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Tackling Skills Shortages campaign launched to support businesses
Warwickshire County Council has launched a brand new campaign Tackling Skills Shortages to address one of the major concerns facing businesses today.
The council's Economy & Skills team is constantly out and about in the business community to find out exactly how they can best support companies throughout the county.
One of the recurring concerns they hear from businesses is a struggle to recruit. The Skills Gap is a national issue and Warwickshire, though better-equipped with talented young workers than most, is not isolated from the problem.
So Warwickshire County Council is delivering the Tackling Skills Shortages campaign to bring together the range of support and advice available .
It includes a five-point plan to ensure that businesses are aware of all the practical steps they can take to recruit the people they need.
"An issue we are regularly told about by businesses is that of skills shortages and difficulties in recruitment," said Warwickshire County Council's Head of Economy & Skills David Ayton-Hill. "That is why last year we funded the creation of a new post, a dedicated business skills advisor, to help businesses identify where and how they can fill those gaps.
"Fay Winterburn, as business skills advisor, has already done a lot of great work and now our support for the business community has another new dimension with the launch of the Tackling Skills Shortages campaign. It outlines five practical steps that businesses can take to address that problem.
"There is no quick fix to the overall skills issue but there are things which business can do. Working with the Mid-Warwickshire Employment Group, we have developed a five-point plan to provide practical ideas to businesses as to what they can do to help address skills shortages.
"This will be complemented by a range of workshops and events to help provide examples and advice as to what steps and activities can be undertaken, along with good practice examples.
The 5 Point Plan brochure can be downloaded here.
In summary, the five key areas of focus are
- GET INVOLVED: Sign up to our Business Skills Support Programme. Our dedicated Business Skills Advisor will undertake a free Skills Assessment for your business and help develop your bespoke skills strategy, tailored to your specific needs and issues. Join the programme here
- UPSKILL & DEVELOP: A great starting point is to look at your existing workforce and it can be built and developed to address skills shortages you may have. Through our Skills Assessment, we can help identify training most suitable for you, help you find and identify the most appropriate provider, and explore potential sources of funding to help.
- WIDEN YOUR SEARCH: With unemployment so low and competition for labour high, it is worth considering how your business could tap into wider pools of potential workers that are sometimes overlooked. Make sure you are “selling” your company in the best way to attract the workers you want.
- GROW OUR OWN TALENT: More than 1,000 16-18 year-olds leave Warwickshire schools and colleges each year. Building links with local schools and colleges can help attract young people to your businesses, providing a new labour-pool, lower recruitment costs and better retention rates. It can also help bring in new ideas, fresh thinking and connection to younger consumers. Warwickshire County Council runs a Skills for Employment programme that can help link your business to local schools & colleges and can help fund innovative projects. Apprenticeships are another key route to explore.
- BUSINESS SUPPORT: With low unemployment and likely additional controls on migration flows in the future, a shortage of labour could become the “new normal.” Businesses need to consider how to adjust their business models in response to these changes and potentially benefit from a range of business support programmes available in the county. Please read more here about Growing Your Business.
More than 250 businesses benefit from Fay's first year as Business Skill Advisor
Last May, Warwickshire County Council appointed Fay Winterburn as Business Skills Advisor in response to a growing need from businesses for clear advice and support to help them address skills shortages. Fay's first year in post has been extremely busy and very productive, including the creation of more than 130 apprenticeships - but she has only just begun...
Warwickshire County Council's Economy & Skills team members are constantly out and about among the county's business community, finding out exactly what sort of support they most need.
Last year it became increasingly clear that one of the most pressing problems facing many businesses was that of skills shortages. Companies were finding it difficult to identify and access ways to recruit the skilled employees they need - and that was forming a barrier to growth.
It was, and remains, a problem requiring specific and focused attention. So the county council responded by creating a brand new role to focus exclusively on helping business fill their skills gap. In May 2017, Fay Winterburn was appointed as Business Skills Advisor.
It was a job to which Fay brought considerable knowledge and experience from a lifelong interest and involvement in business, latterly from a career with the likes of Midlands Training & Development and CWT Chamber Training.
Her brief is broad, to engage with businesses large and small throughout the county and lead in skills conversations. Fay has tackled it with an energy and passion from which more than 250 companies have already benefited - but she is only just getting started.
"I love the job because Warwickshire has got such a brilliantly diverse business community," she said. "I visit a lot of companies and no two are ever the same and with so much support and advice on offer from ourselves and partner organisations we are able to discuss a wide variety of skills-related opportunities.
