets higher productivity that will contribute towards countywide growth targets and create new highly skilled jobs. The programme offers access to specialist mentors, bespoke support and specialist workshops.

Businesses to have benefited from Business Ready include Raiven Limited, based at Warwick Innovation Centre, and Solar Vision Lighting Technologies in Ryton:

  1. Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service (WBEAS)delivered by Coventry City Council

Helping to create a green, growing and sustainable economy across Warwickshire through promoting energy efficiency. An energy audit for each business produces bespoke decarbonisation plans to identify greenhouse gas savings, leading to greater energy efficiency, lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions. WBEAS includes a Government funded grant scheme, managed by the County Council, to support businesses with the costs of low carbon adoption. 52 businesses have now had a free energy audit, and eight have so far been awarded £300,000 of grants.

  1. Warwickshire Manufacturing Growth Programmedelivered by Oxford Innovation Advice

Directly supporting manufacturing businesses across all sectors to grow by identifying, understanding and removing their barriers to growth to support the creation of new jobs through improved productivity and competitiveness. It consists of funded support from specialist manufacturing advisors including digital diagnostic, strategic review, specialist one-to-one support, workshops and cohort-based small courses. Small grants are also available towards the costs of additional specialist support.

Businesses supported by the programme include MAS Precision Engineering in Atherstone who were supported to address a number of their barriers to growth including succession planning and compliance with the new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) for exporting parts overseas.

  1. Project Warwickshire – Visitor Economy and Hospitality Support Programmedelivered by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

A two-pronged approach; one support offer is for the Visitor Economy, focusing on businesses who are specific to the tourism and leisure sector. The second is for hospitality businesses who do not see themselves as tourism and leisure facing, specifically cafés, bars, restaurants etc. This project offers specialist one-to-one business coaching, workshops, and networking - including with larger businesses.

An example of a business to have benefited from Project Warwickshire is The Antelope pub in Lighthorne:

Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: "The Business Growth Warwickshire Programme is making a real difference to businesses around our county and is a great example of local authorities and our partners working together to deliver bespoke support which is relevant to the challenges of today.

"The six strands of support are currently open until March 31st next year so I would encourage all business across the county to have a good look at what we are offering and see how they might be able to benefit from it."

Business Energy Advice Service awards more than £300,000

“WBEAS is a great example of collaboration between local authorities across Warwickshire and Coventry, supporting businesses to be as well-equipped as possible for the future.” 

Eight businesses are facing a more energy-efficient and cost-effective future after collectively receiving more than £300,000 from the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service (WBEAS).

WBEAS was launched earlier this year as a part of the £4.6 million Business Growth Warwickshire Programme, developed and commissioned jointly by Warwickshire County Council and the five district and borough councils in the county.

The priority of sustainable growth is integral to Warwickshire County Council’s Economic Growth Strategy. The council aims to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2030 and help the county do the same by 2050.

Coventry City Council was contracted to mobilise and deliver WBEAS which is designed to support the creation of a green, growing and sustainable economy across Warwickshire through promoting energy efficiency. The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is also funding an expansion to the service as part of a West Midlands Combined Authority pilot including a grant scheme which is managed by the county council.

WBEAS supports businesses to:

  • Lower energy costs and reduce exposure to future energy price volatility.
  • Increase productivity through lower input costs, resulting in cost savings.
  • Increase environmental credentials, enabling beneficiaries to access new supply chains.
  • Improve access to new markets.
  • Expedite peer-to-peer learning and collaboration.
  • Reduce costs and deliver a bottom-line impact for businesses.

The WBEAS grant pot is £1million, based on a first come first served basis, and £301,000 has already been awarded in grants to a diverse range of businesses across Warwickshire. Businesses of all sizes and sectors and all parts of the county are welcome to apply.

Businesses so far supported by WBEAS funding and advice are:

Harry Burrows (Exhall): to upgrade laser cutting machine

Universal Fabrications (Nuneaton): for an electrical upgrade including LED lighting and destratification fans

Wyken Tools (Nuneaton): towards purchase of an energy efficient CNC lathe

Rugby Care Centre t/a Serene Care (Rugby): to upgrade gas boiler, install LED lighting and replace doors and windows.

Precision Laser Processing (Rugby): to purchase an electrically operated forklift truck and an air compressor, lowering C02 emissions and running costs.

Big Parking (Exhall): to upgrade direct electric heating to air source heat pump system for office heating

Just Nice Clean Cars (Warwick): to update heating to move away from gas boiler, including electric radiators and water heater

Jewel Holdings (Nuneaton): for Installation of wall mounted air conditioning unit in studio area for cooling in the summer and heating in the winter.

The grant investment will save an estimated 130 tonnes of CO2 per annum and is expected to help the supported businesses save £123,000 on their energy bills in the first year alone.

With much of the grant pot still to be allocated, more applications are welcome. For more information and how to apply please visit Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service - Business grants, loans and finance – Warwickshire County Council

Businesses require a free energy audit in order to qualify for the grant and 52 businesses in all areas of the county have already take advantage of that opportunity to find out exactly how they can reduce emissions and costs.

A number of podcasts and webinars are also available to help companies on their sustainability journey. These include details of the free access to the Zellar online sustainability platform.  The YouTube link is  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RJCW8cEwcs

The full list of podcasts can be found via the Coventry City Council website here.

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson said: "I am delighted that so many companies across the county have engaged with and benefited from WBEAS. Warwickshire County Council is passionately committed to creating a sustainable future for our businesses and communities and I would encourage businesses in all parts of the county to have a look to see how the programme could benefit them.

“WBEAS is a great example of collaboration between local authorities across Warwickshire and Coventry, supporting businesses to be as well-equipped as possible for the future.” 

Kirsty's apprenticeship is the perfect fit

“When Adam told me about the apprenticeship support available from the Skills Hub, it was a no brainer to go for it. We are so grateful. It has played a massive part in keeping the business going and given Kirsty a great career opportunity."

A small car repair business in Rugby is in safe hands for the future after taking on an apprentice with support from Warwickshire County Council’s Warwickshire Skills Hub.
When Paul Francis, owner of PF Auto Services, suffered a serious back injury in a stockcar race in Taunton earlier this year, some serious thinking was needed about how to sustain the business.
Paul faced many months with severely limited mobility so badly needed some help. It transpired that help was right at hand.
For years, Kirsty Conopo had worked in retail but helped Paul out in the garage in her spare time. The 29-year-old had acquired plenty of knowledge from working informally with Paul over the years, from learning the basics of being a mechanic to helping to restore vintage tractors and build stock cars.
Suddenly, Paul needed more than informal, occasional help, so Kirsty shed the shackles of the retail job that did not satisfy her and joined PF Auto Service as a full-time apprentice. The move, which was made possible by support from Warwickshire Skills Hub’s Apprenticeship Levy Share and Future Apprenticeships - Salary Support programmes, has worked perfectly.
“I always enjoyed helping Paul out when I could and to get the opportunity to join as a full-time apprenticeship has been brilliant,” said Kirsty. “I hated working in retail. This is where my interest is and I love it because I am learning different things every day. It is always interesting. No two days are the same and I love that.”
Kirsty is now studying for her Light Vehicle Service & Maintenance Technician Level Three apprenticeship to add to the Level 2 diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance which she took in Northampton last year.
Paul describes her joining his company as an apprentice as a “godsend.” He is now making good progress after his injury but is still some way from full fitness so is very grateful for the input of Kirsty, the support of his neighbouring business at Arches Business Centre in Mill Road, and the backing of Warwickshire Skills Hub, to whom he was introduced by Adam Plumb of Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub.
“It has all worked out beautifully,” said Paul. “It was a really tough situation, but friends and neighbours kept me going and Kirsty has been a godsend. When Adam told me about the apprenticeship support available from the Skills Hub, it was a no brainer to go for it. We are so grateful. It has played a massive part in keeping the business going and given Kirsty a great career opportunity.
“She is already a big asset to the business and will only become a bigger one with all that she is learning because who knows what the future of the industry looks like?”
Steven Convery, Business Skills Support Officer, at Warwickshire Skills Hub, said: “I am delighted that the move has worked out so well and that we have been able to support Paul and Kirsty with the required funding. Our Apprenticeship Levy Share programme is funding the cost of the apprenticeship training and because Kirsty’s course includes working with and maintaining Electric Vehicles, it means that she is eligible for the Future Apprenticeships - Salary Support too. 
”Kirsty is living proof that successful apprenticeships are not the preserve of school and college leavers and it is lovely to see her proving that a woman can be such a huge asset in an occupation which tends to be male-dominated.”
* If you would like to know how Warwickshire Skills Hub can support your business with apprenticeships and upskilling, please email skillshub@warwickshire.gov.uk  and one of our Business Support Advisors will be in touch.

Raiven flying with Business Ready support

“The Business Ready programme supports many Warwickshire businesses with tailored advice specific to their business need."

A Warwick firm is aiming to revolutionise health and safety in the workplace by using the power of AI to predict the likelihood of incidents and stop them before they happen.  