"Some of the hot topics right now are training programmes to upskill employees, university internships and post-graduate schemes. But work experience and employment placement opportunities are emerging as a relatively new theme.
"More businesses are automatically turning to apprenticeships, most of all in business administration and engineering, as part of their recruitment process. That is great but conversations are now also increasingly covering which other talent would benefit either the short-term or long-term skill requirements of the business.”
Engaging with so many businesses during her first year has enabled Fay to identify specific patterns and recurring themes and challenges business owners and managers.
"Businesses face a range of challenges so we need to offer a range of potential solutions," Fay said. "It is a real collective effort. As a council, we work closely with various organisations within the education and training sectors, like Job Centres and strategic partners such as Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce.
"There are great opportunities to collaborate in providing a provision and supportive services that evolve with the businesses' natural progression. The launch of our brand new skills campaign Tackling Skills Shortages brings together all that collaborative work, so this is a very exciting time."
Businesses have reported that they appreciate Fay’s proactive approach to business support. She is keen to listen to their needs and works enthusiastically alongside them to address bridging their skills gaps whilst building skills and recruitment plans to support the businesses' future development.
Warwickshire County Council head of economy & skills David Ayton-Hill said: "Fay has done a fantastic job in helping businesses to understand the various contracts and training opportunities on offer. She has a really thorough knowledge of all the options and can offer business advice tailored to each business's own objectives and needs."
* If you would like to talk to Fay please get in touch at Faywinterburn@warwickshire.gov.uk
The "untapped resource" that is helping David fill the skills gap
In a county with as high an employment-rate as Warwickshire, recruitment remains a problem for many businesses - but one is benefiting from an "untapped resource" which they strongly recommend to others.
Recruiting is as difficult in the hotel industry as in any sector but the Holiday Inn, Kenilworth/Warwick, has discovered a little-heralded source of skills to very positive effect. For several years the hotel has employed a number of people with learning difficulties - and they have become highly-valued members of the team, according to general manager David Myskow.
"Recruiting is always difficult in this sector," he said. "But for some time we have employed young men and women with learning disabilities and they have been brilliant for us.
"It is the right thing to do to give them opportunities but we are not doing it for philanthropic reasons. As a business, we pride ourselves on delivering high quality service and these guys do that. They fill important roles for us and I'm delighted with the quality of their work."
The Holiday Inn, Kenilworth, works with Hereward College for Young People with Disabilities and Additional Needs and is looking into setting up links with other colleges. They employ the young people on internships, work-placements or work experience.
"In my experience they just want opportunities and react very well to that," said Mr Myskow."It takes some of them slightly longer to integrate but their 'disabilities' come with real strengths. Many are very task-driven which is fantastic for us.
"We had one guy managing the breakfast buffet and he was excellent, making sure everything was stocked up and liaising with the breakfast chef - exactly what you want. You don't want people being distracted.
"Another guy was brilliant at filing and that was a huge help to us. Work that otherwise would have piled up was done to a very high standard and that was really appreciated by the team - not to say the auditors when they came.
"We currently employ three people with learning disabilities, working 30 hours a week, all in key roles. They are vital and popular members of the team and literally help keep the team and the hotel going."
Fay Winterburn, a Business Skills Advisor based in Warwickshire County Council's Economy & Skills office, said: "It is great to see this enterprising approach from the Holiday Inn, Kenilworth. Warwickshire County Council is committed to doing all we can to help businesses fill the skills gap and this an excellent way to utilise the skills which people with learning disabilities undoubtedly possess while giving them opportunities to start a career."
Fay Winterburn works with employers to identify the skills they need in their business and how they can access them. For details of how she can help you, please email: faywinterburn@warwickshire.gov.uk.
For more information about all the county council does to promote skills in the workplace and equip young people with the skills they need, please visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/skillsforemployment
More than £1million recycled into businesses through loans scheme
Funding of more than £1million will be recycled into the business community through a loans scheme driven by Warwickshire County Council.
Since its launch in Autumn 2015 the Small Business Loans Programme has provided loans worth over £1.2m to 37 businesses across the county. Those loans have safeguarded or created 227 jobs as part of the council's commitment to helping small businesses to start up successfully, become established and grow.
The programme, which is funded by the council’s Capital Growth Fund and Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT), continues to go from strength to strength. As loans are repaid, the funding is recycled through further lending and other business support activities.
In light of the high demand for the programme the county council and CWRT will also be making new funding available this year.
Warwickshire County Council's head of transport and economy Mark Ryder said: “The small business loans programme is a really effective way of recycling our investment to the benefit of the maximum number of businesses. Many start-up and small businesses are still unable to raise sufficient finance from their bank. We are, therefore, delighted to be able to work with CWRT to provide loans to those small businesses where appropriate.