Raiven Limited, based at the Warwick Innovation Centre – part of the University of Warwick Science Park – helps clients understand, develop and adopt AI-based solutions to improve their businesses instead of firms trying to go it alone and making mistakes. 

Raiven was founded by data scientist Tom Ormsby in March 2023 after realising that many companies were unsure around the best ways to use AI. 

Following free support from business support programme Business Ready, which is funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and by Warwickshire County Council, Raiven received major grant funding from Innovate UK to take part in the ‘SaferAI’ project, which is bringing together a consortium of organisations including OctaiPipe, Digital Catapult, and a leading consumer goods manufacturer to create a model that can forecast the risk of health and safety incidents.  

The project enables organisations to contribute to training a shared AI solution, whilst maintaining data security and privacy between them. 

Tom said: “Being part of the SaferAI project is brilliant news for the growth of our business. Our AI solutions can be used to improve almost any aspect of a business, but allowing firms to identify where incidents might occur before they happen is game changing for worker safety and productivity. 

“In theory, many companies could pool their data, such as incident reports and near-misses, so an AI-based solution could be created, but there is a risk that this data could be exposed. 

“The method that we will be using is known as ‘federated learning’ where data from different sources can be gathered, but not moved, keeping individual company data secure. While this method could help reduce accidents in the workplace, federated learning could be a way of developing further AI models for a host of other purposes. It’s really exciting.” 

Raiven Limited opened its first office at the Warwick Innovation Centre as part of the Science Park’s ‘Ignite’ incubation programme and received further advice from business support programme Business Ready ahead of the SaferAI announcement. 

Dirk Schaefer, head of the Ignite programme at the Science Park, began mentoring Tom under the Business Ready programme after he recognised the firm’s potential. 

He said: “Tom and the team at Raiven Limited had fantastic expertise to support businesses through their AI solutions, but needed input into their growth plan to ensure they could attract additional business outside of the SaferAI project. 

“I’ve helped give them advice on making sure their plan is focussed on what they can offer their customers, and the best ways to target them, while also helping them build their network through initiatives like the Ignite Alumni Network. 

“We think Raiven could be set to achieve great things in the ever-moving world of AI, and we’re delighted they’ve been named as a key contributor to the SaferAI project, which should help them win even more work.” 

Councillor Martin Watson, portfolio holder at Warwickshire County Council for Economy, said: “The Business Ready programme supports many Warwickshire businesses with tailored advice specific to their business need. It’s great to see the support provided to Raiven Limited, helping them to access funding from Innovate UK allowing them to take part in the ‘SaferAI’ project.” 

Councillor Ella Billiald, Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Arts & Economy, commented: “We are proud to support the Business Ready Programme through our contribution to the County’s pooled UKSPF, helping innovative organisations such as Raiven to develop and grow their businesses.  

“It’s fantastic to hear of Raiven’s success in developing AI solutions in such an important and fast-growing area, particularly in Warwick District where there is access to superb resources and a rich talent pool.”   

Business Ready forms part of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme. It is delivered by University of Warwick Science Park on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire’s five District and Borough Councils. The support is part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (via the District and Borough Councils), and Warwickshire County Council. 

* To find out what other support is available to your business, please call Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub website 

Net Zero Webinar week 23-27 September

Small and medium-sized businesses are invited to learn about how to save money and cut carbon from a series of advice sessions in Net Zero Business Webinar Week; September 23-27.

Where?: Online

What time?: Between 1pm and 1.30pm, Monday to Friday

Who is it for?: West Midlands and Warwickshire small and medium-sized businesses

What is it? Five days of 30-minute long net zero webinars

Make the last week of September the time to dedicate half an hour each day to advancing your net zero journey. Join the Decarbonisation Net Zero Programme for a series of short, impactful sessions featuring local businesses from the West Midlands and Warwickshire. Discover how reducing carbon emissions can lead to cost savings and give your business a competitive advantage.

Monday, 23 September: Energy efficiency basics: simple steps to reduce energy consumption Start the week with easy-to-implement strategies to lower your energy usage.

Tuesday, 24 September: Energy audits: assessing and improving your business's energy use Learn the importance of energy audits and how they can significantly increase your energy efficiency and help you save money.

Wednesday, 25 September: Net zero business success story (case study). Be inspired by real-life success stories of small businesses making a big impact.

Thursday, 26 September: Carbon accounting explained...understand how to measure and manage your carbon footprint using innovative tools.

Friday, 27 September: Going solar success - stories Hear how Club 147, a West Midlands business, integrated solar solutions to achieve their sustainability goals.

To book now, please visit https://bit.ly/DecarbNetZeroWeek

These webinars are part of the Pilot BEAS service covered by Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service (WBEAS).

WBEAS is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (via Warwickshire's District and Borough Councils) and Warwickshire County Council in association with the Pilot Business Energy Advice Service.

For more details about the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service and the West Midlands pilot, please visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/wbeas

Hybrid Food & Drink event offers two bites of the cherry for businesses

“The food and drink showcase is a great opportunity for local suppliers to demonstrate their range of produce, knowledge and expertise in this field."

Warwick Racecourse will host a unique hybrid Food & Drink Showcase on Tuesday September 24.
The day will consist of a morning exclusively for buyers before opening up to the racegoing public in the afternoon when the inaugural race meet of the season takes place. The double emphasis will give exhibitors the chance to do trade deals with the hospitality industry as well as then selling to the public during the afternoon.
Organised by the newly formed Coventry and Warwickshire Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP), the event encompasses a wide range of hospitality sector suppliers. Exhibitors so far include independent food and drink producers from distillers, vineyards and breweries to bakeries and chocolatiers as well as selfie booths and packaging.
The showcase is perfect for start-ups and fledgling businesses as they meet will with peers in the industry and make valuable business contacts.  Auntie’s Sauces and Napton Cidery are two examples of now well-established names in the region after embracing the opportunities and support from these kinds of events.
Hospitality businesses are invited to attend at 10.30am to network and do business. There will then be a panel discussion and cookery demos from 11.30am. The morning will end at 12.30 when the event then turns around and opens up to the racegoing public.
Colleen Muldoon-Taylor, Business Development Manager at Destination Coventry, said: “We are proud to be collaborating with our partners to host an event which will cultivate and enable further partnership working across Coventry and Warwickshire. At the last Meet the Supplier event, one hospitality business made connections with four food and drink producers. Their products now feature across the operator’s venues.
“The hybrid nature means that exhibitors will get the chance to showcase their products to two distinct audiences, creating meaningful connections and building business leads in the morning, and then the opportunity to sell direct to the public in the afternoon.”
Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “The food and drink showcase is a great opportunity for local suppliers to demonstrate their range of produce, knowledge and expertise in this field. It’s great to see a local Warwickshire venue working with our partners to deliver this great event.
“As a region we have an excellent range of suppliers of food and drink, and they are vital towards our economic growth. The showcase event is a great opportunity to raise the profile of what Coventry and Warwickshire has to offer across this important sector, helping to support our local economy.
“The work with our partners at Coventry City Council to develop the Coventry and Warwickshire Producers Network has proved invaluable in helping suppliers connect, collaborate, access business support services and grow.”
Any businesses wishing to exhibit at the showcase should please contact colleen.muldoontaylor@destinationcoventry.co.uk. Hospitality and supply chain businesses can register to attend for free and are welcome to stay on to enjoy the afternoon's racing (attendees arriving after 12.30am will need pay entry to the racing).

UK automotive gathers for annual Auto Tech Showcase

Automotive remains a major source of direct and indirect employment in the Coventry and Warwickshire area

The UK motor industry is getting ready to promote the latest vehicle technology at the UK showcase event CENEX Expo 2024.

Based at the Millbrook proving grounds in Bedfordshire, the event is organised by CENEX, an independent non-profit research and technology organisation focusing on low emission transport and associated energy infrastructure. The key themes of the show are around net zero and connected automated mobility for all kinds of vehicles.

The event hosts major vehicle brands like DAF, Ford, Lotus and Toyota, together with technology firms like AVL, Fortescue WAE Randle Engineering, HORBA-MIRA and RLE, and local universities including WMG at the University of Warwick and Coventry University. Invest Coventry & Warwickshire will be there again this year to support and promote the local supply chain and seek to attract investment into the sector from existing brands as well as those new to the UK and the Midlands.

It will be the first opportunity at CENEX to promote the Coventry & Warwick Giga Park, including the anchor battery cell manufacturing Green Power Park. The Investment Zone brings with it a range of incentives to support the set up of new R&D and manufacturing facilities at scale, such as business rates and national and insurance holidays.

Data from Invest Warwickshire shows the impact of manufacturing, and in particular vehicle design, engineering, test and manufacturing, on the city and county and the wider West Midlands. The data includes, for the first time, the retail, repair and wholesale of motor vehicles. The full data will be featured in the next issue of Warwickshire Means Business, but it shows that automotive remains a major source of direct and indirect employment in the area, and makes up a significant percentage of the 780,000 people across Britain, including 182,000 working directly in manufacturing, quoted by automotive trade body SMMT (the Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders) as the number employed by the sector.

In addition, the city and county play a major role in supply chains for the wider future mobility sector including aerospace, motorsport, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, off-highway equipment and marine propulsion.

The city and county are home to a dense clustering of automotive and related technology firms, covering every step in the value chain, from concept design, through prototyping and testing and manufacturing and sales, anchored by the presence of more OEM vehicle makers, more than any other similar cluster in Europe.

CENEX Exp 2024 marks the opening of the season of a wide range of vehicle technology events in Autumn/ Winter in Coventry & Warwickshire and the wider West Midlands. These include in September Micromobility UK 2024 at the University of Warwick; in October the Engineering Design Show at the CBS Arena in Coventry and the Advanced Engineering Show at the NEC; in November the Euro Bus Expo, and Motorcycle Live both at the NEC, and the first West Midlands Battery Supply Chain Conference at the MTC in Ansty, and Autosport International 2025 in January at the NEC.

More information on CENEX Expo can be found here, including how to register as a delegate: https://cenex-expo.com/

If you’re at CENEX over the two days September 4th and 5th, and want to find out more about support for future mobility and automotive businesses in Warwickshire and Coventry, come and speak to us on stand C4-301. Invest Coventry & Warwickshire is here to help with soft-landing support for setting up in the local area.

Businesses encouraged to explore equity funding opportunities with MEIF II

British Business BankWarwickshire businesses are being urged to tap into the growth potential offered by equity funding through the Midlands Engine Investment Fund II (MEIF II), backed by the British Business Bank.

MEIF II provides a powerful avenue for businesses of all sizes to access substantial financial support that can not only fuel expansion but also bring in valuable expertise.

Hardeep Sandhu, Service Manager (Business Growth) at Warwickshire County Council, strongly encourages businesses to consider this option. "Equity funding isn't just about securing funding - it's about bringing on board experienced partners who can drive your business forward," she said. "Starting the conversation early, even if it's just a consideration for the future, could be a game-changer."

In Warwickshire and across the Midlands, MEIF II’s equity funding is managed by Mercia Ventures, an investment business with a track record of growing and scaling businesses. Earlier this year, Mercia was appointed as manager of the two new MEIF II equity funds specifically focused on businesses that are either rooted in the region or planning significant expansion here. MEIF II will augment Mercia’s existing funds under management which it can invest across the region.

With over £160 million available to invest over the next five years, MEIF II can provide up to £5 million in equity funding to help businesses achieve their strategic objectives. Whether you're an innovative start-up or a well-established company, this fund is designed to support a broad range of businesses. For Warwickshire companies, this is a unique opportunity to scale rapidly with the backing of seasoned investors. More information is available through Mercia Ventures.

Key highlights of the investment opportunities include: 

  • Investments ranging from £500,000 to £5 million, tailored to fit your business needs.
  • Open to businesses across all industries, with a focus on later-stage investments for traditional sectors and early-stage support for technology and life sciences.
  • No requirement to meet Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) or Venture Capital Trust (VCT) criteria, making this accessible to companies at any stage of growth.
  • Flexible deal structures, including the potential for profitable businesses to receive significant cash-out options (up to 50% of the investment).

Rafael Joseph, Investment Manager at Mercia Ventures, emphasised the strategic advantage of partnering with them.

“Mercia has a solid history of investing £1-10 million into businesses across the UK. With the funds which Mercia manages, we are in a strong position to help ambitious companies in the Midlands realise their growth potential. This fund enables us to provide not just capital, but also the strategic guidance crucial for scaling successfully. We’re eager to connect with businesses looking to explore how equity funding can accelerate their growth.”

Hardeep added: “This is another option for businesses to raise finance. Mercia Ventures has a credible team who can support businesses, sit on their boards and advise as well as invest to ensure businesses future growth strategies materialise. A conversation now could be fruitful for a business who is thinking about equity further down the line and enables businesses to be aware of all financial options in order to be prepared and the business to contingency plan.

“I am really keen to ensure that businesses are equipped with a clear understanding about Equity Finance as businesses may have shied away from in the past but, and equity financing can foster growth with the right investment experts alongside capital."

For more information, please visit https://www.mercia.co.uk/meif-iimercia-equity-finance-west-midlands/

* The MEIF II offers a range of commercial finance options with debt finance from £25,000 to £2 million and equity investment up to £5 million. For more information, visit: https://www.british-business-bank.co.uk/finance-options/nations-and-regions-investment-funds/midlands-engine-investment-fund-ii

 The MEIF II is part a wider package of finance and funding available for businesses in Warwickshire including the County Council’s own loan and grant programmes.”

Marq-One builds a halo facility at Eliot Park Innovation Centre

"The support from the county council made the decision for us. It has given us the best of the best - a halo facility where people come in and say ‘wow.’”

A small business which offers tailored, high-performance electronics training has grown its capacity and reach thanks to support from Warwickshire County Council.
Marq-One counts leading aerospace, motorsport and defence contractors among its clients from its base at Eliot Park Innovation Centre in Nuneaton.
Mark Yearby, who created the business in 2020, moved it into a unit at the county council-run business centre earlier this year and was immediately very happy with the facilities. But then a conversation with the business centres team led to further support which has enabled Mark to equip that unit in the best possible way.
“After I set the business up during Covid in 2020 it became apparent that online training was not giving value,” he said. “I wanted to offer something better - to be mobile and visit organisations and train their people in their facility. That went well but as the business grew and our reputation grew, it ceased to be cost-effective to travel to train one or two people. To have our own premises was clearly the solution.
“I looked at various business units and they didn’t look great and didn’t sit right for hosting global leaders which is what many of our clients are. That’s when I spoke to the county council and as soon as I saw the unit at Eliot Park Innovation Centre I thought, yep, this is what I need - a technical facility with breakout areas and conference rooms when needed. It looks the part and offers flexibility - we have an ideal-sized room for now with scope for flexibility as the business grows.”
Mark knew he had found the right space and was then able to fill it with “high end of high end” kit after accessing further support from the county council. He received a WCC small capital grant before the scheme temporarily closed earlier this year.
“We have static-safe floor, benches and chairs and incredibly intelligent tools,” said Mark, who grew up in Nuneaton and is proud to run his business there. “The council’s backing has given us the best of the best - a halo facility where people come in and say ‘wow.’”
The support has proved invaluable to the business and Mark has greatly appreciated the advice and guidance of the county council’s Business & Economy team.
“Trying to run a business with all the plates spinning is incredibly time-consuming, so it was fantastic to have someone there helping,” he said.
Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “It is amazing how many small businesses in Warwickshire are right up there with the leaders in their field. Marq-One is clearly one of those and I am delighted that we have been able to provide Mark with such valuable support at Eliot Park.
“Our business support is designed to be more much than just financial, offering encouragement and expert guidance too, and it I am delighted that our team has played a big part in helping Marq-One to grow.”
* Please find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visiting https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk

Metryx targets doubled turnover after bespoke support at UWSP

“Supporting local businesses to be successful is a key priority for Warwickshire County Council and we’re proud to support Business Ready. The programme delivers bespoke advice to local businesses, supporting them to grow by developing their knowledge and skills."

A data analytics firm based in Rugby is hoping its new platform aimed at helping SMEs interpret their data more easily will enable it to double its turnover within 12 months. 

Metryx, founded in 2018 by Mike Khan, has already developed complex data analytics software for large corporate clients, including the likes of Mercedes-Benz, to gain better insights into data such as sales and forecasting, and allow them to make more informed decisions. 

Building on this expertise, Metryx has now developed ‘Autometryx’, a simple-to-use software platform, specifically designed for the SME client.   

Autometryx is customisable, so that businesses can tailor it to their needs. It allows the user to combine data from sources that may have been separated in spreadsheets and documents into one interface, with the specific intent of driving business profitability and value. 

Metryx plans to double its turnover within a year based on market feedback and the forecast demand for their new software. 

Mike has worked with Fiona Molloy, Growth Adviser at University of Warwick Science Park’s fully funded business support service Business Ready, which is funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and by Warwickshire County Council, to develop a marketing strategy for its new software and to allow Mike more time to focus on business growth. 

Mike said: “While creating bespoke software worked well for us, and meant we were able to develop incredibly useful products for large corporate clients, it was difficult to take that next step to really grow our business at the rate we wanted to. 

“We came up with Autometryx as a way of giving smaller businesses a simple-to-use and affordable tool to better analyse their data without needing to commission a custom-made system, which are typically expensive and time-consuming to implement. 

“While a lot of our work was originally with automotive clients, our software can be used by clients in almost any sector. Our issue was how to best market what we offer.  

“Fiona showed us that we ought to be carefully reviewing which sectors would benefit most from the platform, while balancing the ROI from our side. We found that sectors that are data rich, but perhaps lacking in insight, were mainly SMEs in automotive, aerospace, manufacturing and engineering. 

“This insight is shaping our strategy which we are continuing to develop with Business Ready, and we’re confident it will help us on our way to doubling our turnover over the next 12 months.” 

Fiona Molloy, Business Ready Growth Advisor with an extensive background in marketing strategy and implementation, said: “Mike’s goal of doubling Metryx’s turnover in a year is an ambitious one, and while Autometryx is clearly a great product, it needed to be marketed correctly to get businesses to realise the benefits. 