"This scheme complements offers from mainstream lenders, helps to address an identified market failure and enables the council to increase the number of businesses that we can support."
Andrew Scarborough, Loans Manager at CWRT, said: "Money is available right now so if your business needs financial assistance to turn a good plan into viable project then please check out our website or give us a call.’"
* CWRT is a not-for-profit organisation accredited by the Financial Conduct Authority. It offers rates, terms and conditions that are designed to help local businesses grow. For more information about start-up or business loans, please visit www.cwrt.uk.com or call 02476 551 777.
* The small business loans programme is part of a £4.3million package of finance for businesses funded by Warwickshire County Council.
* To find out more about the wide range of support available to grow your business, including finance, contact Coventry and Warwickshire LEP Growth Hub on Tel. 0300 060 3747.
Warwickshire's gaming and digital sector defying Brexit concerns

Warwickshire's global reputation as a leader of the gaming and digital sectors has weathered the 'Brexit effect' with businesses continuing to relocate to the county.
Businesses in all sectors are dealing with uncertainty surrounding the UK's impending withdrawal from the EU with some people concerned that overseas companies will be deterred from opening up in the UK.
But the appeal of the digital sector in Warwickshire, and specifically Leamington Spa, appears unimpaired with six new studios having opened here already since the start of 2017.
Copenhagen-based Hugo Games moved into the games incubator hub at 26 Hamilton Terrace, Leamington, in March while also recently into 26HT have come Maysalward. Jordan-based Maysalward have opened a studio and are currently recruiting to tap into the Warwickshire expertise to exploit the huge and rapidly-growing markets of the middle-east.
Meanwhile, Nottingham-based Lockwood Publishing, maker of 'Avakin Life', has opened a Leamington studio which will focus on strengthening the hugely popular mobile title. The project is being led by Ollie Clarke of Modern Dream who says: "Leamington is a hidden gem within the UK game development industry. It is a talent hotbed with 2,500 people working across multiple studios producing world class games across multiple platforms."
That message is endorsed by Gavin Raeburn, studio director of Playground Games, where recruitment of an additional 200 staff is planned for a new 20,000 sq ft expansion in the town centre.
"Leamington is a hugely important area for the digital gaming industry and we are the largest developer in the town," Gavin said."It is important that we keep attracting, as well as breeding, the best new talent in the industry."
The continuing flow of inward investment, to add to existing powerhouses such as Ubisoft, Codemasters and Sega already established in Leamington, suggests the Brexit effect has amounted, so far, to little or no effect.
Warwickshire County Council inward investment officer (digital) Sim Lee said: "Despite uncertainty in the UK game development scene, recent investments from studios such as Hugo Games and Lockwood Publishing demonstrates confidence in our reputation as a world-leading location for national and international studios. With support from ourselves and local partners, we provide assistance throughout the whole expansion process making the studios' journey as easy as possible.
"With over six new studios moving to Silicon Spa since the start of 2017, this brings the total number of studios in the cluster to over 60, higher than any other cluster in England outside London, and rivalling locations such as Shoreditch, Dundee and Brighton.
"All of the new studios are fantastic news for the area but that is not the end of the story. We realise that the next steps are to attract and produce the right talent and provide the right spaces for companies to grow.
"We are working closely with the developers of the Creative Quarter in Leamington to make sure studios' voices are heard and are also working with Warwick District Council and CWLEP to create a three-day games festival in January 2019 to showcase what we have on offer and get us into the UK games event calendar."
Region's manufacturers buoyant about future, survey reveals
Confidence in the manufacturing sector in Coventry and Warwickshire has reached record levels.
The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s first Quarterly Economic Survey of 2018, conducted in conjunction with Warwickshire County Council, showed that manufacturers are buoyant about future turnover and profitability.
They scored 83.8 on the business confidence chart when surveyed where 50 would show a balance between a positive and negative outlook for the region.
That was up from a score of 80.0 in the final quarter of 2017 and was due, in part, to stronger overseas orders.
In the service sector, there was a slight dip – down from 78.0 in the last quarter in 2017 to 77.6 in the first three months of this year – but this still shows high levels of confidence among businesses in that field.
More than 400 companies responded to the survey and Louise Bennett, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said it was a strong barometer for the regional economy.
She said: “The QES is a great measure of how companies are feeling heading into the next 12 months. We hear from lots of businesses individually and this survey is great way of collating all of that sentiment and gives us a great indicator of how firms expect to fare in the next year.