“Through working with Metryx, it was clear Mike was not only running the business like a CEO, but doing a lot of the work too. We came up with a strategy to help him step back and really look at where Autometryx could be marketed most effectively. Now that we’ve helped Metryx develop this plan, we’re confident it will result in them winning further clients and achieving their growth goals.” 

Cllr Martin Watson, portfolio holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “Supporting local businesses to be successful is a key priority for Warwickshire County Council and we’re proud to support Business Ready. The programme delivers bespoke advice to local businesses, supporting them to grow by developing their knowledge and skills. 

“It’s great to see the impact this has had on Metryx, helping them to focus their business growth by creating a targeted marketing strategy to expand into new markets through the development of their new software platform aimed at SMEs.” 

Cllr Louise Robinson, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for growth, investment, digital and communications, said: “Mike’s expertise and ambition has made Metryx a successful business, but every business can still benefit from independent, expert advice. 

“With the development of the new Autometryx software platform, it was the perfect time for Metryx to work with Business Ready to develop a marketing strategy and identify new customers who can benefit from the company’s latest product. 

“It’s another example of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme delivering effective, targeted support to help businesses move to the next level and, in turn, support the borough’s economy.” 

Business Ready forms part of the Business Growth Warwickshire programme. It is delivered by University of Warwick Science Park on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire’s five District and Borough Councils. The support is part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (via the District and Borough Councils), and Warwickshire County Council. 

 * Find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visit the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub website.

Nuneaton businesses come together for Transforming Nuneaton update  

"The important message is that the town centre is absolutely open for business as the development moves forward and we will do all that we can to support the businesses.”

An event organised by Warwickshire County Council and Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council brought together many of the town centre businesses at the Saints building. 

Representatives from across Warwickshire County Council were joined by colleagues from Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council – including the Town Centre Service Team and Economic Development Team - providing a range of expertise. Jet Jones, Director of Regeneration and Community Transformation, Together for Change hosted the evening which was hosted by the County Council. 

Officers provided an update on the progress of the Transforming Nuneaton project, followed by questions and answers and a discussion about what support would be helpful to businesses throughout the town centre transformation process.  

Businesses identified a range of challenges with public perceptions of the town centre, footfall and parking among them. Solutions and opportunities included promotion of cultural and family offers, measures to improve public confidence, communication with businesses, and collaboration between authorities to maximise parking and public transport availability. Both Councils will now be working with representatives from the new Nuneaton Business Improvement District (BID) to identify practical support measures and put them in place.  

Lee Osborne, Development Manager for the Federation of Small Businesses in Warwickshire, said: ““It was a helpful event and a good chance for the businesses to be heard and for representatives there to appreciate how much the transformation process is affecting local businesses. It was positive to see communication and engagement taking place and we now need to see some action and something to come out from this to help local businesses” 

Cllr Martin Watson, portfolio holder for economy at Warwickshire County Council said: “We know that the development of the town centre, while it will bring incredibly exciting results, will throw up some challenges in the interim period.   

“We don’t have all the answers yet but this event was a great start. It really opened up the communication so that we know what the businesses are thinking about. The important message is that the town centre is absolutely open for business as the development moves forward and we will do all that we can to support the businesses.”  

Issues around access to the town centre are moving forwards as Warwickshire County Council’s Transport Planning team continues its work with consultants AtkinsRealis to produce a Nuneaton Town Centre Movements and Access Study. This focusses on transport improvements within the town centre looking at managing parking and public transport access. 

The study will be out for public consultation once officers have consulted with local members. 

The consultation will reach out directly to town centre business owners, local community groups and charities, accessibility and disability groups, school and youth groups etc through a series of online or in person engagement workshops.   

* Further information on Transforming Nuneaton can be found here 

Multiply your maths skills: Helping to develop skills in the workplace  

"I wanted to make a difference to people and these qualifications have allowed me to do that in my new role.” 

Warwickshire resident, Michael, recently changed careers to work as an Adult Care Worker and took part in the Multiply programme to develop his maths skills and support his professional development. 

Warwickshire County Council’s Multiply programme is delivered by a range of partners across the county and aims to support adults who do not have a GCSE grade C or equivalent in maths to boost their confidence and ability to use maths and numbers effectively in daily life, at home and at work.   

Speaking about his career change, Michael said: “Moving to become an Adult Care Worker was a big move for me and something I wanted to do to help make a meaningful impact on people’s lives, particularly those of service users.  

“I used the apprenticeship route to gain the skills and knowledge needed to switch careers and also developed my numeracy skills with Multiply.” 

The Multiply course, delivered by the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training, supported Michael’s apprenticeship and allowed him to build knowledge and confidence with maths. During this time Michael gained Functional Skills Maths at Level 1 before progressing to and achieving Level 2.  

Portfolio holder for Economy, Councillor Martin Watson, said: “The Multiply programme offers a range of free courses for Warwickshire residents who want to build their confidence in maths.  

“Michael has been able to use the programme to help support his learning and development as part of his apprenticeship. It’s great to see the impact the programme can have, developing skills and building confidence in numeracy and helping people like Michael to take on new challenges and opportunities within the working world. 

“The course is aimed at adults who do not have a GCSE grade C/4 or equivalent in maths, but anyone looking to boost their skills is welcome to attend our courses.” 

Michael concluded: “Becoming an Adult Care Worker is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, both the apprenticeship and the Multiply programme have helped me to work on new skills and building my confidence. I wanted to make a difference to people and these qualifications have allowed me to do that in my new role.” 

To find out more about the Multiply programme and the range of free courses available, please visit warwickshire.gov.uk/multiply  

The Multiply programme is available across Warwickshire to support adults (aged 19+) who do not currently have a GCSE grade C/4 or equivalent in maths.  

The Multiply programme is part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is funded by investment from the Department of Education.  

Businesses encouraged to help shape the recovery of nature in Warwickshire

"Nature, which includes biodiversity and the vital services for human wellbeing provided by healthy ecosystems, is at the heart of critical development challenges like climate change, food security, health, jobs, poverty, inequality, and fragilityAnd yet nature and the associated renewable natural capital is in decline, despite being the most precious asset that many countries have to tackle climate change, end poverty, improve resilience, and ensure sustainability." (World Bank, 2024)
England is widely considered to be one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world following historic and ongoing declines. There are now legally binding commitments to end these declines and for nature to recover and businesses have a big part to play in making this happen. 
In partnership with the Local Nature Partnership, Warwickshire County Council is seeking support from businesses across Warwickshire to shape the development of a new Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for the county.
The Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Local Nature Partnership is a partnership of local organisations with the purpose of driving positive change for the natural environment.
The LNRS is a key strategy that will outline a roadmap for restoring and improving our natural environment ensuring that it is sustainable now and for future generations. The development of it is essential and will identify key priorities for nature recovery in the county, propose practical actions to achieve these priorities and contribute to a national network of nature recovery strategies across England.
The survey will ask you to give your overall thoughts on Warwickshire's natural environments and biodiversity, to think about your local business and how nature's recovery will support the success of your business and what you think needs to be prioritised.
Please find out more about the importance of nature recovery in this video: https://youtu.be/ewdAPKOfT5U

Summit will provide advice and tips on exporting

"We want to remove some of the hurdles and psychological barriers that businesses who have never exported face,"

Firms in Coventry and Warwickshire will be shown how they can boost their bottom line by trading globally at a major event this autumn. 

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce is holding an International Trade Summit on Friday, October 11, at the Holiday Inn in Walsgrave to offer practical advice and tips on doing business overseas to help boost exports, which research from the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) shows are static. 

The Chamber wants to encourage more companies from across the region to trade internationally from France to Finland and from Asia to Africa because of the benefits it brings to both the individual businesses and the wider economy. 

Delegates will hear from a range of speakers and will also be able to take part in live link-up sessions that can help to develop trade links with the Middle East & Asia, Europe and Africa. 

The event will also explore some real-life stories of local exporters who have achieved success as well as updating on the latest information on what Government support is available for overseas trade. 

Lloyds Bank is the headline partner for the event and will deliver a session on how to identify export markets and ensure a business has the working capital to be able to grow international sales. Independent Freight and GWCI Consulting are also partners for the event and it should all add up to a practical, easy-to-understand guide to exporting from experts in the field and those who are already doing it. 

Corin Crane, chief executive of Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Trading overseas is of huge importance. The evidence tells us that businesses that export have a much better chance of growing, a better chance of survival and are much more productive in everything that they do. 

“It is fair to say that the past few years haven’t been easy – with Brexit and Covid – when it comes to international trade but it’s time to really grasp every opportunity that doing business overseas can bring. 

“Our summit last year proved to be extremely popular and we had businesses wanting to book on for this year straight away because of the very practical and informative nature of the event. We want to remove some of the hurdles and psychological barriers that businesses who have never exported face and once they realise they can do it and that there’s support out there for them, they will never look back. 

“Equally, we want to show those businesses that already export into one or two markets that there is whole world of opportunities available to them and our live link-up sessions will be a really exciting way of doing that. 

“It should be a great event but, more importantly, we want it to have a genuine impact on the number of businesses from our region who are selling the amazing goods and services we have to offer to the rest of the world.” 

Liam Smyth, Director of Trade Facilitation at the BCC, will be a guest speaker at the event. He said: “International trade is the lifeblood of our economy and Chambers are integral to making that happen. Accredited Chambers facilitate around £16bn of trade annually and are recognised experts in helping firms export. 

 “We firmly believe that international trade can make every business a better one. The world of trade is in constant flux; fresh markets are emerging, digitalisation is accelerating, and more sustainable goods and services are being developed. There has never been a better time to get involved. This trade summit is a great chance for businesses to find out more and explore the opportunities ahead.” 

For more information or to book, please go to https://www.cw-chamber.co.uk/events/international-trade-summit/  

Aston Martin honoured with King’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation

"Aston Martin’s recognition with The King's Award for Enterprise in Innovation is a proud moment for the company and a significant boost to Warwickshire’s economic growth, reinforcing our status as a centre of innovation and industry."

Gaydon-based Aston Martin has been awarded the prestigious King’s Award for Enterprise in the category of Innovation.  

This accolade recognises Aston Martin’s commitment to pioneering design, advanced engineering and bespoke craftsmanship that have become the hallmarks of its globally renowned vehicles. 

With origins tracing back to 1913 and its founders Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford, the company’s vision is to be the world’s most desirable, ultra-luxury British brand. With manufacturing bases in Warwickshire and St Athan, Wales, Aston Martin’s product range includes critically acclaimed models such as the Vantage, DB12, DBS, DBX, and its first hypercar, the Aston Martin Valkyrie. The company exports its cars to 145 dealerships across 53 countries. 

Aston Martin’s innovation, recognised by the King’s Award for Enterprise, stems from its innovative perforating and quilting technology which creates decorative patterns in the cars’ interiors that also enhance the cooling function within the seats. The ability to control the machines digitally has enabled the creation of bespoke patterns to a customer’s specific design, in a way impossible with traditional tooling.  

In line with the growing trend of personalisation across the luxury goods sector, this patented solution has added significant value to Aston Martin sales. The 'Q by Aston Martin' service provides unparalleled personalisation of vehicle interiors and allows customers to express their individuality, and create their dream Aston Martin by personalising the colour, trim, material and finish.  

All of this would not be possible without a state-of-the-art manufacturing centre. In 2003, Aston Martin moved their global headquarters to Gaydon. The first purpose-built facility, Gaydon combines cutting-edge technology with expert craftsmanship and traditional techniques and has enabled Aston Martin to integrate its design capability with engineering and production processes. 

The King's Award for Enterprise not only provides Aston Martin with well-deserved recognition but also serves as a catalyst for further growth and expansion. 

Cllr Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said:  "Aston Martin’s recognition with The King's Award for Enterprise in Innovation is a proud moment for the company and a significant boost to Warwickshire’s economic growth, reinforcing our status as a centre of innovation and industry.  This can only be good news for other Warwickshire businesses with the profile and recognition it brings to the region. My heartfelt congratulations to Aston Martin on this well-earned honour." 

Lawrence Stroll, Executive Chairman of Aston Martin, expressed the company’s pride in receiving this award: “As a company with a commitment to innovation, we are incredibly proud to be recognised with this King’s Award for Enterprise, which celebrates both the ingenuity of our craftspeople and the quality of Aston Martin’s bespoke interiors.

“This award recognises the unique composition of our ultra-luxury interiors and how our manufacturing team have gone to extra lengths to ensure the highest level of personalisation is offered to our customers, whilst not compromising on our seat technology’s core functionality.” 

Since 2020, Aston Martin’s international sales have more than doubled, with 83% of production exported in 2023, supporting UK exports valued at around £1.3 billion. Aligned with its Racing. Green sustainability strategy, Aston Martin is pioneering alternatives to the internal combustion engine, aiming to introduce a blend of PHEV and BEV drivetrains between 2025 and 2030. The company plans to launch a range of electric sports cars and SUVs, underscoring its role as a flag bearer for British industry and innovation. 

Aston Martin’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Gaydon, established in 2003, plays a crucial role in these innovations. The facility combines cutting-edge technology with expert craftsmanship, facilitating the integration of design, engineering, and production processes.

Receiving the King’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation not only highlights Aston Martin’s achievements but also inspires continued excellence within the company. This recognition serves as an endorsement of the creative and resilient spirit of Aston Martin’s workforce and their contributions to the progress of British advanced manufacturing. 

The King’s Awards for Enterprise, previously known as The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, are the most prestigious business awards in the UK. The awards were first established in 1965 and were renamed last year to reflect His Majesty The King’s desire to continue the legacy of HM Queen Elizabeth II by recognising outstanding UK businesses. Successful businesses are able to use the esteemed King’s Awards Emblem for the next five years. This is the third time Aston Martin has been awarded the honour since 1998. 

Businesses can help prevent radicalisation

Businesses have been urged to help prevent radicalisation in Warwickshire.

It is difficult not to be affected by world events we see on the news and in social media and, although Warwickshire is a relatively safe place, we live in a global community which means that we are influenced by trends and events that occur at an international level. 

This means that Warwickshire businesses need to consider the international threat of terrorism and those people that may be pulled into groups that support extremist causes. 

The Prevent Strategy is a national strategy that Warwickshire County Council, along with other authorities and communities in the county, is delivering at a local level to try and prevent radicalisation – the process through which people come to support violent extremism. 

A key part of the Prevent approach in Warwickshire is something called the Channel Process, which is a multi-agency approach to identifying and providing support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism.  

So what can your business do to help Prevent radicalisation in Warwickshire? 

There’s a refreshed programme of Prevent training events, including an updated course that provides the latest information on Prevent, as well as recently launched e-learning products. Information on these can be found at https://safeinwarwickshire.com/radicalisation/preventing-radicalisation-training.  

A new Prevent Bulletin will also be launching soon. If you would like to be added to the distribution list or have any questions about Prevent, you can email geoffthomas@warwickshire.gov.uk.  

Workplaces urged to get involved with Cycle September

Cycle September, the fun, free, campaign from Love to Ride that encourages and supports people to ride bikes is back next month and all workplaces are encouraged to get involved with prizes up for grabs, including £2,000.
As more workplaces and individuals are thinking about sustainability, cost-saving, health, and wellbeing, it’s a great time to promote riding a bike.
Please register your workplace today: https://www.lovetoride.net/warwickshire and bring your team together to work on a common goal – getting more people on bikes and riding to the top of the leader boards.
It doesn’t matter if employees are in the office, working from home, or working full or part-time. Cycle September can help people make the switch from cars to handlebars.
Here are some benefits of participating in Cycle September:
How does it work?
Getting involved with Cycle September is easy:
Sign up - staff can sign up at lovetoride.net and then join your workplace profile
Ride! it’s not about the number of miles you ride, it’s about having fun and encouraging others to discover the joys of riding a bike
Log your rides - once someone has been for a ride, they log it on their profile, or the Love to Ride app. Download it for Apple or Android devices and you can even turn on auto logging and rate your comfort on your routes!
Earn points - ride your bike and encourage others to earn points - the workplaces with the highest number of points will top the leaderboards
Win prizes - there are amazing prizes up for grabs for anyone who takes part, regardless of their riding experience!
Last year 41,861 riders and 7,694 workplaces took part and we want to beat that this year.
Love to Ride’s Cycle September is funded by your local authority, which means it’s free for your workplace to participate. We want to work together to achieve our health, wellness, and sustainability goals.
Please find out more and register your workplace at lovetoride.net.

New flexible co-working space coming to Leamington

"The need for high-quality flexible workspaces continues to soar as hybrid working becomes the new normal."

A new, state-of-the-art, flexible workspace is coming to Leamington Spa to meet rising demand as the adoption of hybrid working rapidly accelerates across Warwickshire

Nicholls House, a Regus workspace opened in Tachbrook Park by the International Workspace Group, will include co-working spaces, private offices, meeting rooms and creative spaces.

The new Centre will host a grand opening event for media from 4-7pm on 12th September 2024. Members of Leamington Spa’s business community and Council will be invited to celebrate the opening and explore the building’s cutting-edge design and facilities.

Nicholls House is part of a drive by International Workspace Group to meet the sharply rising demand for top class flexible working space in Warwickshire. The three-storey building will provide space for established firms and start-ups across a range of industries including retail and digital industries while a Design Your Own Office service allows companies to tailor their space entirely to their requirements.

As the shift towards hybrid working accelerates, the potential for further growth is exponential with an estimated 1.2 billion white collar workers globally and a total addressable market of more than £1.57 trillion. Conventional office occupancy will continue to fall as businesses require less traditional space and turn to flexible workspace instead.

This is reflected locally in new flexible office space coming to the market, which includes the now fully occupied The Woods on the former IBM campus in Warwick, 11 Waterloo Place in Leamington Spa, the redevelopment of the former House of Fraser Department store in Leamington as Bedford Street Studios, Holly Walk House from Warwickshire County Council, Space Business Park and the re-imaging of Point 3 of the IBM Campus as The Point.