“It is clear that there is great confidence among our manufacturers and that bears out what we hear anecdotally. In fact, one of the issues we have is finding the space for companies across the patch who want to grow and take on more people.
“Overseas orders have risen and that would suggest that some manufacturers are starting to see some benefit from the fall in Sterling when trading abroad.
“The service sector is slightly less upbeat than it was at the end of 2017 – but those figures were very high and have only dipped slightly so are no cause for concern at this stage.
“On the whole, there is a confident picture in Coventry and Warwickshire which bodes well for the future.”
Dave Ayton-Hill, Head of Economy & Skills at Warwickshire County Council, added: “While the overall Economic Outlook Index has fallen slightly on the previous quarter, these remain significantly higher than regional and national averages. The manufacturing sector is particularly buoyant, driven by improvements in overseas markets.
“The picture for the services sector is slightly more reserved but, overall, business confidence remains very high and the strong readings relative to the national figures paint a picture of good local economic growth in 2018.”
Dragon takes flight in Warwickshire with business programme support
Jobs are being created and local engineering skills exploited after automotive inspection company Dragon Solutions expanded into Warwickshire with business support from Warwickshire County Council and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Dragon Solutions was formed in 2003 by Craig Harding and Gerald Woosnam who, having been made redundant from their engineering jobs at a mid-Wales foundry, backed their own skills and contacts to start the business.
It has thrived - and while its headquarters remains in Wales, servicing its prime customer, the Ford plant in Bridgend, the time came when, to meet the demands of further growth, another base was necessary.
So Dragon Solutions has now opened premises at the MIRA Technology Park in Nuneaton from which to fulfil the huge potential presented by the West Midlands automotive sector and other associated sectors.
When they began the search for suitable premises, Craig and Gerald spoke to Steph Williams, a business support advisor at Warwickshire County Council. Steph alerted them to MIRA Technology Park and also helped them to access a £25,000 European Regional Development Fund Investment Grant through the Coventry & Warwickshire Business Support Programme.
That grant will help equip the new base which is up and running. The Dragon has now spread its wings to the Midlands, servicing contracts with major local businesses including Jaguar Land Rover.
"It is the perfect location for us," said Gerald. "We are very well established in south Wales but in recent years have received an increasing number of inquiries from the Midlands only to be unable to advance them because we haven't had a presence here. Now we have that presence.
"Steph was fantastic in helping us to liaise with MIRA. She has fantastic knowledge of the sector locally and also helped us access the grant which will enable us to pursue our growth plans and increasing our Midlands-based customers which already include JLR, Mahle, Sertec Group Ltd, MGI Coutier and Eaton.
"We employ 14 full-time and agency staff at our Wales HQ and hope to be employing the same number in Warwickshire within a year. The support and advice we received from Steph and Warwickshire County Council was invaluable towards making that happen."
Steph is delighted to have helped bring another proactive and forward-thinking small business to Warwickshire.
"Dragon Solutions and the MIRA Technology Park are a perfect fit," she said. "It is great news that businesses of the calibre of Dragon Solutions are bringing their expertise to Warwickshire, building the supply chain further, thereby creating jobs and adding to the already buoyant automotive sector in the region."
If you would like more information about the county council's business support programme, please visit https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/business
* The Coventry and Warwickshire Business Support Programme assists Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with fewer than 250 employees. Such SMEs are encouraged to apply for the fund (managed by Coventry City Council), in particular companies looking to invest in capital assets, for example, machinery or equipment, hardware/software, refurbishment, or purchase of new premises, which can benefit from up to 30% of grant to cover the costs of the investment.
* Warwickshire County Council's Invest in Warwickshire Team is part-funded by the ERDF as part of the Coventry and Warwickshire Business Support Programme.
OXTO has lift-off in Midlands thanks to Innovation Programme grant
The Coventry & Warwickshire region's global reputation as a home of innovation attracts many forward-thinking small business from around the UK and beyond - and OXTO Energy is the latest to bring its expertise to the area.
OXTO's groundbreaking work, now being applied to the development a state-of-the-art Flywheel Energy Storage System, has been channelled into programmes in the UK, Europe, Australia - and outer space! Now the company has a base in Warwickshire, at the Manufacturing Technology Centre, Ansty Park, after the small business secured a £100k investment from Coventry & Warwickshire Innovation Test Bed Programme, enabling it to expand and innovate.
That investment, funded by European Regional Development Fund, was accessed with the advice and support of Warwickshire County Council Business and Investment Officer (innovation) Kai Cott. Now at the MTC, with which they have a longstanding connection, Guildford-based OXTO have a permanent presence in at the heart of the country and of the country's innovation sector, many of whose leaders are close by.