Mark Dixon, CEO & Founder of International Workplace Group, said: “We are establishing a stronger and much-needed footprint in Warwickshire with this latest opening. As an important business hub, Leamington Spa is a fantastic place for us to boost our expansion plans. The need for high-quality flexible workspaces continues to soar as hybrid working becomes the new normal.

“We are very pleased to work in partnership in a unit franchise agreement to develop the Regus brand under a management agreement that will add a cutting-edge workspace to their building.

“Our opening in Leamington Spa comes at a time when more and more companies are discovering that flexible working boosts employee happiness and satisfaction, while helping the environment. Our workplace model is also proven to increase productivity and allows for a business to scale up or down at significantly reduced costs.”

Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said: “We welcome this new addition to the grade A office offer in the south of the county. It will prove attractive to tech companies already here looking to expand and those new businesses coming to the area. Proximity to supply chains and talent is a really important driver for start-up and investment in the area, but the provision of quality, attractive workplaces is also key for talent attraction and retention. So we’re delighted to see IWG make this investment into the local area.”

Special Feature

UKBIC - powering the UK Battery sector from Baginton

The West Midlands has for a long time been at the heart of the UK automotive industry – integral to that has been the emergence of Coventry & Warwickshire as a centre of excellence in battery technology, research, and development.  

Warwickshire is home to the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC), the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), WMG at the University of Warwick, and companies such as Tata, JLR, and Aston Martin. It’s also home to Green Park in Coventry which has outline planning permission for a Gigafactory. 

The UKBIC is the national manufacturing battery development facility, providing manufacturing scale-up and skills for the battery sector. The purpose-built facility, in Baginton on the edge of Coventry Airport, is where businesses come to develop their battery manufacturing processes at the scale they need to move to industrial production. It's also where those working in the industry can develop new skills by joining UKBIC on the production line, learning from its specialist teams. 

Created with an initial investment of £130m, an additional £74m from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) was announced last year to enhance and expand the facility. The new investments are due to come on line over the coming year. 

A new Flexible Pilot Line is now being installed to bridge the gap between UKBIC’s larger existing scale production line and small-scale demonstrator lines available elsewhere. The facility, which opened in 2021, can be accessed by organisations with existing or new battery technology, or those companies looking at entering the industry.  The flexible facilities are designed so that several users can run projects at the same time in dedicated and security-controlled discrete areas. What makes it special, is that the facility doesn’t take a share in any customer Intellectual Property (IP) developed. 

UKBIC’s construction was originally part-funded through the West Midlands Combined Authority and was delivered through a consortium of Coventry City Council, WMG, at the University of Warwick, and the now dissolved Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership. Part of the £610m Faraday Battery Challenge, the programme is delivering a research and innovation programme that covers "Lab to Factory" development, cutting-edge research, national scale-up infrastructure, and skills and training. 

New developments to come online 

UKBIC’s innovative Flexible Pilot Line (or FPL) will bridge the gap between the facility’s existing Industrial Scale-up Line (ISL) and smaller, kilogram scale demonstrators available elsewhere. Coming in 2025, the new specialist line will provide developers with a more cost-efficient route to market, helping them move from research and development to large-scale production in more manageable steps.  

The new Battery Development Laboratory is due to be operational later this year and will boost UKBIC’s capabilities in key areas of battery material characterisation, cell analysis, and forensic activities to support manufacturing development. The enhanced laboratory will specialise in the characterisation of raw materials, slurries, coated electrodes, and finished cells, and will also have processing, electrochemistry, forensics and CT scanning capabilities. 

UKBIC is also building an innovative flexible clean room space, the Clean and Dry Zone (CDZ), which will also be on line later this year. The research and development zones will offer flexible clean room spaces, providing controlled conditions for equipment testing, temporary equipment installation for manufacturing work or other research and development projects. The CDZ features individually controlled rooms, each set from -40°C to ambient dew point on a zonal basis, allowing a controlled environment from room to room. 

Also coming later this year is an area dedicated to Cell Characterisation. The new capability will be housed inside a 135m2 air-conditioned unit inside our existing formation ageing and testing area.  

Supporting SMEs on their scaleup journey 

In May 2024, UKRI funded small and medium sized (SME) battery developers to the tune of £1.5 million to enable them to work at UKBIC.  

The winners of the second SME Credit competition will each be given the chance to scale-up their projects as they move from technological potential towards commercial capability. In addition, the projects will further enable UK competitiveness across the battery value chain by: 

  • supporting SME research and development for the scale-up of battery technologies within the UK
  • helping demonstrate technologies at suitable scales to customers
  • move UK battery innovations from technological potential towards commercial capability
  • develop and secure material and manufacturing supply chains for battery technologies in the UK

This latest funding builds on an earlier SME Credit competition launched in 2023.  

The skills challenge 

By 2040, the Faraday Institution estimates that the battery industry could support 170,000 jobs nationally in the automotive industry and a further 100,000 jobs in battery manufacturing and the wider battery supply chain. Significant reskilling and upskilling programmes will be needed to cater for the 35,000 jobs in gigafactories and 65,000 jobs in the battery supply chain that could be created. 

Delivering training at UKBIC 

UKBIC delivers specialist skills and practical training to the wider industry. Companies can now send their employees to work with UKBIC and learn first-hand from the organisation’s team of specialist battery manufacturing trainers. The company has already delivered comprehensive training with several European and US battery developers.  

The company’s main public access course is a 2-day Introduction to battery manufacturing, which can be free to employees of companies located in the county. 

The course is designed to provide a basic introduction to battery manufacture and cover in detail how to develop and create battery technologies. It will also give a flavour of what it’s like to experience life at a battery manufacturing facility. The next course dates are September 22 and 23. 

UKBIC is part of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded Electrification Skills Network (ESN). Its purpose is to create a comprehensive framework for electrification skills in the UK. Other key partners locally in this initiative include Coventry University, Enginuity, the University of Warwick, and the Electric Revolution Skills Hub. ESN aims to bridge the gap between employers, accrediting organisations, and skills providers. 

Any company wishing to find out about how you can get involved, should go to https://www.ukbic.co.uk/contact 

Free training course in battery manufacturing available to companies based in Warwickshire 

The UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC) – the national battery manufacturing facility providing manufacturing scale-up and skills for the battery sector - in conjunction with Warwickshire County Council, is set to offer a free of charge two-day training course in battery manufacturing. 

Participants who work for a company based in the county, and are aged 50 and above, can apply to Warwickshire County Council’s New Direction – 50+ Skills Investment Fund, for a place on the fully funded Introduction to battery manufacturing training. 

In addition to this, there are fully funded places available for anyone in full-time employment through the Skills Escalator Fund. To be eligible, you must be a small to medium sized business or self-employed and based in Warwick and Stratford with Nuneaton & Bedworth and Rugby coming soon. Training must be completed by March 2025. Both grant schemes allow five places per company. 

Jonty Deeley-Williamson, Head of Learning & Development, UKBIC, added: “It’s fantastic to get such brilliant support from Warwickshire County Council to boost skills across the county in battery manufacturing. These courses will give employees who work for a company based in the county a helping hand to work in the growing battery manufacturing sector.” 

By 2040, the Faraday Institution estimates that the battery industry could support 170,000 jobs nationally in the automotive industry and a further 100,000 jobs in battery manufacturing and the wider battery supply chain. Significant reskilling and upskilling programmes will be needed to cater for the 35,000 jobs in gigafactories and 65,000 jobs in the battery supply chain that could be created. 

Louise Stolz, Future Skills Business Support Advisor, Warwickshire Skills Hub, said: "Warwickshire County Council’s Future Skills Fund is a multi-strand programme, designed to develop work related skills and knowledge for new and existing employees, in new and emerging technologies, such as Battery technology. It’s great that Warwickshire businesses can now access courses with the UKBIC in Battery Manufacturing and really supports the work Warwickshire Skills Hub are doing around the future skills agenda.  

The next Introduction to battery manufacturing is being held on 22 and 23 September.  Anyone wishing to find out more about training at UKBIC and the free training courses should contact: training@ukbic.co.uk 


Upcoming events

Date Event Host Timings Venue Link
2024.09.04 CENEX Expo - 2 Days
Building on the legacy of Cenex-LCV & CAM, Cenex Expo will stimulate ideas and showcase technology, bringing together the people who will deliver the net zero and connected automated mobility future. 4-5 SEPTEMBER.
CENEX 4-5 September Millbrook Weblink here
2024.09.04 1 Mill Street Member Breakfast
Start your day by joining fellow members for coffee!
Grab a bacon sandwich and a coffee on us and come and chat with fellow members in the Urban Garden. There's plenty of connection, conversations and collaboration to be had.
1 Mill Street 0900-0930 1 Mill Street, Leamington Spa Weblink here
2024.09.04 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.09.05 Mill Street Exchange
In partnership with Warwickshire County Council, the Mill Street Exchange is a free drop-in service offering no-nonsense business advice.
Warwickshire County Council 1000-1400 1 Mill Street, Leamington Spa Weblink here
2024.09.05 Studley in Business Networking Meeting
Studley in Business meet the first Thursday each month from 10.00am-11.30am, all of our meetings include time to chat and network with other businesses. There are opportunities to introduce your business and we also invite speakers to come and present on relevant subjects. Meetings are held at different venues in and around Studley.
Studley in Business Networking Group 1000-1130 Wootton Park.
B95 6HJ
Weblink here
2024.09.05 Talk Property Brunch - Kenilworth -Talk Business Members
Our Talk Property Brunch is back, and it's better than ever! Join us for an exclusive networking opportunity where you can meet, greet, and share insights with fellow Property Professionals. This is your chance to engage in one-on-one conversations, all centred around the exciting world of property in Warwickshire.
Talk Business UK 1000-1130 The Almanack Weblink here
2024.09.06 Business Buzz Leamington Spa
Business Buzz Leamington Spa is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. First Friday of the month.
Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 The House, Leamington Spa Weblink here
2024.09.06 Coventry & Warwickshire First Friday - Amtico Flooring
Amtico have been designing and manufacturing unique luxury vinyl tiles in their Coventry factory since the 1960’s, the part of Courthaulds, growing into a global success story.   Our visit will include a talk about the business’ history and plans for the future before we enjoy a behind the scenes factory tour. Friday 6th August.
CW First Professionals 1230-1430 Amtico Flooring, Foleshill, Coventry. CV6 5AA Weblink here
2024.09.06 Studley UNO Networking -Studley Castle
Join us and be part of the inception of the Talk Business STUDLEY UNO, a brand-new 'single seat' business networking group.
Talk Business UK 0730-0900 Warner Hotels - Studley Castle, Hardwick Lane Studley B80 7AJ Weblink here
2024.09.09 FindaBiz Networking Nuneaton
FaB Networking with FindaBiz is a local business networking and business support organisation. Serious about helping you grow your business, in a positive and friendly setting with no scary rules. Help for business owners to make connections, build business relationships and find opportunities to do business. 2nd Monday of the month.
FaB Networking 1800-2000 Coton Sports and Social Club Weblink here
2024.09.11 Email Marketing - Where to Start? Webinar
Looking for new or additional ways to engage with your customers and or prospects? Overlooked email marketing as an overused or out moded form of marketing and communications?
Glued have specifically written this workshop to encourage those just starting out on their email marketing journey.
Business Ready 1000-1130 Online Weblink here
2024.09.11 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.09.11 Understanding Import Procedures
This course will provide an extensive review of Import Procedures and Customs  Requirements.
It covers a wealth of information from the earliest point of enquiry to the final part of the audit process.
From the definition of an Import and Process Flow, Movement of Goods, and the Documents and processes required for Import Clearance, this training session outlines all stages of import processes and teaches participants how to navigate this highly complex process for permanent and temporary imports.
CW Chamber 0930-1230 Online Weblink here
2024.09.12 Business Buzz Rugby
Business Buzz Rugby is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takres places on the 2nd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire. 
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 The Windmill Inn, Rugby Weblink here
2024.09.12 FSB Ethnic Minority Led In Person Networking event
Network, share, learn and discuss the successes and experiences of being an ethnic minority business owner at this in person event.
FSB 1000-1230 Coventry Building Society Arena,  Judds Lane, Longford, Coventry, CV6 6AQ Weblink here
2024.09.12 Leamington Networking Breakfast (2nd and 4th Thursday)
 independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
2024.09.13 Rugby Local Business Forum - Join us for our local Rugby Business Forum, chaired by Karen Suter, Exact Logistsics Ltd. Our local business forum provides our members with an opportunity to find out what is happening on a micro-level, hearing from Local MPs and Council Officials, whilst providing a platform to have a say on the local issues affecting businesses. If you would like further information on the Rugby Local Business Forum, please contact SeanR@cw-chamber.co.uk. CW Chamber 8:00-10:00 Draycote Hotel, London Rd, Thurlaston, Rugby, Warwickshire. Weblink here
2024.09.17 Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon
Business Buzz Stratford-upon-Avon is a fresh vibe in business networking. This Face to Face drop-in session is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
There’s no membership, no pre-booking required, just £10 + VAT payable on our app in advance, or at the event. Meeting every 3rd Tuesday of each month between 10am-12pm (16 July)
Buzz Networks 1000-1200 All Bar One, Bell Court Weblink here
2024.09.17 North Warwickshire Borough Breakfast Networking
As part of the Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Business Support programmes, we are excited to announce an in-person business breakfast networking event.
Join us at COLESHILL HOTEL 152-156 High St, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 3BG in the North Warwickshire borough. This event is open to all businesses in the area. Come along for an informal networking meeting to build connections and potential collaborations.
CW Chamber 0800-1100 Coleshill Hotel. B46 3BG Weblink here
2024.09.17 Warwickshire MGP - Digital Awareness for Manufacturers Workshop
Exploring the latest digital tools and technologies relevant to the manufacturing sector, their benefits, and how businesses can effectively integrate them into their operations to boost productivity and drive sustainability.
MGP 0900-1300 Technoset, Rugby. CV21 1GQ Weblink here
2024.09.18 CW Champions September Event - Join us for the Coventry and Warwickshire Champions Event at Delta Hotels Marriott Warwck. Step into a morning of inspiration and connection at the Prestigious CW Champions Breakfast Event. Indulge in a delicious light breakfast while networking with some of the region's most influential figures, entrepreneurs and innovators. CW Events 7:30-9:30 Delta Hotels Marriott Warwick Weblink here
2024.09.18 Micromobility UK 2024
Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance welcomed thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts across the weekend as the doors swung open to the UK’s biggest motorcycle show. 
WMG All day WMG Campus Weblink here
2024.09.18 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.09.18 Warwick UNO - Talk Business networking
LIVE NETWORKING Twice a month - face 2 face.
Come along and help create the Talk Business Warwick UNO group!
A 'single seat' business networking group - WHAT SEAT WILL YOU WANT?
Everyone has the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.
Meeting. 1st and 3rd Wednesday EVERY MONTH 7:30-9:00 am
Talk Business UK 0730-0900 Delta Marriott Warwick Weblink here
2024.09.19 Business Buzz Warwick
Business Buzz Warwick is a fresh vibe in business networking. This face-to-face drop-in session which takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month and is a great way to catch up with the local business community in Warwickshire.
Buzz Networks 10:00-12:00 The Globe Weblink here
2024.09.19 Green Futures: Expo & Summit - The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce invites you to our Green Futures: Expo & Summit, where local businesses and innovators come together to explore and advance the path to a net-zero future. This event is designed to inspire and connect individuals and businesses committed to making a poistive impact on our planet.  CW Chamber 10:00-14:00 Ashorne Hill Management College Ashorne Hill Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV33 9QW Weblink here
2024.09.24 Coventry & Warwickshire Food and Drink Showcase
The Coventry and Warwickshire Food and Drink Showcase will aim to encourage businesses to discover and use local suppliers. It will provide opportunities for exhibitors to meet buyers and decision makers from hotels, venues, attractions and other industry suppliers.
Coventry and Warwickshire Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP). All day Warwick Race Course Weblink here
2024.09.24 Voice of the Customer for Competitive Advantage Webinar
This Business Ready workshop will explore the concept of ‘Voice of the Customer’ and ‘Customer Value’, exploring methods for really understanding your customers needs and wants. The session will go on to explore why this is important and how organisations can use this insight to gain competitive advantage and optimise their organisation system.
Business Ready 0900-1100 Online Weblink here
2024.09.25 Chamber Networking at Audley Village - Join us for our next Chamber Networking Event, in partnership with Audley Village. Start your day off right by connecting with fellow Chamber members in the elegant surroundings at Audley Binswood. Expand your network, explore collaborative opportunities and kickstart your day at this Chamber Networking Event. CW Chamber 8:00-10:00 Audley Binswood Management Ltd, Binswood Hall, Binswood Aveneue, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Weblink here
2024.09.25 Coventry Investment Readiness - Webinar - This informative, expert-led online workshop will help to demystify the world of business finance and enable attendees to identify funding routes for their business. CW Growth Hub 8:00-10:00 Online Weblink here
2024.09.25 Stratford upon Avon Business Networking Brunch (Wednesdays)
We meet every Wednesday morning and our members benefit from new business, business advice and a support network for when times are challenging. Our members hold one business category each, (one solicitor, one accountant, etc.) – if you book and the slot is already taken, we’ll try point you in the direction of a local group with the seat available!
Network B2B 0930-1030 Online Weblink here
2024.09.26 CW Champions- Next Generation Event - Join us for an inspiring event at Milly's Cafe Bar in Coventry, where the next generation of Coventry and Warwickshire Champions will gather to network, share ideas, and celebrate the region's vibrate future. The special event is desgined to bring together young professionals, entrepreneurs, and change-makers who are shaping the economic and cultural landscape of Coventry and Warwickshire. FREE. CW Events 10:00-12:00 Online Weblink here
2024.09.26 Leamington Networking Breakfast (2nd and 4th Thursday)
 independent group, run by members. Everyone who attends our breakfast meetings has a chance to talk about what their business can offer
Leamington Business Network 0700-0900 Whittles at Binswood Weblink here
2024.10.09 Engineering Design Show
EDS has been showcasing the very best of mechanical, electronics and embedded design for over a decade. It is THE show for design engineers who are looking for direct access to the latest products, services and innovations available to the sector.
Mark Allen Group 9-10 October CBS Arena, Coventry Weblink here
2024.10.11 International Trade Summit
Discover innovative solutions to challenges faced by businesses in international trade and gain a competitive edge through expert perspectives on navigating tariffs, leveraging Free Trade Agreements, and managing exchange rate fluctuations. This event will equip you with the knowledge, contacts, and resources needed to elevate your export journey to new heights. 
CW Chamber 0900-1400 Holiday Inn Coventry. CV2 2HP Weblink here
2024.10.15 Warwickshire MGP Workshop - Lean Manufacturing Principles
Providing an overview of lean manufacturing principles and techniques to optimise processes, eliminate waste, and improve efficiency.
MGP 0900-1300 CFS Aero, Warwick. CV34 5QF Weblink here
2024.10.30 Advanced Engineering 2024 (30th-31st October)
The 14th edition of Advanced Engineering will celebrate innovation, collaboration and sustainability within the engineering and manufacturing industries. Engineering professionals from all sectors come together to network, learn and discover innovative new solutions and suppliers from the engineering supply chain across two action-packed days.
Easyfairs 30th and 31st October NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2024.11.04 The 1st West Midlands Battery EcoSystem Conference & Expo
A free 1-day conference at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), Coventry on building a healthy battery ecosystem in the West Midlands
Enabled Futures 1 day MTC, Anstry Technology Park Weblink here
2024.11.08 Classic Motor Show (3 Days)
The Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show, which brings together a great array of classic car and motorcycle clubs along with their iconic classic and vintage cars and motorbikes, is an event not to be missed. No matter what you’re looking for, this is the ultimate season finale for any classic car/bike owner, collector, enthusiast, club member, or simply anyone with a passion for classic vehicles! 
Clarion Events 3 Day Event NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2024.11.12 Euro Bus Expo
Euro Bus Expo is the single industry showcase, taking place every other year at the NEC, Birmingham.
Diversified Communications UK All day x2 days NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2024.11.12 Warwickshire MGP - Supply Chain Resilience & Optimisation Workshop
Exploring the latest digital tools and technologies relevant to the manufacturing sector, their benefits, and how businesses can effectively integrate them into their operations to boost productivity and drive sustainability.
MGP 0900-1300 Cyberweld, Southam. CV47 1NE Weblink here
2024.11.16 Motorcycle Live - November
Motorcycle Live in association with Bikesure Insurance welcomed thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts across the weekend as the doors swung open to the UK’s biggest motorcycle show. 
MCIA 16-24 November NEC, Birmingham Weblink here
2025.01.09 Autosport International 2025 - 9-12th January
Join thousands of fans, industry professionals and automotive enthusiasts as we celebrate the intoxicating world of competitive motorsport. From Grassroots to F1. A25 is for the Racers!
Motorsport Events 4 days NEC, Birmingham Weblink here