"Manufacturing expertise in the Coventry and Warwickshire area is truly world-class and that is the reason why we have decided to build and engage with sub-contractors in the area," said OXTO’s Lewis Gardiner Head of Business Development.
"Being funded through the Coventry and Warwickshire Innovation Programme will allow us to increase our manufacturing capabilities over the next few months and accelerate our development schedule.
"The grant has enabled us to purchase hardware and move the project forward much more quickly than we would otherwise have done. Kai was great, helping us with the application and making sure it was relevant to us and we were eligible for it.
"The grant is also brilliant in terms of attracting other investors. If a body like the Innovation Programme looms at what you do and decides to back you, that gives you a lot of credibility.
"Our early work was in space developing flywheels to control the attitude of satellites, and whilst the space industry is great, the energy market offers substantially bigger opportunities.
"Now our target market is grid-scale operations like National Grid, windfarms, solar farms and UK power networks and having the base at the MTC and the Innovation Programme funding positions us just where we need to be."
Kai Cott is delighted that OXTO has chosen to come to Warwickshire.
He said: "Technology companies like Oxto are exactly the kind of businesses we want to attract here to Warwickshire. Through our Innovation Programme we can support businesses like this to develop and commercialise their important new products and processes and improve productivity and growth for the benefit of the businesses and residents of Warwickshire."
* The Coventry and Warwickshire Innovation Programme is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and delivered by Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and Coventry University Enterprises.
Major cycling event offers business opportunities
Companies across Warwickshire are being urged to support the OVO Energy Women’s Tour when it comes to the county – for business or pleasure.
For the third successive year Warwickshire will host a stage of the race, the premier female cycling event held in the UK.
Starting in Market Square, Atherstone, on Friday, June 15 it will weave its way through Warwickshire in a 151k route ending in Royal Leamington Spa - making the Warwickshire stage the longest of the 2018 event.
One reason the organisers of the tour returned to Warwickshire was because of the public support in the last two years – and now they are urging businesses to play an event bigger part.
Chris Egan, project manager for Warwickshire County Council, said: “We are really hoping business will get behind the event in two ways. There are hundreds of businesses en route and it would be great for firms to allow staff to show their support by taking a couple of minutes to cheer the cyclists as they pass through the area.
“We are working closely with schools and other groups to ensure that the pavements are as packed as possible, and we would ask businesses to allow staff to do the same. The races passes through the streets really quickly so it will only take a few moments.
“We are also offering a whole host of sponsorship packages which will allow businesses to play a fuller part in the event, to promote their companies and also offer entertainment.
“Atherstone and Leamington will really be in the spotlight as the start and finish locations but there are other really prominent spots such as the University of Warwick and Edge Hill.
“The event will be broadcast in every country in Europe and will be shown on ITV so there are some really good possibilities.
“We want to ensure that we put on as good a show as possible, and to ensure that we continue to attract big events in future years.”
Last year, the event was a huge success throughout the whole of the county, with an estimated 95,000 spectators lining the streets. Many were from out of Warwickshire and SweetSpot, the organisers of the tour, revealed that that the Economic impact from the Warwickshire stage totalled more than £2million in net visitor expenditure across the county.
A total of 312,000 people watched coverage from Stage 3 on ITV4 and it was broadcast in more than 100 countries, including every country in Europe for the first time.
The event will kick-off at 10am with 17 teams and 102 competitors are expected to start arriving in Leamington at around 2pm.
For further information about the Warwickshire Stage of the Women’s Tour, including a detailed map of the route it will be taking visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/womens-tour.
Businesses who would like more details about sponsorship packages for the event should contact Chris Egan on 01926 412813 or email chrisegan@warwickshire.gov.uk.
Midlands Engine will drive footfall to the region in 2021, says Sir John
The Midlands Engine is perfectly placed to help increase the number of visitors to the Coventry and Warwickshire region in 2021, believes Sir John Peace.
Sir John is chairman of the Midlands Engine, a partnership of stakeholders created to drive economic growth and improve productivity and quality of life in the region.
Speaking at a Business Leaders Lunch at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s #CWRocks trade expo, he outlined the potential for Midlands Engine partners to help boost visitor numbers to the region during Coventry's year as UK City of Culture.
“The Midlands Engine partners can drive footfall to Coventry from right across the Midlands and beyond, which would have a positive impact on the city and the rest of the region during 2021," he said.
“The tourism and cultural assets of the Midlands already contribute over £8bn a year to our economy and act as a powerful magnet. As the UK’s transport hub, with excellent international connections, over 90 per cent of the UK population is within four hours’ travel time to the Midlands.
“The city was a deserving winner of the title - and a successful year for Coventry would be a successful year for the Midlands.”
Sir John explained that, to help grow the economy across the whole of the Midlands, the Midlands Engine's has five key priorities: Radically transforming Midlands connectivity; growing trade and investment; skills; shaping great places; and increasing innovation and enterprise.
He added: “The Government can see the importance of the Midlands. The Midlands economy boasts over 14 per cent of the UK’s high-growth businesses but, on the other hand, our productivity is below the national average.
“If we could take it up to the national average, we would add nearly £54bn in GVA so the prize is very clear.”
Louise Bennett, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “It was also great to welcome Sir John Peace to speak at the event. Coventry and Warwickshire does, of course, have its own identity but, as Sir John said, there are issues that we all face as a region and the Midlands Engine can help us better work together across all areas of the Midlands.
“He spoke passionately about his desire to see the Midlands succeed and not just to drive economic growth for the sake of it, but to drive up the living standards and opportunities for everyone.
“As he said, UK City of Culture presents a great opportunity to attract people from all over the world to our region but it’s important too that it attracts visitors to Coventry from across the Midlands.”
Green Thumb success story at Hammond Business Centre
Nuneaton business Green Thumb Lawn Care, based at Warwickshire County Council-run Hammond Business Centre, is doing its bit for charity by making donations to Zoe’s Place for every new customer.
Barry Edwards, owner of Nuneaton Green Thumb Lawn Care franchise is involving all of his customers to help raise funds for the local charity by simply asking his existing customers to recommend a friend.
Each new ‘recommended friend’ ensures a £5 donation from Barry for each new customer referral - and this year he is hoping his customers might also donate further to support the local hospice.
Barry said: “It is so difficult making a choice for which charity to support, but I felt that Zoë's Place is very deserving. It is an independent registered charity providing palliative, respite and end-of-life care to babies and infants aged from birth to five years suffering from life-limiting or life-threatening conditions.
Lisa Smullen, Hammond Business Centre manager, said: “Barry is an excellent example of one of our many success stories here at the centre.
"It is very satisfying to know that our service and support structure have made a positive contribution to this company’s growth and development. I would like to take the opportunity to wish Barry all the very best for the future.”
Muna Chauhan, Corporate Manager at Zoë’s Place said “It was a lovely surprise to receive a heartwarming donation from Barry of Green Thumb; this will provide an additional TEN hours of care. and it’s thanks to this kind of support is amazing and it’s all about Supporting Locally.”
Upcoming events.
The C&W Cyber Challenge - Protecting your business against tomorrow’s threats: Thu 19th Apr, 08:00 - 10:00, Everyman (Movie theatre), Bell Court, Wood Street, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 6EX (Free)
Warwickshire Start-Up: Thinking of Starting a Business and Marketing: Thurs 19th April, 09:30-13:30, Rugby Borough Council, Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR (Free)
Raising Finance for Business: Thurs 19th April, 13:15-16:30, Business Innovation Centre, Binley Business Park, Harry Weston Road, Coventry, CV3 2TX (Free)
Introduction to Energy Management Systems: ISO14001, ISO50001 and High-Level Structure: Thursday 19th April/Friday 20th April, 13:00-16:00, Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5PJ (Free)
Stratford Business Forum Big Breakfast: Fri 20th Apr, 07:00 - 09:00, Billesley Manor Hotel, Alcester, B49 6NF (£12.50)
Coventry Start-Up Business Planning & Finance: Weds 25th April, 09:30-16:00, St Peters Centre, Charles Street, Coventry, CV1 5NP (Free)
Business Essentials for Start-Ups - Planning the Lean Business Canvas: Weds 25th April, 10:00-13:00, Unit 6 Serious Games, Institute, Coventry Innovation Village, Cheetah Road, Coventry, CV1 2TL (Free)
Warwickshire Start-Up Winning and Keeping Customers: Thurs 26 April, 09:30-13:30, Althorpe Enterprise Hub, Althorpe Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 2GB (Free)
Wordpress Your Business - Introduction: Thurs 26th April, 9:30-12:30, Venture House Business Centre Avenue Farm Industrial Estate Birmingham Road Stratford Upon Avon Warwickshire CV37 0HR, Cost tbc