News in Brief

A round-up of latest news-in-brief from the region...

Premium pub portfolio snapped up in £22.5m deal

Fuller, Smith & Turner has acquired the Lovely Pubs portfolio in a £22.5m deal that retains 260 jobs.

The collection of seven premium pubs in Warwickshire and Solihull comprises The Orange Tree in Chadwick End, The Boot Inn at Lapworth, The Farm in Monkspath, Morton’s Kitchen in Dickens Heath, The Baraset Barn in Alveston – which comes with 16 individually designed bedrooms, The Moat House Inn at Kings Coughton, and The Queen’s Head in Stoke Pound.


Construction partner chosen for historic town hall project

Following the completion of preparatory works at Leamington Town Hall, Warwick District Council has announced the appointment of a contractor. Stepnell, the Rugby based construction contractor, was chosen for their experience in similar projects nationwide—including the rejuvenation and conservation of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Costume Workshop in Stratford-upon-Avon—will lead the first phase of work to establish a new Creative Hub at the Town Hall.


Business confidence rises in the West Midlands - Lloyds Bank

According to the latest Business Barometer from Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, West Midlands business confidence rose 15 percentage points. The West Midlands businesses identified their top target areas for growth as investing in staff, introducing new technology, and evolving their offering, for example by introducing new products or services (39%).


Aston Martin’s new CEO from Bentley to take over in September

Warwickshire-based luxury car marque Aston Martin Lagonda has announced that Adrian Hallmark will take over the role on 1st September. With more than 25 years’ senior experience in the luxury automotive sector, Adrian joins the Warwickshire business from Bentley Motors, where he’s served since 2018 as chairman and CEO.


Leamington Spa micro turbine pioneer falls into administration

A pioneer in the design, development and manufacture of Micro Turbine Gensets for the telecom tower market has fallen into administration after struggling to secure next stage funding.


Hewland Engineering Opens Midlands Technical Centre in Southam

Hewland, a legend in vehicle transmissions dating from motorsport in the 1960s, and now owned by Indian motorcycle giant Hero Motors, has recently opened a Midlands Tech Centre in Southam.


Electric taxi maker loses £100m after drop in drivers

The Ansty-headquartered electric taxi manufacturer made a pre-tax loss of £104m. London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC) said in newly filed accounts at Companies House, that it had been hit by a falling number of drivers in central London and new drivers completing the ‘knowledge test’, as well as the pressure of inflation and high interest rates.


UKBIC appoints new Managing Director

The UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC), the national battery manufacturing scale-up facility, has appointed Sean Gilgunn as its new Managing Director. Sean, who will take up the post at the Baginton-based £130m facility in October, joins UKBIC from Johnson Matthey.


Warwick-born EV charging company collaborates with Qinetiq on defence project

Solus Power, which is pioneering innovative electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with global defence and security company, QinetiQ, to research and develop advanced EV charging solutions, appropriate to fleet charging and infrastructure, as well as to the specific needs of the Ministry of Defence (MOD).


West Midlands SMEs to benefit from government's warship and submarine agreement

Small British businesses are to benefit from a new government warship and submarine agreement.

The agreement will see far greater access from the Ministry of Defence directly to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), allowing them to bid for work under a seven-year framework worth up to £850 million.


Nuneaton IT company snapped up by leading South West comms business

IT and cyber security company Colbek Systems, based in Nuneaton, has been acquired by Flotek Group. Flotek Group will retain the entire Colbek Systems Ltd team.


Immersive technology suites give Coventry unit students hands-on learning

The next generation of healthcare and engineering professionals are now being trained using the latest immersive technology following a £3million investment at Coventry University. The university’s School of Health and Care has opened its new VR Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) suite, while its College of Engineering Environment and Science has installed a Powerwall.


Leamington marketing company doubles headcount

Just six months from launch, Leamington marketing agency The Alternative, has welcomed three new faces to its team: doubling its headcount. Fulfilling the roles of Digital Lead, Creative Lead, and Project Lead, the latest additions will bring more than two decades of combined experience to the fledgling studio and will oversee client strategy, creative and delivery.


TechWM welcomes more to the Board

TechWM, the organisation driving growth of the West Midlands tech sector, has further strengthened its local partnerships with the appointment of four new patrons. Developer Rigby Group, managed IT services provider SCC, pre-seed investor Haatch, and investor Midven have been welcomed on board to help make the West Midlands a Global Tech Superpower by 2030.


"An opportunity to inspire and catalyse the next generation of leaders"

The inaugural Raise Up Conference aims to deliver an experience that is uplifting and empowering to women in the workplace.


Former conference and training facility built in the 17th century brought to market

The 0.81 acre site of a former conference and training facility in Warwick, which was built in the late 17th century and has potential for a number of alternative uses, has been put up for sale. It is being sold by Savills on behalf of Warwickshire County Council, which has owned the building since 1946. The facility closed in March 2024.


Warwickshire hotel reveals £1.5m transformation

A boutique hotel in Warwickshire has revealed newly refurbished bedrooms after a £1.5m transformation. Mallory Court Hotel and Spa in Leamington Spa has revamped all 19 rooms in the manor house. The renovated rooms each feature designer floral and geometric wallpapers and fabrics from Romo and GP & J Baker.


Plans for Warwickshire solar farm approved

Plans for a solar farm and battery storage facility in Warwickshire have been given the green light. The 55-hectare (136-acre) site near Honiley Road, Kenilworth, will be used to generate electricity for the National Grid.


Over 120 jobs gone as modular housebuilder enters administration

Administrators have been appointed at a Coventry modular housebuilder after it struggled with rising costs and relocation issues. Modpods International, based until recently at Stoneleigh Park, entered administration on August 12th.


Region's biggest tech festival returns in October

Birmingham Tech Week, the UK's largest regional technology festival and conference returns for its sixth edition this year. From 21-25 October, the event is set to be the biggest yet; with over 8000 attendees and hosting 100+ speakers.


Midlands receives £150M of start-up loans from British Business Bank

£150 million worth of loans from this start up programme are being given to small businesses in the midlands.


Taylorfitch. Bringing Newsletters to life