WordPress Your Business - Intermediate: Thurs 26th April, 13:00-16:00, Venture House Business Centre Avenue Farm Industrial Estate Birmingham Road Stratford Upon Avon Warwickshire CV37 0HR, Cost tbc
User Testing Workshop: Thu 26th April, 09:00 - 16:00, Ramada Hotel Coventry, CV1 3GG. (Free)
The Woman Who-Awards Lunch: Fri 27th April, 11:30am-16:30pm, Coombe Abbey (Free)
Start Your Own Business in Coventry or Warwickshire: Fri 27th April, 10:00-13:15, Ramada Hotel & Suites, Coventry, CV1 3GG (Free)
Warwickshire Start-Up - Business, Vision & Strategy: Wed 2nd May, 09:30 - 13:30, Atherstone Town Council, South Street, Atherstone, CV9 1DE, (Free)
Digital Photography/Video: Weds 2nd May, 9:00-16:30, Serious Games Institute, (Floor 1) 6, Coventry Innovation Village Cheetah Road, Coventry, CV1 2TL (Free)
GDPR Marketplace: Fri 4th May, 9:30-11:30, Village Hotel Club Dolomite Avenue Coventry Business Park West Midlands CV4 9EZ, (Free)
Spring Meet Your Chamber: Fri 4th May, 11:30-13:30, Village Hotel Club Dolomite Avenue Coventry Business Park West Midlands CV4 9EZ (Free)
Digital Emerging Technology and Devices: Tues 8th May, 9:00-16:30, iCentrum, Holt Street, Birmingham, B7 4BP (Free)
Business Start-Up - What your account would tell you..if you had one: Weds 9th May, 10:00-13:15, Ramada Hotel & Suites, Coventry, CV1 3GG (Free)
New Product Development Workshop: Thurs 10th May, 9:00-16:00, Venture House Business Centre, Birmingham Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 0HR (Free)
Speed Networking in Leamington: Thurs 10th May, 8:30-10:30, Audley Binswood Management Ltd Binswood Hall Binswood Avenue Warwickshire CV32 5SE (Free)
Leamington Business Forum Big Breakfast: Fri 11th May, 07:00 - 09:30, Kings High School, Warwick, CV34 4HJ (£12.50)
Launching your Innovative Brand - For new businesses and prestarts: Sat 12th May, 10:00-13:15, Serious Games Institute (First Floor), Puma Way, Technology Park, Coventry, CV1 2TL (Free)
Put Your Social Media House in Order: Tues 15th May, 9:30-16:00, Venture House Business Centre Avenue Farm Industrial Estate Birmingham Road Stratford Upon Avon Warwickshire CV37 0HR (Cost tbc)
Marketing Your New Business: Weds 16th May, 8:15-16:00, Woodland Grange, Old Milverton Lane, Leamington Spa, CV32 6RN (Free)
LaunchPad: Unique 12 hour Startup Accelerator and Dragon’s Den Type Session: Sat 19th May, 8:00-20:00, Serious Games Institute (1st Floor), Puma Way, Technology Park, Coventry, CV1 2TL (Free)
Getting the Most Out Of Google for Your Business: Tues 22nd May, 9:30-16:00, Althorpe Enterprise Hub Althorpe Street Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV31 2GB
Digital Product Development and Testing: Tues 22nd May, 9:00-16:30, Manufacturing Technology Centre, Ansty Park, Coventry, CV7 9JU (Free)
Coventry & Warwickshire Champions: 23rd May, 07:30 - 09:30, Wright Hassall, Olympus Avenue, Leamington Spa, CV34 6BF, (Free)
Leamington Hour’s Networking Event: Weds 23rd May, 19:00-21:00, The Star and Garter, 4-6 Warwick Street, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 5LL (£10)
Business Essentials for Start-Ups - Finance and Cash-Flow: Weds 23rd May, 10:00-13:00, Unit 6, Serious Games Institute, Coventry Innovation Village, Cheetah Road, CV1 2TL (Free)
Business Planning Workshop: Thu 24th May, Ramada Hotel Coventry, CV1 3GG
Big Biscotti Midlands Mega Growth Event: Fri 25th May, 8:30-12:30, Crowne Plaza Hotel NEC – Pendigo Way, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, B40 1PS (Members £16, Non members £20)
Aston Centre for Growth: Programme Information Meeting (Coventry): Tues 29th May, 12:00-13:30, Enterprise Centre, Coventry University, Technology Park, Puma Way, Coventry, CV1 2TT (Free)
Queen's Award for Enterprise Masterclass: Thurs 14th June, 09:00 - 13:00, The MTC, Ansty Park, CV7 9JU
To book, please contact Adele on: adelew@cw-chamber.co.uk or 02476 654186
If you would like your business event listed here, please foward the details to invest@warwickshire.gov.uk
Tech Central: http://techcentraluk.com/events.html
Business Ready: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/business-ready-12629314668
Coventry University Enterprises: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/cue-business-solutions-13651209205
Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce: https://www.cw-chamber.co.uk/events/
Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub: http://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk/events
CW Champions: https://www.coventry-warwickshire.co.uk/events
Midlands Business Network: http://themidlandsbusinessnetwork.co.uk/events/
Leamington Hour: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/leamington-hour-7578817945
Stratford Business Forum: http://www.stratford-business-forum.co.uk/
Leamington Business Forum: http://www.leamington-business-forum.co.uk/
News in Brief
News in Brief
A round-up of news-in-brief around the county...
WMG establishes new Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence
WMG, at the University of Warwick, is investing in data-driven innovations with a new Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence. The Centre will enable industry and business to leverage large volumes of digital information to gain competitive insights through Artificial Intelligence methods.
Jaguar to supply 20,000 cars to Google’s self-driving spin out Waymo
Jaguar Land Rover is to supply up to 20,000 of its new electric I-Pace cars to Waymo, a subsidiary of Google owner Alphabet, to be converted into self-driving vehicles for its ride-hailing service.
Warwickshire app consultants sign deal with buying group
RNF, which is headquartered in Leamington-Spa, has signed the deal with Confex, to supply a white label mobile ordering app that the Moreton-in-Marsh company will make available to its 244 members.
Seven-figure investment made by demolition firm
A Warwickshire-based demolition company has spent £1.5m on new plant and machinery.
Nuneaton shopping centre sold to mystery ‘local’ buyer for £4.2m
£2bn joint venture to build 500 homes
Rugby-headquartered construction company Morgan Sindall has entered a £2bn joint venture with Hertfordshire County Council to provide more than 500 homes.
New DAB radio station launched in Coventry & Warwickshire
A new Leamington-based digital radio station called Fresh Coventry & Warwickshire has launched on DAB across the county and Coventry providing entertainment for up to 900,000 people.
New HQ rises from the ashes
A Warwickshire businessman is celebrating following the completion of a new headquarters for his company after its previous base burnt down in November 2014.
Aston Martin welcomes F1 plans
Warwickshire-headquartered luxury car maker Aston Martin has welcomed plans by the owners of F1 to revamp the sport.
Last month the manufacturer started its first season as the title sponsor of former world championship-winning team Red Bull Racing and has been considering entering the sport in 2021 as an engine maker for a number of months.
Australia meeting leads to Stratford expansion
A technology company has opened a new UK office in Stratford following a chance meeting in Australia.
Emily Halderthay was appointed UK and Ireland chief executive of Schoolzine after meeting Phil Reardon, the company's founder while living in Australia.
€1m Germany metro contract won
A Warwickshire-headquartered manufacturer has won a contract worth more than €1m to supply networked video recording for a fleet of new metro trains for a major German city.
Mercia in funding deal for VR developer
Warwickshire-headquartered specialist investor Mercia Fund Managers has provided funding to a Brighton-based developer of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality products for the market research sector.
Leamington Spa businesses vote to continue the BID
Leamington Spa’s Business Improvement District (BID) has been approved for a third term by businesses in the area.
The vote by BID Leamington’ businesses, who are set to benefit from more than £1.9m of investment over the next five years, comes after month-long postal ballot of businesses eligible to vote. A total of 79% of the vote share was in favour of the BID continuing.
100 jobs to be created as tech firm hits highways for success
Warwick-based telent Technology Services is to create 100 jobs after securing a major contract with Highways England.
Telent will take over the current National Roads Telecommunications Services (NRTS) network and provide an end-to-end managed service.
Automotive growth drives strong H1 for engineering group
Engineering consultancy Ricardo has announced strong interims, benefiting from increased demand across its automotive and rail divisions.
The group, which has a large testing centre operation in Leamington Spa, is a global engineering, technical, environmental and strategic consultancy business, which also manufactures and assembles niche, high-quality and high-performance products.
Aldi submits plans to extend head office
Aldi has completed the second stage of its head office expansion in Atherstone, Warwickshire.
It has also submitted plans for a £57m project to further extend the site on a 120,000 sq ft development on land adjacent to the Atherstone site. This will increase the number of employees working across its UK-based buying team, IT, marketing and logistics, according to the business.
Plans for £130m Meggitt building get green light
Manse Opus has secured planning consent for one of the largest Midlands industrial lettings in over a decade.
Planning consent has been granted to the joint venture between Opus Land and Manse to build a 440,000sqft building for Meggitt. This will be the first unit to be built in the 2,000,000sqft industrial park known as Prospero, Ansty located in Coventry / Rugby.